if user.terms_agreed?
can [:create, :update, :upload, :close, :subscribe, :unsubscribe], Changeset if scope?(token, :write_api)
can :create, ChangesetComment if scope?(token, :write_api)
- can [:create, :update, :delete], [Node, Way, Relation] if scope?(token, :write_api)
+ can [:create, :update, :destroy], [Node, Way, Relation] if scope?(token, :write_api)
if user.moderator?
//= depend_on key.yml
OSM = {
-<% if defined?(Settings.matomo) %>
- MATOMO: <%= Settings.matomo.to_json %>,
-<% end %>
- MAX_REQUEST_AREA: <%= Settings.max_request_area.to_json %>,
- SERVER_PROTOCOL: <%= Settings.server_protocol.to_json %>,
- SERVER_URL: <%= Settings.server_url.to_json %>,
- API_VERSION: <%= Settings.api_version.to_json %>,
- STATUS: <%= Settings.status.to_json %>,
- MAX_NOTE_REQUEST_AREA: <%= Settings.max_note_request_area.to_json %>,
- OVERPASS_URL: <%= Settings.overpass_url.to_json %>,
- OVERPASS_CREDENTIALS: <%= Settings.overpass_credentials.to_json %>,
- NOMINATIM_URL: <%= Settings.nominatim_url.to_json %>,
- GRAPHHOPPER_URL: <%= Settings.graphhopper_url.to_json %>,
- FOSSGIS_OSRM_URL: <%= Settings.fossgis_osrm_url.to_json %>,
- FOSSGIS_VALHALLA_URL: <%= Settings.fossgis_valhalla_url.to_json %>,
- DEFAULT_LOCALE: <%= I18n.default_locale.to_json %>,
-<% if Settings.key?(:thunderforest_key) %>
- THUNDERFOREST_KEY: <%= Settings.thunderforest_key.to_json %>,
-<% end %>
-<% if Settings.key?(:tracestrack_key) %>
- TRACESTRACK_KEY: <%= Settings.tracestrack_key.to_json %>,
-<% end %>
- LAYER_DEFINITIONS: <%= YAML.load_file(Rails.root.join("config/layers.yml")).to_json %>,
- LAYERS_WITH_MAP_KEY: <%= YAML.load_file(Rails.root.join("config/key.yml")).keys.to_json %>,
- MARKER_GREEN: <%= image_path("marker-green.png").to_json %>,
- MARKER_RED: <%= image_path("marker-red.png").to_json %>,
- MARKER_ICON: <%= image_path("leaflet/dist/images/marker-icon.png").to_json %>,
- MARKER_ICON_2X: <%= image_path("leaflet/dist/images/marker-icon-2x.png").to_json %>,
- MARKER_SHADOW: <%= image_path("leaflet/dist/images/marker-shadow.png").to_json %>,
- NEW_NOTE_MARKER: <%= image_path("new_note_marker.svg").to_json %>,
- OPEN_NOTE_MARKER: <%= image_path("open_note_marker.svg").to_json %>,
- CLOSED_NOTE_MARKER: <%= image_path("closed_note_marker.svg").to_json %>,
+ ...<%=
+ %i[
+ matomo
+ max_request_area
+ server_protocol
+ server_url
+ api_version
+ status
+ max_note_request_area
+ overpass_url
+ overpass_credentials
+ nominatim_url
+ graphhopper_url
+ fossgis_osrm_url
+ fossgis_valhalla_url
+ thunderforest_key
+ tracestrack_key
+ ]
+ .each_with_object({}) do |key, hash|
+ hash[key.to_s.upcase] = Settings.send(key) if Settings.respond_to?(key)
+ end.to_json
+ %>,
+ DEFAULT_LOCALE: <%= I18n.default_locale.to_json %>,
+ LAYER_DEFINITIONS: <%= YAML.load_file(Rails.root.join("config/layers.yml")).to_json %>,
+ LAYERS_WITH_MAP_KEY: <%= YAML.load_file(Rails.root.join("config/key.yml")).keys.to_json %>,
+ MARKER_GREEN: <%= image_path("marker-green.png").to_json %>,
+ MARKER_RED: <%= image_path("marker-red.png").to_json %>,
+ MARKER_ICON: <%= image_path("leaflet/dist/images/marker-icon.png").to_json %>,
+ MARKER_ICON_2X: <%= image_path("leaflet/dist/images/marker-icon-2x.png").to_json %>,
+ MARKER_SHADOW: <%= image_path("leaflet/dist/images/marker-shadow.png").to_json %>,
+ NEW_NOTE_MARKER: <%= image_path("new_note_marker.svg").to_json %>,
+ OPEN_NOTE_MARKER: <%= image_path("open_note_marker.svg").to_json %>,
+ CLOSED_NOTE_MARKER: <%= image_path("closed_note_marker.svg").to_json %>,
apiUrl: function (object) {
var apiType = object.type === "note" ? "notes" : object.type;
params: function (search) {
- var params = {};
- search = (search || window.location.search).replace("?", "").split(/&|;/);
- for (var i = 0; i < search.length; ++i) {
- var pair = search[i],
- j = pair.indexOf("="),
- key = pair.slice(0, j),
- val = pair.slice(++j);
- try {
- params[key] = decodeURIComponent(val);
- } catch (e) {
- // Ignore parse exceptions
- }
- }
- return params;
+ var query = search || window.location.search;
+ return Object.fromEntries(new URLSearchParams(query));
mapParams: function (search) {
- var params = OSM.params(search), mapParams = {}, match;
+ var params = OSM.params(search), mapParams = {};
if (params.mlon && params.mlat) {
mapParams.marker = true;
return 6372795 * 2 * Math.asin(
Math.pow(Math.sin(latdiff / 2), 2) +
- Math.cos(lat1) * Math.cos(lat2) * Math.pow(Math.sin(lngdiff / 2), 2)
+ (Math.cos(lat1) * Math.cos(lat2) * Math.pow(Math.sin(lngdiff / 2), 2))
map.on("click", function (e) {
if (!$("#updatehome").is(":checked")) return;
- const [lat, lon] = OSM.cropLocation(e.latlng);
+ const [lat, lon] = OSM.cropLocation(e.latlng, map.getZoom());
module Api
class NodesController < ApiController
- before_action :check_api_writable, :only => [:create, :update, :delete]
- before_action :authorize, :only => [:create, :update, :delete]
+ before_action :check_api_writable, :only => [:create, :update, :destroy]
+ before_action :authorize, :only => [:create, :update, :destroy]
- before_action :require_public_data, :only => [:create, :update, :delete]
- before_action :set_request_formats, :except => [:create, :update, :delete]
- before_action :check_rate_limit, :only => [:create, :update, :delete]
+ before_action :require_public_data, :only => [:create, :update, :destroy]
+ before_action :set_request_formats, :except => [:create, :update, :destroy]
+ before_action :check_rate_limit, :only => [:create, :update, :destroy]
