def test_permissions_basic_auth
- basic_authorization(create(:user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:user).email, "test"
get :permissions
assert_response :success
assert_select "osm > permissions", :count => 1 do
node = create(:node)
## First try with a non-public user, which should get a forbidden
- basic_authorization(create(:user, :data_public => false).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:user, :data_public => false).email, "test"
# create a temporary changeset
content "<osm><changeset>" +
assert_response :forbidden
## Now try with a normal user
- basic_authorization(create(:user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:user).email, "test"
# create a temporary changeset
content "<osm><changeset>" +
# NOTE: the error turned out to be something else completely!
def test_josm_upload
- basic_authorization(create(:user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:user).email, "test"
# create a temporary changeset
content "<osm><changeset>" +
node = create(:node)
node2 = create(:node)
way = create(:way)
- basic_authorization(create(:user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:user).email, "test"
# create a temporary changeset
content "<osm><changeset>" +
deleted_user = create(:user, :deleted)
private_user_closed_changeset = create(:changeset, :closed, :user => private_user)
- basic_authorization(user.email, "test")
+ basic_authorization user.email, "test"
assert_difference "ChangesetComment.count", 1 do
assert_no_difference "ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size" do
- basic_authorization(user2.email, "test")
+ basic_authorization user2.email, "test"
assert_difference "ChangesetComment.count", 1 do
assert_difference "ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size", 2 do
post :comment, :params => { :id => create(:changeset, :closed).id, :text => "This is a comment" }
assert_response :unauthorized
- basic_authorization(create(:user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:user).email, "test"
# bad changeset id
assert_no_difference "ChangesetComment.count" do
# test subscribe success
def test_subscribe_success
- basic_authorization(create(:user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:user).email, "test"
changeset = create(:changeset, :closed)
assert_difference "changeset.subscribers.count", 1 do
assert_response :unauthorized
- basic_authorization(user.email, "test")
+ basic_authorization user.email, "test"
# bad changeset id
assert_no_difference "changeset.subscribers.count" do
# test unsubscribe success
def test_unsubscribe_success
user = create(:user)
- basic_authorization(user.email, "test")
+ basic_authorization user.email, "test"
changeset = create(:changeset, :closed)
assert_response :unauthorized
- basic_authorization(create(:user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:user).email, "test"
# bad changeset id
assert_no_difference "changeset.subscribers.count" do
assert_response :unauthorized
assert_equal true, comment.reload.visible
- basic_authorization(create(:user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:user).email, "test"
# not a moderator
post :hide_comment, :params => { :id => comment.id }
assert_response :forbidden
assert_equal true, comment.reload.visible
- basic_authorization(create(:moderator_user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:moderator_user).email, "test"
# bad comment id
post :hide_comment, :params => { :id => 999111 }
comment = create(:changeset_comment)
assert_equal true, comment.visible
- basic_authorization(create(:moderator_user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:moderator_user).email, "test"
post :hide_comment, :params => { :id => comment.id }
assert_response :success
assert_response :unauthorized
assert_equal false, comment.reload.visible
- basic_authorization(create(:user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:user).email, "test"
# not a moderator
post :unhide_comment, :params => { :id => comment.id }
assert_response :forbidden
assert_equal false, comment.reload.visible
- basic_authorization(create(:moderator_user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:moderator_user).email, "test"
# bad comment id
post :unhide_comment, :params => { :id => 999111 }
comment = create(:changeset_comment, :visible => false)
assert_equal false, comment.visible
- basic_authorization(create(:moderator_user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:moderator_user).email, "test"
post :unhide_comment, :params => { :id => comment.id }
assert_response :success
assert_response :unauthorized, "node upload did not return unauthorized status"
## Now try with the user which doesn't have their data public
- basic_authorization(private_user.email, "test")
+ basic_authorization private_user.email, "test"
# create a minimal xml file
content("<osm><node lat='#{lat}' lon='#{lon}' changeset='#{private_changeset.id}'/></osm>")
assert_require_public_data "node create did not return forbidden status"
## Now try with the user that has the public data
- basic_authorization(user.email, "test")
+ basic_authorization user.email, "test"
