- 'app/controllers/api/changeset_comments_controller.rb'
- 'app/controllers/api/changesets_controller.rb'
- 'app/controllers/api/notes_controller.rb'
- - 'app/controllers/api/old_elements_controller.rb'
- 'app/controllers/api/user_preferences_controller.rb'
- 'app/controllers/api/users_controller.rb'
- 'app/controllers/browse_controller.rb'
can :destroy, Note if scopes.include?("write_notes")
- can :redact, [OldNode, OldWay, OldRelation] if user.terms_agreed? && scopes.include?("write_redactions")
+ can [:create, :destroy], :element_version_redaction if user.terms_agreed? && scopes.include?("write_redactions")
can :create, UserBlock if scopes.include?("write_blocks")
--- /dev/null
+module Api
+ module OldElements
+ class RedactionsController < ApiController
+ before_action :check_api_writable
+ before_action :authorize
+ authorize_resource :class => :element_version_redaction
+ before_action :lookup_old_element
+ def create
+ redaction_id = params["redaction"]
+ if redaction_id
+ redaction = Redaction.find(redaction_id.to_i)
+ @old_element.redact!(redaction)
+ head :ok
+ elsif params["allow_delete"]
+ # legacy unredact if no redaction ID was provided for /api/0.6/:element_type/:id/:version/redact paths mapped here
+ destroy
+ else
+ raise OSM::APIBadUserInput, "No redaction was given" unless redaction_id
+ end
+ end
+ def destroy
+ @old_element.redact!(nil)
+ head :ok
+ end
+ end
+ end
# nodes, ways and relations are basically identical.
module Api
class OldElementsController < ApiController
- before_action :check_api_writable, :only => [:redact]
- before_action :setup_user_auth, :only => [:index, :show]
- before_action :authorize, :only => [:redact]
+ before_action :setup_user_auth
before_action :lookup_old_element, :except => [:index]
before_action :lookup_old_element_versions, :only => [:index]
- before_action :set_request_formats, :except => [:redact]
+ before_action :set_request_formats
def index
# the .where() method used in the lookup_old_element_versions
- def redact
- redaction_id = params["redaction"]
- if redaction_id.nil?
- # if no redaction ID was provided, then this is an unredact
- # operation.
- @old_element.redact!(nil)
- else
- # if a redaction ID was specified, then set this element to
- # be redacted in that redaction.
- redaction = Redaction.find(redaction_id.to_i)
- @old_element.redact!(redaction)
- end
- # just return an empty 200 OK for success
- head :ok
- end
def show_redactions?
--- /dev/null
+module Api
+ module OldNodes
+ class RedactionsController < OldElements::RedactionsController
+ private
+ def lookup_old_element
+ @old_element = OldNode.find([params[:node_id], params[:version]])
+ end
+ end
+ end
--- /dev/null
+module Api
+ module OldRelations
+ class RedactionsController < OldElements::RedactionsController
+ private
+ def lookup_old_element
+ @old_element = OldRelation.find([params[:relation_id], params[:version]])
+ end
+ end
+ end
--- /dev/null
+module Api
+ module OldWays
+ class RedactionsController < OldElements::RedactionsController
+ private
+ def lookup_old_element
+ @old_element = OldWay.find([params[:way_id], params[:version]])
+ end
+ end
+ end
post "changeset/:id/comment" => "changeset_comments#create", :as => :changeset_comment, :id => /\d+/
post "changeset/comment/:id/hide" => "changeset_comments#destroy", :as => :changeset_comment_hide, :id => /\d+/
post "changeset/comment/:id/unhide" => "changeset_comments#restore", :as => :changeset_comment_unhide, :id => /\d+/
- post "node/:node_id/:version/redact" => "old_nodes#redact", :as => :node_version_redact, :version => /\d+/, :node_id => /\d+/
- post "way/:way_id/:version/redact" => "old_ways#redact", :as => :way_version_redact, :version => /\d+/, :id => /\d+/
- post "relation/:relation_id/:version/redact" => "old_relations#redact", :as => :relation_version_redact, :version => /\d+/, :id => /\d+/
namespace :api, :path => "api/0.6" do
resources :relations, :only => :index
resources :versions, :path => "history", :controller => :old_nodes, :only => :index
- resources :versions, :path => "", :version => /\d+/, :param => :version, :controller => :old_nodes, :only => :show
+ resource :version, :path => ":version", :version => /\d+/, :controller => :old_nodes, :only => :show do
+ resource :redaction, :module => :old_nodes, :only => [:create, :destroy]
+ end
put "node/create" => "nodes#create", :as => nil
+ post "node/:node_id/:version/redact" => "old_nodes/redactions#create", :node_id => /\d+/, :version => /\d+/, :allow_delete => true, :as => nil
resources :ways, :only => [:index, :create]
resources :ways, :path => "way", :id => /\d+/, :only => [:show, :update, :destroy] do
resources :relations, :only => :index
resources :versions, :path => "history", :controller => :old_ways, :only => :index
- resources :versions, :path => "", :version => /\d+/, :param => :version, :controller => :old_ways, :only => :show
+ resource :version, :path => ":version", :version => /\d+/, :controller => :old_ways, :only => :show do
+ resource :redaction, :module => :old_ways, :only => [:create, :destroy]
+ end
put "way/create" => "ways#create", :as => nil
+ post "way/:way_id/:version/redact" => "old_ways/redactions#create", :way_id => /\d+/, :version => /\d+/, :allow_delete => true, :as => nil
