@name = printable_name @relation
-@title = 'Relation | ' + @name
+@title = t('browse.relation.relation') + ' | ' + @name
<table width="100%">
- <h2>Relation: <%= h(@name) %></h2>
+ <h2><%= t'browse.relation.relation_title', :relation_name => h(@name) %></h2>
<%= render :partial => "navigation" %>
<%= render :partial => "relation_details", :object => @relation %>
<hr />
- <%= link_to "Download XML", :controller => "relation", :action => "read" %>
- or
- <%= link_to "view history", :action => "relation_history" %>
+ <%= t'browse.relation.download', :download_xml_link => link_to(t('browse.relation.download_xml'), :controller => "relation", :action => "read"),
+ :view_history_link => link_to(t('browse.relation.view_history'), :action => "relation_history") %>
<%= render :partial => "map", :object => @relation %>
-page.replace_html :sidebar_title, 'Data'
+page.replace_html :sidebar_title, t('browse.start_rjs.data_frame_title')
page.replace_html :sidebar_content, :partial => 'start'
page << <<EOJ
var browseBoxControl;
if (map.getZoom() >= 15) {
} else {
- setStatus("Zoom in or select an area of the map to view");
+ setStatus("#{I18n.t('browse.start_rjs.zoom_or_select')}");
function startDrag() {
- $("browse_select_box").innerHTML='Drag a box on the map to select an area';
+ $("browse_select_box").innerHTML='#{I18n.t('browse.start_rjs.drag_a_box')}';
browseMode = "manual";
- $("browse_select_box").innerHTML = "Manually select a different area";
+ $("browse_select_box").innerHTML = "#{I18n.t('browse.start_rjs.manually_select')}";
$("browse_select_view").style.display = "inline";
var div = document.createElement("div");
var p = document.createElement("p");
- p.appendChild(document.createTextNode("You have loaded an area which contains " + browseFeatureList.length + " features. In general, some browsers may not cope well with displaying this quantity of data. Generally, browsers work best at displaying less than 100 features at a time: doing anything else may make your browser slow/unresponsive. If you are sure you want to display this data, you may do so by clicking the button below."));
+ p.appendChild(document.createTextNode("#{I18n.t('browse.start_rjs.loaded_an_area')} " + browseFeatureList.length + " #{I18n.t('browse.start_rjs.browsers')}"));
var input = document.createElement("input");
input.type = "submit";
- input.value = "Load Data";
+ input.value = "#{I18n.t('browse.start_rjs.load_data')}";
input.onclick = loadFeatureList;
var size = projected.getWidth() * projected.getHeight();
if (size > 0.25) {
- setStatus("Unable to load: Bounding box size of " + size + " is too large (must be smaller than 0.25)");
+ setStatus("#{I18n.t('browse.start_rjs.unable_to_load')} " + size + " #{I18n.t('must_be_smaller')}");
} else {
loadGML("/api/#{API_VERSION}/map?bbox=" + projected.toBBOX());
function loadGML(url) {
- setStatus("Loading...");
+ setStatus("#{I18n.t('browse.start_rjs.loading')}");
$("browse_content").innerHTML = "";
if (!browseDataLayer) {
var link = document.createElement("a");
link.href = "/browse/" + type + "/" + feature.osm_id + "/history";
- link.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Show history"));
+ link.appendChild(document.createTextNode("#{I18n.t('browse.start_rjs.show_history')}"));
link.onclick = OpenLayers.Function.bind(loadHistory, {
type: type, feature: feature, link: link
function loadHistory() {
this.link.href = "";
- this.link.innerHTML = "Wait...";
+ this.link.innerHTML = "#{I18n.t('browse.start_rjs.wait')}";
new Ajax.Request("/api/#{API_VERSION}/" + this.type + "/" + this.feature.osm_id + "/history", {
onComplete: OpenLayers.Function.bind(displayHistory, this)
var heading = document.createElement("td");
- heading.appendChild(document.createTextNode("History for " + featureName(this.feature)));
+ heading.appendChild(document.createTextNode("#{I18n.t('browse.start_rjs.history_for')} " + featureName(this.feature)));
var td = document.createElement("td");
var link = document.createElement("a");
link.href = "/browse/" + this.type + "/" + this.feature.osm_id + "/history";
- link.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Details"));
+ link.appendChild(document.createTextNode("#{I18n.t('browse.start_rjs.details')}"));
var div = document.createElement("div");
var nodes = doc.getElementsByTagName(this.type);
var history = document.createElement("ul");
for (var i = nodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- var user = nodes[i].getAttribute("user") || "private user";
+ var user = nodes[i].getAttribute("user") || "#{I18n.t('browse.start_rjs.private_user')}";
var timestamp = nodes[i].getAttribute("timestamp");
var item = document.createElement("li");
- item.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Edited by " + user + " at " + timestamp));
+ item.appendChild(document.createTextNode("#{I18n.t('browse.start_rjs.edited_by')} " + user + " #{I18n.t('browse.start_rjs.at_timestamp')} " + timestamp));
relation_history: "Relation History"
relation_history_title: "Relation History: {{relation_name}}"
+ relation_member:
+ as: "as"
+ relation:
+ relation: "Relation"
+ relation_title: "Relation: {{relation_name}}"
+ download: "{{download_xml_link}} or {{view_history_link}}"
+ download_xml: "Download XML"
+ view_history: "view history"
+ start:
+ view_data: "View data for current map view"
+ manually_select: "Manually select a different area"
+ start_rjs:
+ data_frame_title: "Data"
+ zoom_or_select: "Zoom in or select an area of the map to view"
+ drag_a_box: "Drag a box on the map to select an area"
+ manually_select: "Manually select a different area"
+ loaded_an_area: "You have loaded an area which contains"
+ browsers: "features. In general, some browsers may not cope well with displaying this quanity of data. Generally, browsers work best at displaying less than 100 features at a time: doing anything else may make your browser slow/unresponsive. If you are sure you want to display this data, you may do so by clicking the button below."
+ load_data: "Load Data"
+ unable_to_load: "Unable to load: Bounding box size of"
+ must_be_smaller: "is too large (must be smaller than 0.25)"
+ loading: "Loading..."
+ show_history: "Show History"
+ wait: "Wait..."
+ history_for: "History for"
+ details: "Details"
+ private_user: "private user"
+ edited_by: "Edited by"
+ at_timestamp: "at"
new: New Diary Entry