can [:create, :destroy], :session
can [:read, :data, :georss], Trace
can [:read, :create, :suspended, :auth_success, :auth_failure], User
- can [:read, :update], :account_terms
can :read, UserBlock
if user&.active?
can :welcome, :site
- can :read, :deletion
+ can :read, [:deletion, :account_terms]
if Settings.status != "database_offline"
can [:subscribe, :unsubscribe], Changeset
can [:read, :destroy], :oauth2_authorized_application
can [:read, :create, :destroy], :oauth2_authorization
can [:update, :destroy], :account
+ can :update, :account_terms
can :read, :dashboard
can [:create, :subscribe, :unsubscribe], DiaryEntry
can :update, DiaryEntry, :user => user
can [:create], DiaryComment
- can [:make_friend, :remove_friend], Friendship
+ can [:show, :create, :destroy], Follow
can [:read, :create, :mark, :unmute, :destroy], Message
can [:close, :reopen], Note
can [:read, :update], :preference
create: Add Comment
create: Send
- client_application:
- create: Register
- update: Update
create: Register
update: Update
support_url: Support URL
allow_read_prefs: read their user preferences
allow_write_prefs: modify their user preferences
- allow_write_diary: create diary entries, comments and make friends
+ allow_write_diary: create diary entries and comments
allow_write_api: modify the map
allow_read_gpx: read their private GPS traces
allow_write_gpx: upload GPS traces
readable_summary: human readable summary
informal_translations: informal translations
continue: "Continue"
- declined: ""
cancel: "Cancel"
you need to accept or decline: "Please read and then either accept or decline the new Contributor Terms to continue."
legale_select: "Country of residence:"
france: "France"
italy: "Italy"
rest_of_world: "Rest of the world"
+ update:
+ terms accepted: "Thanks for accepting the new contributor terms!"
terms_declined_html: We are sorry that you have decided to not accept the new Contributor Terms. For more information, please see %{terms_declined_link}.
terms_declined_link: this wiki page
title: "Changesets"
title_user: "Changesets by %{user}"
title_user_link_html: "Changesets by %{user_link}"
- title_friend: "Changesets by my friends"
+ title_followed: "Changesets by followings"
title_nearby: "Changesets by nearby users"
empty: "No changesets found."
empty_area: "No changesets in this area."
your location: "Your location"
nearby mapper: "Nearby mapper"
- friend: "Friend"
+ following: "Following"
title: My Dashboard
no_home_location_html: "%{edit_profile_link} and set your home location to see nearby users."
edit_your_profile: Edit your profile
- my friends: My friends
- no friends: You have not added any friends yet.
+ followings: Followings
+ no followings: You have not followed any user yet.
nearby users: "Other nearby users"
no nearby users: "There are no other users who admit to mapping nearby yet."
- friends_changesets: "friends' changesets"
- friends_diaries: "friends' diary entries"
+ followed_changesets: "changesets"
+ followed_diaries: "diary entries"
nearby_changesets: "nearby user changesets"
nearby_diaries: "nearby user diary entries"
use_map_link: Use Map
title: "Users' Diaries"
- title_friends: "Friends' Diaries"
+ title_followed: "Followings' Diaries"
title_nearby: "Nearby Users' Diaries"
user_title: "%{user}'s Diary"
in_language_title: "Diary Entries in %{language}"
title: File not found
description: Couldn't find a file/directory/API operation by that name on the OpenStreetMap server (HTTP 404)
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: "Add %{user} as a friend?"
- button: "Add as friend"
- success: "%{name} is now your friend!"
- failed: "Sorry, failed to add %{name} as a friend."
- already_a_friend: "You are already friends with %{name}."
- limit_exceeded: "You have friended a lot of users recently. Please wait a while before trying to friend any more."
- remove_friend:
- heading: "Unfriend %{user}?"
- button: "Unfriend"
- success: "%{name} was removed from your friends."
- not_a_friend: "%{name} is not one of your friends."
+ follows:
+ show:
+ follow:
+ heading: "Do you want to follow %{user}?"