resources :relations, :only => [:index, :create]
resources :relations, :path => "relation", :id => /\d+/, :only => [:show, :update, :destroy] do
resources :relations, :only => :index
resources :versions, :path => "history", :controller => :old_relations, :only => :index
- resources :versions, :path => "", :version => /\d+/, :param => :version, :controller => :old_relations, :only => :show
+ resource :version, :path => ":version", :version => /\d+/, :controller => :old_relations, :only => :show do
+ resource :redaction, :module => :old_relations, :only => [:create, :destroy]
+ end
put "relation/create" => "relations#create", :as => nil
+ post "relation/:relation_id/:version/redact" => "old_relations/redactions#create", :relation_id => /\d+/, :version => /\d+/, :allow_delete => true, :as => nil
resource :map, :only => :show
--- /dev/null
+require "test_helper"
+module Api
+ module OldNodes
+ class RedactionsControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
+ ##
+ # test all routes which lead to this controller
+ def test_routes
+ assert_routing(
+ { :path => "/api/0.6/node/1/2/redaction", :method => :post },
+ { :controller => "api/old_nodes/redactions", :action => "create", :node_id => "1", :version => "2" }
+ )
+ assert_routing(
+ { :path => "/api/0.6/node/1/2/redaction", :method => :delete },
+ { :controller => "api/old_nodes/redactions", :action => "destroy", :node_id => "1", :version => "2" }
+ )
+ assert_recognizes(
+ { :controller => "api/old_nodes/redactions", :action => "create", :node_id => "1", :version => "2", :allow_delete => true },
+ { :path => "/api/0.6/node/1/2/redact", :method => :post }
+ )
+ end
+ ##
+ # test that, even as moderator, the current version of a node
+ # can't be redacted.
+ def test_create_on_current_version
+ node = create(:node, :with_history, :version => 2)
+ old_node = node.old_nodes.find_by(:version => 2)
+ redaction = create(:redaction)
+ auth_header = bearer_authorization_header create(:moderator_user)
+ post api_node_version_redaction_path(*old_node.id), :params => { :redaction => redaction.id }, :headers => auth_header
+ assert_response :bad_request, "shouldn't be OK to redact current version as moderator."
+ assert_nil old_node.reload.redaction
+ end
+ def test_create_without_redaction_id
+ node = create(:node, :with_history, :version => 2)
+ old_node = node.old_nodes.find_by(:version => 1)
+ auth_header = bearer_authorization_header create(:moderator_user)
+ post api_node_version_redaction_path(*old_node.id), :headers => auth_header
+ assert_response :bad_request, "should need redaction ID to redact."
+ assert_nil old_node.reload.redaction
+ end
+ ##
+ # test the redaction of an old version of a node, while not being
+ # authorised.
+ def test_create_by_unauthorised
+ node = create(:node, :with_history, :version => 2)
+ old_node = node.old_nodes.find_by(:version => 1)
+ redaction = create(:redaction)
+ post api_node_version_redaction_path(*old_node.id), :params => { :redaction => redaction.id }
+ assert_response :unauthorized, "should need to be authenticated to redact."
+ assert_nil old_node.reload.redaction
+ end
+ def test_create_by_normal_user_without_write_redactions_scope
+ node = create(:node, :with_history, :version => 2)
+ old_node = node.old_nodes.find_by(:version => 1)
+ redaction = create(:redaction)
+ auth_header = bearer_authorization_header create(:user), :scopes => %w[read_prefs write_api]
+ post api_node_version_redaction_path(*old_node.id), :params => { :redaction => redaction.id }, :headers => auth_header
+ assert_response :forbidden, "should need to be moderator to redact."
+ assert_nil old_node.reload.redaction
+ end
+ def test_create_by_normal_user_with_write_redactions_scope
+ node = create(:node, :with_history, :version => 2)
+ old_node = node.old_nodes.find_by(:version => 1)
+ redaction = create(:redaction)
+ auth_header = bearer_authorization_header create(:user), :scopes => %w[write_redactions]
+ post api_node_version_redaction_path(*old_node.id), :params => { :redaction => redaction.id }, :headers => auth_header
+ assert_response :forbidden, "should need to be moderator to redact."
+ assert_nil old_node.reload.redaction
+ end
+ def test_create_by_moderator_without_write_redactions_scope
+ node = create(:node, :with_history, :version => 2)
+ old_node = node.old_nodes.find_by(:version => 1)
+ redaction = create(:redaction)
+ auth_header = bearer_authorization_header create(:moderator_user), :scopes => %w[read_prefs write_api]
+ post api_node_version_redaction_path(*old_node.id), :params => { :redaction => redaction.id }, :headers => auth_header
+ assert_response :forbidden, "should need to have write_redactions scope to redact."
+ assert_nil old_node.reload.redaction
+ end
+ def test_create_by_moderator_with_write_redactions_scope
+ node = create(:node, :with_history, :version => 2)
+ old_node = node.old_nodes.find_by(:version => 1)
+ redaction = create(:redaction)
+ auth_header = bearer_authorization_header create(:moderator_user), :scopes => %w[write_redactions]
+ post api_node_version_redaction_path(*old_node.id), :params => { :redaction => redaction.id }, :headers => auth_header
+ assert_response :success, "should be OK to redact old version as moderator with write_redactions scope."
