- # ----- whichways
- # return array of ways in current bounding box
- # in: [0] xmin, [1] ymin, [2] xmax, [3] ymax (bbox in degrees)
- # [4] baselong (longitude of SWF map origin),
- # [5] basey (projected latitude of SWF map origin),
- # [6] masterscale (SWF map scale)
- # does: finds all ways and POI nodes in bounding box
- # at present, instead of using correct (=more complex) SQL to find
- # corner-crossing ways, it simply enlarges the bounding box
- # out: [0] array of way ids,
- # [1] array of POIs
- # (where each POI is an array containing:
- # [0] id, [1] projected long, [2] projected lat, [3] hash of tags)
+ # Find all the way ids and nodes (including tags and projected lat/lng) which aren't part of those ways in an are
+ #
+ # The argument is an array containing the following, in order:
+ # 0. minimun longitude
+ # 1. minimum latitude
+ # 2. maximum longitude
+ # 3. maximum latitude
+ # 4. baselong ??
+ # 5. basey ??
+ # 6. masterscale ??