advice_revertingway: Distreiñ d'an hent enrollet da ziwezhañ (Z evit dizober)
advice_tagconflict: Ne glot ket ar menegoù - Gwiriit mar plij (Z evit dizober)
advice_toolong: Re hir evit disac'hañ an enkadenn - Rannit an hent e hentoù berroc'h
+ advice_twatted: Kaset ho kemennadenn da Twitter
advice_uploadempty: Netra da gas
advice_uploadfail: Kasadenn ehanet
advice_uploadsuccess: Kaset eo bet an holl roadennoù
error_nosharedpoint: "N'eus mui poent boutin ebet etre an hentoù $1 ha $2, setu n'haller ket o adpegañ : n'haller ket dizober an dispartiadenn zo bet graet a-raok."
error_noway: N'eo ket bet kavet an hent $1, n'hall ket bezañ assavet d'e stad kent.
error_readfailed: Ho tigarez - servijer OpenStreetMap n'en deus ket respontet pa oa bet goulennet roadennoù digantañ.\n\nC'hoant hoc'h eus da esaeañ en-dro ?
- error_twitter: Ho tigarez - n'eo ket bet posupl kas da Dwitter
+ error_twitter_long: "C'hwitet eo bet ar gasadenn da Twitter :\nKod HTTP : $1\nKemenn fazi : $2\nFazi Twitter : $3"
existingrelation: Ouzhpennañ d'un darempred zo anezhañ c'hoazh
findrelation: Kavout un darempred ennañ
gpxpleasewait: Gortozit e-keit ha ma pleder gant ar roud GPX.
inspector_in_ways: En hentoù
inspector_latlon: "Ledred $1\nHedred $2"
inspector_locked: Morailhet
+ inspector_node_count: ($1 gwezh)
inspector_not_in_any_ways: N'emañ ket en hent ebet (POI)
inspector_unsaved: N'eo ket enrollet
inspector_uploading: (o kargañ)
option_fadebackground: Drekleur sklaeraet
option_layer_cycle_map: OSM - kartenn divrodegoù
option_layer_maplint: OSM - Maplint (fazioù)
+ option_layer_nearmap: "Aostralia : NearMap"
option_layer_ooc_25k: "Istor UK : 1:25k"
option_layer_ooc_7th: "Istor UK : 7vet"
option_layer_ooc_npe: Istor UK NPE
error_nosharedpoint: Die Wege $1 und $2 haben keinen gemeinsamen Punkt mehr, daher kann das Aufteilen nicht rückgängig gemacht werden.
error_noway: Der Weg $1 kann nicht gefunden werden (eventuell wurde der Kartenausschnitt verschoben), daher ist Rückgängigmachen nicht möglich.
error_readfailed: Der OpenStreetMap Server reagiert zur Zeit nicht auf Anfragen von Daten.\n\nMöchtest du es noch einmal versuchen?
- error_twitter: Veröffentlichung bei Twitter leider fehlgeschlagen.
existingrelation: Zu einer bestehenden Relation hinzufügen
findrelation: Relation finden, die dies enthält
gpxpleasewait: Bitte warten, während die GPX-Aufzeichnung (Track) verarbeitet wird.
advice_revertingway: Wrośa se k slědnemu skłaźonemu puśoju (Z za anulěrowanje)
advice_tagconflict: Atributy se njegóźe gromadu - pšosym pśekontrolěruj (T za anulěrowanje)
advice_toolong: Pśedłuki, aby se blokěrowanje wótpórało - pšosym do kratšych puśow rozdźěliś
+ advice_twatted: Twój Twitterowy status jo se zaktualizěrował
advice_uploadempty: Nic za nagraśe
advice_uploadfail: Nagraśe zastajone
advice_uploadsuccess: Wšykne daty wuspěšnje nagrate
error_nosharedpoint: Puśa $1 a $2 wěcej njamaju zgromadny dypk, togodla rozdźělenje njedajo se anulěrowaś.
error_noway: Puś $1 njedajo se namakaś (snaź sy kórtowy wurězk pśesunuł?), togodla anulěrowanje njejo móžno.
error_readfailed: Bóžko serwer OpenStreetMap njejo wótegronił, gaž sy wó daty prosył.\n\nCoš hyšći raz wopytaś?