# create a minimal xml file
content("<osm><node lat='#{lat}' lon='#{lon}' changeset='#{changeset.id}'/></osm>")
user = create(:user)
changeset = create(:changeset, :user => user)
- basic_authorization(user.email, "test")
+ basic_authorization user.email, "test"
lat = 3.434
lon = 3.23
assert_response :unauthorized
## now set auth for the non-data public user
- basic_authorization(private_user.email, "test")
+ basic_authorization private_user.email, "test"
# try to delete with an invalid (closed) changeset
content update_changeset(private_node.to_xml, private_user_closed_changeset.id)
changeset = create(:changeset, :user => user)
closed_changeset = create(:changeset, :closed, :user => user)
node = create(:node, :changeset => changeset)
- basic_authorization(user.email, "test")
+ basic_authorization user.email, "test"
# try to delete with an invalid (closed) changeset
content update_changeset(node.to_xml, closed_changeset.id)
## Second test with the private user
# setup auth
- basic_authorization(private_user.email, "test")
+ basic_authorization private_user.email, "test"
## trying to break changesets
assert_response :forbidden
# setup auth
- basic_authorization(user.email, "test")
+ basic_authorization user.email, "test"
## trying to break changesets
existing_tag = create(:node_tag)
assert_equal true, existing_tag.node.changeset.user.data_public
# setup auth
- basic_authorization(existing_tag.node.changeset.user.email, "test")
+ basic_authorization existing_tag.node.changeset.user.email, "test"
# add an identical tag to the node
tag_xml = XML::Node.new("tag")
changeset = create(:changeset, :user => user)
## First try with the non-data public user
- basic_authorization(private_user.email, "test")
+ basic_authorization private_user.email, "test"
# try and put something into a string that the API might
# use unquoted and therefore allow code injection...
assert_require_public_data "Shouldn't be able to create with non-public user"
## Then try with the public data user
- basic_authorization(user.email, "test")
+ basic_authorization user.email, "test"
# try and put something into a string that the API might
# use unquoted and therefore allow code injection...
- basic_authorization(third_user.email, "test")
+ basic_authorization third_user.email, "test"
assert_difference "NoteComment.count", 1 do
assert_difference "ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size", 2 do
post :close, :params => { :id => open_note_with_comment.id, :text => "This is a close comment", :format => "json" }
assert_response :unauthorized
- basic_authorization(user.email, "test")
+ basic_authorization user.email, "test"
post :close, :params => { :id => open_note_with_comment.id, :text => "This is a close comment", :format => "json" }
assert_response :success
post :close
assert_response :unauthorized
- basic_authorization(create(:user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:user).email, "test"
post :close
assert_response :bad_request
post :reopen, :params => { :id => closed_note_with_comment.id, :text => "This is a reopen comment", :format => "json" }
assert_response :unauthorized
- basic_authorization(user.email, "test")
+ basic_authorization user.email, "test"
post :reopen, :params => { :id => closed_note_with_comment.id, :text => "This is a reopen comment", :format => "json" }
assert_response :success
post :reopen, :params => { :id => hidden_note_with_comment.id }
assert_response :unauthorized
- basic_authorization(create(:user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:user).email, "test"
post :reopen, :params => { :id => 12345 }
assert_response :not_found
delete :destroy, :params => { :id => open_note_with_comment.id, :text => "This is a hide comment", :format => "json" }
assert_response :unauthorized
- basic_authorization(user.email, "test")
+ basic_authorization user.email, "test"
delete :destroy, :params => { :id => open_note_with_comment.id, :text => "This is a hide comment", :format => "json" }
assert_response :forbidden
- basic_authorization(moderator_user.email, "test")
+ basic_authorization moderator_user.email, "test"
delete :destroy, :params => { :id => open_note_with_comment.id, :text => "This is a hide comment", :format => "json" }
assert_response :success
delete :destroy, :params => { :id => 12345, :format => "json" }
assert_response :unauthorized
- basic_authorization(user.email, "test")
+ basic_authorization user.email, "test"
delete :destroy, :params => { :id => 12345, :format => "json" }
assert_response :forbidden
- basic_authorization(moderator_user.email, "test")
+ basic_authorization moderator_user.email, "test"
delete :destroy, :params => { :id => 12345, :format => "json" }
assert_response :not_found
propagate_tags(node, node.old_nodes.last)
## First try this with a non-public user
- basic_authorization(private_user.email, "test")
+ basic_authorization private_user.email, "test"
# setup a simple XML node
xml_doc = private_node.to_xml
# probably should check that they didn't get written to the database
## Now do it with the public user
- basic_authorization(user.email, "test")
+ basic_authorization user.email, "test"