# Dump the details on many nodes whose ids are given in the "nodes" parameter.
def index
# Delete a node. Doesn't actually delete it, but retains its history
# in a wiki-like way. We therefore treat it like an update, so the delete
# method returns the new version number.
- def delete
+ def destroy
node = Node.find(params[:id])
new_node = Node.from_xml(request.raw_post)
module Api
class RelationsController < ApiController
- before_action :check_api_writable, :only => [:create, :update, :delete]
- before_action :authorize, :only => [:create, :update, :delete]
+ before_action :check_api_writable, :only => [:create, :update, :destroy]
+ before_action :authorize, :only => [:create, :update, :destroy]
- before_action :require_public_data, :only => [:create, :update, :delete]
- before_action :set_request_formats, :except => [:create, :update, :delete]
- before_action :check_rate_limit, :only => [:create, :update, :delete]
+ before_action :require_public_data, :only => [:create, :update, :destroy]
+ before_action :set_request_formats, :except => [:create, :update, :destroy]
+ before_action :check_rate_limit, :only => [:create, :update, :destroy]
def index
raise OSM::APIBadUserInput, "The parameter relations is required, and must be of the form relations=id[,id[,id...]]" unless params["relations"]
render :plain => relation.version.to_s
- def delete
+ def destroy
relation = Relation.find(params[:id])
new_relation = Relation.from_xml(request.raw_post)
if new_relation && new_relation.id == relation.id
module Api
class WaysController < ApiController
- before_action :check_api_writable, :only => [:create, :update, :delete]
- before_action :authorize, :only => [:create, :update, :delete]
+ before_action :check_api_writable, :only => [:create, :update, :destroy]
+ before_action :authorize, :only => [:create, :update, :destroy]
- before_action :require_public_data, :only => [:create, :update, :delete]
- before_action :set_request_formats, :except => [:create, :update, :delete]
- before_action :check_rate_limit, :only => [:create, :update, :delete]
+ before_action :require_public_data, :only => [:create, :update, :destroy]
+ before_action :set_request_formats, :except => [:create, :update, :destroy]
+ before_action :check_rate_limit, :only => [:create, :update, :destroy]
def index
raise OSM::APIBadUserInput, "The parameter ways is required, and must be of the form ways=id[,id[,id...]]" unless params["ways"]
# This is the API call to delete a way
- def delete
+ def destroy
way = Way.find(params[:id])
new_way = Way.from_xml(request.raw_post)
<%= bootstrap_form_for @new_comment, :url => issue_comments_path(@issue) do |f| %>
<%= f.richtext_field :body, :cols => 80, :rows => 20, :hide_label => true %>
<%= f.form_group do %>
- <%= f.check_box :reassign, { :label => t(".reassign_param"), :id => "reassign", :name => "reassign", :checked => false }, true, false %>
+ <%= f.check_box :reassign, { :label => @issue.assigned_role == "administrator" ? t(".reassign_to_moderators") : t(".reassign_to_administrators"),
+ :id => "reassign", :name => "reassign", :checked => false }, true, false %>
<% end %>
<%= f.primary %>
<% end %>
<h4><%= t(".description") %></h4>
<div class="overflow-hidden ms-2">
- <%= h(note_description(@note.author, @note.description).to_html) %>
+ <%= note_description(@note.author, @note.description).to_html %>
<div class="details" data-coordinates="<%= @note.lat %>,<%= @note.lon %>" data-status="<%= @note.status %>">
const globals = require("globals");
const js = require("@eslint/js");
+const erb = require("eslint-plugin-erb");
const stylisticJs = require("@stylistic/eslint-plugin-js");
module.exports = [
+ erb.configs.recommended,
plugins: {
"@stylistic": stylisticJs
L: "readonly",
OSM: "writable",
Matomo: "readonly",
- Qs: "readonly",
Turbo: "readonly",
updateLinks: "readonly"
+ linterOptions: {
+ // The "unused disable directive" is set to "warn" by default.
+ // For the ERB plugin to work correctly, you must disable
+ // this directive to avoid issues described here
+ // https://github.com/eslint/eslint/discussions/18114
+ // If you're using the CLI, you might also use the following flag:
+ // --report-unused-disable-directives-severity=off
+ reportUnusedDisableDirectives: "off"
+ },
rules: {
"@stylistic/array-bracket-newline": ["error", "consistent"],
"@stylistic/array-bracket-spacing": "error",
:elements => Sanitize::Config::RELAXED[:elements] - %w[div style],
:remove_contents => %w[script style],
+ :attributes => Sanitize::Config.merge(
+ Sanitize::Config::RELAXED[:attributes],
+ "img" => Sanitize::Config::RELAXED[:attributes]["img"] + ["loading"]
+ ),
:transformers => lambda do |env|
style = env[:node]["style"] || ""
env[:node]["rel"] = rel.split.select { |r| r == "me" }.append("nofollow", "noopener", "noreferrer").sort.join(" ")
+ env[:node]["loading"] = "lazy" if env[:node_name] == "img"
reopened: Issue status has been set to 'Open'
comment_from_html: "Comment from %{user_link} on %{comment_created_at}"
- reassign_param: Reassign Issue?
+ reassign_to_moderators: Reassign Issue to Moderators
+ reassign_to_administrators: Reassign Issue to Administrators
reported_by_html: "Reported as %{category} by %{user} on %{updated_at}"
post "changeset/comment/:id/hide" => "changeset_comments#destroy", :as => :changeset_comment_hide, :id => /\d+/
post "changeset/comment/:id/unhide" => "changeset_comments#restore", :as => :changeset_comment_unhide, :id => /\d+/
- put "node/create" => "nodes#create"
get "node/:id/ways" => "ways#ways_for_node", :as => :node_ways, :id => /\d+/
get "node/:id/relations" => "relations#relations_for_node", :as => :node_relations, :id => /\d+/
get "node/:id/history" => "old_nodes#history", :as => :api_node_history, :id => /\d+/
post "node/:id/:version/redact" => "old_nodes#redact", :as => :node_version_redact, :version => /\d+/, :id => /\d+/
get "node/:id/:version" => "old_nodes#show", :as => :api_old_node, :id => /\d+/, :version => /\d+/
- get "node/:id" => "nodes#show", :as => :api_node, :id => /\d+/
- put "node/:id" => "nodes#update", :id => /\d+/
- delete "node/:id" => "nodes#delete", :id => /\d+/
- get "nodes" => "nodes#index"
- put "way/create" => "ways#create"
get "way/:id/history" => "old_ways#history", :as => :api_way_history, :id => /\d+/
get "way/:id/full" => "ways#full", :as => :way_full, :id => /\d+/
get "way/:id/relations" => "relations#relations_for_way", :as => :way_relations, :id => /\d+/
post "way/:id/:version/redact" => "old_ways#redact", :as => :way_version_redact, :version => /\d+/, :id => /\d+/
get "way/:id/:version" => "old_ways#show", :as => :api_old_way, :id => /\d+/, :version => /\d+/
- get "way/:id" => "ways#show", :as => :api_way, :id => /\d+/
- put "way/:id" => "ways#update", :id => /\d+/
- delete "way/:id" => "ways#delete", :id => /\d+/
- get "ways" => "ways#index"
- put "relation/create" => "relations#create"
get "relation/:id/relations" => "relations#relations_for_relation", :as => :relation_relations, :id => /\d+/
get "relation/:id/history" => "old_relations#history", :as => :api_relation_history, :id => /\d+/
get "relation/:id/full" => "relations#full", :as => :relation_full, :id => /\d+/
post "relation/:id/:version/redact" => "old_relations#redact", :as => :relation_version_redact, :version => /\d+/, :id => /\d+/
get "relation/:id/:version" => "old_relations#show", :as => :api_old_relation, :id => /\d+/, :version => /\d+/
- get "relation/:id" => "relations#show", :as => :api_relation, :id => /\d+/
