-# Limit each rails process to a 512Mb resident set size if possible
+# Set a hard limit of 1Gb on the virtual size of the process
if Process.const_defined?(:RLIMIT_AS)
- Process.setrlimit Process::RLIMIT_AS, 640*1024*1024, Process::RLIM_INFINITY
+ Process.setrlimit Process::RLIMIT_AS, 1024*1024*1024, Process::RLIM_INFINITY
# Force a restart after every 10000 requests
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../config/environment"
require 'fcgi_handler'
-RailsFCGIHandler.process! nil, 10
+class OpenStreetMapFCGIHandler < RailsFCGIHandler
+ def process_request(cgi)
+ # Call superclass to process the request
+ super
+ # Restart if we've hit our memory limit
+ if resident_size > 512
+ dispatcher_log :info, "restarting due to memory limit"
+ restart!
+ end
+ end
+ def resident_size
+ # Read statm to get process sizes. Format is
+ # Size RSS Shared Text Lib Data
+ fields = File.open("/proc/self/statm") do |file|
+ fields = file.gets.split(" ")
+ end
+ # Return resident size in megabytes
+ return fields[1].to_i / 256
+ end
+OpenStreetMapFCGIHandler.process! nil, 10