+ assert_equal redaction, old_node.reload.redaction
+ end
+ ##
+ # test the unredaction of an old version of a node, while not being
+ # authorised.
+ def test_destroy_by_unauthorised
+ node = create(:node, :with_history, :version => 2)
+ old_node = node.old_nodes.find_by(:version => 1)
+ redaction = create(:redaction)
+ old_node.redact!(redaction)
+ delete api_node_version_redaction_path(*old_node.id)
+ assert_response :unauthorized, "should need to be authenticated to unredact."
+ assert_equal redaction, old_node.reload.redaction
+ end
+ ##
+ # test the unredaction of an old version of a node, while being
+ # authorised as a normal user.
+ def test_destroy_by_normal_user
+ node = create(:node, :with_history, :version => 2)
+ old_node = node.old_nodes.find_by(:version => 1)
+ redaction = create(:redaction)
+ old_node.redact!(redaction)
+ auth_header = bearer_authorization_header
+ delete api_node_version_redaction_path(*old_node.id), :headers => auth_header
+ assert_response :forbidden, "should need to be moderator to unredact."
+ assert_equal redaction, old_node.reload.redaction
+ end
+ ##
+ # test the unredaction of an old version of a node, while being
+ # authorised as a moderator.
+ def test_destroy_by_moderator
+ node = create(:node, :with_history, :version => 2)
+ old_node = node.old_nodes.find_by(:version => 1)
+ old_node.redact!(create(:redaction))
+ auth_header = bearer_authorization_header create(:moderator_user)
+ delete api_node_version_redaction_path(*old_node.id), :headers => auth_header
+ assert_response :success, "should be OK to unredact old version as moderator."
+ assert_nil old_node.reload.redaction
+ end
+ def test_destroy_at_legacy_route
+ node = create(:node, :with_history, :version => 2)
+ old_node = node.old_nodes.find_by(:version => 1)
+ old_node.redact!(create(:redaction))
+ auth_header = bearer_authorization_header create(:moderator_user)
+ post "/api/0.6/node/#{old_node.node_id}/#{old_node.version}/redact", :headers => auth_header
+ assert_response :success, "should be OK to unredact old version as moderator."
+ assert_nil old_node.reload.redaction
+ end
+ end
+ end
{ :path => "/api/0.6/node/1/2.json", :method => :get },
{ :controller => "api/old_nodes", :action => "show", :node_id => "1", :version => "2", :format => "json" }
- assert_routing(
- { :path => "/api/0.6/node/1/2/redact", :method => :post },
- { :controller => "api/old_nodes", :action => "redact", :node_id => "1", :version => "2" }
- )
def test_index
assert_match(/lon="0.0000800"/, response.body)
- ##
- # test that, even as moderator, the current version of a node
- # can't be redacted.
- def test_redact_node_current_version
- node = create(:node, :with_history, :version => 2)
- old_node = node.old_nodes.find_by(:version => 2)
- redaction = create(:redaction)
- auth_header = bearer_authorization_header create(:moderator_user)
- post node_version_redact_path(*old_node.id), :params => { :redaction => redaction.id }, :headers => auth_header
- assert_response :bad_request, "shouldn't be OK to redact current version as moderator."
- assert_nil old_node.reload.redaction
- end
- ##
- # test the redaction of an old version of a node, while not being
- # authorised.
- def test_redact_node_unauthorised
- node = create(:node, :with_history, :version => 2)
- old_node = node.old_nodes.find_by(:version => 1)
- redaction = create(:redaction)
- post node_version_redact_path(*old_node.id), :params => { :redaction => redaction.id }
- assert_response :unauthorized, "should need to be authenticated to redact."
- assert_nil old_node.reload.redaction
- end
- def test_redact_node_by_regular_without_write_redactions_scope
- node = create(:node, :with_history, :version => 2)
- old_node = node.old_nodes.find_by(:version => 1)
- redaction = create(:redaction)
- auth_header = bearer_authorization_header(create(:user), :scopes => %w[read_prefs write_api])
- post node_version_redact_path(*old_node.id), :params => { :redaction => redaction.id }, :headers => auth_header
- assert_response :forbidden, "should need to be moderator to redact."
- assert_nil old_node.reload.redaction
- end
- def test_redact_node_by_regular_with_write_redactions_scope
- node = create(:node, :with_history, :version => 2)
- old_node = node.old_nodes.find_by(:version => 1)
- redaction = create(:redaction)
- auth_header = bearer_authorization_header(create(:user), :scopes => %w[write_redactions])
- post node_version_redact_path(*old_node.id), :params => { :redaction => redaction.id }, :headers => auth_header
- assert_response :forbidden, "should need to be moderator to redact."
- assert_nil old_node.reload.redaction
- end
- def test_redact_node_by_moderator_without_write_redactions_scope
- node = create(:node, :with_history, :version => 2)
- old_node = node.old_nodes.find_by(:version => 1)
- redaction = create(:redaction)
- auth_header = bearer_authorization_header(create(:moderator_user), :scopes => %w[read_prefs write_api])
- post node_version_redact_path(*old_node.id), :params => { :redaction => redaction.id }, :headers => auth_header
- assert_response :forbidden, "should need to have write_redactions scope to redact."
