can [:index, :feed, :show], Changeset
can :index, ChangesetComment
can [:confirm, :confirm_resend, :confirm_email], :confirmation
- can [:index, :rss, :show, :comments], DiaryEntry
+ can [:index, :rss, :show], DiaryEntry
+ can :index, DiaryComment
can [:index], Note
can [:new, :create, :edit, :update], :password
can [:index, :show], Redaction
--- /dev/null
+class DiaryCommentsController < ApplicationController
+ include UserMethods
+ include PaginationMethods
+ layout "site"
+ before_action :authorize_web
+ before_action :set_locale
+ before_action :check_database_readable
+ authorize_resource
+ before_action :lookup_user, :only => :index
+ allow_thirdparty_images :only => :index
+ def index
+ @title = t ".title", :user => @user.display_name
+ comments = DiaryComment.where(:user => @user)
+ comments = comments.visible unless can? :unhidecomment, DiaryEntry
+ @params = params.permit(:display_name, :before, :after)
+ @comments, @newer_comments_id, @older_comments_id = get_page_items(comments, :includes => [:user])
+ end
- before_action :lookup_user, :only => [:show, :comments]
+ before_action :lookup_user, :only => :show
before_action :check_database_writable, :only => [:new, :create, :edit, :update, :comment, :hide, :hidecomment, :subscribe, :unsubscribe]
- allow_thirdparty_images :only => [:new, :create, :edit, :update, :index, :show, :comments]
+ allow_thirdparty_images :only => [:new, :create, :edit, :update, :index, :show]
def index
if params[:display_name]
redirect_to diary_entry_path(comment.diary_entry.user, comment.diary_entry)
- def comments
- @title = t ".title", :user => @user.display_name
- comments = DiaryComment.where(:user => @user)
- comments = comments.visible unless can? :unhidecomment, DiaryEntry
- @params = params.permit(:display_name, :before, :after)
- @comments, @newer_comments_id, @older_comments_id = get_page_items(comments, :includes => [:user])
- end
<%= render "shared/pagination",
- :newer_key => "diary_entries.comments.newer_comments",
- :older_key => "diary_entries.comments.older_comments",
+ :newer_key => "diary_comments.index.newer_comments",
+ :older_key => "diary_comments.index.older_comments",
:newer_id => @newer_comments_id,
:older_id => @older_comments_id %>
<% end -%>
title: "OpenStreetMap diary entries"
description: "Recent diary entries from users of OpenStreetMap"
- comments:
+ subscribe:
+ heading: Subscribe to the following diary entry discussion?
+ button: Subscribe to discussion
+ unsubscribe:
+ heading: Unsubscribe from the following diary entry discussion?
+ button: Unsubscribe from discussion
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
title: "Diary Comments added by %{user}"
heading: "%{user}'s Diary Comments"
subheading_html: "Diary Comments added by %{user}"
comment: Comment
newer_comments: "Newer Comments"
older_comments: "Older Comments"
- subscribe:
- heading: Subscribe to the following diary entry discussion?
- button: Subscribe to discussion
- unsubscribe:
- heading: Unsubscribe from the following diary entry discussion?
- button: Unsubscribe from discussion
get "/diary/:language/rss" => "diary_entries#rss", :defaults => { :format => :rss }
get "/diary/rss" => "diary_entries#rss", :defaults => { :format => :rss }
get "/user/:display_name/diary/comments/:page", :page => /[1-9][0-9]*/, :to => redirect(:path => "/user/%{display_name}/diary/comments")
- get "/user/:display_name/diary/comments" => "diary_entries#comments", :as => :diary_comments
+ get "/user/:display_name/diary/comments" => "diary_comments#index", :as => :diary_comments
get "/user/:display_name/diary" => "diary_entries#index"
get "/diary/:language" => "diary_entries#index"
scope "/user/:display_name" do
test "diary permissions for a guest" do
ability = nil
- [:index, :rss, :show, :comments].each do |action|
+ [:index, :rss, :show].each do |action|
assert ability.can?(action, DiaryEntry), "should be able to #{action} DiaryEntries"
+ [:index].each do |action|
+ assert ability.can?(action, DiaryComment), "should be able to #{action} DiaryComments"
+ end
[:create, :edit, :comment, :subscribe, :unsubscribe, :hide, :hidecomment].each do |action|
assert ability.cannot?(action, DiaryEntry), "should not be able to #{action} DiaryEntries"
test "Diary permissions" do
ability = create(:user)
- [:index, :rss, :show, :comments, :create, :edit, :comment, :subscribe, :unsubscribe].each do |action|
+ [:index, :rss, :show, :create, :edit, :comment, :subscribe, :unsubscribe].each do |action|
assert ability.can?(action, DiaryEntry), "should be able to #{action} DiaryEntries"
+ [:index].each do |action|
+ assert ability.can?(action, DiaryComment), "should be able to #{action} DiaryComments"
+ end
[:hide, :hidecomment].each do |action|