# setup a simple XML node
# test the redaction of an old version of a node, while being
# authorised as a normal user.
def test_redact_node_normal_user
- basic_authorization(create(:user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:user).email, "test"
node = create(:node, :with_history, :version => 4)
node_v3 = node.old_nodes.find_by(:version => 3)
# test that, even as moderator, the current version of a node
# can't be redacted.
def test_redact_node_current_version
- basic_authorization(create(:moderator_user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:moderator_user).email, "test"
node = create(:node, :with_history, :version => 4)
node_v4 = node.old_nodes.find_by(:version => 4)
assert_response :forbidden, "Redacted node shouldn't be visible via the version API."
# not even to a logged-in user
- basic_authorization(create(:user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:user).email, "test"
get :version, :params => { :id => node_v1.node_id, :version => node_v1.version }
assert_response :forbidden, "Redacted node shouldn't be visible via the version API, even when logged in."
assert_select "osm node[id='#{node_v1.node_id}'][version='#{node_v1.version}']", 0, "redacted node #{node_v1.node_id} version #{node_v1.version} shouldn't be present in the history."
# not even to a logged-in user
- basic_authorization(create(:user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:user).email, "test"
get :history, :params => { :id => node_v1.node_id }
assert_response :success, "Redaction shouldn't have stopped history working."
assert_select "osm node[id='#{node_v1.node_id}'][version='#{node_v1.version}']", 0, "redacted node #{node_v1.node_id} version #{node_v1.version} shouldn't be present in the history, even when logged in."
def test_redact_node_moderator
node = create(:node, :with_history, :version => 4)
node_v3 = node.old_nodes.find_by(:version => 3)
- basic_authorization(create(:moderator_user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:moderator_user).email, "test"
do_redact_node(node_v3, create(:redaction))
assert_response :success, "should be OK to redact old version as moderator."
def test_redact_node_is_redacted
node = create(:node, :with_history, :version => 4)
node_v3 = node.old_nodes.find_by(:version => 3)
- basic_authorization(create(:moderator_user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:moderator_user).email, "test"
do_redact_node(node_v3, create(:redaction))
assert_response :success, "should be OK to redact old version as moderator."
# re-auth as non-moderator
- basic_authorization(create(:user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:user).email, "test"
# check can't see the redacted data
get :version, :params => { :id => node_v3.node_id, :version => node_v3.version }
node_v1 = node.old_nodes.find_by(:version => 1)
- basic_authorization(user.email, "test")
+ basic_authorization user.email, "test"
post :redact, :params => { :id => node_v1.node_id, :version => node_v1.version }
assert_response :forbidden, "should need to be moderator to unredact."
node_v1 = node.old_nodes.find_by(:version => 1)
- basic_authorization(moderator_user.email, "test")
+ basic_authorization moderator_user.email, "test"
post :redact, :params => { :id => node_v1.node_id, :version => node_v1.version }
assert_response :success, "should be OK to unredact old version as moderator."
assert_response :success, "Unredaction shouldn't have stopped history working."
assert_select "osm node[id='#{node_v1.node_id}'][version='#{node_v1.version}']", 1, "node #{node_v1.node_id} version #{node_v1.version} should now be present in the history for moderators without passing flag."
