:lon => contact.home_lon,
:lat => contact.home_lat,
:icon => image_path(type == "friend" ? "marker-blue.png" : "marker-green.png"),
- :description => render(:partial => "popup", :object => contact, :locals => {:type => type})
+ :description => render(:partial => "popup", :object => contact, :locals => { :type => type })
-<%= content_tag :div, :class => "contact-activity clearfix", :data => {:user => user_data} do %>
+<%= content_tag :div, :class => "contact-activity clearfix", :data => { :user => user_data } do %>
<%= user_thumbnail contact %>
<div class='activity-details'>
<p class='deemphasize'>
<%= t('users.show.latest edit', :ago => t('users.show.ago', :time_in_words_ago => time_ago_in_words(changeset.created_at))) %>
<% comment = changeset.tags['comment'].to_s != '' ? changeset.tags['comment'] : t('browse.no_comment') %>
"<%= link_to(comment,
- {:controller => 'browse', :action => 'changeset', :id => changeset.id},
- {:title => t('changesets.changeset.view_changeset_details')})
- %>"
+ { :controller => 'browse', :action => 'changeset', :id => changeset.id },
+ { :title => t('changesets.changeset.view_changeset_details') }) %>"
<% else %>
- <%= t'changesets.changeset.no_edits' %>
+ <%= t 'changesets.changeset.no_edits' %>
<% end %>
<% if user.creation_ip %>
<%= raw t 'users.index.summary',
- :name => link_to(h(user.display_name), user_path(user)),
- :ip_address => link_to(user.creation_ip, :ip => user.creation_ip),
- :date => l(user.creation_time, :format => :friendly)
- %>
+ :name => link_to(h(user.display_name), user_path(user)),
+ :ip_address => link_to(user.creation_ip, :ip => user.creation_ip),
+ :date => l(user.creation_time, :format => :friendly) %>
<% else %>
<%= raw t 'users.index.summary_no_ip',
- :name => link_to(h(user.display_name), user_path(user)),
- :date => l(user.creation_time, :format => :friendly)
- %>
+ :name => link_to(h(user.display_name), user_path(user)),
+ :date => l(user.creation_time, :format => :friendly) %>
<% end %>
<div class="richtext"><%= user.description.to_html %></div>
<div class="form-row">
<label class="standard-label"><%= t 'users.new.password' %></label>
- <%= f.password_field :pass_crypt, {:value => '', :autocomplete => :off} %>
+ <%= f.password_field :pass_crypt, { :value => '', :autocomplete => :off } %>
<div class="form-row">
<label class="standard-label"><%= t 'users.new.confirm password' %></label>
- <%= f.password_field :pass_crypt_confirmation, {:value => '', :autocomplete => :off} %>
+ <%= f.password_field :pass_crypt_confirmation, { :value => '', :autocomplete => :off } %>
<fieldset class="form-divider">
<div class='form-row location clearfix'>
<label class="standard-label"><%= t '.home location' %></label>
- <div id="homerow" <% unless current_user.home_lat and current_user.home_lon %>class="nohome"<%end%> >
+ <div id="homerow" <% unless current_user.home_lat and current_user.home_lon %>class="nohome"<% end %> >
<p class="message form-help deemphasize"><%= t '.no home location' %></p>
<div class='form-column'>
<label class="standard-label secondary"><%= t '.latitude' %></label>
<p class='deemphasize'><%= t ".reconfirm_html",
- :reconfirm => url_for(:action => 'confirm_resend')%></p>
+ :reconfirm => url_for(:action => 'confirm_resend') %></p>
<% end %>
<td colspan="2">
<%= t '.showing',
- :page => @user_pages.current_page.number,
- :first_item => @user_pages.current_page.first_item,
- :last_item => @user_pages.current_page.last_item,
- :items => @user_pages.item_count,
- :count => @user_pages.current_page.last_item - @user_pages.current_page.first_item + 1
- %>
+ :page => @user_pages.current_page.number,
+ :first_item => @user_pages.current_page.first_item,
+ :last_item => @user_pages.current_page.last_item,
+ :items => @user_pages.item_count,
+ :count => @user_pages.current_page.last_item - @user_pages.current_page.first_item + 1 %>
<% if @user_pages.page_count > 1 %>
| <%= raw pagination_links_each(@user_pages, {}) { |n| link_to n, @params.merge(:page => n) } %>