- error_twitter: Wódaj - słanje powěsći do Twitter jo se njeraźiło.
+ error_twitter_long: "Słanje do Twittera jo se njeraźiło:\nHTTP-kod: $1\nZmólkowa powěźeńka: $2\nTwitterowa zmólka: $3"
existingrelation: Eksistěrujucej relaciji pśidaś
findrelation: Pytaj relaciju, kótaraž wopśimujo
gpxpleasewait: Pšosym cakaj, mjaztym až se GPX-cera pśeźěłujo.
inspector_in_ways: Na puśach
inspector_latlon: "Šyrina $1\nDlinina $2"
inspector_locked: Zastajony
+ inspector_node_count: ({{PLURAL:$1|raz|dwójcy|$1 raze|$1 razow}})
inspector_not_in_any_ways: Nic na puśach (dypk zajma)
inspector_unsaved: Njeskłaźony
inspector_uploading: (nagraśe)
option_fadebackground: Slězynu póswětliś
option_layer_cycle_map: OSM - kórta za kólasowarjow
option_layer_maplint: OSM - Maplint (zmólki)
+ option_layer_nearmap: "Awstralska: NearMap"
option_layer_ooc_25k: "Wjelika Britaniska historiski: 1:25k"
option_layer_ooc_7th: "Wjelika Britaniska historiski: 7th"
option_layer_ooc_npe: "Wjelika Britaniska historiski: NPE"
advanced_maximise: Maximizar ventana
advanced_minimise: Minimizar ventana
advanced_parallel: Vía paralela
+ advanced_tooltip: Acciones de edición avanzadas
advanced_undelete: Restaurar
+ advice_deletingpoi: Borrando POI (Z para deshacer)
advice_nocommonpoint: Las vías no comparten un punto en común
advice_tagconflict: Los parámetros no coinciden - Por favor revíselos (Z para deshacer)
advice_toolong: Demasiado largo para desbloquear - Por favor divídalo en vías más cortas
cancel: Cancelar
closechangeset: Cerrando conjunto de cambios
conflict_download: Descargar su versión
+ conflict_overwrite: Sobreescribir su versión
conflict_visitpoi: Pulse 'Ok' para mostrar el punto.
createrelation: Crear una nueva relación
custom: "Personalizado:"
hint_pointselected: Punto seleccionado\n(shift-clic en el punto para\nempezar nueva línea)
hint_saving: guardando los datos
inspector: Inspector
+ inspector_in_ways: En vías
inspector_latlon: "Lat $1\nLon $2"
inspector_locked: Bloqueado
+ inspector_node_count: ($1 veces)
inspector_unsaved: Sin guardar
inspector_uploading: (subiendo)
inspector_way_nodes: $$1 nodos
option_fadebackground: Atenuar fondo
option_layer_cycle_map: OSM - mapa ciclista
option_layer_maplint: OSM - Maplint (errores)
+ option_layer_nearmap: "Australia: NearMap"
option_layer_ooc_25k: "Histórico de UK: 1:25k"
option_layer_ooc_7th: "Histórico de UK: 7th"
option_layer_ooc_npe: "Histórico de UK: NPE"
option_layer_tip: Elija el fondo a mostrar
option_photo: "Foto KML:"
+ option_thinareas: Usar líneas más finas para áreas
option_thinlines: Usar líneas finas en todas las escalas
option_twitterid: "Nombre en Twitter:"
option_twitterpwd: "Contraseña de Twitter:"
preset_icon_cafe: Cafetería
preset_icon_cinema: Cine
preset_icon_fast_food: Comida rápida
+ preset_icon_ferry_terminal: Transbordador
preset_icon_fire_station: Parque de bomberos
preset_icon_hospital: Hospital
preset_icon_hotel: Hotel
preset_icon_school: Escuela
preset_icon_station: Estación de tren
preset_icon_supermarket: Supermercado
+ preset_icon_taxi: Parada de taxi
preset_icon_telephone: Teléfono
preset_icon_theatre: Teatro
prompt_addtorelation: Añadir $1 a una relación
prompt_savechanges: Guardar cambios
prompt_taggedpoints: Algunos puntos de esta vía tienen parámetros (tags). Seguro que quiere borrar?
