- 'db/migrate/*.rb'
- - 'app/controllers/users_controller.rb'
+ - 'app/controllers/users/lists_controller.rb'
Enabled: false
can [:hide, :unhide], [DiaryEntry, DiaryComment]
can [:index, :show, :resolve, :ignore, :reopen], Issue
can :create, IssueComment
- can [:set_status, :destroy, :index], User
+ can [:set_status, :destroy], User
+ can [:show, :update], :users_list
can [:create, :destroy], UserRole
--- /dev/null
+module Users
+ class ListsController < ApplicationController
+ include PaginationMethods
+ layout "site"
+ before_action :authorize_web
+ before_action :set_locale
+ before_action :check_database_readable
+ authorize_resource :class => :users_list
+ ##
+ # display a list of users matching specified criteria
+ def show
+ @params = params.permit(:status, :ip, :before, :after)
+ users = User.all
+ users = users.where(:status => @params[:status]) if @params[:status]
+ users = users.where(:creation_address => @params[:ip]) if @params[:ip]
+ @users_count = users.limit(501).count
+ @users_count = I18n.t("count.at_least_pattern", :count => 500) if @users_count > 500
+ @users, @newer_users_id, @older_users_id = get_page_items(users, :limit => 50)
+ render :partial => "page" if turbo_frame_request_id == "pagination"
+ end
+ ##
+ # update status of selected users
+ def update
+ ids = params[:user].keys.collect(&:to_i)
+ User.where(:id => ids).update_all(:status => "confirmed") if params[:confirm]
+ User.where(:id => ids).update_all(:status => "deleted") if params[:hide]
+ redirect_to url_for(params.permit(:status, :ip, :before, :after))
+ end
+ end
include EmailMethods
include SessionMethods
include UserMethods
- include PaginationMethods
layout "site"
allow_thirdparty_images :only => :show
allow_social_login :only => :new
- ##
- # display a list of users matching specified criteria
- def index
- if request.post?
- ids = params[:user].keys.collect(&:to_i)
- User.where(:id => ids).update_all(:status => "confirmed") if params[:confirm]
- User.where(:id => ids).update_all(:status => "deleted") if params[:hide]
- redirect_to url_for(:status => params[:status], :ip => params[:ip], :page => params[:page])
- else
- @params = params.permit(:status, :ip, :before, :after)
- users = User.all
- users = users.where(:status => @params[:status]) if @params[:status]
- users = users.where(:creation_address => @params[:ip]) if @params[:ip]
- @users_count = users.limit(501).count
- @users_count = I18n.t("count.at_least_pattern", :count => 500) if @users_count > 500
- @users, @newer_users_id, @older_users_id = get_page_items(users, :limit => 50)
- render :partial => "page" if turbo_frame_request_id == "pagination"
- end
- end
def show
@user = User.find_by(:display_name => params[:display_name])
<turbo-frame id="pagination" target="_top" data-turbo="false">
- <%= form_tag do %>
+ <%= form_tag @params, :method => :put do %>
<div class="row">
<div class="col">
<%= render "shared/pagination",
+ :translation_scope => "shared.pagination.users",
:newer_id => @newer_users_id,
:older_id => @older_users_id %>
- <%= render @users %>
+ <%= render :partial => "user", :collection => @users %>
<div class="row">
<div class="col">
<%= render "shared/pagination",
+ :translation_scope => "shared.pagination.users",
:newer_id => @newer_users_id,
:older_id => @older_users_id %>
<% if user.creation_address %>
- <%= t "users.index.summary_html",
+ <%= t ".summary_html",
:name => link_to(user.display_name, user),
:ip_address => link_to(user.creation_address, :ip => user.creation_address),
:date => l(user.created_at, :format => :friendly) %>
<% else %>
- <%= t "users.index.summary_no_ip_html",
+ <%= t ".summary_no_ip_html",
:name => link_to(user.display_name, user),
:date => l(user.created_at, :format => :friendly) %>
<% end %>
<dd class="list-inline-item"><%= @user.email %></dd>
<% unless @user.creation_address.nil? -%>
<dt class="list-inline-item m-0"><%= t ".created from" %></dt>
- <dd class="list-inline-item"><%= link_to @user.creation_address, users_path(:ip => @user.creation_address) %></dd>
+ <dd class="list-inline-item"><%= link_to @user.creation_address, users_list_path(:ip => @user.creation_address) %></dd>
<% end -%>
<dt class="list-inline-item m-0"><%= t ".status" %></dt>
- <dd class="list-inline-item"><%= link_to @user.status.capitalize, users_path(:status => @user.status) %></dd>
+ <dd class="list-inline-item"><%= link_to @user.status.capitalize, users_list_path(:status => @user.status) %></dd>
<dt class="list-inline-item m-0"><%= t ".spam score" %></dt>
<dd class="list-inline-item"><%= @user.spam_score %></dd>
report: Report this User
flash success: "All your edits are now public, and you are now allowed to edit."
