Fix some links to pages which are redirecting (not broken links but this is just avoiding a slightly messy redirection)
not yet agreed: "You have not yet agreed to the new Contributor Terms."
review link text: "Please follow this link at your convenience to review and accept the new Contributor Terms."
agreed_with_pd: "You have also declared that you consider your edits to be in the Public Domain."
not yet agreed: "You have not yet agreed to the new Contributor Terms."
review link text: "Please follow this link at your convenience to review and accept the new Contributor Terms."
agreed_with_pd: "You have also declared that you consider your edits to be in the Public Domain."
- link: ""
+ link: ""
link text: "what is this?"
save changes button: Save Changes
make edits public button: Make all my edits public
link text: "what is this?"
save changes button: Save Changes
make edits public button: Make all my edits public
infringement_2_html: |
If you believe that copyrighted material has been inappropriately
added to the OpenStreetMap database or this site, please refer
infringement_2_html: |
If you believe that copyrighted material has been inappropriately
added to the OpenStreetMap database or this site, please refer
- to our <a href="">takedown
+ to our <a href="">takedown
procedure</a> or file directly at our
<a href="">on-line filing page</a>.
trademarks_title_html: <span id="trademarks"></span>Trademarks
procedure</a> or file directly at our
<a href="">on-line filing page</a>.
trademarks_title_html: <span id="trademarks"></span>Trademarks
read_tou: "I have read and agree to the Terms of Use"
consider_pd: "In addition to the above, I consider my contributions to be in the Public Domain"
consider_pd_why: "what's this?"
read_tou: "I have read and agree to the Terms of Use"
consider_pd: "In addition to the above, I consider my contributions to be in the Public Domain"
consider_pd_why: "what's this?"
- consider_pd_why_url:
+ consider_pd_why_url:
guidance_html: 'Information to help understand these terms: a <a href="%{summary}">human readable summary</a> and some <a href="%{translations}">informal translations</a>'
continue: Continue
declined: ""
guidance_html: 'Information to help understand these terms: a <a href="%{summary}">human readable summary</a> and some <a href="%{translations}">informal translations</a>'
continue: Continue
declined: ""