assert ability.cannot?(action, DiaryEntry), "should not be able to #{action} DiaryEntries"
class AdministratorAbilityTest < AbilityTest
test "Diary for an administrator" do
ability = create(:administrator_user)
- [:index, :rss, :show, :comments, :create, :edit, :comment, :subscribe, :unsubscribe, :hide, :hidecomment].each do |action|
+ [:index, :rss, :show, :create, :edit, :comment, :subscribe, :unsubscribe, :hide, :hidecomment].each do |action|
assert ability.can?(action, DiaryEntry), "should be able to #{action} DiaryEntries"
+ [:index].each do |action|
+ assert ability.can?(action, DiaryComment), "should be able to #{action} DiaryComments"
+ end
test "User Roles permissions for an administrator" do
--- /dev/null
+require "test_helper"
+class DiaryCommentsControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
+ def setup
+ super
+ # Create the default language for diary entries
+ create(:language, :code => "en")
+ end
+ def test_routes
+ assert_routing(
+ { :path => "/user/username/diary/comments", :method => :get },
+ { :controller => "diary_comments", :action => "index", :display_name => "username" }
+ )
+ get "/user/username/diary/comments/1"
+ assert_redirected_to "/user/username/diary/comments"
+ end
+ def test_index
+ user = create(:user)
+ other_user = create(:user)
+ suspended_user = create(:user, :suspended)
+ deleted_user = create(:user, :deleted)
+ # Test a user with no comments
+ get diary_comments_path(:display_name => user.display_name)
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_template :index
+ assert_select "h4", :html => "No diary comments"
+ # Test a user with a comment
+ create(:diary_comment, :user => other_user)
+ get diary_comments_path(:display_name => other_user.display_name)
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_template :index
+ assert_dom "a[href='#{user_path(other_user)}']", :text => other_user.display_name
+ assert_select "table.table-striped tbody" do
+ assert_select "tr", :count => 1
+ end
+ # Test a suspended user
+ get diary_comments_path(:display_name => suspended_user.display_name)
+ assert_response :not_found
+ # Test a deleted user
+ get diary_comments_path(:display_name => deleted_user.display_name)
+ assert_response :not_found
+ end
+ def test_index_invalid_paged
+ user = create(:user)
+ %w[-1 0 fred].each do |id|
+ get diary_comments_path(:display_name => user.display_name, :before => id)
+ assert_redirected_to :controller => :errors, :action => :bad_request
+ get diary_comments_path(:display_name => user.display_name, :after => id)
+ assert_redirected_to :controller => :errors, :action => :bad_request
+ end
+ end
{ :controller => "diary_entries", :action => "rss", :display_name => "username", :format => :rss }
- assert_routing(
- { :path => "/user/username/diary/comments", :method => :get },
- { :controller => "diary_entries", :action => "comments", :display_name => "username" }
- )
{ :path => "/diary/new", :method => :get },
{ :controller => "diary_entries", :action => "new" }
{ :path => "/user/username/diary/1/unsubscribe", :method => :post },
{ :controller => "diary_entries", :action => "unsubscribe", :display_name => "username", :id => "1" }
- get "/user/username/diary/comments/1"
- assert_redirected_to "/user/username/diary/comments"
def test_new_no_login
assert DiaryComment.find(
- def test_comments
- user = create(:user)
- other_user = create(:user)
- suspended_user = create(:user, :suspended)
- deleted_user = create(:user, :deleted)
- # Test a user with no comments
- get diary_comments_path(:display_name => user.display_name)
- assert_response :success
- assert_template :comments
- assert_select "h4", :html => "No diary comments"
- # Test a user with a comment
- create(:diary_comment, :user => other_user)
- get diary_comments_path(:display_name => other_user.display_name)
- assert_response :success
- assert_template :comments
- assert_dom "a[href='#{user_path(other_user)}']", :text => other_user.display_name
- assert_select "table.table-striped tbody" do
- assert_select "tr", :count => 1
- end
- # Test a suspended user
- get diary_comments_path(:display_name => suspended_user.display_name)
- assert_response :not_found
- # Test a deleted user
- get diary_comments_path(:display_name => deleted_user.display_name)
- assert_response :not_found
- end
- def test_comments_invalid_paged
- user = create(:user)
- %w[-1 0 fred].each do |id|
- get diary_comments_path(:display_name => user.display_name, :before => id)
- assert_redirected_to :controller => :errors, :action => :bad_request
- get diary_comments_path(:display_name => user.display_name, :after => id)
- assert_redirected_to :controller => :errors, :action => :bad_request
- end
- end
def test_subscribe_page
user = create(:user)
other_user = create(:user)