- put "relation/:id" => "relations#update", :id => /\d+/
- delete "relation/:id" => "relations#delete", :id => /\d+/
- get "relations" => "relations#index"
namespace :api, :path => "api/0.6" do
+ resources :nodes, :only => [:index, :create]
+ resources :nodes, :path => "node", :id => /\d+/, :only => [:show, :update, :destroy]
+ put "node/create" => "nodes#create", :as => nil
+ resources :ways, :only => [:index, :create]
+ resources :ways, :path => "way", :id => /\d+/, :only => [:show, :update, :destroy]
+ put "way/create" => "ways#create", :as => nil
+ resources :relations, :only => [:index, :create]
+ resources :relations, :path => "relation", :id => /\d+/, :only => [:show, :update, :destroy]
+ put "relation/create" => "relations#create", :as => nil
resource :map, :only => :show
resources :tracepoints, :path => "trackpoints", :only => :index
def js_files
Rails.application.assets.each_file.select do |file|
- file.ends_with?(".js") && !file.match?(%r{/(gems|vendor|i18n|node_modules)/})
+ (file.ends_with?(".js") || file.ends_with?(".js.erb")) && !file.match?(%r{/(gems|vendor|i18n|node_modules)/})
"devDependencies": {
"eslint": "^9.0.0",
+ "eslint-plugin-erb": "^2.1.0",
"@stylistic/eslint-plugin-js": "^3.0.0",
"eslint-formatter-compact": "^8.40.0"
# add a single node to it
with_controller(NodesController.new) do
xml = "<osm><node lon='0.1' lat='0.2' changeset='#{changeset_id}'/></osm>"
- put node_create_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
+ post api_nodes_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
assert_response :success, "Couldn't create node."
# add another node to it
with_controller(NodesController.new) do
xml = "<osm><node lon='0.2' lat='0.1' changeset='#{changeset_id}'/></osm>"
- put node_create_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
+ post api_nodes_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
assert_response :success, "Couldn't create second node."
with_controller(NodesController.new) do
# create a new node
xml = "<osm><node changeset='#{cs_id}' lat='0.0' lon='0.0'/></osm>"
- put node_create_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
+ post api_nodes_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
assert_response :success, "can't create a new node"
node_id = @response.body.to_i
# test all routes which lead to this controller
def test_routes
- { :path => "/api/0.6/node/create", :method => :put },
+ { :path => "/api/0.6/nodes", :method => :get },
+ { :controller => "api/nodes", :action => "index" }
+ )
+ assert_routing(
+ { :path => "/api/0.6/nodes.json", :method => :get },
+ { :controller => "api/nodes", :action => "index", :format => "json" }
+ )
+ assert_routing(
+ { :path => "/api/0.6/nodes", :method => :post },
{ :controller => "api/nodes", :action => "create" }
{ :path => "/api/0.6/node/1", :method => :delete },
- { :controller => "api/nodes", :action => "delete", :id => "1" }
+ { :controller => "api/nodes", :action => "destroy", :id => "1" }
- assert_routing(
- { :path => "/api/0.6/nodes", :method => :get },
- { :controller => "api/nodes", :action => "index" }
- )
- assert_routing(
- { :path => "/api/0.6/nodes.json", :method => :get },
- { :controller => "api/nodes", :action => "index", :format => "json" }
+ assert_recognizes(
+ { :controller => "api/nodes", :action => "create" },
+ { :path => "/api/0.6/node/create", :method => :put }
+ ##
+ # test fetching multiple nodes
+ def test_index
+ node1 = create(:node)
+ node2 = create(:node, :deleted)
+ node3 = create(:node)
+ node4 = create(:node, :with_history, :version => 2)
+ node5 = create(:node, :deleted, :with_history, :version => 2)
+ # check error when no parameter provided
+ get api_nodes_path
+ assert_response :bad_request
+ # check error when no parameter value provided
+ get api_nodes_path(:nodes => "")
+ assert_response :bad_request
+ # test a working call
+ get api_nodes_path(:nodes => "#{node1.id},#{node2.id},#{node3.id},#{node4.id},#{node5.id}")
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_select "osm" do
+ assert_select "node", :count => 5
+ assert_select "node[id='#{node1.id}'][visible='true']", :count => 1
+ assert_select "node[id='#{node2.id}'][visible='false']", :count => 1
+ assert_select "node[id='#{node3.id}'][visible='true']", :count => 1
+ assert_select "node[id='#{node4.id}'][visible='true']", :count => 1
+ assert_select "node[id='#{node5.id}'][visible='false']", :count => 1
+ end
+ # test a working call with json format
+ get api_nodes_path(:nodes => "#{node1.id},#{node2.id},#{node3.id},#{node4.id},#{node5.id}", :format => "json")
+ js = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(@response.body)
+ assert_not_nil js
+ assert_equal 5, js["elements"].count
+ assert_equal 5, (js["elements"].count { |a| a["type"] == "node" })
+ assert_equal 1, (js["elements"].count { |a| a["id"] == node1.id && a["visible"].nil? })
+ assert_equal 1, (js["elements"].count { |a| a["id"] == node2.id && a["visible"] == false })
+ assert_equal 1, (js["elements"].count { |a| a["id"] == node3.id && a["visible"].nil? })
+ assert_equal 1, (js["elements"].count { |a| a["id"] == node4.id && a["visible"].nil? })
+ assert_equal 1, (js["elements"].count { |a| a["id"] == node5.id && a["visible"] == false })
+ # check error when a non-existent node is included
+ get api_nodes_path(:nodes => "#{node1.id},#{node2.id},#{node3.id},#{node4.id},#{node5.id},0")
+ assert_response :not_found
+ end
def test_create
private_user = create(:user, :data_public => false)
private_changeset = create(:changeset, :user => private_user)
# create a minimal xml file
xml = "<osm><node lat='#{lat}' lon='#{lon}' changeset='#{changeset.id}'/></osm>"
assert_difference("OldNode.count", 0) do
- put node_create_path, :params => xml
+ post api_nodes_path, :params => xml
# hope for unauthorized
assert_response :unauthorized, "node upload did not return unauthorized status"
# create a minimal xml file
xml = "<osm><node lat='#{lat}' lon='#{lon}' changeset='#{private_changeset.id}'/></osm>"
assert_difference("Node.count", 0) do
- put node_create_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
+ post api_nodes_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
# hope for success
assert_require_public_data "node create did not return forbidden status"
# create a minimal xml file
xml = "<osm><node lat='#{lat}' lon='#{lon}' changeset='#{changeset.id}'/></osm>"
- put node_create_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
+ post api_nodes_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
# hope for success
assert_response :success, "node upload did not return success status"
# test that the upload is rejected when xml is valid, but osm doc isn't
xml = "<create/>"
- put node_create_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
+ post api_nodes_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
assert_response :bad_request, "node upload did not return bad_request status"
assert_equal "Cannot parse valid node from xml string <create/>. XML doesn't contain an osm/node element.", @response.body
# test that the upload is rejected when no lat is supplied
# create a minimal xml file
xml = "<osm><node lon='#{lon}' changeset='#{changeset.id}'/></osm>"
- put node_create_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
+ post api_nodes_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
# hope for success
assert_response :bad_request, "node upload did not return bad_request status"