prompt_track: Convierta su track de GPS a vías (bloqueadas) para editar.
+ prompt_twitter: Envío a Twitter ($1 restante)
prompt_welcome: Bienvenido a OpenStreetMap!
retry: Reintentar
+ revert: Revertir
save: Guardar
tip_addrelation: Añadir a una relación
tip_addtag: Añadir un nuevo parámetro (tag)
tip_undo: Deshacer $1 (Z)
uploading: Subiendo...
uploading_deleting_pois: Borrando POIs
+ uploading_deleting_ways: Borrando vías
+ uploading_poi: Subiendo POI $1
+ uploading_poi_name: Subiendo POI $1, $2
uploading_relation_name: Subiendo relación $1, $2
uploading_way: Subiendo vía $1
uploading_way_name: Subiendo vía $1, $2
advice_revertingway: Retour au dernier chemin sauvegardé (Z pour annuler)
advice_tagconflict: Les balises ne correspondent pas - Veuillez vérifier
advice_toolong: Trop long pour débloquer la situation - Scindez le chemin en chemins plus courts
+ advice_twatted: Commentaire envoyé sur Twitter
advice_uploadempty: Rien à envoyer
advice_uploadfail: Envoi arrêté
advice_uploadsuccess: Toutes les données ont été correctement envoyées
error_nosharedpoint: "Les chemins $1 et $2 n'ont plus de point en commun et ne peuvent donc pas être recollés : l'opération précédente de scindage ne peut être annulée."
error_noway: Le chemin $1 n'a pas été trouvé, il ne peut être restauré à son état précédent.
error_readfailed: Désolés, le serveur d'OpenStreetMap n'a pas répondu à la demande de données.\n\nVoulez-vous réessayer ?
- error_twitter: Désolé, l’envoi vers Twitter a échoué.
+ error_twitter_long: "L’envoi sur Twitter a échoué :\nCode HTTP : $1\nMessage d’erreur : $2\nErreur Twitter : $3"
existingrelation: Ajouter à une relation existante
findrelation: Trouver une relation contenant
gpxpleasewait: Veuillez patientez pendant le traitement de la trace GPX
inspector_in_ways: Dans les chemins
inspector_latlon: "Lat $1\nLon $2"
inspector_locked: Verrouillé
+ inspector_node_count: ($1 fois)
inspector_not_in_any_ways: Présent dans aucun chemin (POI)
inspector_unsaved: Non sauvegardé
inspector_uploading: (envoi)
option_fadebackground: Arrière-plan éclairci
option_layer_cycle_map: OSM - carte cycliste
option_layer_maplint: OSM - Maplint (erreurs)
+ option_layer_nearmap: "Australie : NearMap"
option_layer_ooc_25k: Historique UK au 1:25k
option_layer_ooc_7th: Historique UK 7e
option_layer_ooc_npe: Historique UK NPE
advice_revertingway: Revertendo ata o último camiño gardado (Z para desfacer)
advice_tagconflict: As etiquetas non coinciden, compróbeas (Z para desfacer)
advice_toolong: Demasiado longo para desbloquear (por favor, divídao en camiños máis curtos)
+ advice_twatted: Actualizouse o seu estado no Twitter
advice_uploadempty: Nada que cargar
advice_uploadfail: Carga detida
advice_uploadsuccess: Cargáronse correctamente todos os datos
error_nosharedpoint: Os camiños $1 e $2 non teñen un punto en común, por iso non pode desfacer a división.
error_noway: Non se puido atopar o camiño $1 (se cadra está noutra zona?), por iso non se pode desfacer.
error_readfailed: Sentímolo!, o servidor do OpenStreetMap non respondeu á petición de datos.\n\nQuéreo intentar de novo?
