before_filter :authorize_web
before_filter :set_locale
before_filter { |c| c.check_database_readable(true) }
- around_filter :timeout, :except => [:start]
+ around_filter :web_timeout, :except => [:start]
def start
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
render :action => "not_found", :status => :not_found
- private
- def timeout
- SystemTimer.timeout_after(30) do
- yield
- end
- rescue ActionView::TemplateError => ex
- if ex.original_exception.is_a?(Timeout::Error)
- render :action => "timeout"
- else
- raise
- end
- rescue Timeout::Error
- render :action => "timeout"
- end
+ def bug
+ @type = "bug"
+ @bug = MapBug.find(params[:id])
+ @next = MapBug.find(:first, :order => "id ASC", :conditions => [ "status != 'hidden' AND id > :id", { :id => }] )
+ @prev = MapBug.find(:first, :order => "id DESC", :conditions => [ "status != 'hidden' AND id < :id", { :id => }] )
+ rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
+ render :action => "not_found", :status => :not_found
+ end
ENV['RAILS_ENV'] ||= 'production'
# Specifies gem version of Rails to use when vendor/rails is not present
- RAILS_GEM_VERSION = '2.3.5' unless defined? RAILS_GEM_VERSION
+ RAILS_GEM_VERSION = '2.3.8' unless defined? RAILS_GEM_VERSION
# Set the server URL
# Make sure the secret is at least 30 characters and all random,
# no regular words or you'll be exposed to dictionary attacks.
config.action_controller.session = {
- :session_key => '_osm_session',
- :secret => 'd886369b1e709c61d1f9fcb07384a2b96373c83c01bfc98c6611a9fe2b6d0b14215bb360a0154265cccadde5489513f2f9b8d9e7b384a11924f772d2872c2a1f'
+ :key => '_osm_session',
+ :secret => 'd886369b1e709c61d1f9fcb07384a2b96373c83c01bfc98c6611a9fe2b6d0b14215bb360a0154265cccadde5489513f2f9b8d9e7b384a11924f772d2872c2a1f'
# Use the database for sessions instead of the cookie-based default,
# Make Active Record use UTC-base instead of local time
config.active_record.default_timezone = :utc
download_xml: "Download XML"
view_history: "view history"
edit: "edit"
+ bug:
+ open_title: "Unresolved issue: {{bug_name}}"
+ closed_title: "Resolved issue: {{bug_name}}"
+ created_at: "Created at:"
+ edited_at: "Edited at:"
+ closed_at: "Closed at:"
+ opened_by: "Opened by:"
+ description: "Description:"
+ comment_by: "Comment by: "
+ comment: "Comment:"
+ date: "Date:"
showing_page: "Showing page {{page}}"
description_user: "Changesets by {{user}}"
description_bbox: "Changesets within {{bbox}}"
description_user_bbox: "Changesets by {{user}} within {{bbox}}"
+ timeout:
+ sorry: "Sorry, the list of changesets you requested took too long to retrieve."
title: New Diary Entry
suffix_parent: "{{suffix}} ({{parentdistance}} {{parentdirection}} of {{parentname}})"
suffix_suburb: "{{suffix}}, {{parentname}}"
+ prefix_format: "{{name}}"
airport: "Airport"
english_link: the English original
title: About this page
- text: You are viewing the English version of the copyright page. You can go back to the {{native_link}} of this pag or you can stop reading about copyright and {{mapping_link}}.
+ text: You are viewing the English version of the copyright page. You can go back to the {{native_link}} of this page or you can stop reading about copyright and {{mapping_link}}.
native_link: THIS_LANGUAGE_NAME_HERE version
mapping_link: start mapping
legal_babble: |
Statistics Canada).</li>
<li><strong>New Zealand</strong>: Contains data sourced from
Land Information New Zealand. Crown Copyright reserved.</li>
+ <li><strong>Poland</strong>: Contains data from <a
+ href="">UMP-pcPL maps</a>. Copyright
+ UMP-pcPL contributors.</li>
<li><strong>United Kingdom</strong>: Contains Ordnance
Survey data © Crown copyright and database right
lost password link: "Lost your password?"
login_button: "Login"
account not active: "Sorry, your account is not active yet.<br />Please click on the link in the account confirmation email to activate your account."
- account suspended: Sorry, your account has been suspended due to suspicious activity.<br />Please contact the <a href="">webmaster</a> if you wish to discuss this.
+ account suspended: Sorry, your account has been suspended due to suspicious activity.<br />Please contact the {{webmaster}} if you wish to discuss this.
+ webmaster: webmaster
auth failure: "Sorry, could not log in with those details."
title: "Logout"
declined: ""
decline: "Decline"
legale_select: "Please select your country of residence:"
- legale_button: "Go"
france: "France"
italy: "Italy"
title: Account Suspended
heading: Account Suspended
+ webmaster: webmaster
body: |
Sorry, your account has been automatically suspended due to
This decision will be reviewed by an administrator shortly, or
- you may contact the <a href="mailto:{{webmaster}}">webmaster</a> if
- you wish to discuss this.
+ you may contact the {{webmaster}} if you wish to discuss this.
back: "View all blocks"
revoker: "Revoker:"
needs_view: "The user needs to log in before this block will be cleared."
+ bugs:
+ rss:
+ description_area: "A list of bugs, reported, commented on or closed in your area [({{min_lat}}|{{min_lon}}) -- ({{max_lat}}|{{max_lon}})]"
+ description_item: "An rss feed for bug {{id}}"
+ closed: "closed bug (near {{place}})"
+ new: "new bug (near {{place}})"
+ comment: "new comment (near {{place}})"
+ user:
+ title_user: "Bugs submitted or commented on by {{user}}"
+ heading_user: "{{user}}'s bugs"
+ description_user: "Bugs submitted or commented on by {{user}}"
+ id: "Id"
+ last_changed: "Last changed"