# This is a todo list, but is currently too long for `rubocop --auto-gen-config`
- 'app/controllers/api/changeset_comments_controller.rb'
- 'app/controllers/api/changesets_controller.rb'
- - 'app/controllers/api/nodes_controller.rb'
- 'app/controllers/api/notes_controller.rb'
- 'app/controllers/api/old_elements_controller.rb'
- - 'app/controllers/api/relations_controller.rb'
- 'app/controllers/api/user_preferences_controller.rb'
- 'app/controllers/api/users_controller.rb'
- - 'app/controllers/api/ways_controller.rb'
- 'app/controllers/browse_controller.rb'
- 'app/controllers/changesets_controller.rb'
- 'app/controllers/confirmations_controller.rb'
can [:read, :download], Changeset
can :read, Tracepoint
can :read, User
- can :read, Node
- can [:read, :ways_for_node], Way
- can [:read, :relations_for_node, :relations_for_way, :relations_for_relation], Relation
+ can :read, [Node, Way, Relation]
can [:history, :read], [OldNode, OldWay, OldRelation]
can :read, UserBlock
--- /dev/null
+module Api
+ module Nodes
+ class RelationsController < ApiController
+ authorize_resource
+ before_action :set_request_formats
+ def index
+ relation_ids = RelationMember.where(:member_type => "Node", :member_id => params[:node_id]).collect(&:relation_id).uniq
+ @relations = []
+ Relation.find(relation_ids).each do |relation|
+ @relations << relation if relation.visible
+ end
+ # Render the result
+ respond_to do |format|
+ format.xml
+ format.json
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
--- /dev/null
+module Api
+ module Nodes
+ class WaysController < ApiController
+ authorize_resource
+ before_action :set_request_formats
+ ##
+ # returns all the ways which are currently using the node given in the
+ # :node_id parameter. note that this used to return deleted ways as well, but
+ # this seemed not to be the expected behaviour, so it was removed.
+ def index
+ way_ids = WayNode.where(:node_id => params[:node_id]).collect { |ws| ws.id[0] }.uniq
+ @ways = Way.where(:id => way_ids, :visible => true)
+ # Render the result
+ respond_to do |format|
+ format.xml
+ format.json
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
--- /dev/null
+module Api
+ module Relations
+ class RelationsController < ApiController
+ authorize_resource
+ before_action :set_request_formats
+ def index
+ relation_ids = RelationMember.where(:member_type => "Relation", :member_id => params[:relation_id]).collect(&:relation_id).uniq
+ @relations = []
+ Relation.find(relation_ids).each do |relation|
+ @relations << relation if relation.visible
+ end
+ # Render the result
+ respond_to do |format|
+ format.xml
+ format.json
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
head :bad_request
- def relations_for_way
- relations_for_object("Way")
- end
- def relations_for_node
- relations_for_object("Node")
- end
- def relations_for_relation
- relations_for_object("Relation")
- end
- private
- def relations_for_object(objtype)
- relationids = RelationMember.where(:member_type => objtype, :member_id => params[:id]).collect(&:relation_id).uniq
- @relations = []
- Relation.find(relationids).each do |relation|
- @relations << relation if relation.visible
- end
- # Render the result
- respond_to do |format|
- format.xml
- format.json
- end
- end
--- /dev/null
+module Api
+ module Ways
+ class RelationsController < ApiController
+ authorize_resource
+ before_action :set_request_formats
+ def index
+ relation_ids = RelationMember.where(:member_type => "Way", :member_id => params[:way_id]).collect(&:relation_id).uniq
+ @relations = []
+ Relation.find(relation_ids).each do |relation|
+ @relations << relation if relation.visible
+ end
+ # Render the result
+ respond_to do |format|
+ format.xml
+ format.json
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
head :bad_request
- ##
- # returns all the ways which are currently using the node given in the
- # :id parameter. note that this used to return deleted ways as well, but
- # this seemed not to be the expected behaviour, so it was removed.