- index:
- title: Users
- heading: Users
- summary_html: "%{name} created from %{ip_address} on %{date}"
- summary_no_ip_html: "%{name} created on %{date}"
- empty: No matching users found
- page:
- found_users:
- one: "%{count} user found"
- other: "%{count} users found"
- confirm: Confirm Selected Users
- hide: Hide Selected Users
+ lists:
+ show:
+ title: Users
+ heading: Users
+ empty: No matching users found
+ page:
+ found_users:
+ one: "%{count} user found"
+ other: "%{count} users found"
+ confirm: Confirm Selected Users
+ hide: Hide Selected Users
+ user:
+ summary_html: "%{name} created from %{ip_address} on %{date}"
+ summary_no_ip_html: "%{name} created on %{date}"
title: Account Suspended
heading: Account Suspended
match "/user/:display_name/remove_friend" => "friendships#remove_friend", :via => [:get, :post], :as => "remove_friend"
# user lists
- match "/users" => "users#index", :via => [:get, :post]
- match "/users/:status" => "users#index", :via => [:get, :post]
+ namespace :users do
+ resource :list, :path => "(:status)", :only => [:show, :update]
+ end
# geocoder
get "/search" => "geocoder#search"
--- /dev/null
+require "test_helper"
+module Users
+ class ListsControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
+ ##
+ # test all routes which lead to this controller
+ def test_routes
+ assert_routing(
+ { :path => "/users", :method => :get },
+ { :controller => "users/lists", :action => "show" }
+ )
+ assert_routing(
+ { :path => "/users", :method => :put },
+ { :controller => "users/lists", :action => "update" }
+ )
+ assert_routing(
+ { :path => "/users/status", :method => :get },
+ { :controller => "users/lists", :action => "show", :status => "status" }
+ )
+ assert_routing(
+ { :path => "/users/status", :method => :put },
+ { :controller => "users/lists", :action => "update", :status => "status" }
+ )
+ end
+ def test_show
+ user = create(:user)
+ moderator_user = create(:moderator_user)
+ administrator_user = create(:administrator_user)
+ _suspended_user = create(:user, :suspended)
+ _ip_user = create(:user, :creation_address => "")
+ # There are now 7 users - the five above, plus two extra "granters" for the
+ # moderator_user and administrator_user
+ assert_equal 7, User.count
+ # Shouldn't work when not logged in
+ get users_list_path
+ assert_redirected_to login_path(:referer => users_list_path)
+ session_for(user)
+ # Shouldn't work when logged in as a normal user
+ get users_list_path
+ assert_redirected_to :controller => "/errors", :action => :forbidden
+ session_for(moderator_user)
+ # Shouldn't work when logged in as a moderator
+ get users_list_path
+ assert_redirected_to :controller => "/errors", :action => :forbidden
+ session_for(administrator_user)
+ # Note there is a header row, so all row counts are users + 1
+ # Should work when logged in as an administrator
+ get users_list_path
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_template :show
+ assert_select "table#user_list tbody tr", :count => 7
+ # Should be able to limit by status
+ get users_list_path, :params => { :status => "suspended" }
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_template :show
+ assert_select "table#user_list tbody tr", :count => 1
+ # Should be able to limit by IP address
+ get users_list_path, :params => { :ip => "" }
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_template :show
+ assert_select "table#user_list tbody tr", :count => 1
+ end
+ def test_show_paginated
+ 1.upto(100).each do |n|
+ User.create(:display_name => "extra_#{n}",
+ :email => "extra#{n}@example.com",
+ :pass_crypt => "extraextra")
+ end
+ session_for(create(:administrator_user))
+ # 100 examples, an administrator, and a granter for the admin.
