- # Check that the list of changesets is displayed
+ # Check that the list of traces is displayed
def test_list
+ # The fourth test below is surpisingly sensitive to timestamp ordering when the timestamps are equal.
+ create(:trace, :visibility => "public", :timestamp => 4.seconds.ago) do |trace|
+ create(:tracetag, :trace => trace, :tag => "London")
+ end
+ create(:trace, :visibility => "public", :timestamp => 3.seconds.ago) do |trace|
+ create(:tracetag, :trace => trace, :tag => "Birmingham")
+ end
+ create(:trace, :visibility => "private", :user => users(:public_user), :timestamp => 2.seconds.ago) do |trace|
+ create(:tracetag, :trace => trace, :tag => "London")
+ end
+ create(:trace, :visibility => "private", :user => users(:public_user), :timestamp => 1.second.ago) do |trace|
+ create(:tracetag, :trace => trace, :tag => "Birmingham")
+ end
# First with the public list
get :list
- check_trace_list Trace.visible_to_all
+ check_trace_list Trace.visible_to_all, 2
# Restrict traces to those with a given tag
get :list, :tag => "London"
- check_trace_list Trace.tagged("London").visible_to_all
+ check_trace_list Trace.tagged("London").visible_to_all, 1
# Should see more when we are logged in
get :list, {}, { :user => users(:public_user).id }
- check_trace_list Trace.visible_to(users(:public_user).id)
+ check_trace_list Trace.visible_to(users(:public_user).id), 4
# Again, we should see more when we are logged in
get :list, { :tag => "London" }, { :user => users(:public_user).id }
- check_trace_list Trace.tagged("London").visible_to(users(:public_user).id)
+ check_trace_list Trace.visible_to(users(:public_user).id).tagged("London"), 2
# Check that I can get mine
def test_list_mine
+ create(:trace, :visibility => "public") do |trace|
+ create(:tracetag, :trace => trace, :tag => "Birmingham")
+ end
+ create(:trace, :visibility => "private", :user => users(:public_user)) do |trace|
+ create(:tracetag, :trace => trace, :tag => "London")
+ end
# First try to get it when not logged in
get :mine
assert_redirected_to :controller => "user", :action => "login", :referer => "/traces/mine"
# Fetch the actual list
get :list, { :display_name => users(:public_user).display_name }, { :user => users(:public_user).id }
- check_trace_list users(:public_user).traces
+ check_trace_list users(:public_user).traces, 1
- # Check the list of changesets for a specific user
+ # Check the list of traces for a specific user
def test_list_user
+ create(:trace)
+ create(:trace, :visibility => "public", :user => users(:public_user))
+ create(:trace, :visibility => "private", :user => users(:public_user)) do |trace|
+ create(:tracetag, :trace => trace, :tag => "London")
+ end
# Test a user with no traces
get :list, :display_name => users(:second_public_user).display_name
- check_trace_list users(:second_public_user).traces.visible_to_all
+ check_trace_list users(:second_public_user).traces.visible_to_all, 0
# Test a user with some traces - should see only public ones
get :list, :display_name => users(:public_user).display_name
- check_trace_list users(:public_user).traces.visible_to_all
+ check_trace_list users(:public_user).traces.visible_to_all, 1
# Should still see only public ones when authenticated as another user
get :list, { :display_name => users(:public_user).display_name }, { :user => users(:normal_user).id }
- check_trace_list users(:public_user).traces.visible_to_all
+ check_trace_list users(:public_user).traces.visible_to_all, 1
# Should see all traces when authenticated as the target user
get :list, { :display_name => users(:public_user).display_name }, { :user => users(:public_user).id }
- check_trace_list users(:public_user).traces
+ check_trace_list users(:public_user).traces, 2
# Should only see traces with the correct tag when a tag is specified
get :list, { :display_name => users(:public_user).display_name, :tag => "London" }, { :user => users(:public_user).id }
- check_trace_list users(:public_user).traces.tagged("London")
+ check_trace_list users(:public_user).traces.tagged("London"), 1
# Should get an error if the user does not exist
get :list, :display_name => "UnknownUser"
- def check_trace_list(traces)
+ def check_trace_list(traces, count)
assert_response :success
assert_template "list"
+ assert_equal traces.count, count
- if traces.count > 0
+ if count > 0
assert_select "table#trace_list tbody", :count => 1 do
assert_select "tr", :count => traces.visible.count do |rows|
traces.visible.order("timestamp DESC").zip(rows).each do |trace, row|