# Offense count: 542
- Max: 194
+ Max: 270
# Offense count: 12
# Offense count: 60
# Configuration parameters: CountComments.
- Max: 1543
+ Max: 1552
# Offense count: 68
render :action => "timeout"
- ##
- # is the requestor logged in?
- def logged_in?
- !@user.nil?
- end
# ensure that there is a "this_user" instance variable
def lookup_this_user
assert_response :success
assert_difference "ChangesetComment.count", 1 do
- assert_no_difference "ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size" do
+ assert_difference "ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size", 1 do
post :comment, :id => changesets(:normal_user_subscribed_change).id, :text => "This is a comment"
assert_response :success
+ email = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first
+ assert_equal 1, email.to.length
+ assert_equal "[OpenStreetMap] test2 has commented on one of your changesets", email.subject
+ assert_equal "test@openstreetmap.org", email.to.first
+ ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear
basic_authorization(users(:second_public_user).email, "test")
assert_difference "ChangesetComment.count", 1 do
- assert_difference "ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size", 1 do
+ assert_difference "ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size", 2 do
post :comment, :id => changesets(:normal_user_subscribed_change).id, :text => "This is a comment"
email = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first
assert_equal 1, email.to.length
+ assert_equal "[OpenStreetMap] pulibc_test2 has commented on one of your changesets", email.subject
+ assert_equal "test@openstreetmap.org", email.to.first
+ email = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.second
+ assert_equal 1, email.to.length
assert_equal "[OpenStreetMap] pulibc_test2 has commented on a changeset you are interested in", email.subject
assert_equal "test@example.com", email.to.first
assert_equal new_language_code, entry.language_code
+ def test_new_spammy
+ # Generate some spammy content
+ spammy_title = "Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam"
+ spammy_body = 1.upto(50).map { |n| "http://example.com/spam#{n}" }.join(" ")
+ # Try creating a spammy diary entry
+ assert_difference "DiaryEntry.count", 1 do
+ post :new, { :commit => "save",
+ :diary_entry => { :title => spammy_title, :body => spammy_body, :language_code => "en" } },
+ { :user => users(:normal_user).id }
+ end
+ assert_response :redirect
+ assert_redirected_to :action => :list, :display_name => users(:normal_user).display_name
+ entry = DiaryEntry.order(:id).last
+ assert_equal users(:normal_user).id, entry.user_id
+ assert_equal spammy_title, entry.title
+ assert_equal spammy_body, entry.body
+ assert_equal "en", entry.language_code
+ assert_equal "suspended", User.find(users(:normal_user).id).status
+ # Follow the redirect
+ get :list, { :display_name => users(:normal_user).display_name }, { :user => users(:normal_user).id }
+ assert_response :redirect
+ assert_redirected_to :controller => :user, :action => :suspended
+ end
def test_edit
entry = diary_entries(:normal_user_entry_1)
assert_match /New comment/, email.text_part.decoded
assert_match /New comment/, email.html_part.decoded
- comment = DiaryComment.find(5)
+ comment = DiaryComment.order(:id).last
assert_equal entry.id, comment.diary_entry_id
assert_equal users(:public_user).id, comment.user_id
assert_equal "New comment", comment.body
get :view, :display_name => entry.user.display_name, :id => entry.id
assert_response :success
assert_select ".diary-comment", :count => 1 do
- assert_select "#comment5", :count => 1 do
+ assert_select "#comment#{comment.id}", :count => 1 do
assert_select "a[href='/user/#{users(:public_user).display_name}']", :text => users(:public_user).display_name, :count => 1
assert_select ".richtext", :text => /New comment/, :count => 1
+ def test_comment_spammy
+ # Find the entry to comment on
+ entry = diary_entries(:normal_user_entry_1)
+ # Generate some spammy content
+ spammy_text = 1.upto(50).map { |n| "http://example.com/spam#{n}" }.join(" ")
+ # Try creating a spammy comment
+ assert_difference "ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size", 1 do
+ assert_difference "DiaryComment.count", 1 do
+ post :comment, { :display_name => entry.user.display_name, :id => entry.id, :diary_comment => { :body => spammy_text } }, { :user => users(:public_user).id }
+ end
+ end
+ assert_response :redirect
+ assert_redirected_to :action => :view, :display_name => entry.user.display_name, :id => entry.id