+ assert_equal 102, User.count
+ next_path = users_list_path
+ get next_path
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_template :show
+ assert_select "table#user_list tbody tr", :count => 50
+ check_no_page_link "Newer Users"
+ next_path = check_page_link "Older Users"
+ get next_path
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_template :show
+ assert_select "table#user_list tbody tr", :count => 50
+ check_page_link "Newer Users"
+ next_path = check_page_link "Older Users"
+ get next_path
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_template :show
+ assert_select "table#user_list tbody tr", :count => 2
+ check_page_link "Newer Users"
+ check_no_page_link "Older Users"
+ end
+ def test_show_invalid_paginated
+ session_for(create(:administrator_user))
+ %w[-1 0 fred].each do |id|
+ get users_list_path(:before => id)
+ assert_redirected_to :controller => "/errors", :action => :bad_request
+ get users_list_path(:after => id)
+ assert_redirected_to :controller => "/errors", :action => :bad_request
+ end
+ end
+ def test_update_confirm
+ inactive_user = create(:user, :pending)
+ suspended_user = create(:user, :suspended)
+ # Shouldn't work when not logged in
+ assert_no_difference "User.active.count" do
+ put users_list_path, :params => { :confirm => 1, :user => { inactive_user.id => 1, suspended_user.id => 1 } }
+ end
+ assert_response :forbidden
+ assert_equal "pending", inactive_user.reload.status
+ assert_equal "suspended", suspended_user.reload.status
+ session_for(create(:user))
+ # Shouldn't work when logged in as a normal user
+ assert_no_difference "User.active.count" do
+ put users_list_path, :params => { :confirm => 1, :user => { inactive_user.id => 1, suspended_user.id => 1 } }
+ end
+ assert_redirected_to :controller => "/errors", :action => :forbidden
+ assert_equal "pending", inactive_user.reload.status
+ assert_equal "suspended", suspended_user.reload.status
+ session_for(create(:moderator_user))
+ # Shouldn't work when logged in as a moderator
+ assert_no_difference "User.active.count" do
+ put users_list_path, :params => { :confirm => 1, :user => { inactive_user.id => 1, suspended_user.id => 1 } }
+ end
+ assert_redirected_to :controller => "/errors", :action => :forbidden
+ assert_equal "pending", inactive_user.reload.status
+ assert_equal "suspended", suspended_user.reload.status
+ session_for(create(:administrator_user))
+ # Should work when logged in as an administrator
+ assert_difference "User.active.count", 2 do
+ put users_list_path, :params => { :confirm => 1, :user => { inactive_user.id => 1, suspended_user.id => 1 } }
+ end
+ assert_redirected_to :action => :show
+ assert_equal "confirmed", inactive_user.reload.status
+ assert_equal "confirmed", suspended_user.reload.status
+ end
+ def test_update_hide
+ normal_user = create(:user)
+ confirmed_user = create(:user, :confirmed)
+ # Shouldn't work when not logged in
+ assert_no_difference "User.active.count" do
+ put users_list_path, :params => { :hide => 1, :user => { normal_user.id => 1, confirmed_user.id => 1 } }
+ end
+ assert_response :forbidden
+ assert_equal "active", normal_user.reload.status
+ assert_equal "confirmed", confirmed_user.reload.status
+ session_for(create(:user))
+ # Shouldn't work when logged in as a normal user
+ assert_no_difference "User.active.count" do
+ put users_list_path, :params => { :hide => 1, :user => { normal_user.id => 1, confirmed_user.id => 1 } }
+ end
+ assert_redirected_to :controller => "/errors", :action => :forbidden
+ assert_equal "active", normal_user.reload.status
+ assert_equal "confirmed", confirmed_user.reload.status
+ session_for(create(:moderator_user))