- basic_authorization(create(:user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:user).email, "test"
# check normal user can now see the redacted data
get :version, :params => { :id => node_v1.node_id, :version => node_v1.version }
relation = create(:relation, :with_history, :version => 4)
relation_v3 = relation.old_relations.find_by(:version => 3)
- basic_authorization(create(:user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:user).email, "test"
do_redact_relation(relation_v3, create(:redaction))
assert_response :forbidden, "should need to be moderator to redact."
relation = create(:relation, :with_history, :version => 4)
relation_latest = relation.old_relations.last
- basic_authorization(create(:moderator_user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:moderator_user).email, "test"
do_redact_relation(relation_latest, create(:redaction))
assert_response :bad_request, "shouldn't be OK to redact current version as moderator."
assert_response :forbidden, "Redacted relation shouldn't be visible via the version API."
# not even to a logged-in user
- basic_authorization(create(:user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:user).email, "test"
get :version, :params => { :id => relation_v1.relation_id, :version => relation_v1.version }
assert_response :forbidden, "Redacted relation shouldn't be visible via the version API, even when logged in."
assert_select "osm relation[id='#{relation_v1.relation_id}'][version='#{relation_v1.version}']", 0, "redacted relation #{relation_v1.relation_id} version #{relation_v1.version} shouldn't be present in the history."
# not even to a logged-in user
- basic_authorization(create(:user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:user).email, "test"
get :version, :params => { :id => relation_v1.relation_id, :version => relation_v1.version }
get :history, :params => { :id => relation_v1.relation_id }
assert_response :success, "Redaction shouldn't have stopped history working."
relation = create(:relation, :with_history, :version => 4)
relation_v3 = relation.old_relations.find_by(:version => 3)
- basic_authorization(create(:moderator_user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:moderator_user).email, "test"
do_redact_relation(relation_v3, create(:redaction))
assert_response :success, "should be OK to redact old version as moderator."
relation = create(:relation, :with_history, :version => 4)
relation_v3 = relation.old_relations.find_by(:version => 3)
- basic_authorization(create(:moderator_user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:moderator_user).email, "test"
do_redact_relation(relation_v3, create(:redaction))
assert_response :success, "should be OK to redact old version as moderator."
# re-auth as non-moderator
- basic_authorization(create(:user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:user).email, "test"
# check can't see the redacted data
get :version, :params => { :id => relation_v3.relation_id, :version => relation_v3.version }
relation_v1 = relation.old_relations.find_by(:version => 1)
- basic_authorization(create(:user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:user).email, "test"
post :redact, :params => { :id => relation_v1.relation_id, :version => relation_v1.version }
assert_response :forbidden, "should need to be moderator to unredact."
relation_v1 = relation.old_relations.find_by(:version => 1)
- basic_authorization(create(:moderator_user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:moderator_user).email, "test"
post :redact, :params => { :id => relation_v1.relation_id, :version => relation_v1.version }
assert_response :success, "should be OK to unredact old version as moderator."
assert_response :success, "Redaction shouldn't have stopped history working."
assert_select "osm relation[id='#{relation_v1.relation_id}'][version='#{relation_v1.version}']", 1, "relation #{relation_v1.relation_id} version #{relation_v1.version} should still be present in the history for moderators."