<% end %>
<%= form_tag :action => 'lost_password' do %>
<div class="standard-form">
<label class="standard-label"><%= t '.email address' %></label>
- <%= text_field('user', 'email', { :tabindex => 1} ) %>
+ <%= text_field('user', 'email', { :tabindex => 1 }) %>
<%= submit_tag t('.new password button'), :tabindex => 2 %>
<% end %>
<div class="standard-form">
<label class="standard-label"><%= t '.password' %></label>
- <%= password_field(:user, :pass_crypt, {:value => '', :tabindex => 4}) %>
+ <%= password_field(:user, :pass_crypt, { :value => '', :tabindex => 4 }) %>
<label class="standard-label"><%= t '.confirm password' %></label>
- <%= password_field(:user, :pass_crypt_confirmation, {:value => '', :tabindex => 5}) %>
+ <%= password_field(:user, :pass_crypt_confirmation, { :value => '', :tabindex => 5 }) %>
<%= submit_tag t('.reset'), :tabindex => 6 %>
<span class='count-number'><%= number_with_delimiter(current_user.changesets.size) %></span>
- <%= link_to t('.my notes'), :controller => 'notes', :action=> 'mine' %>
+ <%= link_to t('.my notes'), :controller => 'notes', :action => 'mine' %>
<%= link_to t('.my traces'), :controller => 'traces', :action => 'mine' %>
<span class='count-number'><%= number_with_delimiter(current_user.diary_entries.size) %></span>
- <%= link_to t('.my comments' ), :controller => 'diary_entries', :action => 'comments', :display_name => current_user.display_name %>
+ <%= link_to t('.my comments'), :controller => 'diary_entries', :action => 'comments', :display_name => current_user.display_name %>
<%= link_to t('.my settings'), :controller => 'users', :action => 'account', :display_name => current_user.display_name %>
<span class='count-number'><%= number_with_delimiter(@user.changesets.size) %></span>
- <%= link_to t('.notes'), :controller => 'notes', :action=> 'mine' %>
+ <%= link_to t('.notes'), :controller => 'notes', :action => 'mine' %>
<%= link_to t('.traces'), :controller => 'traces', :action => 'index', :display_name => @user.display_name %>
:lon => current_user.home_lon,
:lat => current_user.home_lat,
:icon => image_path("marker-red.png"),
- :description => render(:partial => "popup", :object => current_user, :locals => {:type => "your location"})
+ :description => render(:partial => "popup", :object => current_user, :locals => { :type => "your location" })
- <%= content_tag "div", "", :id => "map", :class => "content_map", :data => {:user => user_data} %>
+ <%= content_tag "div", "", :id => "map", :class => "content_map", :data => { :user => user_data } %>
<% end %>
<% friends = @user.friends.collect { |f| f.befriendee } %>
<li><%= link_to t('.friends_diaries'), friend_diaries_path %></li>
<div id="friends-container">
- <%= render :partial => "contact", :collection => friends, :locals => {:type => "friend"} %>
+ <%= render :partial => "contact", :collection => friends, :locals => { :type => "friend" } %>
<% end %>
<li><%= link_to t('.nearby_diaries'), nearby_diaries_path %></li>
<div id="nearbyusers">
- <%= render :partial => "contact", :collection => nearby, :locals => {:type => "nearby mapper"} %>
+ <%= render :partial => "contact", :collection => nearby, :locals => { :type => "nearby mapper" } %>
<% end %>
<div class='header-illustration new-user-terms'></div>
<% end %>
-<%= form_tag({:action => "save"}, { :class => " inner22 standard-form fillL" }) do %>
+<%= form_tag({ :action => "save" }, { :class => " inner22 standard-form fillL" }) do %>
<!-- legale is <%= @legale %> -->
<div class='form-row horizontal-list'>
<label class="standard-label">
<%= check_box('user', 'consider_pd') %>
<%= t '.consider_pd' %>
- <span class="minorNote">(<%= link_to(t('.consider_pd_why'), t('.consider_pd_why_url'), :target => :new)%>)</span>
+ <span class="minorNote">(<%= link_to(t('.consider_pd_why'), t('.consider_pd_why_url'), :target => :new) %>)</span>
<%= hidden_field_tag('referer', h(params[:referer])) unless params[:referer].nil? %>