+ # Shouldn't work when logged in as a moderator
+ assert_no_difference "User.active.count" do
+ put users_list_path, :params => { :hide => 1, :user => { normal_user.id => 1, confirmed_user.id => 1 } }
+ end
+ assert_redirected_to :controller => "/errors", :action => :forbidden
+ assert_equal "active", normal_user.reload.status
+ assert_equal "confirmed", confirmed_user.reload.status
+ session_for(create(:administrator_user))
+ # Should work when logged in as an administrator
+ assert_difference "User.active.count", -2 do
+ put users_list_path, :params => { :hide => 1, :user => { normal_user.id => 1, confirmed_user.id => 1 } }
+ end
+ assert_redirected_to :action => :show
+ assert_equal "deleted", normal_user.reload.status
+ assert_equal "deleted", confirmed_user.reload.status
+ end
+ private
+ def check_no_page_link(name)
+ assert_select "a.page-link", { :text => /#{Regexp.quote(name)}/, :count => 0 }, "unexpected #{name} page link"
+ end
+ def check_page_link(name)
+ assert_select "a.page-link", { :text => /#{Regexp.quote(name)}/ }, "missing #{name} page link" do |buttons|
+ return buttons.first.attributes["href"].value
+ end
+ end
+ end
{ :path => "/user/username", :method => :delete },
{ :controller => "users", :action => "destroy", :display_name => "username" }
- assert_routing(
- { :path => "/users", :method => :get },
- { :controller => "users", :action => "index" }
- )
- assert_routing(
- { :path => "/users", :method => :post },
- { :controller => "users", :action => "index" }
- )
- assert_routing(
- { :path => "/users/status", :method => :get },
- { :controller => "users", :action => "index", :status => "status" }
- )
- assert_routing(
- { :path => "/users/status", :method => :post },
- { :controller => "users", :action => "index", :status => "status" }
- )
# The user creation page loads
assert_equal "deleted", user.status
- def test_index_get
- user = create(:user)
- moderator_user = create(:moderator_user)
- administrator_user = create(:administrator_user)
- _suspended_user = create(:user, :suspended)
- _ip_user = create(:user, :creation_address => "")
- # There are now 7 users - the five above, plus two extra "granters" for the
- # moderator_user and administrator_user
- assert_equal 7, User.count
- # Shouldn't work when not logged in
- get users_path
- assert_redirected_to login_path(:referer => users_path)
- session_for(user)
- # Shouldn't work when logged in as a normal user
- get users_path
- assert_redirected_to :controller => :errors, :action => :forbidden
- session_for(moderator_user)
- # Shouldn't work when logged in as a moderator
- get users_path
- assert_redirected_to :controller => :errors, :action => :forbidden
- session_for(administrator_user)
- # Note there is a header row, so all row counts are users + 1
- # Should work when logged in as an administrator
- get users_path
- assert_response :success
- assert_template :index
- assert_select "table#user_list tbody tr", :count => 7
- # Should be able to limit by status
- get users_path, :params => { :status => "suspended" }
- assert_response :success
- assert_template :index
- assert_select "table#user_list tbody tr", :count => 1
- # Should be able to limit by IP address
- get users_path, :params => { :ip => "" }
- assert_response :success
- assert_template :index
- assert_select "table#user_list tbody tr", :count => 1
- end
- def test_index_get_paginated
- 1.upto(100).each do |n|
- User.create(:display_name => "extra_#{n}",
- :email => "extra#{n}@example.com",
- :pass_crypt => "extraextra")
- end
- session_for(create(:administrator_user))
- # 100 examples, an administrator, and a granter for the admin.