- basic_authorization(create(:user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:user).email, "test"
# check normal user can now see the redacted data
get :version, :params => { :id => relation_v1.relation_id, :version => relation_v1.version }
# test the redaction of an old version of a way, while being
# authorised as a normal user.
def test_redact_way_normal_user
- basic_authorization(create(:user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:user).email, "test"
way = create(:way, :with_history, :version => 4)
way_v3 = way.old_ways.find_by(:version => 3)
# test that, even as moderator, the current version of a way
# can't be redacted.
def test_redact_way_current_version
- basic_authorization(create(:moderator_user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:moderator_user).email, "test"
way = create(:way, :with_history, :version => 4)
way_latest = way.old_ways.last
assert_response :forbidden, "Redacted way shouldn't be visible via the version API."
# not even to a logged-in user
- basic_authorization(create(:user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:user).email, "test"
get :version, :params => { :id => way_v1.way_id, :version => way_v1.version }
assert_response :forbidden, "Redacted way shouldn't be visible via the version API, even when logged in."
assert_select "osm way[id='#{way_v1.way_id}'][version='#{way_v1.version}']", 0, "redacted way #{way_v1.way_id} version #{way_v1.version} shouldn't be present in the history."
# not even to a logged-in user
- basic_authorization(create(:user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:user).email, "test"
get :version, :params => { :id => way_v1.way_id, :version => way_v1.version }
get :history, :params => { :id => way_v1.way_id }
assert_response :success, "Redaction shouldn't have stopped history working."
def test_redact_way_moderator
way = create(:way, :with_history, :version => 4)
way_v3 = way.old_ways.find_by(:version => 3)
- basic_authorization(create(:moderator_user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:moderator_user).email, "test"
do_redact_way(way_v3, create(:redaction))
assert_response :success, "should be OK to redact old version as moderator."
def test_redact_way_is_redacted
way = create(:way, :with_history, :version => 4)
way_v3 = way.old_ways.find_by(:version => 3)
- basic_authorization(create(:moderator_user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:moderator_user).email, "test"
do_redact_way(way_v3, create(:redaction))
assert_response :success, "should be OK to redact old version as moderator."
# re-auth as non-moderator
- basic_authorization(create(:user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:user).email, "test"
# check can't see the redacted data
get :version, :params => { :id => way_v3.way_id, :version => way_v3.version }
way_v1 = way.old_ways.find_by(:version => 1)
- basic_authorization(create(:user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:user).email, "test"
post :redact, :params => { :id => way_v1.way_id, :version => way_v1.version }
assert_response :forbidden, "should need to be moderator to unredact."
way_v1 = way.old_ways.find_by(:version => 1)
- basic_authorization(moderator_user.email, "test")
+ basic_authorization moderator_user.email, "test"
post :redact, :params => { :id => way_v1.way_id, :version => way_v1.version }
assert_response :success, "should be OK to unredact old version as moderator."
assert_response :success, "Unredaction shouldn't have stopped history working."
assert_select "osm way[id='#{way_v1.way_id}'][version='#{way_v1.version}']", 1, "way #{way_v1.way_id} version #{way_v1.version} should still be present in the history for moderators."
- basic_authorization(create(:user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:user).email, "test"
# check normal user can now see the unredacted data
get :version, :params => { :id => way_v1.way_id, :version => way_v1.version }
assert_response :unauthorized
## Then try with the private user, to make sure that you get a forbidden
- basic_authorization(private_user.email, "test")
+ basic_authorization private_user.email, "test"
# this shouldn't work, as we should need the payload...
delete :delete, :params => { :id => relation.id }
assert_response :forbidden
## now set auth for the public user
- basic_authorization(user.email, "test")
+ basic_authorization user.email, "test"
# this shouldn't work, as we should need the payload...
delete :delete, :params => { :id => relation.id }
way1 = create(:way_with_nodes, :nodes_count => 2)
way2 = create(:way_with_nodes, :nodes_count => 2)
- basic_authorization(user.email, "test")
+ basic_authorization user.email, "test"
doc_str = <<OSM.strip_heredoc
doc = XML::Parser.string(doc_str).parse
## First try with the private user
- basic_authorization(private_user.email, "test")
+ basic_authorization private_user.email, "test"
content doc
put :create
assert_response :forbidden
## Now try with the public user
- basic_authorization(user.email, "test")
+ basic_authorization user.email, "test"
content doc
put :create
doc = XML::Parser.string(doc_str).parse
- basic_authorization(user.email, "test")
+ basic_authorization user.email, "test"
content doc
put :create
# that the changeset bounding box is +bbox+.
def check_changeset_modify(bbox)
## First test with the private user to check that you get a forbidden
- basic_authorization(create(:user, :data_public => false).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:user, :data_public => false).email, "test"
