def communities
- @locale = params[:communities_locale] || I18n.locale
- @local_chapters = Communities.local_chapters(@locale)
+ @locale = I18n.locale
+ @local_chapters = LocalChapter.local_chapters_with_locale(@locale)
def export; end
+++ /dev/null
-class Communities
- require "yaml"
- @local_chapters = {}
- def self.local_chapters(locale)
- @local_chapters[locale] ||= local_chapter_for(locale)
- end
- def self.local_chapter_for(locale)
- @local_chapters_index ||= load_local_chapters
- locale_dict = locale_dict_for(locale)
- localised_chapters = []
- @local_chapters_index.each do |chapter|
- id = chapter[:id]
- name = locale_dict.dig(id, "name") || chapter[:name]
- url = chapter[:url]
- localised_chapters.push({ :id => id, :name => name, :url => url })
- end
- localised_chapters
- end
- def self.load_local_chapters
- json_file = File.expand_path("node_modules/osm-community-index/dist/resources.json", Dir.pwd)
- community_index = JSON.parse(File.read(json_file))
- local_chapters = []
- community_index["resources"].each do |id, resource|
- resource.each do |key, value|
- next unless key == "type" && value == "osm-lc" && id != "OSMF"
- strings = resource["strings"]
- chapter_name = strings["name"] || "!! " + strings["community"]
- url = strings["url"]
- local_chapters.push({ :id => id, :name => chapter_name, :url => url })
- end
- end
- local_chapters
- end
- def self.locale_dict_for(locale_in)
- locale = locale_in.to_s.tr("-", "_")
- full_local_path = File.expand_path("node_modules/osm-community-index/i18n/#{locale}.yaml", Dir.pwd)
- locale_dict = {}
- if File.exist?(full_local_path)
- locale_dict = YAML.safe_load(File.read(full_local_path))[locale]
- else
- shortened_locale = locale.split("_").first
- if shortened_locale != locale
- shortened_local_path = File.expand_path("node_modules/osm-community-index/i18n/#{shortened_locale}.yaml", Dir.pwd)
- locale_dict = YAML.safe_load(File.read(shortened_local_path))[shortened_locale] if File.exist?(shortened_local_path)
- end
- end
- locale_dict
- end
--- /dev/null
+class LocalChapter
+ attr_reader :id, :name, :url
+ @localised_chapters = {}
+ def initialize(id, name, url)
+ @id = id
+ @name = name
+ @url = url
+ end
+ def self.local_chapters_with_locale(locale)
+ @localised_chapters[locale] ||= load_local_chapters(locale)
+ end
+ protected
+ def self.load_local_chapters(locale)
+ community_index = OsmCommunityIndex.community_index
+ localised_strings = OsmCommunityIndex.localised_strings(locale)
+ local_chapters = []
+ community_index["resources"].each do |id, resource|
+ resource.each do |key, value|
+ next unless key == "type" && value == "osm-lc" && id != "OSMF"
+ strings = resource["strings"]
+ name = localised_strings.dig(id, "name") || strings["name"] || strings["community"]
+ url = strings["url"]
+ local_chapters.push(LocalChapter.new(id, name, url))
+ end
+ end
+ local_chapters
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+class OsmCommunityIndex
+ require "yaml"
+ @localised_strings = {}
+ def self.community_index
+ @community_index ||= community_index_from_json
+ end
+ def self.localised_strings(locale)
+ @localised_strings[locale] ||= locale_hash_from_json(locale)
+ end
+ protected
+ def self.community_index_from_json
+ json_file = Rails.root.join("node_modules/osm-community-index/dist/resources.json")
+ JSON.parse(File.read(json_file))
+ end
+ def self.locale_hash_from_json(locale_in)
+ locale = locale_in.to_s.tr("-", "_")
+ # try the passed in locale
+ json = load_locale_json(locale)
+ unless json.nil?
+ return json
+ end
+ # now try it without it's country part (eg 'en' instead of 'en_GB')
+ shortened_locale = locale.split("_").first
+ unless shortened_locale === locale
+ json = load_locale_json(shortened_locale)
+ unless json.nil?
+ return json
+ end
+ end
+ # if nothing else works, then return "en"
+ load_locale_json("en")
+ end
+ def self.load_locale_json(locale)
+ json_path = Rails.root.join("node_modules/osm-community-index/i18n/#{locale}.yaml")
+ if File.exist?(json_path)
+ response = YAML.safe_load(File.read(json_path))[locale]
+ else
+ response = nil
+ end
+ response
+ end
<p><%= t ".local_chapters.list_text", :locale => @locale %></p>
<% @local_chapters.each do |chapter| %>
- <li><a href="<%= chapter[:url] %>"><%= chapter[:name] %></a></li>
+ <li><a href="<%= chapter.url %>"><%= chapter.name %></a></li>
<% end %>
<h2><%= t ".other_groups.title", :locale => @locale %></h2>