The border between items is familiar UI, so we can keep it, but lets
use the secondary-actions approach instead.
This avoids using left-right specific border, margin and padding
<% content_for :heading_class, "pb-0" %>
<% content_for :heading do %>
<h1><%= @title %></h1>
<% content_for :heading_class, "pb-0" %>
<% content_for :heading do %>
<h1><%= @title %></h1>
- <p>
- <%= t(".description") %>
- <% if params[:tag] %>
- <%= link_to t(".remove_tag_filter", :tag => params[:tag]), { :controller => "traces", :action => "index", :display_name => nil, :tag => nil, :page => nil }, { :class => "border-left ml-2 pl-2" } %>
- <% end %>
- </p>
+ <nav class="secondary-actions mb-3">
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <%= t(".description") %>
+ </li>
+ <% if params[:tag] %>
+ <li>
+ <%= link_to t(".remove_tag_filter", :tag => params[:tag]), { :controller => "traces", :action => "index", :display_name => nil, :tag => nil, :page => nil } %>
+ </li>
+ <% end %>
+ </ul>
+ </nav>
<ul class="nav nav-tabs flex-column flex-sm-row">
<% if @target_user.blank? %>
<!-- public traces -->
<ul class="nav nav-tabs flex-column flex-sm-row">
<% if @target_user.blank? %>
<!-- public traces -->