- def ways_for_node
- wayids = WayNode.where(:node_id => params[:id]).collect { |ws| ws.id[0] }.uniq
- @ways = Way.where(:id => wayids, :visible => true)
- # Render the result
- respond_to do |format|
- format.xml
- format.json
- end
- end
--- /dev/null
+json.partial! "api/root_attributes"
+json.elements do
+ json.array! @relations, :partial => "api/relations/relation", :as => :relation
--- /dev/null
+xml.osm(OSM::API.new.xml_root_attributes) do |osm|
+ osm << (render(:partial => "api/relations/relation", :collection => @relations) || "")
--- /dev/null
+json.partial! "api/root_attributes"
+json.elements do
+ json.array! @ways, :partial => "api/ways/way", :as => :way
--- /dev/null
+xml.osm(OSM::API.new.xml_root_attributes) do |osm|
+ osm << (render(:partial => "api/ways/way", :collection => @ways) || "")
--- /dev/null
+json.partial! "api/root_attributes"
+json.elements do
+ json.array! @relations, :partial => "api/relations/relation", :as => :relation
--- /dev/null
+xml.osm(OSM::API.new.xml_root_attributes) do |osm|
+ osm << (render(:partial => "api/relations/relation", :collection => @relations) || "")
+++ /dev/null
-json.partial! "api/root_attributes"
-json.elements do
- json.array! @relations, :partial => "relation", :as => :relation
+++ /dev/null
-xml.osm(OSM::API.new.xml_root_attributes) do |osm|
- osm << (render(@relations) || "")
+++ /dev/null
-json.partial! "api/root_attributes"
-json.elements do
- json.array! @relations, :partial => "relation", :as => :relation
+++ /dev/null
-xml.osm(OSM::API.new.xml_root_attributes) do |osm|
- osm << (render(@relations) || "")
+++ /dev/null
-json.partial! "api/root_attributes"
-json.elements do
- json.array! @relations, :partial => "relation", :as => :relation
+++ /dev/null
-xml.osm(OSM::API.new.xml_root_attributes) do |osm|
- osm << (render(@relations) || "")
--- /dev/null
+json.partial! "api/root_attributes"
+json.elements do
+ json.array! @relations, :partial => "api/relations/relation", :as => :relation
--- /dev/null
+xml.osm(OSM::API.new.xml_root_attributes) do |osm|
+ osm << (render(:partial => "api/relations/relation", :collection => @relations) || "")
+++ /dev/null
-json.partial! "api/root_attributes"
-json.elements do
- json.array! @ways, :partial => "way", :as => :way
+++ /dev/null
-xml.osm(OSM::API.new.xml_root_attributes) do |osm|
- osm << (render(@ways) || "")
post "changeset/comment/:id/hide" => "changeset_comments#destroy", :as => :changeset_comment_hide, :id => /\d+/
post "changeset/comment/:id/unhide" => "changeset_comments#restore", :as => :changeset_comment_unhide, :id => /\d+/
- get "node/:id/ways" => "ways#ways_for_node", :as => :node_ways, :id => /\d+/
- get "node/:id/relations" => "relations#relations_for_node", :as => :node_relations, :id => /\d+/
get "node/:id/history" => "old_nodes#history", :as => :api_node_history, :id => /\d+/
post "node/:id/:version/redact" => "old_nodes#redact", :as => :node_version_redact, :version => /\d+/, :id => /\d+/
get "node/:id/:version" => "old_nodes#show", :as => :api_old_node, :id => /\d+/, :version => /\d+/
get "way/:id/history" => "old_ways#history", :as => :api_way_history, :id => /\d+/
- get "way/:id/relations" => "relations#relations_for_way", :as => :way_relations, :id => /\d+/
post "way/:id/:version/redact" => "old_ways#redact", :as => :way_version_redact, :version => /\d+/, :id => /\d+/
get "way/:id/:version" => "old_ways#show", :as => :api_old_way, :id => /\d+/, :version => /\d+/
- get "relation/:id/relations" => "relations#relations_for_relation", :as => :relation_relations, :id => /\d+/
get "relation/:id/history" => "old_relations#history", :as => :api_relation_history, :id => /\d+/
post "relation/:id/:version/redact" => "old_relations#redact", :as => :relation_version_redact, :version => /\d+/, :id => /\d+/
get "relation/:id/:version" => "old_relations#show", :as => :api_old_relation, :id => /\d+/, :version => /\d+/
namespace :api, :path => "api/0.6" do
resources :nodes, :only => [:index, :create]
- resources :nodes, :path => "node", :id => /\d+/, :only => [:show, :update, :destroy]
+ resources :nodes, :path => "node", :id => /\d+/, :only => [:show, :update, :destroy] do
+ scope :module => :nodes do
+ resources :ways, :only => :index
+ resources :relations, :only => :index
+ end
+ end
put "node/create" => "nodes#create", :as => nil
resources :ways, :only => [:index, :create]
member do
get :full, :action => :show, :full => true, :as => nil
+ scope :module => :ways do
+ resources :relations, :only => :index
+ end
put "way/create" => "ways#create", :as => nil
member do
get :full, :action => :show, :full => true, :as => nil
+ scope :module => :relations do
+ resources :relations, :only => :index
+ end
put "relation/create" => "relations#create", :as => nil
--- /dev/null
+require "test_helper"
+module Api
+ module Nodes
+ class RelationsControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
+ ##
+ # test all routes which lead to this controller
+ def test_routes
+ assert_routing(
+ { :path => "/api/0.6/node/1/relations", :method => :get },
+ { :controller => "api/nodes/relations", :action => "index", :node_id => "1" }
+ )
+ assert_routing(
+ { :path => "/api/0.6/node/1/relations.json", :method => :get },
+ { :controller => "api/nodes/relations", :action => "index", :node_id => "1", :format => "json" }
+ )
+ end
+ ##
+ # check that all relations containing a particular node, and no extra
+ # relations, are returned.