assert_equal "Cannot parse valid node from xml string <node lon=\"3.23\" changeset=\"#{changeset.id}\"/>. lat missing", @response.body
# test that the upload is rejected when no lon is supplied
# create a minimal xml file
xml = "<osm><node lat='#{lat}' changeset='#{changeset.id}'/></osm>"
- put node_create_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
+ post api_nodes_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
# hope for success
assert_response :bad_request, "node upload did not return bad_request status"
assert_equal "Cannot parse valid node from xml string <node lat=\"3.434\" changeset=\"#{changeset.id}\"/>. lon missing", @response.body
# test that the upload is rejected when lat is non-numeric
# create a minimal xml file
xml = "<osm><node lat='abc' lon='#{lon}' changeset='#{changeset.id}'/></osm>"
- put node_create_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
+ post api_nodes_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
# hope for success
assert_response :bad_request, "node upload did not return bad_request status"
assert_equal "Cannot parse valid node from xml string <node lat=\"abc\" lon=\"#{lon}\" changeset=\"#{changeset.id}\"/>. lat not a number", @response.body
# test that the upload is rejected when lon is non-numeric
# create a minimal xml file
xml = "<osm><node lat='#{lat}' lon='abc' changeset='#{changeset.id}'/></osm>"
- put node_create_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
+ post api_nodes_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
# hope for success
assert_response :bad_request, "node upload did not return bad_request status"
assert_equal "Cannot parse valid node from xml string <node lat=\"#{lat}\" lon=\"abc\" changeset=\"#{changeset.id}\"/>. lon not a number", @response.body
# test that the upload is rejected when we have a tag which is too long
xml = "<osm><node lat='#{lat}' lon='#{lon}' changeset='#{changeset.id}'><tag k='foo' v='#{'x' * 256}'/></node></osm>"
- put node_create_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
+ post api_nodes_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
assert_response :bad_request, "node upload did not return bad_request status"
assert_match(/ v: is too long \(maximum is 255 characters\) /, @response.body)
- def test_show
- # check that a visible node is returned properly
- get api_node_path(create(:node))
- assert_response :success
+ def test_show_not_found
+ get api_node_path(0)
+ assert_response :not_found
+ end
- # check that an deleted node is not returned
+ def test_show_deleted
get api_node_path(create(:node, :deleted))
assert_response :gone
+ end
- # check chat a non-existent node is not returned
- get api_node_path(0)
- assert_response :not_found
+ def test_show
+ node = create(:node, :timestamp => "2021-02-03T00:00:00Z")
+ get api_node_path(node)
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_not_nil @response.header["Last-Modified"]
+ assert_equal "2021-02-03T00:00:00Z", Time.parse(@response.header["Last-Modified"]).utc.xmlschema
# Ensure the lat/lon is formatted as a decimal e.g. not 4.0e-05
# this tests deletion restrictions - basic deletion is tested in the unit
# tests for node!
- def test_delete
+ def test_destroy
private_user = create(:user, :data_public => false)
private_user_changeset = create(:changeset, :user => private_user)
private_user_closed_changeset = create(:changeset, :closed, :user => private_user)
assert_response :success, "a valid update request failed"
- ##
- # test fetching multiple nodes
- def test_index
- node1 = create(:node)
- node2 = create(:node, :deleted)
- node3 = create(:node)
- node4 = create(:node, :with_history, :version => 2)
- node5 = create(:node, :deleted, :with_history, :version => 2)
- # check error when no parameter provided
- get nodes_path
- assert_response :bad_request
- # check error when no parameter value provided
- get nodes_path(:nodes => "")
- assert_response :bad_request
- # test a working call
- get nodes_path(:nodes => "#{node1.id},#{node2.id},#{node3.id},#{node4.id},#{node5.id}")
- assert_response :success
- assert_select "osm" do
- assert_select "node", :count => 5
- assert_select "node[id='#{node1.id}'][visible='true']", :count => 1
- assert_select "node[id='#{node2.id}'][visible='false']", :count => 1
- assert_select "node[id='#{node3.id}'][visible='true']", :count => 1
- assert_select "node[id='#{node4.id}'][visible='true']", :count => 1
- assert_select "node[id='#{node5.id}'][visible='false']", :count => 1
- end
- # test a working call with json format
- get nodes_path(:nodes => "#{node1.id},#{node2.id},#{node3.id},#{node4.id},#{node5.id}", :format => "json")
- js = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(@response.body)
- assert_not_nil js
- assert_equal 5, js["elements"].count
- assert_equal 5, (js["elements"].count { |a| a["type"] == "node" })
- assert_equal 1, (js["elements"].count { |a| a["id"] == node1.id && a["visible"].nil? })
- assert_equal 1, (js["elements"].count { |a| a["id"] == node2.id && a["visible"] == false })
- assert_equal 1, (js["elements"].count { |a| a["id"] == node3.id && a["visible"].nil? })
- assert_equal 1, (js["elements"].count { |a| a["id"] == node4.id && a["visible"].nil? })
- assert_equal 1, (js["elements"].count { |a| a["id"] == node5.id && a["visible"] == false })
- # check error when a non-existent node is included
- get nodes_path(:nodes => "#{node1.id},#{node2.id},#{node3.id},#{node4.id},#{node5.id},0")
- assert_response :not_found
- end
# test adding tags to a node
def test_duplicate_tags
xml = "<osm><node lat='0' lon='0' changeset='#{private_changeset.id}'>" \
"<tag k='\#{@user.inspect}' v='0'/>" \
- put node_create_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
+ post api_nodes_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
assert_require_public_data "Shouldn't be able to create with non-public user"
## Then try with the public data user
xml = "<osm><node lat='0' lon='0' changeset='#{changeset.id}'>" \
"<tag k='\#{@user.inspect}' v='0'/>" \
- put node_create_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
+ post api_nodes_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
assert_response :success
nodeid = @response.body
# try creating a node
xml = "<osm><node lat='0' lon='0' changeset='#{changeset.id}'/></osm>"
- put node_create_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
+ post api_nodes_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
assert_response :success, "node create did not return success status"
# get the id of the node we created
# try creating a node, which should be rate limited
xml = "<osm><node lat='0' lon='0' changeset='#{changeset.id}'/></osm>"
- put node_create_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
+ post api_nodes_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
assert_response :too_many_requests, "node create did not hit rate limit"
# try creating a node
xml = "<osm><node lat='0' lon='0' changeset='#{changeset.id}'/></osm>"
- put node_create_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
+ post api_nodes_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
assert_response :success, "node create did not return success status"
# get the id of the node we created
# try creating a node, which should be rate limited
xml = "<osm><node lat='0' lon='0' changeset='#{changeset.id}'/></osm>"
- put node_create_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
+ post api_nodes_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