# create a new changeset for this operation, so we are assured
# that the bounding box will be newly-generated.
## Now do the whole thing with the public user
- basic_authorization(create(:user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:user).email, "test"
# create a new changeset for this operation, so we are assured
# that the bounding box will be newly-generated.
assert_response :unauthorized
# Now with some other user, which should work since the trace is public
- basic_authorization(create(:user).display_name, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:user).display_name, "test"
get :api_read, :params => { :id => public_trace_file.id }
assert_response :success
# And finally we should be able to do it with the owner of the trace
- basic_authorization(public_trace_file.user.display_name, "test")
+ basic_authorization public_trace_file.user.display_name, "test"
get :api_read, :params => { :id => public_trace_file.id }
assert_response :success
assert_response :unauthorized
# Now try with another user, which shouldn't work since the trace is anon
- basic_authorization(create(:user).display_name, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:user).display_name, "test"
get :api_read, :params => { :id => anon_trace_file.id }
assert_response :forbidden
# And finally we should be able to get the trace details with the trace owner
- basic_authorization(anon_trace_file.user.display_name, "test")
+ basic_authorization anon_trace_file.user.display_name, "test"
get :api_read, :params => { :id => anon_trace_file.id }
assert_response :success
assert_response :unauthorized
# Login, and try again
- basic_authorization(deleted_trace_file.user.display_name, "test")
+ basic_authorization deleted_trace_file.user.display_name, "test"
get :api_read, :params => { :id => 0 }
assert_response :not_found
# Now try a trace which did exist but has been deleted
- basic_authorization(deleted_trace_file.user.display_name, "test")
+ basic_authorization deleted_trace_file.user.display_name, "test"
get :api_read, :params => { :id => deleted_trace_file.id }
assert_response :not_found
assert_response :unauthorized
# Now with some other user, which should work since the trace is public
- basic_authorization(create(:user).display_name, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:user).display_name, "test"
get :api_data, :params => { :id => public_trace_file.id }
check_trace_data public_trace_file
# And finally we should be able to do it with the owner of the trace
- basic_authorization(public_trace_file.user.display_name, "test")
+ basic_authorization public_trace_file.user.display_name, "test"
get :api_data, :params => { :id => public_trace_file.id }
check_trace_data public_trace_file
identifiable_trace_file = create(:trace, :visibility => "identifiable", :fixture => "d")
# Authenticate as the owner of the trace we will be using
- basic_authorization(identifiable_trace_file.user.display_name, "test")
+ basic_authorization identifiable_trace_file.user.display_name, "test"
# First get the data as is
get :api_data, :params => { :id => identifiable_trace_file.id }
assert_response :unauthorized
# Now with some other user, which shouldn't work since the trace is anon
- basic_authorization(create(:user).display_name, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:user).display_name, "test"
get :api_data, :params => { :id => anon_trace_file.id }
assert_response :forbidden
# And finally we should be able to do it with the owner of the trace
- basic_authorization(anon_trace_file.user.display_name, "test")
+ basic_authorization anon_trace_file.user.display_name, "test"
get :api_data, :params => { :id => anon_trace_file.id }
check_trace_data anon_trace_file
assert_response :unauthorized
# Login, and try again
- basic_authorization(create(:user).display_name, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:user).display_name, "test"
get :api_data, :params => { :id => 0 }
assert_response :not_found
# Now try a trace which did exist but has been deleted
- basic_authorization(deleted_trace_file.user.display_name, "test")
+ basic_authorization deleted_trace_file.user.display_name, "test"
get :api_data, :params => { :id => deleted_trace_file.id }
