def has_valid_bbox?
not bbox.include? nil
+ ##
+ # returns area of the changset bbox as a rough comparitive quantity for use of changset displays
+ def area
+ if has_valid_bbox?
+ (max_lon - min_lon) * (max_lat - min_lat)
+ else
+ 0
+ end
+ end
# expand the bounding box to include the given bounding box. also,
maxlon = changeset.max_lon/GeoRecord::SCALE.to_f
maxlat = changeset.max_lat/GeoRecord::SCALE.to_f
- (<a href='/?minlon=<%= minlon %>&minlat=<%= minlat %>&maxlon=<%= maxlon %>&maxlat=<%= maxlat %>&box=yes' title='show area box'><%= format("%0.3f",minlon) -%>,<%= format("%0.3f",minlat) -%>,<%= format("%0.3f",maxlon) -%>,<%= format("%0.3f",maxlat) -%></a>)
- <% end %>
+ <a href='/?minlon=<%= minlon %>&minlat=<%= minlat %>&maxlon=<%= maxlon %>&maxlat=<%= maxlat %>&box=yes' title='show area box'><%= format("%0.3f",minlon) -%>,<%= format("%0.3f",minlat) -%>,<%= format("%0.3f",maxlon) -%>,<%= format("%0.3f",maxlat) -%></a>
+ <!--<%=changeset.area%>-->
+ <% if changeset.area > 1500000000000 %>
+ (big)
+ <%
+ end
+ end
+ %>
<td class="<%= cl %>">
# And be sure to use new-style password hashing:
- adapter: postgresql
+ adapter: mysql
database: openstreetmap
-# username: openstreetmap
-# password: openstreetmap
+ username: openstreetmap
+ password: openstreetmap
host: localhost
encoding: utf8
# re-generated from your development database when you run 'rake'.
# Do not set this db to the same as development or production.
- adapter: postgresql
+ adapter: mysql
database: osm_test
-# username: osm_test
-# password: osm_test
+ username: osm_test
+ password: osm_test
host: localhost
encoding: utf8
- adapter: postgresql
+ adapter: mysql
database: osm
-# username: osm
-# password: osm
+ username: osm
+ password: osm
host: localhost
encoding: utf8