assert_response :too_many_requests, "node create did not hit rate limit"
# test all routes which lead to this controller
def test_routes
- { :path => "/api/0.6/relation/create", :method => :put },
- { :controller => "api/relations", :action => "create" }
+ { :path => "/api/0.6/relations", :method => :get },
+ { :controller => "api/relations", :action => "index" }
- { :path => "/api/0.6/relation/1/full", :method => :get },
- { :controller => "api/relations", :action => "full", :id => "1" }
+ { :path => "/api/0.6/relations.json", :method => :get },
+ { :controller => "api/relations", :action => "index", :format => "json" }
- { :path => "/api/0.6/relation/1/full.json", :method => :get },
- { :controller => "api/relations", :action => "full", :id => "1", :format => "json" }
+ { :path => "/api/0.6/relations", :method => :post },
+ { :controller => "api/relations", :action => "create" }
{ :path => "/api/0.6/relation/1", :method => :get },
{ :controller => "api/relations", :action => "show", :id => "1", :format => "json" }
- { :path => "/api/0.6/relation/1", :method => :put },
- { :controller => "api/relations", :action => "update", :id => "1" }
+ { :path => "/api/0.6/relation/1/full", :method => :get },
+ { :controller => "api/relations", :action => "full", :id => "1" }
- { :path => "/api/0.6/relation/1", :method => :delete },
- { :controller => "api/relations", :action => "delete", :id => "1" }
+ { :path => "/api/0.6/relation/1/full.json", :method => :get },
+ { :controller => "api/relations", :action => "full", :id => "1", :format => "json" }
- { :path => "/api/0.6/relations", :method => :get },
- { :controller => "api/relations", :action => "index" }
+ { :path => "/api/0.6/relation/1", :method => :put },
+ { :controller => "api/relations", :action => "update", :id => "1" }
- { :path => "/api/0.6/relations.json", :method => :get },
- { :controller => "api/relations", :action => "index", :format => "json" }
+ { :path => "/api/0.6/relation/1", :method => :delete },
+ { :controller => "api/relations", :action => "destroy", :id => "1" }
{ :path => "/api/0.6/relation/1/relations.json", :method => :get },
{ :controller => "api/relations", :action => "relations_for_relation", :id => "1", :format => "json" }
+ assert_recognizes(
+ { :controller => "api/relations", :action => "create" },
+ { :path => "/api/0.6/relation/create", :method => :put }
+ )
+ end
+ ##
+ # test fetching multiple relations
+ def test_index
+ relation1 = create(:relation)
+ relation2 = create(:relation, :deleted)
+ relation3 = create(:relation, :with_history, :version => 2)
+ relation4 = create(:relation, :with_history, :version => 2)
+ relation4.old_relations.find_by(:version => 1).redact!(create(:redaction))
+ # check error when no parameter provided
+ get api_relations_path
+ assert_response :bad_request
+ # check error when no parameter value provided
+ get api_relations_path(:relations => "")
+ assert_response :bad_request
+ # test a working call
+ get api_relations_path(:relations => "#{relation1.id},#{relation2.id},#{relation3.id},#{relation4.id}")
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_select "osm" do
+ assert_select "relation", :count => 4
+ assert_select "relation[id='#{relation1.id}'][visible='true']", :count => 1
+ assert_select "relation[id='#{relation2.id}'][visible='false']", :count => 1
+ assert_select "relation[id='#{relation3.id}'][visible='true']", :count => 1
+ assert_select "relation[id='#{relation4.id}'][visible='true']", :count => 1
+ end
+ # test a working call with json format
+ get api_relations_path(:relations => "#{relation1.id},#{relation2.id},#{relation3.id},#{relation4.id}", :format => "json")
+ js = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(@response.body)
+ assert_not_nil js
+ assert_equal 4, js["elements"].count
+ assert_equal 4, (js["elements"].count { |a| a["type"] == "relation" })
+ assert_equal 1, (js["elements"].count { |a| a["id"] == relation1.id && a["visible"].nil? })
+ assert_equal 1, (js["elements"].count { |a| a["id"] == relation2.id && a["visible"] == false })
+ assert_equal 1, (js["elements"].count { |a| a["id"] == relation3.id && a["visible"].nil? })
+ assert_equal 1, (js["elements"].count { |a| a["id"] == relation4.id && a["visible"].nil? })
+ # check error when a non-existent relation is included
+ get api_relations_path(:relations => "#{relation1.id},#{relation2.id},#{relation3.id},#{relation4.id},0")
+ assert_response :not_found
# -------------------------------------
# Test showing relations.
# -------------------------------------
- def test_show
- # check that a visible relation is returned properly
- get api_relation_path(create(:relation))
- assert_response :success
+ def test_show_not_found
+ get api_relation_path(0)
+ assert_response :not_found
+ end
- # check that an invisible relation is not returned
+ def test_show_deleted
get api_relation_path(create(:relation, :deleted))
assert_response :gone
+ end
- # check chat a non-existent relation is not returned
- get api_relation_path(0)
+ def test_show
+ relation = create(:relation, :timestamp => "2021-02-03T00:00:00Z")
+ node = create(:node, :timestamp => "2021-04-05T00:00:00Z")
+ create(:relation_member, :relation => relation, :member => node)
+ get api_relation_path(relation)
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_not_nil @response.header["Last-Modified"]
+ assert_equal "2021-02-03T00:00:00Z", Time.parse(@response.header["Last-Modified"]).utc.xmlschema
+ assert_dom "node", :count => 0
+ assert_dom "relation", :count => 1 do
+ assert_dom "> @id", :text => relation.id.to_s
+ end
+ end
+ def test_full_not_found
+ get relation_full_path(999999)
assert_response :not_found
+ def test_full_deleted
+ get relation_full_path(create(:relation, :deleted))
+ assert_response :gone
+ end
+ def test_full_empty
+ relation = create(:relation)
+ get relation_full_path(relation)
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_dom "relation", :count => 1 do
+ assert_dom "> @id", :text => relation.id.to_s
+ end
+ end
+ def test_full_with_node_member
+ relation = create(:relation)
+ node = create(:node)
+ create(:relation_member, :relation => relation, :member => node)
+ get relation_full_path(relation)
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_dom "node", :count => 1 do
+ assert_dom "> @id", :text => node.id.to_s
+ end
+ assert_dom "relation", :count => 1 do
+ assert_dom "> @id", :text => relation.id.to_s
+ end
+ end
+ def test_full_with_way_member
+ relation = create(:relation)
+ way = create(:way_with_nodes)
+ create(:relation_member, :relation => relation, :member => way)
+ get relation_full_path(relation)
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_dom "node", :count => 1 do
+ assert_dom "> @id", :text => way.nodes[0].id.to_s
+ end
+ assert_dom "way", :count => 1 do
+ assert_dom "> @id", :text => way.id.to_s
+ end
+ assert_dom "relation", :count => 1 do
+ assert_dom "> @id", :text => relation.id.to_s
+ end
+ end
# check that all relations containing a particular node, and no extra
# relations, are returned from the relations_for_node call.
[relation_with_relation, second_relation])
- def test_full
- # check the "full" mode
- get relation_full_path(:id => 999999)
- assert_response :not_found
- get relation_full_path(:id => create(:relation, :deleted).id)
- assert_response :gone
- get relation_full_path(:id => create(:relation).id)
- assert_response :success
- # FIXME: check whether this contains the stuff we want!