- error_twitter: Sentímolo, fallou a publicación no Twitter.
+ error_twitter_long: "Fallou a publicación no Twitter:\nCódigo HTTP: $1\nMensaxe de erro: $2\nErro Twitter: $3"
existingrelation: Engadir a unha relación existente
findrelation: Atopar unha relación que conteña
gpxpleasewait: Por favor, agarde mentres se procesa a pista GPX.
inspector_in_ways: Nos camiños
inspector_latlon: "Lat $1\nLon $2"
inspector_locked: Pechado
+ inspector_node_count: ($1 veces)
inspector_not_in_any_ways: Non está en ningún camiño (punto de interese)
inspector_unsaved: Sen gardar
inspector_uploading: (cargando)
option_fadebackground: Atenuar o fondo
option_layer_cycle_map: OSM - mapa cíclico
option_layer_maplint: OSM - Maplint (erros)
+ option_layer_nearmap: "Australia: NearMap"
option_layer_ooc_25k: "Historial UK: 1:25k"
option_layer_ooc_7th: "Historial UK: 7º"
option_layer_ooc_npe: "Historial UK: NPE"
advice_revertingway: Vraćanje na zadnji spremljeni put (Z za poništavanje)
advice_tagconflict: Oznake nisu jednake - molim provjeriti (poništi sa Z)
advice_toolong: Predugačko za otključavanje - molim podijeli put u kraće puteve.
+ advice_twatted: Twattiran tvoj komentar na Twitter
advice_uploadempty: Ništa za spremanje
advice_uploadfail: Upload zaustavljen
advice_uploadsuccess: Svi podaci su uspješno spremljeni
error_nosharedpoint: Putevi $1 i $2 više ne dijele zajedničku točku, pa se ne mogu razdvojiti.
error_noway: Put $1 se ne može pronaći (možda ste pomakli kartu?), pa ne mogu poništiti.
error_readfailed: Žao mi je, OpenStreetMap server nije reagirao kada je bio upitan za podatke.\n\nŽelite li pokušati ponovno?
- error_twitter: Slanje na Twitter nije uspjelo.
+ error_twitter_long: "Slanje na Twitter nije uspjelo:\nHTTP code: $1\nError message: $2\nTwitter error: $3"
existingrelation: Dodaj postojećoj relaciji
findrelation: Nađi relaciju koja sadrži
gpxpleasewait: Molim pričekajte dok se GPX trag obrađuje.
inspector_in_ways: U putevima
inspector_latlon: "Lat $1\nLon $2"
inspector_locked: Zaključan
+ inspector_node_count: ($1 puta)
inspector_not_in_any_ways: Nema ni u jednom putu (POI)
inspector_unsaved: Nije spremljeno
inspector_uploading: (uploading)
option_fadebackground: Izbljedi pozadinu
option_layer_cycle_map: OSM - biciklistička karta
option_layer_maplint: OSM - Maplint (greške)
+ option_layer_nearmap: "Australija: NearMap"
option_layer_ooc_25k: UK povijesni 1:25k
option_layer_ooc_7th: "UK povijesni: 7th"
option_layer_ooc_npe: "UK povijesni: NPE"
advice_revertingway: Do poslednjeho składowaneho puć wobroćić (Z za anulowanje)
advice_tagconflict: Atributy so hromadźe njehodźa - prošu kontroluj (Z za anulowanje)
advice_toolong: Předołhi za zběhnjenje blokowanja - prošu do krótšich pućow rozdźělić
+ advice_twatted: Twój Twitterowy status je so zaktualizował
advice_uploadempty: Za nahraće ničo njeje
advice_uploadfail: Nahraće zastajene
advice_uploadsuccess: Wšě daty wuspěšnje nahrate
error_nosharedpoint: Pućej $1 a $2 hižo nimatej zhromadny dypk, tohodla njemóžu rozdźělenje cofnyć.
