+ $(".query_wrapper.routing [name=route_from]").focus();
$(".close_directions").on("click",function(e) {
+ $(".query_wrapper.search [name=query]").focus();
OSM.routing = OSM.Routing(map,'OSM.routing',$('.query_wrapper.routing'));
*** draggable start/end markers
+ *** click each part
+ *** translation (including all alerts and presentation)
+ *** export GPX
r.setPolyline=function(line) {
if (r.polyline) map.removeLayer(r.polyline);
r.polyline=L.polyline(line, ROUTING_POLYLINE).addTo(r.map);
- // *** zoom to fit
+ r.map.fitBounds(r.polyline.getBounds());
// Take an array of directions and write it out
// (we use OSRM's route_instructions format)
+ // *** translations?
r.setItinerary=function(steps) {
- var html="";
+ var html='<h2><a class="geolink" href="#"><span class="icon close"></span></a>Directions</h2>';
+ html+="<table>";
for (var i=0; i<steps.length; i++) {
- var s=steps[i];
- html+="<div class='route_step'>";
- html+=TURN_INSTRUCTIONS[s[0]] || s[0];
- html+=s[1];
- html+="</div>";
+ var step=steps[i];
+ var instCodes=step[0].split('-');
+ // Assemble instruction text
+ var instText="<b>"+(i+1)+".</b> ";
+ instText+=TURN_INSTRUCTIONS[instCodes[0]];
+ if (instCodes[1]) { instText+="exit "+instCodes[1]+" "; }
+ if (instCodes[0]!=15) { instText+=step[1] ? "<b>"+step[1]+"</b>" : "(unnamed)"; }
+ // Add to table
+ html+="<tr>";
+ html+="<td class='direction i"+instCodes[0]+"'> ";
+ html+="<td>"+instText;
+ html+="</table>";
gotRoute: function(data) {
- // *** save hints
+ if (data.status==207) {
+ alert("Couldn't find route between those two places");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // *** store hints
var line=L.PolylineUtil.decode(data.route_geometry);
for (i=0; i<line.length; i++) { line[i].lat/=10; line[i].lng/=10; }
color: #f00;
+/* Rules for routing */
+#sidebar_content>table {
+ margin: 20px 0px 10px 15px;
+td.direction {
+ background-image: image-url('routing-sprite.png');
+ width: 20px; height: 20px;
+ background-repeat: no-repeat;
+@for $i from 1 through 17 {
+td.direction.i#{$i} { background-position: #{($i)*-20+20}px 0px; }
/* Rules for entity history */
#sidebar_content {
close: Close
search: Search
+ get_directions: "Get directions"
+ get_directions_title: "Find directions between two points"
+ close_directions: "Close directions"
+ close_directions_title: "Close the directions panel"
where_am_i: "Where am I?"
where_am_i_title: Describe the current location using the search engine
submit_text: "Go"