- assert_equal 102, User.count
- next_path = users_path
- get next_path
- assert_response :success
- assert_template :index
- assert_select "table#user_list tbody tr", :count => 50
- check_no_page_link "Newer Users"
- next_path = check_page_link "Older Users"
- get next_path
- assert_response :success
- assert_template :index
- assert_select "table#user_list tbody tr", :count => 50
- check_page_link "Newer Users"
- next_path = check_page_link "Older Users"
- get next_path
- assert_response :success
- assert_template :index
- assert_select "table#user_list tbody tr", :count => 2
- check_page_link "Newer Users"
- check_no_page_link "Older Users"
- end
- def test_index_get_invalid_paginated
- session_for(create(:administrator_user))
- %w[-1 0 fred].each do |id|
- get users_path(:before => id)
- assert_redirected_to :controller => :errors, :action => :bad_request
- get users_path(:after => id)
- assert_redirected_to :controller => :errors, :action => :bad_request
- end
- end
- private
- def check_no_page_link(name)
- assert_select "a.page-link", { :text => /#{Regexp.quote(name)}/, :count => 0 }, "unexpected #{name} page link"
- end
- def check_page_link(name)
- assert_select "a.page-link", { :text => /#{Regexp.quote(name)}/ }, "missing #{name} page link" do |buttons|
- return buttons.first.attributes["href"].value
- end
- end
- public
- def test_index_post_confirm
- inactive_user = create(:user, :pending)
- suspended_user = create(:user, :suspended)
- # Shouldn't work when not logged in
- assert_no_difference "User.active.count" do
- post users_path, :params => { :confirm => 1, :user => { inactive_user.id => 1, suspended_user.id => 1 } }
- end
- assert_response :forbidden
- assert_equal "pending", inactive_user.reload.status
- assert_equal "suspended", suspended_user.reload.status
- session_for(create(:user))
- # Shouldn't work when logged in as a normal user
- assert_no_difference "User.active.count" do
- post users_path, :params => { :confirm => 1, :user => { inactive_user.id => 1, suspended_user.id => 1 } }
- end
- assert_redirected_to :controller => :errors, :action => :forbidden
- assert_equal "pending", inactive_user.reload.status
- assert_equal "suspended", suspended_user.reload.status
- session_for(create(:moderator_user))
- # Shouldn't work when logged in as a moderator
- assert_no_difference "User.active.count" do
- post users_path, :params => { :confirm => 1, :user => { inactive_user.id => 1, suspended_user.id => 1 } }
- end
- assert_redirected_to :controller => :errors, :action => :forbidden
- assert_equal "pending", inactive_user.reload.status
- assert_equal "suspended", suspended_user.reload.status
- session_for(create(:administrator_user))
- # Should work when logged in as an administrator
- assert_difference "User.active.count", 2 do
- post users_path, :params => { :confirm => 1, :user => { inactive_user.id => 1, suspended_user.id => 1 } }
- end
- assert_redirected_to :action => :index
- assert_equal "confirmed", inactive_user.reload.status
- assert_equal "confirmed", suspended_user.reload.status
- end
- def test_index_post_hide
- normal_user = create(:user)
- confirmed_user = create(:user, :confirmed)
- # Shouldn't work when not logged in
- assert_no_difference "User.active.count" do
- post users_path, :params => { :hide => 1, :user => { normal_user.id => 1, confirmed_user.id => 1 } }
- end
- assert_response :forbidden
- assert_equal "active", normal_user.reload.status
- assert_equal "confirmed", confirmed_user.reload.status
- session_for(create(:user))
- # Shouldn't work when logged in as a normal user
- assert_no_difference "User.active.count" do
- post users_path, :params => { :hide => 1, :user => { normal_user.id => 1, confirmed_user.id => 1 } }
- end
- assert_redirected_to :controller => :errors, :action => :forbidden
- assert_equal "active", normal_user.reload.status
- assert_equal "confirmed", confirmed_user.reload.status
- session_for(create(:moderator_user))
- # Shouldn't work when logged in as a moderator
- assert_no_difference "User.active.count" do
- post users_path, :params => { :hide => 1, :user => { normal_user.id => 1, confirmed_user.id => 1 } }
- end
- assert_redirected_to :controller => :errors, :action => :forbidden
- assert_equal "active", normal_user.reload.status
- assert_equal "confirmed", confirmed_user.reload.status
- session_for(create(:administrator_user))
- # Should work when logged in as an administrator
- assert_difference "User.active.count", -2 do
- post users_path, :params => { :hide => 1, :user => { normal_user.id => 1, confirmed_user.id => 1 } }
- end
- assert_redirected_to :action => :index
- assert_equal "deleted", normal_user.reload.status
- assert_equal "deleted", confirmed_user.reload.status
- end
def test_auth_failure_callback
get auth_failure_path
assert_redirected_to login_path
test "all users can be selected" do
create_list(:user, 100)
- visit users_path
+ visit users_list_path
assert_css "tbody input[type=checkbox]:checked", :count => 0
assert_css "tbody input[type=checkbox]:not(:checked)", :count => 50