//= require index/directions
//= require index/changeset
//= require index/query
+ //= require index/home
//= require router
$(document).ready(function () {
+ // Prevent caching the XHR response as a full-page URL
+ // https://github.com/openstreetmap/openstreetmap-website/issues/5663
+ if (content_path.indexOf("?") >= 0) {
+ content_path += "&xhr=1";
+ } else {
+ content_path += "?xhr=1";
+ }
L.marker([params.mlat, params.mlon]).addTo(map);
- $("#homeanchor").on("click", function (e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- var data = $(this).data(),
- center = L.latLng(data.lat, data.lon);
- map.setView(center, data.zoom);
- L.marker(center, { icon: OSM.getUserIcon() }).addTo(map);
- });
function remoteEditHandler(bbox, object) {
var remoteEditHost = "",
osmHost = location.protocol + "//" + location.host,
function addObject(type, id, center) {
+ var hashParams = OSM.parseHash(window.location.hash);
map.addObject({ type: type, id: parseInt(id, 10) }, function (bounds) {
- if (!window.location.hash && bounds.isValid() &&
+ if (!hashParams.center && bounds.isValid() &&
(center || !map.getBounds().contains(bounds))) {
OSM.router.withoutMoveListener(function () {
"/relation/:id(/history)": OSM.Browse(map, "relation"),
"/relation/:id/history/:version": OSM.OldBrowse(),
"/changeset/:id": OSM.Changeset(map),
- "/query": OSM.Query(map)
+ "/query": OSM.Query(map),
+ "/account/home": OSM.Home(map)
if (OSM.preferred_editor === "remote" && document.location.pathname === "/edit") {
write_gpx: Upload GPS traces
write_notes: Modify notes
write_redactions: Redact map data
+ write_blocks: Create and revoke user blocks
read_email: Read user email address
consume_messages: Read, update status and delete user messages
send_messages: Send private messages to other users
show_address: Show address
query_features: Query features
centre_map: Centre map here
+ home:
+ marker_title: My home location
+ not_set: Home location is not set for your account
heading: "Edit Redaction"
resource :subscription, :only => [:create, :destroy], :controller => "note_subscriptions"
- resources :user_blocks, :only => :show, :id => /\d+/, :controller => "user_blocks"
+ resources :user_blocks, :only => [:show, :create], :id => /\d+/, :controller => "user_blocks"
namespace :user_blocks, :path => "user/blocks" do
resource :active_list, :path => "active", :only => :show
resource :terms, :only => [:show, :update]
resource :pd_declaration, :only => [:show, :create]
resource :deletion, :only => :show
+ resource :home, :only => :show