This is to provide another tool to help spam fighting.
The configuration value is set to zero hours for new deploys in
order to be 'least surprising'. You can change the setting without
interfering with your test suite.
@entries = DiaryEntry.joins(:user).where(:users => { :status => %w[active confirmed] })
+ # Items can't be flagged as deleted in the RSS format.
+ # For the general feeds, allow a delay before publishing, to help spam fighting
+ @entries = @entries.where("created_at < :time", :time => Settings.diary_feed_delay.hours.ago)
if params[:language]
@entries = @entries.where(:language_code => params[:language])
@title = t("diary_entries.feed.language.title", :language_name => Language.find(params[:language]).english_name)
@link = url_for :action => "index", :host => Settings.server_url, :protocol => Settings.server_protocol
@entries = @entries.visible.includes(:user).order("created_at DESC").limit(20)
nearby_radius: 50
# Spam threshold
spam_threshold: 50
+# Delay diary entries from appearing in the feed for this many hours
+diary_feed_delay: 0
# Default legale (jurisdiction location) for contributor terms
default_legale: GB
# Use the built-in jobs queue for importing traces
# Trace directories for testing
gpx_trace_dir: <%= Rails.root.join("test", "gpx", "traces") %>
gpx_image_dir: <%= Rails.root.join("test", "gpx", "images") %>
+# Ignore the diary feed delay unless we're specifically testing it
+diary_feed_delay: 0
# Geonames credentials for testing
geonames_username: "dummy"
# External authentication credentials for testing
assert_match "<title><script></title>", response.body
+ def test_feed_delay
+ create(:diary_entry, :created_at => 7.hours.ago)
+ create(:diary_entry, :created_at => 5.hours.ago)
+ get :rss, :params => { :format => :rss }
+ assert_select "rss>channel>item", :count => 2
+ with_diary_feed_delay(6) do
+ get :rss, :params => { :format => :rss }
+ assert_select "rss>channel>item", :count => 1
+ end
+ end
def test_show
user = create(:user)
suspended_user = create(:user, :suspended)
assert_select "a[href=?]", "/user/#{ERB::Util.u(entry.user.display_name)}/diary/#{}"
+ def with_diary_feed_delay(value)
+ diary_feed_delay = Settings.diary_feed_delay
+ Settings.diary_feed_delay = value
+ yield
+ Settings.diary_feed_delay = diary_feed_delay
+ end