:url => comment_api_note_url(@note, "json") } %>
+ <% else -%>
+ <p>
+ <%= link_to t(".log_in_to_comment"), login_path(:referer => request.fullpath) %>
+ </p>
<% end -%>
<% else %>
<form class="mb-3" action="#">
reactivate: Reactivate
comment_and_resolve: Comment & Resolve
comment: Comment
+ log_in_to_comment: "Log in to comment on this note"
report_link_html: "If this note contains sensitive information that needs to be removed, you can %{link}."
other_problems_resolve: "For all other problems with the note, please resolve it yourself with a comment."
other_problems_resolved: "For all other problems, resolving is sufficient."
require "application_system_test_case"
class NoteCommentsTest < ApplicationSystemTestCase
+ test "open note has login notice" do
+ note = create(:note_with_comments)
+ visit note_path(note)
+ assert_no_button "Resolve"
+ assert_no_button "Comment"
+ assert_link "Log in to comment on this note", :href => login_path(:referer => note_path(note))
+ end
+ test "closed note has no login notice" do
+ note = create(:note_with_comments, :status => "closed", :closed_at => Time.now.utc)
+ visit note_path(note)
+ assert_no_button "Reactivate"
+ assert_no_link "Log in to comment on this note"
+ end
def test_action_text
note = create(:note_with_comments)