- end
- ##
- # test fetching multiple relations
- def test_index
- relation1 = create(:relation)
- relation2 = create(:relation, :deleted)
- relation3 = create(:relation, :with_history, :version => 2)
- relation4 = create(:relation, :with_history, :version => 2)
- relation4.old_relations.find_by(:version => 1).redact!(create(:redaction))
- # check error when no parameter provided
- get relations_path
- assert_response :bad_request
- # check error when no parameter value provided
- get relations_path(:relations => "")
- assert_response :bad_request
- # test a working call
- get relations_path(:relations => "#{relation1.id},#{relation2.id},#{relation3.id},#{relation4.id}")
- assert_response :success
- assert_select "osm" do
- assert_select "relation", :count => 4
- assert_select "relation[id='#{relation1.id}'][visible='true']", :count => 1
- assert_select "relation[id='#{relation2.id}'][visible='false']", :count => 1
- assert_select "relation[id='#{relation3.id}'][visible='true']", :count => 1
- assert_select "relation[id='#{relation4.id}'][visible='true']", :count => 1
- end
- # test a working call with json format
- get relations_path(:relations => "#{relation1.id},#{relation2.id},#{relation3.id},#{relation4.id}", :format => "json")
- js = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(@response.body)
- assert_not_nil js
- assert_equal 4, js["elements"].count
- assert_equal 4, (js["elements"].count { |a| a["type"] == "relation" })
- assert_equal 1, (js["elements"].count { |a| a["id"] == relation1.id && a["visible"].nil? })
- assert_equal 1, (js["elements"].count { |a| a["id"] == relation2.id && a["visible"] == false })
- assert_equal 1, (js["elements"].count { |a| a["id"] == relation3.id && a["visible"].nil? })
- assert_equal 1, (js["elements"].count { |a| a["id"] == relation4.id && a["visible"].nil? })
- # check error when a non-existent relation is included
- get relations_path(:relations => "#{relation1.id},#{relation2.id},#{relation3.id},#{relation4.id},0")
- assert_response :not_found
- end
# -------------------------------------
# Test simple relation creation.
# -------------------------------------
# create an relation without members
xml = "<osm><relation changeset='#{private_changeset.id}'><tag k='test' v='yes' /></relation></osm>"
- put relation_create_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
+ post api_relations_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
# hope for forbidden, due to user
assert_response :forbidden,
"relation upload should have failed with forbidden"
xml = "<osm><relation changeset='#{private_changeset.id}'>" \
"<member ref='#{node.id}' type='node' role='some'/>" \
"<tag k='test' v='yes' /></relation></osm>"
- put relation_create_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
+ post api_relations_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
# hope for forbidden due to user
assert_response :forbidden,
"relation upload did not return forbidden status"
# need a role attribute to be included
xml = "<osm><relation changeset='#{private_changeset.id}'>" \
"<member ref='#{node.id}' type='node'/><tag k='test' v='yes' /></relation></osm>"
- put relation_create_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
+ post api_relations_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
# hope for forbidden due to user
assert_response :forbidden,
"relation upload did not return forbidden status"
"<member type='node' ref='#{node.id}' role='some'/>" \
"<member type='way' ref='#{way.id}' role='other'/>" \
"<tag k='test' v='yes' /></relation></osm>"
- put relation_create_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
+ post api_relations_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
# hope for forbidden, due to user
assert_response :forbidden,
"relation upload did not return success status"
# create an relation without members
xml = "<osm><relation changeset='#{changeset.id}'><tag k='test' v='yes' /></relation></osm>"
- put relation_create_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
+ post api_relations_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
# hope for success
assert_response :success,
"relation upload did not return success status"
xml = "<osm><relation changeset='#{changeset.id}'>" \
"<member ref='#{node.id}' type='node' role='some'/>" \
"<tag k='test' v='yes' /></relation></osm>"
- put relation_create_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
+ post api_relations_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
# hope for success
assert_response :success,
"relation upload did not return success status"
# need a role attribute to be included
xml = "<osm><relation changeset='#{changeset.id}'>" \
"<member ref='#{node.id}' type='node'/><tag k='test' v='yes' /></relation></osm>"
- put relation_create_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
+ post api_relations_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
# hope for success
assert_response :success,
"relation upload did not return success status"
"<member type='node' ref='#{node.id}' role='some'/>" \
"<member type='way' ref='#{way.id}' role='other'/>" \
"<tag k='test' v='yes' /></relation></osm>"
- put relation_create_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
+ post api_relations_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
# hope for success
assert_response :success,
"relation upload did not return success status"
xml = "<osm><relation changeset='#{changeset.id}'>" \
"<member type='node' ref='0'/><tag k='test' v='yes' />" \
- put relation_create_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
+ post api_relations_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
# expect failure
assert_response :precondition_failed,
"relation upload with invalid node did not return 'precondition failed'"
xml = "<osm><relation changeset='#{changeset.id}'>" \
"<member type='type' ref='#{node.id}' role=''/>" \
"<tag k='tester' v='yep'/></relation></osm>"
- put relation_create_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
+ post api_relations_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
# expect failure
assert_response :bad_request
assert_match(/Cannot parse valid relation from xml string/, @response.body)