+ def test_index
+ node = create(:node)
+ # should include relations with that node as a member
+ relation_with_node = create(:relation_member, :member => node).relation
+ # should ignore relations without that node as a member
+ _relation_without_node = create(:relation_member).relation
+ # should ignore relations with the node involved indirectly, via a way
+ way = create(:way_node, :node => node).way
+ _relation_with_way = create(:relation_member, :member => way).relation
+ # should ignore relations with the node involved indirectly, via a relation
+ second_relation = create(:relation_member, :member => node).relation
+ _super_relation = create(:relation_member, :member => second_relation).relation
+ # should combine multiple relation_member references into just one relation entry
+ create(:relation_member, :member => node, :relation => relation_with_node)
+ # should not include deleted relations
+ deleted_relation = create(:relation, :deleted)
+ create(:relation_member, :member => node, :relation => deleted_relation)
+ get api_node_relations_path(node)
+ assert_response :success
+ # count one osm element
+ assert_select "osm[version='#{Settings.api_version}'][generator='#{Settings.generator}']", 1
+ # we should have only the expected number of relations
+ expected_relations = [relation_with_node, second_relation]
+ assert_select "osm>relation", expected_relations.size
+ # and each of them should contain the element we originally searched for
+ expected_relations.each do |containing_relation|
+ # The relation should appear once, but the element could appear multiple times
+ assert_select "osm>relation[id='#{containing_relation.id}']", 1
+ assert_select "osm>relation[id='#{containing_relation.id}']>member[type='node'][ref='#{node.id}']"
+ end
+ end
+ def test_index_json
+ node = create(:node)
+ containing_relation = create(:relation_member, :member => node).relation
+ get api_node_relations_path(node, :format => "json")
+ assert_response :success
+ js = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(@response.body)
+ assert_not_nil js
+ assert_equal 1, js["elements"].count
+ js_relations = js["elements"].filter { |e| e["type"] == "relation" }
+ assert_equal 1, js_relations.count
+ assert_equal containing_relation.id, js_relations[0]["id"]
+ end
+ end
+ end
--- /dev/null
+require "test_helper"
+module Api
+ module Nodes
+ class WaysControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
+ ##
+ # test all routes which lead to this controller
+ def test_routes
+ assert_routing(
+ { :path => "/api/0.6/node/1/ways", :method => :get },
+ { :controller => "api/nodes/ways", :action => "index", :node_id => "1" }
+ )
+ assert_routing(
+ { :path => "/api/0.6/node/1/ways.json", :method => :get },
+ { :controller => "api/nodes/ways", :action => "index", :node_id => "1", :format => "json" }
+ )
+ end
+ ##
+ # test that a call to ways_for_node returns all ways that contain the node
+ # and none that don't.