+ email = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first
+ assert_equal [users(:normal_user).email], email.to
+ assert_equal "[OpenStreetMap] #{users(:public_user).display_name} commented on your diary entry", email.subject
+ assert_match %r{http://example.com/spam}, email.text_part.decoded
+ assert_match %r{http://example.com/spam}, email.html_part.decoded
+ ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear
+ comment = DiaryComment.order(:id).last
+ assert_equal entry.id, comment.diary_entry_id
+ assert_equal users(:public_user).id, comment.user_id
+ assert_equal spammy_text, comment.body
+ assert_equal "suspended", User.find(users(:public_user).id).status
+ # Follow the redirect
+ get :list, { :display_name => users(:normal_user).display_name }, { :user => users(:public_user).id }
+ assert_response :redirect
+ assert_redirected_to :controller => :user, :action => :suspended
+ # Now view the diary entry, and check the new comment is not present
+ get :view, :display_name => entry.user.display_name, :id => entry.id
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_select ".diary-comment", :count => 0
+ end
def test_list_all
# Try a list of all diary entries
get :list
assert_nil js["properties"]["comments"].last["user"]
+ basic_authorization(users(:public_user).email, "test")
+ assert_difference "NoteComment.count", 1 do
+ assert_difference "ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size", 2 do
+ post :comment, :id => notes(:note_with_comments_by_users).id, :text => "This is an additional comment", :format => "json"
+ end
+ end
+ assert_response :success
+ js = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(@response.body)
+ assert_not_nil js
+ assert_equal "Feature", js["type"]
+ assert_equal notes(:note_with_comments_by_users).id, js["properties"]["id"]
+ assert_equal "open", js["properties"]["status"]
+ assert_equal 4, js["properties"]["comments"].count
+ assert_equal "commented", js["properties"]["comments"].last["action"]
+ assert_equal "This is an additional comment", js["properties"]["comments"].last["text"]
+ assert_equal "test2", js["properties"]["comments"].last["user"]
+ email = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first
+ assert_equal 1, email.to.length
+ assert_equal "[OpenStreetMap] test2 has commented on one of your notes", email.subject
+ assert_equal "test@openstreetmap.org", email.to.first
+ email = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.second
+ assert_equal 1, email.to.length
+ assert_equal "[OpenStreetMap] test2 has commented on a note you are interested in", email.subject
+ assert_equal "public@OpenStreetMap.org", email.to.first
+ get :show, :id => notes(:note_with_comments_by_users).id, :format => "json"
+ assert_response :success
+ js = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(@response.body)
+ assert_not_nil js
+ assert_equal "Feature", js["type"]
+ assert_equal notes(:note_with_comments_by_users).id, js["properties"]["id"]
+ assert_equal "open", js["properties"]["status"]
+ assert_equal 4, js["properties"]["comments"].count
+ assert_equal "commented", js["properties"]["comments"].last["action"]
+ assert_equal "This is an additional comment", js["properties"]["comments"].last["text"]
+ assert_equal "test2", js["properties"]["comments"].last["user"]
+ ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear
def test_comment_fail
assert_template "index"
+ # Test the right editor gets used when the URL has an override
+ def test_edit_with_override
+ get :edit, { :editor => "id" }, { :user => users(:public_user).id }
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_template "edit"
+ assert_template :partial => "_id", :count => 1
+ get :edit, { :editor => "potlatch2" }, { :user => users(:public_user).id }
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_template "edit"
+ assert_template :partial => "_potlatch2", :count => 1
+ get :edit, { :editor => "potlatch" }, { :user => users(:public_user).id }
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_template "edit"
+ assert_template :partial => "_potlatch", :count => 1
+ get :edit, { :editor => "remote" }, { :user => users(:public_user).id }
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_template "index"
+ end
# Test editing a specific node
def test_edit_with_node
user = users(:public_user)
changeset_id: 8
subscriber_id: 2
+ changeset_id: 8
+ subscriber_id: 1
home_zoom: 12
terms_agreed: "2010-01-01 11:22:33"
terms_seen: true
- languages: en
id: 5
--- /dev/null
+require "test_helper"