+ button: "Follow User"
+ unfollow:
+ heading: "Do you want to unfollow %{user}?"
+ button: "Unfollow User"
+ create:
+ success: "You are now following %{name}!"
+ failed: "Sorry, your request to follow %{name} has failed."
+ already_followed: "You already follow %{name}."
+ limit_exceeded: "You have followed a lot of users recently. Please wait a while before trying to follow any more."
+ destroy:
+ success: "You successfully unfollowed %{name}."
+ not_followed: "You are not following %{name}."
footer_html: "You can also read the message at %{readurl} and you can send a message to the author at %{replyurl}"
hi: "Hi %{to_user},"
- subject: "[OpenStreetMap] %{user} added you as a friend"
- had_added_you: "%{user} has added you as a friend on OpenStreetMap."
+ subject: "[OpenStreetMap] %{user} followed you"
+ followed_you: "%{user} is now following you on OpenStreetMap."
see_their_profile: "You can see their profile at %{userurl}."
see_their_profile_html: "You can see their profile at %{userurl}."
- befriend_them: "You can also add them as a friend at %{befriendurl}."
- befriend_them_html: "You can also add them as a friend at %{befriendurl}."
+ follow_them: "You can also follow them at %{followurl}."
+ follow_them_html: "You can also follow them at %{followurl}."
details: "Your file details:"
filename: Filename
title: My Preferences
- preferred_editor: Preferred Editor
- preferred_languages: Preferred Languages
preferred_site_color_scheme: Preferred Website Color Scheme
auto: Auto
auto: Auto
light: Light
dark: Dark
- edit_preferences: Edit Preferences
- edit:
- title: Edit Preferences
save: Update Preferences
- cancel: Cancel
failure: Couldn't update preferences.
openid: Sign-in using OpenStreetMap
read_prefs: Read user preferences
write_prefs: Modify user preferences
- write_diary: Create diary entries, comments and make friends
+ write_diary: Create diary entries and comments
write_api: Modify the map
read_gpx: Read private GPS traces
write_gpx: Upload GPS traces
contributor_terms_url: ""
contributor_terms: "contributor terms"
continue: Sign Up
- terms accepted: "Thanks for accepting the new contributor terms!"
privacy_policy: privacy policy
edits: Edits
traces: Traces
notes: Map Notes
- remove as friend: Unfriend
- add as friend: Add Friend
+ unfollow: Unfollow
+ follow: Follow
mapper since: "Mapper since:"
last map edit: "Last map edit:"
no activity yet: "No activity yet"
get "map" => "map#index"
get "trackpoints" => "tracepoints#index"
- get "user/:id" => "users#show", :id => /\d+/, :as => :api_user
- get "user/details" => "users#details"
- get "user/gpx_files" => "users#gpx_files"
- get "users" => "users#index", :as => :api_users
namespace :api, :path => "api/0.6" do
+ resources :users, :only => :index
+ resources :users, :path => "user", :id => /\d+/, :only => :show
+ resources :user_traces, :path => "user/gpx_files", :module => :users, :controller => :traces, :only => :index
+ get "user/details" => "users#details"
resources :user_preferences, :except => [:new, :create, :edit], :param => :preference_key, :path => "user/preferences" do
collection do
put "" => "user_preferences#update_all", :as => ""
resource :dashboard, :only => [:show]
- resource :preferences, :only => [:show, :edit, :update]
+ resource :preferences, :only => [:show, :update]
+ get "/preferences/edit", :to => redirect(:path => "/preferences")
resource :profile, :only => [:edit, :update]
# friendships
- match "/user/:display_name/make_friend" => "friendships#make_friend", :via => [:get, :post], :as => "make_friend"
- match "/user/:display_name/remove_friend" => "friendships#remove_friend", :via => [:get, :post], :as => "remove_friend"
+ scope "/user/:display_name" do
+ resource :follow, :only => [:create, :destroy, :show], :path => "follow"
+ get "make_friend", :to => redirect("/user/%{display_name}/follow")
+ get "remove_friend", :to => redirect("/user/%{display_name}/follow")
+ end
# user lists
namespace :users do