+ def test_index
+ node = create(:node)
+ way1 = create(:way)
+ way2 = create(:way)
+ create(:way_node, :way => way1, :node => node)
+ create(:way_node, :way => way2, :node => node)
+ # create an unrelated way
+ create(:way_with_nodes, :nodes_count => 2)
+ # create a way which used to use the node
+ way3_v1 = create(:old_way, :version => 1)
+ _way3_v2 = create(:old_way, :current_way => way3_v1.current_way, :version => 2)
+ create(:old_way_node, :old_way => way3_v1, :node => node)
+ get api_node_ways_path(node)
+ assert_response :success
+ ways_xml = XML::Parser.string(@response.body).parse
+ assert_not_nil ways_xml, "failed to parse ways_for_node response"
+ # check that the set of IDs match expectations
+ expected_way_ids = [way1.id,
+ way2.id]
+ found_way_ids = ways_xml.find("//osm/way").collect { |w| w["id"].to_i }
+ assert_equal expected_way_ids.sort, found_way_ids.sort,
+ "expected ways for node #{node.id} did not match found"
+ # check the full ways to ensure we're not missing anything
+ expected_way_ids.each do |id|
+ way_xml = ways_xml.find("//osm/way[@id='#{id}']").first
+ assert_ways_are_equal(Way.find(id),
+ Way.from_xml_node(way_xml))
+ end
+ end
+ def test_index_json
+ node = create(:node)
+ way = create(:way)
+ create(:way_node, :way => way, :node => node)
+ get api_node_ways_path(node, :format => "json")
+ assert_response :success
+ js = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(@response.body)
+ assert_not_nil js
+ assert_equal 1, js["elements"].count
+ js_ways = js["elements"].filter { |e| e["type"] == "way" }
+ assert_equal 1, js_ways.count
+ assert_equal way.id, js_ways[0]["id"]
+ end
+ end
+ end
--- /dev/null
+require "test_helper"
+module Api
+ module Relations
+ class RelationsControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
+ ##
+ # test all routes which lead to this controller
+ def test_routes
+ assert_routing(
+ { :path => "/api/0.6/relation/1/relations", :method => :get },
+ { :controller => "api/relations/relations", :action => "index", :relation_id => "1" }
+ )
+ assert_routing(
+ { :path => "/api/0.6/relation/1/relations.json", :method => :get },
+ { :controller => "api/relations/relations", :action => "index", :relation_id => "1", :format => "json" }
+ )
+ end
+ def test_index
+ relation = create(:relation)
+ # should include relations with that relation as a member
+ relation_with_relation = create(:relation_member, :member => relation).relation
+ # should ignore any relation without that relation as a member
+ _relation_without_relation = create(:relation_member).relation
+ # should ignore relations with the relation involved indirectly, via a relation
+ second_relation = create(:relation_member, :member => relation).relation
+ _super_relation = create(:relation_member, :member => second_relation).relation
+ # should combine multiple relation_member references into just one relation entry
+ create(:relation_member, :member => relation, :relation => relation_with_relation)
+ # should not include deleted relations
+ deleted_relation = create(:relation, :deleted)
+ create(:relation_member, :member => relation, :relation => deleted_relation)
+ get api_relation_relations_path(relation)
+ assert_response :success
+ # count one osm element
+ assert_select "osm[version='#{Settings.api_version}'][generator='#{Settings.generator}']", 1
+ # we should have only the expected number of relations
+ expected_relations = [relation_with_relation, second_relation]
+ assert_select "osm>relation", expected_relations.size
+ # and each of them should contain the element we originally searched for
+ expected_relations.each do |containing_relation|
+ # The relation should appear once, but the element could appear multiple times
+ assert_select "osm>relation[id='#{containing_relation.id}']", 1
+ assert_select "osm>relation[id='#{containing_relation.id}']>member[type='relation'][ref='#{relation.id}']"
+ end
+ end
+ def test_index_json
+ relation = create(:relation)
+ containing_relation = create(:relation_member, :member => relation).relation
+ get api_relation_relations_path(relation, :format => "json")
+ assert_response :success
+ js = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(@response.body)
+ assert_not_nil js
+ assert_equal 1, js["elements"].count
+ js_relations = js["elements"].filter { |e| e["type"] == "relation" }
+ assert_equal 1, js_relations.count
+ assert_equal containing_relation.id, js_relations[0]["id"]
+ end
+ end
+ end
{ :controller => "api/relations", :action => "destroy", :id => "1" }
- assert_routing(
- { :path => "/api/0.6/node/1/relations", :method => :get },
- { :controller => "api/relations", :action => "relations_for_node", :id => "1" }
- )
- assert_routing(
- { :path => "/api/0.6/way/1/relations", :method => :get },
- { :controller => "api/relations", :action => "relations_for_way", :id => "1" }
- )
- assert_routing(
- { :path => "/api/0.6/relation/1/relations", :method => :get },
- { :controller => "api/relations", :action => "relations_for_relation", :id => "1" }
- )
- assert_routing(
- { :path => "/api/0.6/node/1/relations.json", :method => :get },
- { :controller => "api/relations", :action => "relations_for_node", :id => "1", :format => "json" }
- )
- assert_routing(
- { :path => "/api/0.6/way/1/relations.json", :method => :get },
- { :controller => "api/relations", :action => "relations_for_way", :id => "1", :format => "json" }
- )
- assert_routing(
- { :path => "/api/0.6/relation/1/relations.json", :method => :get },
- { :controller => "api/relations", :action => "relations_for_relation", :id => "1", :format => "json" }
- )
{ :controller => "api/relations", :action => "create" },
{ :path => "/api/0.6/relation/create", :method => :put }
assert_equal node.id, js_nodes[0]["id"]
- ##
- # check that all relations containing a particular node, and no extra
- # relations, are returned from the relations_for_node call.