# Test deleting relations.
# -------------------------------------
- def test_delete
+ def test_destroy
private_user = create(:user, :data_public => false)
private_user_closed_changeset = create(:changeset, :closed, :user => private_user)
user = create(:user)
doc = XML::Parser.string(doc_str).parse
- put relation_create_path, :params => doc.to_s, :headers => auth_header
+ post api_relations_path, :params => doc.to_s, :headers => auth_header
assert_response :success, "can't create a relation: #{@response.body}"
relation_id = @response.body.to_i
## First try with the private user
auth_header = bearer_authorization_header private_user
- put relation_create_path, :params => doc.to_s, :headers => auth_header
+ post api_relations_path, :params => doc.to_s, :headers => auth_header
assert_response :forbidden
## Now try with the public user
auth_header = bearer_authorization_header user
- put relation_create_path, :params => doc.to_s, :headers => auth_header
+ post api_relations_path, :params => doc.to_s, :headers => auth_header
assert_response :success, "can't create a relation: #{@response.body}"
relation_id = @response.body.to_i
doc = XML::Parser.string(doc_str).parse
auth_header = bearer_authorization_header user
- put relation_create_path, :params => doc.to_s, :headers => auth_header
+ post api_relations_path, :params => doc.to_s, :headers => auth_header
assert_response :success, "can't create a relation: #{@response.body}"
relation_id = @response.body.to_i
"<member ref='#{node1.id}' type='node' role='some'/>" \
"<member ref='#{node2.id}' type='node' role='some'/>" \
"<tag k='test' v='yes' /></relation></osm>"
- put relation_create_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
+ post api_relations_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
assert_response :success, "relation create did not return success status"
# get the id of the relation we created
"<member ref='#{node1.id}' type='node' role='some'/>" \
"<member ref='#{node2.id}' type='node' role='some'/>" \
"<tag k='test' v='yes' /></relation></osm>"
- put relation_create_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
+ post api_relations_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
assert_response :too_many_requests, "relation create did not hit rate limit"
"<member ref='#{node1.id}' type='node' role='some'/>" \
"<member ref='#{node2.id}' type='node' role='some'/>" \
"<tag k='test' v='yes' /></relation></osm>"
- put relation_create_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
+ post api_relations_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
assert_response :success, "relation create did not return success status"
# get the id of the relation we created
"<member ref='#{node1.id}' type='node' role='some'/>" \
"<member ref='#{node2.id}' type='node' role='some'/>" \
"<tag k='test' v='yes' /></relation></osm>"
- put relation_create_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
+ post api_relations_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
assert_response :too_many_requests, "relation create did not hit rate limit"
# test all routes which lead to this controller
def test_routes
- { :path => "/api/0.6/way/create", :method => :put },
- { :controller => "api/ways", :action => "create" }
+ { :path => "/api/0.6/ways", :method => :get },
+ { :controller => "api/ways", :action => "index" }
- { :path => "/api/0.6/way/1/full", :method => :get },
- { :controller => "api/ways", :action => "full", :id => "1" }
+ { :path => "/api/0.6/ways.json", :method => :get },
+ { :controller => "api/ways", :action => "index", :format => "json" }
- { :path => "/api/0.6/way/1/full.json", :method => :get },
- { :controller => "api/ways", :action => "full", :id => "1", :format => "json" }
+ { :path => "/api/0.6/ways", :method => :post },
+ { :controller => "api/ways", :action => "create" }
{ :path => "/api/0.6/way/1", :method => :get },
{ :controller => "api/ways", :action => "show", :id => "1", :format => "json" }
- { :path => "/api/0.6/way/1", :method => :put },
- { :controller => "api/ways", :action => "update", :id => "1" }
+ { :path => "/api/0.6/way/1/full", :method => :get },
+ { :controller => "api/ways", :action => "full", :id => "1" }
- { :path => "/api/0.6/way/1", :method => :delete },
- { :controller => "api/ways", :action => "delete", :id => "1" }
+ { :path => "/api/0.6/way/1/full.json", :method => :get },
+ { :controller => "api/ways", :action => "full", :id => "1", :format => "json" }
- { :path => "/api/0.6/ways", :method => :get },
- { :controller => "api/ways", :action => "index" }
+ { :path => "/api/0.6/way/1", :method => :put },
+ { :controller => "api/ways", :action => "update", :id => "1" }
- { :path => "/api/0.6/ways.json", :method => :get },
- { :controller => "api/ways", :action => "index", :format => "json" }
+ { :path => "/api/0.6/way/1", :method => :delete },
+ { :controller => "api/ways", :action => "destroy", :id => "1" }
- end
- # -------------------------------------
- # Test showing ways.
- # -------------------------------------
- def test_show
- # check that a visible way is returned properly
- get api_way_path(create(:way))
- assert_response :success
- # check that an invisible way is not returned
- get api_way_path(create(:way, :deleted))
- assert_response :gone
- # check chat a non-existent way is not returned
- get api_way_path(0)
- assert_response :not_found
- end
- ##
- # check the "full" mode
- def test_full
- way = create(:way_with_nodes, :nodes_count => 3)
- get way_full_path(way)
- assert_response :success
- # Check the way is correctly returned
- assert_select "osm way[id='#{way.id}'][version='1'][visible='true']", 1
- # check that each node in the way appears once in the output as a
- # reference and as the node element.
- way.nodes.each do |n|
- assert_select "osm way nd[ref='#{n.id}']", 1
- assert_select "osm node[id='#{n.id}'][version='1'][lat='#{format('%<lat>.7f', :lat => n.lat)}'][lon='#{format('%<lon>.7f', :lon => n.lon)}']", 1
- end
- end
- def test_full_deleted
- way = create(:way, :deleted)
- get way_full_path(way)
- assert_response :gone
+ assert_recognizes(
+ { :controller => "api/ways", :action => "create" },
+ { :path => "/api/0.6/way/create", :method => :put }
+ )
way4 = create(:way)
# check error when no parameter provided
- get ways_path
+ get api_ways_path
assert_response :bad_request
# check error when no parameter value provided
- get ways_path(:ways => "")
+ get api_ways_path(:ways => "")
assert_response :bad_request
# test a working call
- get ways_path(:ways => "#{way1.id},#{way2.id},#{way3.id},#{way4.id}")
+ get api_ways_path(:ways => "#{way1.id},#{way2.id},#{way3.id},#{way4.id}")
assert_response :success
assert_select "osm" do
assert_select "way", :count => 4
# test a working call with json format
- get ways_path(:ways => "#{way1.id},#{way2.id},#{way3.id},#{way4.id}", :format => "json")
+ get api_ways_path(:ways => "#{way1.id},#{way2.id},#{way3.id},#{way4.id}", :format => "json")
js = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(@response.body)
assert_not_nil js
assert_equal 1, (js["elements"].count { |a| a["id"] == way4.id && a["visible"].nil? })
# check error when a non-existent way is included
- get ways_path(:ways => "#{way1.id},#{way2.id},#{way3.id},#{way4.id},0")
+ get api_ways_path(:ways => "#{way1.id},#{way2.id},#{way3.id},#{way4.id},0")
+ assert_response :not_found
+ end
+ # -------------------------------------
+ # Test showing ways.
+ # -------------------------------------
+ def test_show_not_found
+ get api_way_path(0)
assert_response :not_found
+ def test_show_deleted
+ get api_way_path(create(:way, :deleted))
+ assert_response :gone
+ end
+ def test_show
+ way = create(:way, :timestamp => "2021-02-03T00:00:00Z")
+ node = create(:node, :timestamp => "2021-04-05T00:00:00Z")
+ create(:way_node, :way => way, :node => node)
+ get api_way_path(way)
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_not_nil @response.header["Last-Modified"]
+ assert_equal "2021-02-03T00:00:00Z", Time.parse(@response.header["Last-Modified"]).utc.xmlschema
+ end
+ def test_show_json
+ way = create(:way_with_nodes, :nodes_count => 3)
+ get api_way_path(way, :format => "json")
+ assert_response :success
+ js = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(@response.body)
+ assert_not_nil js
+ assert_equal 1, js["elements"].count
+ js_ways = js["elements"].filter { |e| e["type"] == "way" }
+ assert_equal 1, js_ways.count
+ assert_equal way.id, js_ways[0]["id"]
+ assert_equal 1, js_ways[0]["version"]
+ end
+ ##
+ # check the "full" mode
+ def test_full
+ way = create(:way_with_nodes, :nodes_count => 3)
+ get way_full_path(way)
+ assert_response :success
+ # Check the way is correctly returned
+ assert_select "osm way[id='#{way.id}'][version='1'][visible='true']", 1
+ # check that each node in the way appears once in the output as a
+ # reference and as the node element.