- assert_nil old_node.reload.redaction
- end
- def test_redact_node_by_moderator_with_write_redactions_scope
- node = create(:node, :with_history, :version => 2)
- old_node = node.old_nodes.find_by(:version => 1)
- redaction = create(:redaction)
- auth_header = bearer_authorization_header(create(:moderator_user), :scopes => %w[write_redactions])
- post node_version_redact_path(*old_node.id), :params => { :redaction => redaction.id }, :headers => auth_header
- assert_response :success, "should be OK to redact old version as moderator with write_redactions scope."
- assert_equal redaction, old_node.reload.redaction
- end
- ##
- # test the unredaction of an old version of a node, while not being
- # authorised.
- def test_unredact_node_unauthorised
- node = create(:node, :with_history, :version => 2)
- old_node = node.old_nodes.find_by(:version => 1)
- redaction = create(:redaction)
- old_node.redact!(redaction)
- post node_version_redact_path(*old_node.id)
- assert_response :unauthorized, "should need to be authenticated to unredact."
- assert_equal redaction, old_node.reload.redaction
- end
- ##
- # test the unredaction of an old version of a node, while being
- # authorised as a normal user.
- def test_unredact_node_normal_user
- node = create(:node, :with_history, :version => 2)
- old_node = node.old_nodes.find_by(:version => 1)
- redaction = create(:redaction)
- old_node.redact!(redaction)
- auth_header = bearer_authorization_header
- post node_version_redact_path(*old_node.id), :headers => auth_header
- assert_response :forbidden, "should need to be moderator to unredact."
- assert_equal redaction, old_node.reload.redaction
- end
- ##
- # test the unredaction of an old version of a node, while being
- # authorised as a moderator.
- def test_unredact_node_moderator
- node = create(:node, :with_history, :version => 2)
- old_node = node.old_nodes.find_by(:version => 1)
- old_node.redact!(create(:redaction))
- auth_header = bearer_authorization_header create(:moderator_user)
- post node_version_redact_path(*old_node.id), :headers => auth_header
- assert_response :success, "should be OK to unredact old version as moderator."
- assert_nil old_node.reload.redaction
- end
def check_not_found_id_version(id, version)
--- /dev/null
+require "test_helper"
+module Api
+ module OldWays
+ class RedactionsControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
+ ##
+ # test all routes which lead to this controller
+ def test_routes
+ assert_routing(
+ { :path => "/api/0.6/relation/1/2/redaction", :method => :post },
+ { :controller => "api/old_relations/redactions", :action => "create", :relation_id => "1", :version => "2" }
+ )
+ assert_routing(
+ { :path => "/api/0.6/relation/1/2/redaction", :method => :delete },
+ { :controller => "api/old_relations/redactions", :action => "destroy", :relation_id => "1", :version => "2" }
+ )
+ assert_recognizes(
+ { :controller => "api/old_relations/redactions", :action => "create", :relation_id => "1", :version => "2", :allow_delete => true },
+ { :path => "/api/0.6/relation/1/2/redact", :method => :post }
+ )
+ end
+ ##
+ # test that, even as moderator, the current version of a relation
+ # can't be redacted.
+ def test_create_on_current_version
+ relation = create(:relation, :with_history, :version => 2)
+ old_relation = relation.old_relations.find_by(:version => 2)
+ redaction = create(:redaction)
+ auth_header = bearer_authorization_header create(:moderator_user)
+ post api_relation_version_redaction_path(*old_relation.id), :params => { :redaction => redaction.id }, :headers => auth_header
+ assert_response :bad_request, "shouldn't be OK to redact current version as moderator."
+ assert_nil old_relation.reload.redaction
+ end
+ def test_create_without_redaction_id
+ relation = create(:relation, :with_history, :version => 2)
+ old_relation = relation.old_relations.find_by(:version => 1)
+ auth_header = bearer_authorization_header create(:moderator_user)
+ post api_relation_version_redaction_path(*old_relation.id), :headers => auth_header
+ assert_response :bad_request, "should need redaction ID to redact."
+ assert_nil old_relation.reload.redaction
+ end
+ ##
+ # test the redaction of an old version of a relation, while not being
+ # authorised.
+ def test_create_by_unauthorised
+ relation = create(:relation, :with_history, :version => 2)
+ old_relation = relation.old_relations.find_by(:version => 1)
+ redaction = create(:redaction)
+ post api_relation_version_redaction_path(*old_relation.id), :params => { :redaction => redaction.id }
+ assert_response :unauthorized, "should need to be authenticated to redact."
+ assert_nil old_relation.reload.redaction
+ end
+ def test_create_by_normal_user_without_write_redactions_scope
+ relation = create(:relation, :with_history, :version => 2)
+ old_relation = relation.old_relations.find_by(:version => 1)
+ redaction = create(:redaction)
+ auth_header = bearer_authorization_header create(:user), :scopes => %w[read_prefs write_api]
+ post api_relation_version_redaction_path(*old_relation.id), :params => { :redaction => redaction.id }, :headers => auth_header
+ assert_response :forbidden, "should need to be moderator to redact."