- def test_relations_for_node
- node = create(:node)
- # should include relations with that node as a member
- relation_with_node = create(:relation_member, :member => node).relation
- # should ignore relations without that node as a member
- _relation_without_node = create(:relation_member).relation
- # should ignore relations with the node involved indirectly, via a way
- way = create(:way_node, :node => node).way
- _relation_with_way = create(:relation_member, :member => way).relation
- # should ignore relations with the node involved indirectly, via a relation
- second_relation = create(:relation_member, :member => node).relation
- _super_relation = create(:relation_member, :member => second_relation).relation
- # should combine multiple relation_member references into just one relation entry
- create(:relation_member, :member => node, :relation => relation_with_node)
- # should not include deleted relations
- deleted_relation = create(:relation, :deleted)
- create(:relation_member, :member => node, :relation => deleted_relation)
- check_relations_for_element(node_relations_path(node), "node",
- node.id,
- [relation_with_node, second_relation])
- end
- def test_relations_for_way
- way = create(:way)
- # should include relations with that way as a member
- relation_with_way = create(:relation_member, :member => way).relation
- # should ignore relations without that way as a member
- _relation_without_way = create(:relation_member).relation
- # should ignore relations with the way involved indirectly, via a relation
- second_relation = create(:relation_member, :member => way).relation
- _super_relation = create(:relation_member, :member => second_relation).relation
- # should combine multiple relation_member references into just one relation entry
- create(:relation_member, :member => way, :relation => relation_with_way)
- # should not include deleted relations
- deleted_relation = create(:relation, :deleted)
- create(:relation_member, :member => way, :relation => deleted_relation)
- check_relations_for_element(way_relations_path(way), "way",
- way.id,
- [relation_with_way, second_relation])
- end
- def test_relations_for_relation
- relation = create(:relation)
- # should include relations with that relation as a member
- relation_with_relation = create(:relation_member, :member => relation).relation
- # should ignore any relation without that relation as a member
- _relation_without_relation = create(:relation_member).relation
- # should ignore relations with the relation involved indirectly, via a relation
- second_relation = create(:relation_member, :member => relation).relation
- _super_relation = create(:relation_member, :member => second_relation).relation
- # should combine multiple relation_member references into just one relation entry
- create(:relation_member, :member => relation, :relation => relation_with_relation)
- # should not include deleted relations
- deleted_relation = create(:relation, :deleted)
- create(:relation_member, :member => relation, :relation => deleted_relation)
- check_relations_for_element(relation_relations_path(relation), "relation",
- relation.id,
- [relation_with_relation, second_relation])
- end
# -------------------------------------
# Test simple relation creation.
# -------------------------------------
- def check_relations_for_element(path, type, id, expected_relations)
- # check the "relations for relation" mode
- get path
- assert_response :success
- # count one osm element
- assert_select "osm[version='#{Settings.api_version}'][generator='#{Settings.generator}']", 1
- # we should have only the expected number of relations
- assert_select "osm>relation", expected_relations.size
- # and each of them should contain the element we originally searched for
- expected_relations.each do |relation|
- # The relation should appear once, but the element could appear multiple times
- assert_select "osm>relation[id='#{relation.id}']", 1
- assert_select "osm>relation[id='#{relation.id}']>member[type='#{type}'][ref='#{id}']"