error_noway: Puć $1 njehodźi so namakać (snano sy kartowy wurězk přesunył?), anulowanje njeje móžno.
error_readfailed: Bohužel serwer OpenStreetMap njeje wotmołwił, hdyž sy daty požadał.\n\nChceš hišće raz spytać?
- error_twitter: Wodaj - słanje powěsće do Twitter je so njeporadźiło.
+ error_twitter_long: "Słanje do Twittera je so njeporadźiło:\nHTTP-kod: $1\nZmylkowa zdźělenka: $2\nTwitterowy zmylk: $3"
existingrelation: Eksistowacej relaciji přidać
findrelation: Relaciju namakać, kotraž wobsahuje
gpxpleasewait: Prošu čakaj, mjeztym zo so GPX-čara předźěłuje.
inspector_in_ways: Na pućach
inspector_latlon: "Šěrokostnik $1\nDołhostnik $2"
inspector_locked: Zawrjeny
+ inspector_node_count: ({{PLURAL:$1|jónu|dwójce|$1 razy|$1 razow}})
inspector_not_in_any_ways: Nic na pućach (dypk zajima)
inspector_unsaved: Njeskładowany
inspector_uploading: (nahraće)
option_fadebackground: Pozadk zeswětlić
option_layer_cycle_map: OSM - karta za kolesowarjow
option_layer_maplint: OSM - Maplint (zmylki)
+ option_layer_nearmap: "Awstralska: NearMap"
option_layer_ooc_25k: "Wulka Britaniska historisce: 1:25k"
option_layer_ooc_7th: "Wulka Britaniska historisce: 7th"
option_layer_ooc_npe: "Wulka Britaniska historisce: NPE"
advice_revertingway: Visszaállítás a legutóbb mentett vonalra (Z a visszavonáshoz)
advice_tagconflict: A címkék nem egyeznek - ellenőrizd (Z a visszavonáshoz)
advice_toolong: Túl hosszú a feloldáshoz - vágd rövidebb szakaszokra
+ advice_twatted: Twitter állapot frissítve
advice_uploadempty: Nincs mit feltölteni
advice_uploadfail: Feltöltés megállítva
advice_uploadsuccess: Az összes adat sikeresen feltöltve
error_nosharedpoint: A(z) $1 és a(z) $2 vonalaknak már nincs közös pontja, így nem vonható vissza a kettévágás.
error_noway: A(z) $1 nem található (talán már eltávolítottad?), így nem vonható vissza.
error_readfailed: Sajnálom - az OpenStreetMap szerver az adatok lekérdezésekor nem válaszolt.\n\nSzeretnéd megpróbálni újra?
- error_twitter: Sajnálom, nem sikerült elküldeni a Twitterre.
+ error_twitter_long: "A Twitterre küldés sikertelen:\nHTTP kód: $1\nHibaüzenet: $2\nTwitter hiba: $3"
existingrelation: Hozzáadás meglévő kapcsolathoz
findrelation: Kapcsolat keresése
gpxpleasewait: Várj a GPX nyomvonal feldolgozásáig.