+ assert_nil old_relation.reload.redaction
+ end
+ def test_create_by_normal_user_with_write_redactions_scope
+ relation = create(:relation, :with_history, :version => 2)
+ old_relation = relation.old_relations.find_by(:version => 1)
+ redaction = create(:redaction)
+ auth_header = bearer_authorization_header create(:user), :scopes => %w[write_redactions]
+ post api_relation_version_redaction_path(*old_relation.id), :params => { :redaction => redaction.id }, :headers => auth_header
+ assert_response :forbidden, "should need to be moderator to redact."
+ assert_nil old_relation.reload.redaction
+ end
+ def test_create_by_moderator_without_write_redactions_scope
+ relation = create(:relation, :with_history, :version => 2)
+ old_relation = relation.old_relations.find_by(:version => 1)
+ redaction = create(:redaction)
+ auth_header = bearer_authorization_header create(:moderator_user), :scopes => %w[read_prefs write_api]
+ post api_relation_version_redaction_path(*old_relation.id), :params => { :redaction => redaction.id }, :headers => auth_header
+ assert_response :forbidden, "should need to have write_redactions scope to redact."
+ assert_nil old_relation.reload.redaction
+ end
+ def test_create_by_moderator_with_write_redactions_scope
+ relation = create(:relation, :with_history, :version => 2)
+ old_relation = relation.old_relations.find_by(:version => 1)
+ redaction = create(:redaction)
+ auth_header = bearer_authorization_header create(:moderator_user), :scopes => %w[write_redactions]
+ post api_relation_version_redaction_path(*old_relation.id), :params => { :redaction => redaction.id }, :headers => auth_header
+ assert_response :success, "should be OK to redact old version as moderator with write_redactions scope."
+ assert_equal redaction, old_relation.reload.redaction
+ end
+ ##
+ # test the unredaction of an old version of a relation, while not being
+ # authorised.
+ def test_destroy_by_unauthorised
+ relation = create(:relation, :with_history, :version => 2)
+ old_relation = relation.old_relations.find_by(:version => 1)
+ redaction = create(:redaction)
+ old_relation.redact!(redaction)
+ delete api_relation_version_redaction_path(*old_relation.id)
+ assert_response :unauthorized, "should need to be authenticated to unredact."
+ assert_equal redaction, old_relation.reload.redaction
+ end
+ ##
+ # test the unredaction of an old version of a relation, while being
+ # authorised as a normal user.
+ def test_destroy_by_normal_user
+ relation = create(:relation, :with_history, :version => 2)
+ old_relation = relation.old_relations.find_by(:version => 1)
+ redaction = create(:redaction)
+ old_relation.redact!(redaction)
+ auth_header = bearer_authorization_header
+ delete api_relation_version_redaction_path(*old_relation.id), :headers => auth_header
+ assert_response :forbidden, "should need to be moderator to unredact."
+ assert_equal redaction, old_relation.reload.redaction
+ end
+ ##
+ # test the unredaction of an old version of a relation, while being
+ # authorised as a moderator.
+ def test_destroy_by_moderator
+ relation = create(:relation, :with_history, :version => 2)
+ old_relation = relation.old_relations.find_by(:version => 1)
+ old_relation.redact!(create(:redaction))
+ auth_header = bearer_authorization_header create(:moderator_user)
+ delete api_relation_version_redaction_path(*old_relation.id), :headers => auth_header
+ assert_response :success, "should be OK to unredact old version as moderator."
+ assert_nil old_relation.reload.redaction
+ end
+ def test_destroy_at_legacy_route
+ relation = create(:relation, :with_history, :version => 2)
+ old_relation = relation.old_relations.find_by(:version => 1)
+ old_relation.redact!(create(:redaction))
+ auth_header = bearer_authorization_header create(:moderator_user)
+ post "/api/0.6/relation/#{old_relation.relation_id}/#{old_relation.version}/redact", :headers => auth_header
+ assert_response :success, "should be OK to unredact old version as moderator."
+ assert_nil old_relation.reload.redaction
+ end
+ end
+ end
{ :path => "/api/0.6/relation/1/2.json", :method => :get },
{ :controller => "api/old_relations", :action => "show", :relation_id => "1", :version => "2", :format => "json" }
- assert_routing(
- { :path => "/api/0.6/relation/1/2/redact", :method => :post },
- { :controller => "api/old_relations", :action => "redact", :relation_id => "1", :version => "2" }
- )
assert_response :success, "Redacted relation should not be gone for moderator, when flag passed."
- ##
- # test that, even as moderator, the current version of a relation
- # can't be redacted.
- def test_redact_relation_current_version
- relation = create(:relation, :with_history, :version => 2)
- old_relation = relation.old_relations.find_by(:version => 2)
- redaction = create(:redaction)
- auth_header = bearer_authorization_header create(:moderator_user)
- post relation_version_redact_path(*old_relation.id), :params => { :redaction => redaction.id }, :headers => auth_header
- assert_response :bad_request, "shouldn't be OK to redact current version as moderator."
- assert_nil old_relation.reload.redaction
- end
- ##
- # test the redaction of an old version of a relation, while not being
- # authorised.
