+# OutputCompression
+# Rails output compression filters
+# Adds two classmethods to ActionController that can be used as after-filters:
+# strip_whitespace and compress_output.
+# If you use page-caching, you MUST specify the compress_output filter AFTER
+# caches_page, otherwise the compressed data will be cached instead of the HTML
+# class MyController < ApplicationController
+# after_filter :strip_whitespace
+# caches_page :index
+# after_filter :compress_output
+# end
+ require 'zlib'
+ require 'stringio'
+module CompressionSystem
+ def compress_output
+ return unless accepts_gzip?
+ output = StringIO.new
+ def output.close
+ # Zlib does a close. Bad Zlib...
+ rewind
+ end
+ gz = Zlib::GzipWriter.new(output)
+ gz.write(response.body)
+ gz.close
+ if output.length < response.body.length
+ @old_response_body = response.body
+ response.body = output.string
+ response.headers['Content-encoding'] = @compression_encoding
+ end
+ end
+ def accepts_gzip?
+ return false unless GZIP_SUPPORTED
+ accepts = request.env['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING']
+ return false unless accepts && accepts =~ /(x-gzip|gzip)/
+ @compression_encoding = $1
+ true
+ end
+ def strip_whitespace
+ response.body.gsub!(/()|(.*?<\/script>)|()|()|\s+/m) do |m|
+ if m =~ /^()(.*?)<\/script>$/m
+ $1 + $2.strip.gsub(/\s+/, ' ').gsub('',"\n-->") + ''
+ elsif m =~ /^$/m
+ ''
+ elsif m =~ /^<(textarea|pre)/
+ m
+ else ' '
+ end
+ end
+ response.body.gsub! /\s+\s+/, '>'
+ end
+class ActionController::Base
+ include CompressionSystem
\ No newline at end of file