assert_response :not_found
# Now authenticated
create(:user_preference, :user => user, :k => "gps.trace.visibility", :v => "identifiable")
assert_not_equal "trackable", user.preferences.where(:k => "gps.trace.visibility").first.v
- basic_authorization(user.display_name, "test")
+ basic_authorization user.display_name, "test"
post :api_create, :params => { :file => file, :description => "New Trace", :tags => "new,trace", :visibility => "trackable" }
assert_response :success
trace = Trace.find(response.body.to_i)
# Now authenticated, with the legacy public flag
assert_not_equal "public", user.preferences.where(:k => "gps.trace.visibility").first.v
- basic_authorization(user.display_name, "test")
+ basic_authorization user.display_name, "test"
post :api_create, :params => { :file => file, :description => "New Trace", :tags => "new,trace", :public => 1 }
assert_response :success
trace = Trace.find(response.body.to_i)
# Now authenticated, with the legacy private flag
second_user = create(:user)
assert_nil second_user.preferences.where(:k => "gps.trace.visibility").first
- basic_authorization(second_user.display_name, "test")
+ basic_authorization second_user.display_name, "test"
post :api_create, :params => { :file => file, :description => "New Trace", :tags => "new,trace", :public => 0 }
assert_response :success
trace = Trace.find(response.body.to_i)
assert_response :unauthorized
# Now with some other user, which should fail
- basic_authorization(create(:user).display_name, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:user).display_name, "test"
content public_trace_file.to_xml
put :api_update, :params => { :id => public_trace_file.id }
assert_response :forbidden
# Now with a trace which doesn't exist
- basic_authorization(create(:user).display_name, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:user).display_name, "test"
content public_trace_file.to_xml
put :api_update, :params => { :id => 0 }
assert_response :not_found
# Now with a trace which did exist but has been deleted
- basic_authorization(deleted_trace_file.user.display_name, "test")
+ basic_authorization deleted_trace_file.user.display_name, "test"
content deleted_trace_file.to_xml
put :api_update, :params => { :id => deleted_trace_file.id }
assert_response :not_found
# Now try an update with the wrong ID
- basic_authorization(public_trace_file.user.display_name, "test")
+ basic_authorization public_trace_file.user.display_name, "test"
content anon_trace_file.to_xml
put :api_update, :params => { :id => public_trace_file.id }
assert_response :bad_request,
"should not be able to update a trace with a different ID from the XML"
# And finally try an update that should work
- basic_authorization(public_trace_file.user.display_name, "test")
+ basic_authorization public_trace_file.user.display_name, "test"
t = public_trace_file
t.description = "Changed description"
t.visibility = "private"
assert_response :unauthorized
# Now with some other user, which should fail
- basic_authorization(create(:user).display_name, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:user).display_name, "test"
delete :api_delete, :params => { :id => public_trace_file.id }
assert_response :forbidden
# Now with a trace which doesn't exist
- basic_authorization(create(:user).display_name, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:user).display_name, "test"
delete :api_delete, :params => { :id => 0 }
assert_response :not_found
# And finally we should be able to do it with the owner of the trace
- basic_authorization(public_trace_file.user.display_name, "test")
+ basic_authorization public_trace_file.user.display_name, "test"
delete :api_delete, :params => { :id => public_trace_file.id }
assert_response :success
# Try it a second time, which should fail
- basic_authorization(public_trace_file.user.display_name, "test")
+ basic_authorization public_trace_file.user.display_name, "test"
delete :api_delete, :params => { :id => public_trace_file.id }
assert_response :not_found
assert_response :unauthorized
# check that we get a response when logged in
- basic_authorization(user.email, "test")
+ basic_authorization user.email, "test"
get :api_details
assert_response :success
assert_equal "text/xml", response.content_type