+class LocaleTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
+ fixtures :users
+ def test_defaulting
+ user = users(:second_public_user)
+ post_via_redirect "/login", :username => user.email, :password => "test"
+ get "/diary/new", {}
+ assert_equal [], User.find(user.id).languages
+ assert_select "html[lang=?]", "en"
+ get "/diary/new", {}, { "HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE" => "fr, en" }
+ assert_equal %w(fr en), User.find(user.id).languages
+ assert_select "html[lang=?]", "fr"
+ end
+ def test_override
+ user = users(:german_user)
+ get "/diary"
+ assert_select "html[lang=?]", "en"
+ get "/diary", :locale => "es"
+ assert_select "html[lang=?]", "es"
+ post_via_redirect "/login", :username => user.email, :password => "test"
+ get "/diary"
+ assert_select "html[lang=?]", "de"
+ get "/diary", :locale => "fr"
+ assert_select "html[lang=?]", "fr"
+ end
signed_get "/api/0.6/user/preferences", :consumer => client, :token => token
assert_response :success
+ signed_get "/api/0.6/gpx/2", :consumer => client, :token => token
+ assert_response :forbidden
post "/oauth/revoke", :token => token.token
assert_redirected_to oauth_clients_url(token.user.display_name)
token = OauthToken.find_by_token(token.token)
signed_get "/api/0.6/gpx/2", :consumer => client, :token => token
assert_response :success
+ signed_get "/api/0.6/user/details", :consumer => client, :token => token
+ assert_response :forbidden
post "/oauth/revoke", :token => token.token
assert_redirected_to oauth_clients_url(token.user.display_name)
token = OauthToken.find_by_token(token.token)
signed_get "/api/0.6/user/preferences", :consumer => client, :token => token
assert_response :success
+ signed_get "/api/0.6/gpx/2", :consumer => client, :token => token
+ assert_response :forbidden
post "/oauth/revoke", :token => token.token
assert_redirected_to oauth_clients_url(token.user.display_name)
token = OauthToken.find_by_token(token.token)
signed_get "/api/0.6/user/preferences", :consumer => client, :token => token
assert_response :success
+ signed_get "/api/0.6/gpx/2", :consumer => client, :token => token
+ assert_response :forbidden
post "/oauth/revoke", :token => token.token
assert_redirected_to oauth_clients_url(token.user.display_name)
token = OauthToken.find_by_token(token.token)
signed_get "/api/0.6/gpx/2", :consumer => client, :token => token
assert_response :success
+ signed_get "/api/0.6/user/details", :consumer => client, :token => token
+ assert_response :forbidden
post "/oauth/revoke", :token => token.token
assert_redirected_to oauth_clients_url(token.user.display_name)
token = OauthToken.find_by_token(token.token)
signed_get "/api/0.6/user/preferences", :consumer => client, :token => token
assert_response :success
+ signed_get "/api/0.6/gpx/2", :consumer => client, :token => token
+ assert_response :forbidden
post "/oauth/revoke", :token => token.token
assert_redirected_to oauth_clients_url(token.user.display_name)
token = OauthToken.find_by_token(token.token)
# back to the terms page.
get "/traces/mine"
assert_redirected_to "controller" => "user", "action" => "terms", :referer => "/traces/mine"
+ get "/traces/mine", :referer => "/test"
+ assert_redirected_to "controller" => "user", "action" => "terms", :referer => "/test"
def setup
@gpx_trace_dir = Object.send("remove_const", "GPX_TRACE_DIR")
Object.const_set("GPX_TRACE_DIR", File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../traces")
+ @gpx_image_dir = Object.send("remove_const", "GPX_IMAGE_DIR")
+ Object.const_set("GPX_IMAGE_DIR", File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../traces")
def teardown
Object.send("remove_const", "GPX_TRACE_DIR")
Object.const_set("GPX_TRACE_DIR", @gpx_trace_dir)
+ Object.send("remove_const", "GPX_IMAGE_DIR")
+ Object.const_set("GPX_IMAGE_DIR", @gpx_image_dir)
def test_trace_count
assert_equal "848caa72f2f456d1bd6a0fdf228aa1b9", md5sum(gpx_files(:tar_bzip_trace_file).xml_file)
+ def test_large_picture
+ picture = gpx_files(:public_trace_file).large_picture
+ trace = Trace.create
+ trace.large_picture = picture
+ assert_equal "7c841749e084ee4a5d13f12cd3bef456", md5sum(File.new(trace.large_picture_name))
+ assert_equal picture, trace.large_picture
+ trace.destroy
+ end
+ def test_icon_picture
+ picture = gpx_files(:public_trace_file).icon_picture
+ trace = Trace.create
+ trace.icon_picture = picture
+ assert_equal "b47baf22ed0e85d77e808694fad0ee27", md5sum(File.new(trace.icon_picture_name))
+ assert_equal picture, trace.icon_picture
+ trace.destroy
+ end
def check_query(query, traces)