# This should display the last 20 changesets closed
def test_feed
+ changeset = create(:changeset, :num_changes => 1)
+ _empty_changeset = create(:changeset, :num_changes => 0)
get :feed, :format => :atom
assert_response :success
assert_template "list"
assert_equal "application/atom+xml", response.content_type
- check_feed_result(Changeset.all)
+ check_feed_result([changeset])
# This should display the last 20 changesets closed in a specific area
def test_feed_bbox
+ changeset = create(:changeset, :num_changes => 1, :min_lat => 5 * GeoRecord::SCALE, :min_lon => 5 * GeoRecord::SCALE, :max_lat => 5 * GeoRecord::SCALE, :max_lon => 5 * GeoRecord::SCALE)
+ closed_changeset = create(:changeset, :closed, :num_changes => 1, :min_lat => 5 * GeoRecord::SCALE, :min_lon => 5 * GeoRecord::SCALE, :max_lat => 5 * GeoRecord::SCALE, :max_lon => 5 * GeoRecord::SCALE)
+ _elsewhere_changeset = create(:changeset, :num_changes => 1, :min_lat => -5 * GeoRecord::SCALE, :min_lon => -5 * GeoRecord::SCALE, :max_lat => -5 * GeoRecord::SCALE, :max_lon => -5 * GeoRecord::SCALE)
+ _empty_changeset = create(:changeset, :num_changes => 0, :min_lat => -5 * GeoRecord::SCALE, :min_lon => -5 * GeoRecord::SCALE, :max_lat => -5 * GeoRecord::SCALE, :max_lon => -5 * GeoRecord::SCALE)
get :feed, :format => :atom, :bbox => "4.5,4.5,5.5,5.5"
assert_response :success
assert_template "list"
assert_equal "application/atom+xml", response.content_type
- check_feed_result(Changeset.where("min_lon < 55000000 and max_lon > 45000000 and min_lat < 55000000 and max_lat > 45000000"))
+ check_feed_result([changeset, closed_changeset])
# Checks the display of the user changesets feed
def test_feed_user
user = create(:user)
- create_list(:changeset, 3, :user => user, :num_changes => 4)
+ changesets = create_list(:changeset, 3, :user => user, :num_changes => 4)
+ _other_changeset = create(:changeset)
get :feed, :format => :atom, :display_name => user.display_name
assert_response :success
assert_template "list"
assert_equal "application/atom+xml", response.content_type
- check_feed_result(user.changesets)
+ check_feed_result(changesets)
# check the result of a feed
def check_feed_result(changesets)
- changesets = changesets.where("num_changes > 0")
- .order(:created_at => :desc)
- .limit(20)
assert changesets.size <= 20
assert_select "feed", :count => [changesets.size, 1].min do