specific key does not exist. This then allows r16613 to be reverted
as there is no need to distinguish the cases. Fixes #2087.
I18n.missing_translations_logger = Logger.new("#{RAILS_ROOT}/log/missing_translations.log")
I18n.exception_handler = :missing_translations_log_handler
I18n.missing_translations_logger = Logger.new("#{RAILS_ROOT}/log/missing_translations.log")
I18n.exception_handler = :missing_translations_log_handler
-I18n.backend.add_pluralizer :sl, lambda { |c| c%100 == 1 ? :one : c%100 == 2 ? :two : (3..4).include?(c%100) ? :few : :other }
nodes: "Vozlišča:"
part_of: "Del:"
nodes: "Vozlišča:"
part_of: "Del:"
- one: "tudi del poti {{related_ways}}"
- two: "tudi del poti {{related_ways}}"
- few: "tudi del poti {{related_ways}}"
other: "tudi del poti {{related_ways}}"
way_history: "Zgodovina poti"
other: "tudi del poti {{related_ways}}"
way_history: "Zgodovina poti"
def pluralize(locale, entry, count)
return entry unless entry.is_a?(Hash) and count
key = :zero if count == 0 && entry.has_key?(:zero)
def pluralize(locale, entry, count)
return entry unless entry.is_a?(Hash) and count
key = :zero if count == 0 && entry.has_key?(:zero)
- key ||= pluralizer(locale).call(count)
+ key ||= pluralizer(locale).call(count, entry)
raise InvalidPluralizationData.new(entry, count) unless entry.has_key?(key)
translation entry[key], :plural_key => key
raise InvalidPluralizationData.new(entry, count) unless entry.has_key?(key)
translation entry[key], :plural_key => key
- @pluralizers ||= { :en => lambda{|n| n == 1 ? :one : :other } }
+ @pluralizers ||= {
+ :en => lambda { |count, entry|
+ case count
+ when 1 then entry.has_key?(:one) ? :one : :other
+ else :other
+ end
+ },
+ :sl => lambda { |count, entry|
+ case count % 100
+ when 1 then entry.has_key?(:one) ? :one : :other
+ when 2 then entry.has_key?(:two) ? :two : :other
+ when 3,4 then entry.has_key?(:few) ? :few : :other
+ else :other
+ end
+ }
+ }
# Overwrite this method to return something other than a String
# Overwrite this method to return something other than a String
\ No newline at end of file