#<%= link_to common_details.changeset_id, :action => :changeset, :id => common_details.changeset_id %>
-<% if @type == "node" %>
+<% if @type == "node" and common_details.visible? %>
<div class="details geo">
<%= t 'browse.location' %>
<%= link_to(content_tag(:span, number_with_delimiter(common_details.lat), :class => "latitude") + ", " + content_tag(:span, number_with_delimiter(common_details.lon), :class => "longitude"), {:controller => 'site', :action => 'index', :lat => h(common_details.lat), :lon => h(common_details.lon), :zoom => "18"}) %>
# well if that structure changes. so... if you change the page layout
# then please make it more easily (and robustly) testable!
+ def test_redacted_node
+ get :node, :id => current_nodes(:redacted_node).id
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_template "feature"
+ # check that we don't show lat/lon for a redacted node.
+ assert_select ".browse-section", 1
+ assert_select ".browse-section.browse-node", 1
+ assert_select ".browse-section.browse-node .latitude", 0
+ assert_select ".browse-section.browse-node .longitude", 0
+ end
def test_redacted_node_history
get :node_history, :id => nodes(:redacted_node_redacted_version).node_id
assert_response :success
- assert_template 'browse/history'
+ assert_template "browse/history"
# there are 2 revisions of the redacted node, but only one
# should be showing details here.
assert_select ".browse-section", 2
assert_select ".browse-section.browse-redacted", 1
assert_select ".browse-section.browse-node", 1
+ assert_select ".browse-section.browse-node .latitude", 0
+ assert_select ".browse-section.browse-node .longitude", 0
def test_redacted_way_history