- def test_redact_relation_unauthorised
- relation = create(:relation, :with_history, :version => 2)
- old_relation = relation.old_relations.find_by(:version => 1)
- redaction = create(:redaction)
- post relation_version_redact_path(*old_relation.id), :params => { :redaction => redaction.id }
- assert_response :unauthorized, "should need to be authenticated to redact."
- assert_nil old_relation.reload.redaction
- end
- def test_redact_relation_by_regular_without_write_redactions_scope
- relation = create(:relation, :with_history, :version => 2)
- old_relation = relation.old_relations.find_by(:version => 1)
- redaction = create(:redaction)
- auth_header = bearer_authorization_header(create(:user), :scopes => %w[read_prefs write_api])
- post relation_version_redact_path(*old_relation.id), :params => { :redaction => redaction.id }, :headers => auth_header
- assert_response :forbidden, "should need to be moderator to redact."
- assert_nil old_relation.reload.redaction
- end
- def test_redact_relation_by_regular_with_write_redactions_scope
- relation = create(:relation, :with_history, :version => 2)
- old_relation = relation.old_relations.find_by(:version => 1)
- redaction = create(:redaction)
- auth_header = bearer_authorization_header(create(:user), :scopes => %w[write_redactions])
- post relation_version_redact_path(*old_relation.id), :params => { :redaction => redaction.id }, :headers => auth_header
- assert_response :forbidden, "should need to be moderator to redact."
- assert_nil old_relation.reload.redaction
- end
- def test_redact_relation_by_moderator_without_write_redactions_scope
- relation = create(:relation, :with_history, :version => 2)
- old_relation = relation.old_relations.find_by(:version => 1)
- redaction = create(:redaction)
- auth_header = bearer_authorization_header(create(:moderator_user), :scopes => %w[read_prefs write_api])
- post relation_version_redact_path(*old_relation.id), :params => { :redaction => redaction.id }, :headers => auth_header
- assert_response :forbidden, "should need to have write_redactions scope to redact."
- assert_nil old_relation.reload.redaction
- end
- def test_redact_relation_by_moderator_with_write_redactions_scope
- relation = create(:relation, :with_history, :version => 2)
- old_relation = relation.old_relations.find_by(:version => 1)
- redaction = create(:redaction)
- auth_header = bearer_authorization_header(create(:moderator_user), :scopes => %w[write_redactions])
- post relation_version_redact_path(*old_relation.id), :params => { :redaction => redaction.id }, :headers => auth_header
- assert_response :success, "should be OK to redact old version as moderator with write_redactions scope."
- assert_equal redaction, old_relation.reload.redaction
- end
- ##
- # test the unredaction of an old version of a relation, while not being
- # authorised.
- def test_unredact_relation_unauthorised
- relation = create(:relation, :with_history, :version => 2)
- old_relation = relation.old_relations.find_by(:version => 1)
- redaction = create(:redaction)
- old_relation.redact!(redaction)
- post relation_version_redact_path(*old_relation.id)
- assert_response :unauthorized, "should need to be authenticated to unredact."
- assert_equal redaction, old_relation.reload.redaction
- end
- ##
- # test the unredaction of an old version of a relation, while being
- # authorised as a normal user.
- def test_unredact_relation_normal_user
- relation = create(:relation, :with_history, :version => 2)
- old_relation = relation.old_relations.find_by(:version => 1)
- redaction = create(:redaction)
- old_relation.redact!(redaction)
- auth_header = bearer_authorization_header
- post relation_version_redact_path(*old_relation.id), :headers => auth_header
- assert_response :forbidden, "should need to be moderator to unredact."
- assert_equal redaction, old_relation.reload.redaction
- end
- ##
- # test the unredaction of an old version of a relation, while being
- # authorised as a moderator.
- def test_unredact_relation_moderator
- relation = create(:relation, :with_history, :version => 2)
- old_relation = relation.old_relations.find_by(:version => 1)
- old_relation.redact!(create(:redaction))
- auth_header = bearer_authorization_header create(:moderator_user)
- post relation_version_redact_path(*old_relation.id), :headers => auth_header
- assert_response :success, "should be OK to unredact old version as moderator."
- assert_nil old_relation.reload.redaction
- end
--- /dev/null
+require "test_helper"
+module Api
+ module OldWays
+ class RedactionsControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
+ ##
+ # test all routes which lead to this controller
+ def test_routes
+ assert_routing(
+ { :path => "/api/0.6/way/1/2/redaction", :method => :post },
+ { :controller => "api/old_ways/redactions", :action => "create", :way_id => "1", :version => "2" }
+ )
+ assert_routing(
+ { :path => "/api/0.6/way/1/2/redaction", :method => :delete },
+ { :controller => "api/old_ways/redactions", :action => "destroy", :way_id => "1", :version => "2" }
+ )
+ assert_recognizes(
+ { :controller => "api/old_ways/redactions", :action => "create", :way_id => "1", :version => "2", :allow_delete => true },
+ { :path => "/api/0.6/way/1/2/redact", :method => :post }
+ )
+ end
+ ##
+ # test that, even as moderator, the current version of a way
+ # can't be redacted.
+ def test_create_on_current_version
+ way = create(:way, :with_history, :version => 2)
+ old_way = way.old_ways.find_by(:version => 2)
+ redaction = create(:redaction)
+ auth_header = bearer_authorization_header create(:moderator_user)
+ post api_way_version_redaction_path(*old_way.id), :params => { :redaction => redaction.id }, :headers => auth_header
+ assert_response :bad_request, "shouldn't be OK to redact current version as moderator."
