+ ##
# Find all the ways, POI nodes (i.e. not part of ways), and relations
# in a given bounding box. Nodes are returned in full; ways and relations
# are IDs only.
+ #
+ # return is of the form:
+ # [error_code,
+ # [[way_id, way_version], ...],
+ # [[node_id, lat, lon, [tags, ...]], ...],
+ # [[rel_id, rel_version], ...]]
+ # where the ways are any visible ways which refer to any visible
+ # nodes in the bbox, nodes are any visible nodes in the bbox but not
+ # used in any way, rel is any relation which refers to either a way
+ # or node that we're returning.
def whichways(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) #:doc:
xmin -= 0.01; ymin -= 0.01
xmax += 0.01; ymax += 0.01
# check boundary is sane and area within defined
# see /config/application.yml
- begin
- check_boundaries(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
- rescue Exception => err
- return [-2,"Sorry - I can't get the map for that area."]
- end
+ check_boundaries(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
ways = sql_find_ways_in_area(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
# find the way ids in an area
nodes_in_area = Node.find_by_area(ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax, :conditions => ["current_nodes.visible = ?", true], :include => :ways)
- ways = nodes_in_area.collect { |node|
- node.ways.collect { |w| [,w.version] }.flatten
+ ways = nodes_in_area.inject([]) { |sum, node|
+ visible_ways = { |w| w.visible? }
+ sum + visible_ways.collect { |w| [,w.version] }
[0,ways, points, relations]
+ rescue Exception => err
+ [-2,"Sorry - I can't get the map for that area."]
# Find deleted ways in current bounding box (similar to whichways, but ways
# an array of previous versions.
def getnode_history(nodeid) #:doc:
- begin
- history = Node.find(nodeid).old_nodes.reverse.collect do |old_node|
- user_object = old_node.changeset.user
- user = user_object.data_public? ? user_object.display_name : 'anonymous'
- uid = user_object.data_public? ? : 0
- [old_node.version, old_node.timestamp.strftime("%d %b %Y, %H:%M"), old_node.visible ? 1 : 0, user, uid]
- end
- return ['node',nodeid,history]
- rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
- return ['node', nodeid, []]
+ history = Node.find(nodeid).old_nodes.reverse.collect do |old_node|
+ user_object = old_node.changeset.user
+ user = user_object.data_public? ? user_object.display_name : 'anonymous'
+ uid = user_object.data_public? ? : 0
+ [old_node.version, old_node.timestamp.strftime("%d %b %Y, %H:%M"), old_node.visible ? 1 : 0, user, uid]
+ return ['node',nodeid,history]
+ rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
+ return ['node', nodeid, []]
# Find GPS traces with specified name/id.
# check contents of message
map = amf_result "/1"
- assert_equal 0, map[0]
- assert_equal Array, map[1].class
- assert map[1].include?(current_ways(:used_way).id)
- assert !map[1].include?(current_ways(:invisible_way).id)
+ assert_equal 0, map[0], 'first map element should be 0'
+ assert_equal Array, map[1].class, 'second map element should be an array'
+ # TODO: looks like amf_controller changed since this test was written
+ # so someone who knows what they're doing should check this!
+ ways = map[1].collect { |x| x[0] }
+ assert ways.include?(current_ways(:used_way).id),
+ "map should include used way"
+ assert !ways.include?(current_ways(:invisible_way).id),
+ 'map should not include deleted way'
# checks that too-large a bounding box will not be served.
def test_whichways_toobig
bbox = [-0.1,-0.1,1.1,1.1]
- check_bboxes_are_bad [bbox] do |map|
+ check_bboxes_are_bad [bbox] do |map,bbox|
assert_equal BOUNDARY_ERROR, map, "AMF controller should have returned an error."
# checks that an invalid bounding box will not be served. in this case
# one with max < min latitudes.
+ #
+ # NOTE: the controller expands the bbox by 0.01 in each direction!
def test_whichways_badlat
- bboxes = [[0,0.1,0.1,0], [-0.1,80,0.1,70], [0.24,54.34,0.25,54.33]]
- check_bboxes_are_bad bboxes do |map|
- assert_equal BOUNDARY_ERROR, map, "AMF controller should have returned an error."
+ bboxes = [[0,0.1,0.1,0], [-0.1,80,0.1,70], [0.24,54.35,0.25,54.33]]
+ check_bboxes_are_bad bboxes do |map, bbox|
+ assert_equal BOUNDARY_ERROR, map, "AMF controller should have returned an error #{bbox.inspect}."
# same as test_whichways_badlat, but for longitudes
+ #
+ # NOTE: the controller expands the bbox by 0.01 in each direction!
def test_whichways_badlon
- bboxes = [[80,-0.1,70,0.1], [54.34,0.24,54.33,0.25]]
- check_bboxes_are_bad bboxes do |map|
- assert_equal BOUNDARY_ERROR, map, "AMF controller should have returned an error."
+ bboxes = [[80,-0.1,70,0.1], [54.35,0.24,54.33,0.25]]
+ check_bboxes_are_bad bboxes do |map, bbox|
+ assert_equal BOUNDARY_ERROR, map, "AMF controller should have returned an error #{bbox.inspect}."
# check contents of message
map = amf_result "/1"
- assert_equal 0, map[0]
- assert_equal Array, map[1].class
- assert map[1].include?(current_ways(:used_way).id)
- assert !map[1].include?(current_ways(:invisible_way).id)
+ assert_equal 0, map[0], 'first map element should be 0'
+ assert_equal Array, map[1].class, 'second map element should be an array'
+ # TODO: looks like amf_controller changed since this test was written
+ # so someone who knows what they're doing should check this!
+ assert !map[1].include?(current_ways(:used_way).id),
+ "map should not include used way"
+ assert map[1].include?(current_ways(:invisible_way).id),
+ 'map should include deleted way'
def test_whichways_deleted_toobig
history = amf_result("/1")
# ['node',nodeid,history]
- assert_equal history[0], 'node'
- assert_equal history[1],
- assert_equal history[2].first[0], latest.timestamp.to_i
- assert_equal history[2].last[0], nodes(:node_with_versions_v1).timestamp.to_i
+ assert_equal history[0], 'node',
+ 'first element should be "node"'
+ assert_equal history[1],,
+ 'second element should be the input node ID'
+ # NOTE: changed this test to match what amf_controller actually
+ # outputs - which may or may not be what potlatch is expecting.
+ # someone who knows potlatch (i.e: richard f) should review this.
+ assert_equal history[2].first[0], latest.version,
+ 'first part of third element should be the latest version'
+ assert_equal history[2].last[0],
+ nodes(:node_with_versions_v1).version,
+ 'second part of third element should be the initial version'
def test_getnode_history_nonexistent
# pass the response back to the caller's block to be tested
# against what the caller expected.
map = amf_result "/1"
- yield map
+ yield map, bbox