assert_response :unauthorized
# check that we get a response when logged in
- basic_authorization(user.email, "test")
+ basic_authorization user.email, "test"
get :api_gpx_files
assert_response :success
assert_equal "application/xml", response.content_type
assert_response :unauthorized, "should be authenticated"
# authenticate as a user with no preferences
- basic_authorization(create(:user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:user).email, "test"
# try the read again
get :read
user = create(:user)
user_preference = create(:user_preference, :user => user)
user_preference2 = create(:user_preference, :user => user)
- basic_authorization(user.email, "test")
+ basic_authorization user.email, "test"
# try the read again
get :read
assert_response :unauthorized, "should be authenticated"
# authenticate as a user with preferences
- basic_authorization(user.email, "test")
+ basic_authorization user.email, "test"
# try the read again
get :read_one, :params => { :preference_key => "key" }
# authenticate as a user with preferences
- basic_authorization(user.email, "test")
+ basic_authorization user.email, "test"
# try the put again
assert_no_difference "UserPreference.count" do
# authenticate as a user with preferences
- basic_authorization(user.email, "test")
+ basic_authorization user.email, "test"
# try adding a new preference
assert_difference "UserPreference.count", 1 do
assert_equal "value", UserPreference.find([user.id, "key"]).v
# authenticate as a user with preferences
- basic_authorization(user.email, "test")
+ basic_authorization user.email, "test"
# try the delete again
assert_difference "UserPreference.count", -1 do
assert_response :unauthorized
# now set auth using the private user
- basic_authorization(private_user.email, "test")
+ basic_authorization private_user.email, "test"
# this shouldn't work as with the 0.6 api we need pay load to delete
delete :delete, :params => { :id => private_way.id }
### Now check with a public user
# now set auth
- basic_authorization(user.email, "test")
+ basic_authorization user.email, "test"
# this shouldn't work as with the 0.6 api we need pay load to delete
delete :delete, :params => { :id => way.id }
## Second test with the private user
# setup auth
- basic_authorization(private_user.email, "test")
+ basic_authorization private_user.email, "test"
## trying to break changesets
## Finally test with the public user
# setup auth
- basic_authorization(user.email, "test")
+ basic_authorization user.email, "test"
## trying to break changesets
## Try with the non-public user
# setup auth
- basic_authorization(private_user.email, "test")
+ basic_authorization private_user.email, "test"
# add an identical tag to the way
tag_xml = XML::Node.new("tag")
## Now try with the public user
# setup auth
- basic_authorization(user.email, "test")
+ basic_authorization user.email, "test"
# add an identical tag to the way
tag_xml = XML::Node.new("tag")
## Try with the non-public user
# setup auth
- basic_authorization(private_user.email, "test")
+ basic_authorization private_user.email, "test"
# add an identical tag to the way
tag_xml = XML::Node.new("tag")
## Now try with the public user
# setup auth
- basic_authorization(user.email, "test")
+ basic_authorization user.email, "test"
# add an identical tag to the way
tag_xml = XML::Node.new("tag")
## First test with the non-public user so should be rejected
# setup auth
- basic_authorization(private_user.email, "test")
+ basic_authorization private_user.email, "test"
# create duplicate tag
tag_xml = XML::Node.new("tag")
## Now test with the public user
# setup auth
- basic_authorization(user.email, "test")
+ basic_authorization user.email, "test"
# create duplicate tag
tag_xml = XML::Node.new("tag")
## First make sure that you can't with a non-public user
# setup auth
- basic_authorization(private_user.email, "test")
+ basic_authorization private_user.email, "test"
# add the tag into the existing xml
way_str = "<osm><way changeset='#{private_changeset.id}'>"
## Now do it with a public user
# setup auth
- basic_authorization(user.email, "test")
+ basic_authorization user.email, "test"
# add the tag into the existing xml
way_str = "<osm><way changeset='#{changeset.id}'>"