id =
strings = community_locale_yaml[id] || {}
- # if the name isn't defined then fall back on community,
- # as per discussion here:
- strings["name"] = strings["name"] || community.strings["name"] || community.strings["community"]
+ strings["name"] = resolve_name(community, community_locale_yaml)
obj.deep_merge!("osm_community_index" => { "communities" => { id => strings } })
I18n.backend.store_translations locale_rails, data
+ def self.resolve_name(community, community_locale_yaml)
+ # If theres an explicitly translated name then use that
+ translated_name = community_locale_yaml.dig(, "name")
+ return translated_name if translated_name
+ # If not, then look up the default translated name for this type of community, and interpolate the template
+ template = community_locale_yaml.dig("_defaults", community.type, "name")
+ community_name = community_locale_yaml.dig("_communities", community.strings["communityID"])
+ # Change the `{community}` placeholder to `%{community}` and use Ruby's Kernel.format to fill it in.
+ translated_name = format(template.gsub("{", "%{"), { :community => community_name }) if template && community_name
+ return translated_name if translated_name
+ # Otherwise fall back to the (English-language) resource name
+ return community.strings["name"] if community.strings["name"]
+ # Finally use the (English-language) community name
+ community.strings["community"]
+ end
--- /dev/null
+require "test_helper"
+class CountryTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ def test_community_name_fallback
+ # If there is no translations and no name for the chapter, use the community name
+ community ={ "id" => "foo-chapter", "type" => "osm-lc", "strings" => { "community" => "Community Name" } })
+ community_locale_yaml = {}
+ name = OsmCommunityIndex.resolve_name(community, community_locale_yaml)
+ assert_equal("Community Name", name)
+ end
+ def test_resource_name_fallback
+ # If there is a name for the chapter, prefer that to the community name
+ community ={ "id" => "foo-chapter", "type" => "osm-lc", "strings" => { "community" => "Community Name", "name" => "Chapter Name" } })
+ community_locale_yaml = {}
+ name = OsmCommunityIndex.resolve_name(community, community_locale_yaml)
+ assert_equal("Chapter Name", name)
+ end
+ def test_i18n_explicit_name
+ # If there is an explicitly translated name for the chapter, use that
+ community ={ "id" => "foo-chapter", "type" => "osm-lc", "strings" => { "community" => "Community Name", "name" => "Chapter Name" } })
+ community_locale_yaml = { "foo-chapter" => { "name" => "Translated Chapter Name" } }
+ name = OsmCommunityIndex.resolve_name(community, community_locale_yaml)
+ assert_equal("Translated Chapter Name", name)
+ end
+ def test_i18n_fallback_name
+ # If there's no explicitly translated name for the chapter, use the default name and interpolate the community name if required.
+ community ={ "id" => "foo-chapter", "type" => "osm-lc", "strings" => { "community" => "Community Name", "communityID" => "communityname" } })
+ community_locale_yaml = { "_communities" => { "communityname" => "Translated Community" }, "_defaults" => { "osm-lc" => { "name" => "{community} Chapter" } } }
+ name = OsmCommunityIndex.resolve_name(community, community_locale_yaml)
+ assert_equal("Translated Community Chapter", name)
+ end