+ * L.Control.CustomZoom is used for the default zoom buttons on the map.
+ */
+L.Control.CustomZoom = L.Control.extend({
+ options: {
+ position: 'topleft'
+ },
+ onAdd: function (map) {
+ var zoomName = 'zoom',
+ container = L.DomUtil.create('div', zoomName);
+ this._map = map;
+ this._zoomInButton = this._createButton(
+ '', 'Zoom in', zoomName + 'in', container, this._zoomIn, this);
+ this._zoomOutButton = this._createButton(
+ '', 'Zoom out', zoomName + 'out', container, this._zoomOut, this);
+ map.on('zoomend zoomlevelschange', this._updateDisabled, this);
+ return container;
+ },
+ onRemove: function (map) {
+ map.off('zoomend zoomlevelschange', this._updateDisabled, this);
+ },
+ _zoomIn: function (e) {
+ this._map.zoomIn(e.shiftKey ? 3 : 1);
+ },
+ _zoomOut: function (e) {
+ this._map.zoomOut(e.shiftKey ? 3 : 1);
+ },
+ _createButton: function (html, title, className, container, fn, context) {
+ var link = L.DomUtil.create('a', className, container);
+ link.innerHTML = html;
+ link.href = '#';
+ link.title = title;
+ var sprite = L.DomUtil.create('span', 'icon ' + className, link);
+ var stop = L.DomEvent.stopPropagation;
+ L.DomEvent
+ .on(link, 'click', stop)
+ .on(link, 'mousedown', stop)
+ .on(link, 'dblclick', stop)
+ .on(link, 'click', L.DomEvent.preventDefault)
+ .on(link, 'click', fn, context);
+ return link;
+ },
+ _updateDisabled: function () {
+ var map = this._map,
+ className = 'leaflet-disabled';
+ L.DomUtil.removeClass(this._zoomInButton, className);
+ L.DomUtil.removeClass(this._zoomOutButton, className);
+ if (map._zoom === map.getMinZoom()) {
+ L.DomUtil.addClass(this._zoomOutButton, className);
+ }
+ if (map._zoom === map.getMaxZoom()) {
+ L.DomUtil.addClass(this._zoomInButton, className);
+ }
+ }
+L.control.customZoom = function (options) {
+ return new L.Control.CustomZoom(options);