--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# yaml2po, for converting RoR translation YAML to the standard gettext
+# for eventual use with a translation site such as Transifex
+# Use:
+# - To create a 'master' .pot
+# yaml2po > translations.pot
+# - To create a partucular language's .po
+# yaml2po de > de.po
+require "yaml"
+LOCALE_DIR = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../config/locales/'
+def iterate(hash, fhash={}, path='')
+ hash.each {|key, val|
+ unless fhash.has_key? key
+ fhash[key] = {}
+ end
+ if val.is_a? Hash
+ iterate(val, fhash[key], path+key+':')
+ else
+ puts "#: #{path}#{key}"
+ puts "msgid \"#{val}\""
+ puts "msgstr \"#{fhash[key]}\""
+ end
+ }
+language = ARGV[0]
+oth = {}
+if language
+ oth = YAML::load_file(LOCALE_DIR+language+'.yml')
+ oth = oth[language]
+en = YAML::load_file(LOCALE_DIR+'en.yml')
+iterate(en['en'], oth)