+ assert_nil old_way.reload.redaction
+ end
+ def test_create_without_redaction_id
+ way = create(:way, :with_history, :version => 2)
+ old_way = way.old_ways.find_by(:version => 1)
+ auth_header = bearer_authorization_header create(:moderator_user)
+ post api_way_version_redaction_path(*old_way.id), :headers => auth_header
+ assert_response :bad_request, "should need redaction ID to redact."
+ assert_nil old_way.reload.redaction
+ end
+ ##
+ # test the redaction of an old version of a way, while not being
+ # authorised.
+ def test_create_by_unauthorised
+ way = create(:way, :with_history, :version => 2)
+ old_way = way.old_ways.find_by(:version => 1)
+ redaction = create(:redaction)
+ post api_way_version_redaction_path(*old_way.id), :params => { :redaction => redaction.id }
+ assert_response :unauthorized, "should need to be authenticated to redact."
+ assert_nil old_way.reload.redaction
+ end
+ def test_create_by_normal_user_without_write_redactions_scope
+ way = create(:way, :with_history, :version => 2)
+ old_way = way.old_ways.find_by(:version => 1)
+ redaction = create(:redaction)
+ auth_header = bearer_authorization_header create(:user), :scopes => %w[read_prefs write_api]
+ post api_way_version_redaction_path(*old_way.id), :params => { :redaction => redaction.id }, :headers => auth_header
+ assert_response :forbidden, "should need to be moderator to redact."
+ assert_nil old_way.reload.redaction
+ end
+ def test_create_by_normal_user_with_write_redactions_scope
+ way = create(:way, :with_history, :version => 2)
+ old_way = way.old_ways.find_by(:version => 1)
+ redaction = create(:redaction)
+ auth_header = bearer_authorization_header create(:user), :scopes => %w[write_redactions]
+ post api_way_version_redaction_path(*old_way.id), :params => { :redaction => redaction.id }, :headers => auth_header
+ assert_response :forbidden, "should need to be moderator to redact."
+ assert_nil old_way.reload.redaction
+ end
+ def test_create_by_moderator_without_write_redactions_scope
+ way = create(:way, :with_history, :version => 2)
+ old_way = way.old_ways.find_by(:version => 1)
+ redaction = create(:redaction)
+ auth_header = bearer_authorization_header create(:moderator_user), :scopes => %w[read_prefs write_api]
+ post api_way_version_redaction_path(*old_way.id), :params => { :redaction => redaction.id }, :headers => auth_header
+ assert_response :forbidden, "should need to have write_redactions scope to redact."
+ assert_nil old_way.reload.redaction
+ end
+ def test_create_by_moderator_with_write_redactions_scope
+ way = create(:way, :with_history, :version => 2)
+ old_way = way.old_ways.find_by(:version => 1)
+ redaction = create(:redaction)
+ auth_header = bearer_authorization_header create(:moderator_user), :scopes => %w[write_redactions]
+ post api_way_version_redaction_path(*old_way.id), :params => { :redaction => redaction.id }, :headers => auth_header
+ assert_response :success, "should be OK to redact old version as moderator with write_redactions scope."
+ assert_equal redaction, old_way.reload.redaction
+ end
+ ##
+ # test the unredaction of an old version of a way, while not being
+ # authorised.
+ def test_destroy_by_unauthorised
+ way = create(:way, :with_history, :version => 2)
+ old_way = way.old_ways.find_by(:version => 1)
+ redaction = create(:redaction)
+ old_way.redact!(redaction)
+ delete api_way_version_redaction_path(*old_way.id)
+ assert_response :unauthorized, "should need to be authenticated to unredact."
+ assert_equal redaction, old_way.reload.redaction
+ end
+ ##
+ # test the unredaction of an old version of a way, while being
+ # authorised as a normal user.
+ def test_destroy_by_normal_user
+ way = create(:way, :with_history, :version => 2)
+ old_way = way.old_ways.find_by(:version => 1)
+ redaction = create(:redaction)
+ old_way.redact!(redaction)
+ auth_header = bearer_authorization_header
+ delete api_way_version_redaction_path(*old_way.id), :headers => auth_header
+ assert_response :forbidden, "should need to be moderator to unredact."
+ assert_equal redaction, old_way.reload.redaction
+ end
+ ##
+ # test the unredaction of an old version of a way, while being
+ # authorised as a moderator.
+ def test_destroy_by_moderator
+ way = create(:way, :with_history, :version => 2)
+ old_way = way.old_ways.find_by(:version => 1)
+ old_way.redact!(create(:redaction))
+ auth_header = bearer_authorization_header create(:moderator_user)
+ delete api_way_version_redaction_path(*old_way.id), :headers => auth_header
+ assert_response :success, "should be OK to unredact old version as moderator."
+ assert_nil old_way.reload.redaction
+ end
+ def test_destroy_at_legacy_route
+ way = create(:way, :with_history, :version => 2)
+ old_way = way.old_ways.find_by(:version => 1)
+ old_way.redact!(create(:redaction))
+ auth_header = bearer_authorization_header create(:moderator_user)
+ post "/api/0.6/way/#{old_way.way_id}/#{old_way.version}/redact", :headers => auth_header
+ assert_response :success, "should be OK to unredact old version as moderator."