- end
- end
# checks that the XML document and the string arguments have
# members in the same order.
--- /dev/null
+require "test_helper"
+module Api
+ module Ways
+ class RelationsControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
+ ##
+ # test all routes which lead to this controller
+ def test_routes
+ assert_routing(
+ { :path => "/api/0.6/way/1/relations", :method => :get },
+ { :controller => "api/ways/relations", :action => "index", :way_id => "1" }
+ )
+ assert_routing(
+ { :path => "/api/0.6/way/1/relations.json", :method => :get },
+ { :controller => "api/ways/relations", :action => "index", :way_id => "1", :format => "json" }
+ )
+ end
+ def test_index
+ way = create(:way)
+ # should include relations with that way as a member
+ relation_with_way = create(:relation_member, :member => way).relation
+ # should ignore relations without that way as a member
+ _relation_without_way = create(:relation_member).relation
+ # should ignore relations with the way involved indirectly, via a relation
+ second_relation = create(:relation_member, :member => way).relation
+ _super_relation = create(:relation_member, :member => second_relation).relation
+ # should combine multiple relation_member references into just one relation entry
+ create(:relation_member, :member => way, :relation => relation_with_way)
+ # should not include deleted relations
+ deleted_relation = create(:relation, :deleted)
+ create(:relation_member, :member => way, :relation => deleted_relation)
+ get api_way_relations_path(way)
+ assert_response :success
+ # count one osm element
+ assert_select "osm[version='#{Settings.api_version}'][generator='#{Settings.generator}']", 1
+ # we should have only the expected number of relations
+ expected_relations = [relation_with_way, second_relation]
+ assert_select "osm>relation", expected_relations.size
+ # and each of them should contain the element we originally searched for
+ expected_relations.each do |containing_relation|
+ # The relation should appear once, but the element could appear multiple times
+ assert_select "osm>relation[id='#{containing_relation.id}']", 1
+ assert_select "osm>relation[id='#{containing_relation.id}']>member[type='way'][ref='#{way.id}']"
+ end
+ end
+ def test_index_json
+ way = create(:way)
+ containing_relation = create(:relation_member, :member => way).relation
+ get api_way_relations_path(way, :format => "json")
+ assert_response :success
+ js = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(@response.body)
+ assert_not_nil js
+ assert_equal 1, js["elements"].count
+ js_relations = js["elements"].filter { |e| e["type"] == "relation" }
+ assert_equal 1, js_relations.count
+ assert_equal containing_relation.id, js_relations[0]["id"]
+ end
+ end
+ end
assert_equal "Element way/ has duplicate tags with key addr:housenumber", @response.body
- ##
- # test that a call to ways_for_node returns all ways that contain the node
- # and none that don't.
- def test_ways_for_node
- node = create(:node)
- way1 = create(:way)
- way2 = create(:way)
- create(:way_node, :way => way1, :node => node)
- create(:way_node, :way => way2, :node => node)
- # create an unrelated way
- create(:way_with_nodes, :nodes_count => 2)
- # create a way which used to use the node
- way3_v1 = create(:old_way, :version => 1)
- _way3_v2 = create(:old_way, :current_way => way3_v1.current_way, :version => 2)
- create(:old_way_node, :old_way => way3_v1, :node => node)
- get node_ways_path(node)
- assert_response :success
- ways_xml = XML::Parser.string(@response.body).parse
- assert_not_nil ways_xml, "failed to parse ways_for_node response"
- # check that the set of IDs match expectations
- expected_way_ids = [way1.id,
- way2.id]
- found_way_ids = ways_xml.find("//osm/way").collect { |w| w["id"].to_i }
- assert_equal expected_way_ids.sort, found_way_ids.sort,
- "expected ways for node #{node.id} did not match found"
- # check the full ways to ensure we're not missing anything
- expected_way_ids.each do |id|
- way_xml = ways_xml.find("//osm/way[@id='#{id}']").first
- assert_ways_are_equal(Way.find(id),
- Way.from_xml_node(way_xml))
- end
- end
# test initial rate limit
def test_initial_rate_limit