It does not appear to be necessary and no other edit links
make use of it. SiteController#edit will calculate a precise
center coordinate.
@way = Way.find(params[:id], :include => [:way_tags, {:changeset => :user}, {:nodes => [:node_tags, {:ways => :way_tags}]}, :containing_relation_members])
@next = Way.visible.where("id > ?","id ASC").first
@prev = Way.visible.where("id < ?","id DESC").first
@way = Way.find(params[:id], :include => [:way_tags, {:changeset => :user}, {:nodes => [:node_tags, {:ways => :way_tags}]}, :containing_relation_members])
@next = Way.visible.where("id > ?","id ASC").first
@prev = Way.visible.where("id < ?","id DESC").first
- # Used for edit link, takes approx middle node of way
- @midnode = @way.nodes[@way.nodes.length/2]
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
render :action => "not_found", :status => :not_found
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
render :action => "not_found", :status => :not_found
<hr />
<%= link_to(t('browse.way.download_xml'), :controller => "way", :action => "read") %>
| <%= link_to(t('browse.way.view_history'), :action => "way_history") %>
<hr />
<%= link_to(t('browse.way.download_xml'), :controller => "way", :action => "read") %>
| <%= link_to(t('browse.way.view_history'), :action => "way_history") %>
-<% unless @midnode.nil? -%>
-| <%= link_to(t('browse.way.edit'), :controller => "site", :action => "edit", :way =>, :lat =>, :lon => @midnode.lon, :zoom => 16) %>
-<% end -%>
+| <%= link_to(t('browse.way.edit'), :controller => "site", :action => "edit", :way => %>