+ assert_nil old_way.reload.redaction
+ end
+ end
+ end
{ :path => "/api/0.6/way/1/2.json", :method => :get },
{ :controller => "api/old_ways", :action => "show", :way_id => "1", :version => "2", :format => "json" }
- assert_routing(
- { :path => "/api/0.6/way/1/2/redact", :method => :post },
- { :controller => "api/old_ways", :action => "redact", :way_id => "1", :version => "2" }
- )
- ##
- # test that, even as moderator, the current version of a way
- # can't be redacted.
- def test_redact_way_current_version
- way = create(:way, :with_history, :version => 2)
- old_way = way.old_ways.find_by(:version => 2)
- redaction = create(:redaction)
- auth_header = bearer_authorization_header create(:moderator_user)
- post way_version_redact_path(*old_way.id), :params => { :redaction => redaction.id }, :headers => auth_header
- assert_response :bad_request, "shouldn't be OK to redact current version as moderator."
- assert_nil old_way.reload.redaction
- end
- ##
- # test the redaction of an old version of a way, while not being
- # authorised.
- def test_redact_way_unauthorised
- way = create(:way, :with_history, :version => 2)
- old_way = way.old_ways.find_by(:version => 1)
- redaction = create(:redaction)
- post way_version_redact_path(*old_way.id), :params => { :redaction => redaction.id }
- assert_response :unauthorized, "should need to be authenticated to redact."
- assert_nil old_way.reload.redaction
- end
- def test_redact_way_by_regular_without_write_redactions_scope
- way = create(:way, :with_history, :version => 2)
- old_way = way.old_ways.find_by(:version => 1)
- redaction = create(:redaction)
- auth_header = bearer_authorization_header(create(:user), :scopes => %w[read_prefs write_api])
- post way_version_redact_path(*old_way.id), :params => { :redaction => redaction.id }, :headers => auth_header
- assert_response :forbidden, "should need to be moderator to redact."
- assert_nil old_way.reload.redaction
- end
- def test_redact_way_by_regular_with_write_redactions_scope
- way = create(:way, :with_history, :version => 2)
- old_way = way.old_ways.find_by(:version => 1)
- redaction = create(:redaction)
- auth_header = bearer_authorization_header(create(:user), :scopes => %w[write_redactions])
- post way_version_redact_path(*old_way.id), :params => { :redaction => redaction.id }, :headers => auth_header
- assert_response :forbidden, "should need to be moderator to redact."
- assert_nil old_way.reload.redaction
- end
- def test_redact_way_by_moderator_without_write_redactions_scope
- way = create(:way, :with_history, :version => 2)
- old_way = way.old_ways.find_by(:version => 1)
- redaction = create(:redaction)
- auth_header = bearer_authorization_header(create(:moderator_user), :scopes => %w[read_prefs write_api])
- post way_version_redact_path(*old_way.id), :params => { :redaction => redaction.id }, :headers => auth_header
- assert_response :forbidden, "should need to have write_redactions scope to redact."
- assert_nil old_way.reload.redaction
- end
- def test_redact_way_by_moderator_with_write_redactions_scope
- way = create(:way, :with_history, :version => 2)
- old_way = way.old_ways.find_by(:version => 1)
- redaction = create(:redaction)
- auth_header = bearer_authorization_header(create(:moderator_user), :scopes => %w[write_redactions])
- post way_version_redact_path(*old_way.id), :params => { :redaction => redaction.id }, :headers => auth_header
- assert_response :success, "should be OK to redact old version as moderator with write_redactions scope."
- assert_equal redaction, old_way.reload.redaction
- end
- ##
- # test the unredaction of an old version of a way, while not being
- # authorised.
- def test_unredact_way_unauthorised
- way = create(:way, :with_history, :version => 2)
- old_way = way.old_ways.find_by(:version => 1)
- redaction = create(:redaction)
- old_way.redact!(redaction)
- post way_version_redact_path(*old_way.id)
- assert_response :unauthorized, "should need to be authenticated to unredact."
- assert_equal redaction, old_way.reload.redaction
- end
- ##
- # test the unredaction of an old version of a way, while being
- # authorised as a normal user.
- def test_unredact_way_normal_user
- way = create(:way, :with_history, :version => 2)
- old_way = way.old_ways.find_by(:version => 1)
- redaction = create(:redaction)
- old_way.redact!(redaction)
- auth_header = bearer_authorization_header
- post way_version_redact_path(*old_way.id), :headers => auth_header
- assert_response :forbidden, "should need to be moderator to unredact."
- assert_equal redaction, old_way.reload.redaction
- end
- ##
- # test the unredaction of an old version of a way, while being
- # authorised as a moderator.
- def test_unredact_way_moderator
- way = create(:way, :with_history, :version => 2)
- old_way = way.old_ways.find_by(:version => 1)
- old_way.redact!(create(:redaction))
- auth_header = bearer_authorization_header create(:moderator_user)
- post way_version_redact_path(*old_way.id), :headers => auth_header
- assert_response :success, "should be OK to unredact old version as moderator."
- assert_nil old_way.reload.redaction
- end