+ way.nodes.each do |n|
+ assert_select "osm way nd[ref='#{n.id}']", 1
+ assert_select "osm node[id='#{n.id}'][version='1'][lat='#{format('%<lat>.7f', :lat => n.lat)}'][lon='#{format('%<lon>.7f', :lon => n.lon)}']", 1
+ end
+ end
+ def test_full_deleted
+ way = create(:way, :deleted)
+ get way_full_path(way)
+ assert_response :gone
+ end
# -------------------------------------
# Test simple way creation.
# -------------------------------------
xml = "<osm><way changeset='#{changeset_id}'>" \
"<nd ref='#{node1.id}'/><nd ref='#{node2.id}'/>" \
"<tag k='test' v='yes' /></way></osm>"
- put way_create_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
+ post api_ways_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
# hope for failure
assert_response :forbidden,
"way upload did not return forbidden status"
xml = "<osm><way changeset='#{changeset_id}'>" \
"<nd ref='#{node1.id}'/><nd ref='#{node2.id}'/>" \
"<tag k='test' v='yes' /></way></osm>"
- put way_create_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
+ post api_ways_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
# hope for success
assert_response :success,
"way upload did not return success status"
# create a way with non-existing node
xml = "<osm><way changeset='#{private_open_changeset.id}'>" \
"<nd ref='0'/><tag k='test' v='yes' /></way></osm>"
- put way_create_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
+ post api_ways_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
# expect failure
assert_response :forbidden,
"way upload with invalid node using a private user did not return 'forbidden'"
# create a way with no nodes
xml = "<osm><way changeset='#{private_open_changeset.id}'>" \
"<tag k='test' v='yes' /></way></osm>"
- put way_create_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
+ post api_ways_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
# expect failure
assert_response :forbidden,
"way upload with no node using a private userdid not return 'forbidden'"
# create a way inside a closed changeset
xml = "<osm><way changeset='#{private_closed_changeset.id}'>" \
"<nd ref='#{node.id}'/></way></osm>"
- put way_create_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
+ post api_ways_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
# expect failure
assert_response :forbidden,
"way upload to closed changeset with a private user did not return 'forbidden'"
# create a way with non-existing node
xml = "<osm><way changeset='#{open_changeset.id}'>" \
"<nd ref='0'/><tag k='test' v='yes' /></way></osm>"
- put way_create_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
+ post api_ways_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
# expect failure
assert_response :precondition_failed,
"way upload with invalid node did not return 'precondition failed'"
# create a way with no nodes
xml = "<osm><way changeset='#{open_changeset.id}'>" \
"<tag k='test' v='yes' /></way></osm>"
- put way_create_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
+ post api_ways_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
# expect failure
assert_response :precondition_failed,
"way upload with no node did not return 'precondition failed'"
# create a way inside a closed changeset
xml = "<osm><way changeset='#{closed_changeset.id}'>" \
"<nd ref='#{node.id}'/></way></osm>"
- put way_create_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
+ post api_ways_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
# expect failure
assert_response :conflict,
"way upload to closed changeset did not return 'conflict'"
"<nd ref='#{node.id}'/>" \
"<tag k='foo' v='#{'x' * 256}'/>" \
- put way_create_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
+ post api_ways_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
# expect failure
assert_response :bad_request,
"way upload to with too long tag did not return 'bad_request'"
# Test deleting ways.
# -------------------------------------
- def test_delete
+ def test_destroy
private_user = create(:user, :data_public => false)
private_open_changeset = create(:changeset, :user => private_user)
private_closed_changeset = create(:changeset, :closed, :user => private_user)
way_str << "</way></osm>"
# try and upload it
- put way_create_path, :params => way_str, :headers => auth_header
+ post api_ways_path, :params => way_str, :headers => auth_header
assert_response :forbidden,
"adding new duplicate tags to a way with a non-public user should fail with 'forbidden'"
way_str << "</way></osm>"
# try and upload it
- put way_create_path, :params => way_str, :headers => auth_header
+ post api_ways_path, :params => way_str, :headers => auth_header
assert_response :bad_request,
"adding new duplicate tags to a way should fail with 'bad request'"
assert_equal "Element way/ has duplicate tags with key addr:housenumber", @response.body
xml = "<osm><way changeset='#{changeset.id}'>" \
"<nd ref='#{node1.id}'/><nd ref='#{node2.id}'/>" \
"<tag k='test' v='yes' /></way></osm>"
- put way_create_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
+ post api_ways_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
assert_response :success, "way create did not return success status"
# get the id of the way we created
xml = "<osm><way changeset='#{changeset.id}'>" \
"<nd ref='#{node1.id}'/><nd ref='#{node2.id}'/>" \
"<tag k='test' v='yes' /></way></osm>"
- put way_create_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
+ post api_ways_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
assert_response :too_many_requests, "way create did not hit rate limit"
xml = "<osm><way changeset='#{changeset.id}'>" \
"<nd ref='#{node1.id}'/><nd ref='#{node2.id}'/>" \
"<tag k='test' v='yes' /></way></osm>"
- put way_create_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
+ post api_ways_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
assert_response :success, "way create did not return success status"
# get the id of the way we created
xml = "<osm><way changeset='#{changeset.id}'>" \
"<nd ref='#{node1.id}'/><nd ref='#{node2.id}'/>" \
"<tag k='test' v='yes' /></way></osm>"
- put way_create_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
+ post api_ways_path, :params => xml, :headers => auth_header
assert_response :too_many_requests, "way create did not hit rate limit"
assert_equal("test comment", issue.comments.first.body)
- def test_reassign_issue
- issue = create(:issue)
- assert_equal "administrator", issue.assigned_role
+ def test_reassign_issue_to_moderators
+ issue = create(:issue, :assigned_role => "administrator")
visit issue_path(issue)
+ assert_unchecked_field "Reassign Issue to Moderators"
fill_in :issue_comment_body, :with => "reassigning to moderators"
- check :reassign
+ check "Reassign Issue to Moderators"
click_on "Add Comment"
assert_content "and the issue was reassigned"
assert_equal "moderator", issue.assigned_role
+ def test_reassign_issue_to_administrators
+ issue = create(:issue, :assigned_role => "moderator")
+ sign_in_as(create(:moderator_user))
+ visit issue_path(issue)
+ assert_unchecked_field "Reassign Issue to Administrators"
+ fill_in :issue_comment_body, :with => "reassigning to administrators"
+ check "Reassign Issue to Administrators"
+ click_on "Add Comment"
+ assert_content "and the issue was reassigned"
+ assert_current_path issues_path(:status => "open")
+ issue.reload
+ assert_equal "administrator", issue.assigned_role
+ end
def test_reassign_issue_as_super_user
issue = create(:issue)
visit issue_path(issue)
fill_in :issue_comment_body, :with => "reassigning to moderators"
- check :reassign
+ check "Reassign Issue to Moderators"
click_on "Add Comment"
assert_content "and the issue was reassigned"
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