inspector_in_ways: "A következő vonalakon:"
inspector_latlon: "Szélesség $1\nHosszúság $2"
inspector_locked: Zárolva
+ inspector_node_count: ($1 alkalommal)
inspector_not_in_any_ways: Egyik vonalon sincs rajta (POI)
inspector_unsaved: Nincs mentve
inspector_uploading: (feltöltés)
option_fadebackground: Áttetsző háttér
option_layer_cycle_map: OSM - kerékpártérkép
option_layer_maplint: OSM - Maplint (hibák)
+ option_layer_nearmap: "Ausztrália: NearMap"
option_layer_ooc_25k: "UK történelmi: 1:25k"
option_layer_ooc_7th: "UK történelmi: 7th"
option_layer_ooc_npe: "UK történelmi: NPE"
advice_revertingway: Reverte al ultime via salveguardate (Z pro disfacer)
advice_tagconflict: Etiquettas non corresponde - per favor verifica (Z pro disfacer)
advice_toolong: Troppo longe pro disserrar - per favor divide in vias plus curte
+ advice_twatted: Tu stato de Twitter ha essite actualisate
advice_uploadempty: Nihil a cargar
advice_uploadfail: Cargamento interrumpite
advice_uploadsuccess: Tote le datos ha essite cargate con successo
error_nosharedpoint: Le vias $1 e $2 non ha plus alcun puncto in commun, dunque es impossibile disfacer le separation.
error_noway: Le via $1 non pote esser trovate (ha tu displaciate le carta?) dunque es impossibile disfacer.
error_readfailed: Le servitor de OpenStreetMap non respondeva al demanda de datos.\n\nReprobar?
- error_twitter: Perdono; le publication in Twitter ha fallite.
+ error_twitter_long: "Le invio a Twitter ha fallite:\nCodice HTTP: $1\nMessage de error: $2\nError de Twitter: $3"
existingrelation: Adder a un relation existente
findrelation: Cerca un relation que contine
gpxpleasewait: Per favor attende durante le tractamento del tracia GPX.
inspector_in_ways: In vias
inspector_latlon: "Lat $1\nLon $2"
inspector_locked: Serrate
+ inspector_node_count: ($1 vices)
inspector_not_in_any_ways: Non presente in alcun via (PDI)
inspector_unsaved: Non salveguardate
inspector_uploading: (cargamento in progresso)
option_fadebackground: Attenuar fundo
option_layer_cycle_map: OSM - carta cyclista
option_layer_maplint: OSM - Maplint (errores)
+ option_layer_nearmap: "Australia: NearMap"
option_layer_ooc_25k: "RU historic: 1:25k"
option_layer_ooc_7th: "RU historic: 7me"
option_layer_ooc_npe: "RU historic: NPE"
advice_revertingway: Tek aftur til síðustu vistuðu útgáfu (Z til að taka aftur)
advice_tagconflict: Eigindi passa ekki - vinsamlegast athugaðu (Z til að taka aftur)
advice_toolong: Of langur til að aflæsa - skiptu upp í styttri vegi
+ advice_twatted: Uppfærði Twitter fyrir þína hönd
advice_uploadempty: Breyttu einhverju fyrst
advice_uploadfail: Ekki tókst að hlaða upp
advice_uploadsuccess: Breytingum var hlaðið upp
error_nosharedpoint: Vegir $1 og $2 eiga ekki sameiginlegan punkt lengur, þannig ekki er hægt að taka aftur skiptingu á þeim.
error_noway: Vegur $1 fannst ekki (kannski hefuru þysjað burt?). Ég get ekki tekið aftur.
error_readfailed: Aðspurður um gögn svaraði OpenStreetMap þjónninn ekki.\n\nViltu reyna aftur?
- error_twitter: Ekki tókst að rita á Twitter.
+ error_twitter_long: "Ekki tókst að senda uppfærsluna á Twitter:\nHTTP kóði: $1\nVilluskilaboð: $3\nTwitter villa: $3"
existingrelation: Bæta við í vensl sem eru þegar til
findrelation: Finna vensl sem innihalda
gpxpleasewait: Bíddu meðan unnið er úr GPX ferlinum.
inspector_in_ways: Í vegunum
inspector_latlon: "Lengdargráða $1\nBreiddargráða $2"
inspector_locked: Læst
+ inspector_node_count: ($1 sinnum)
inspector_not_in_any_ways: Ekki í neinum vegum (hnútur)
inspector_unsaved: Óvistaður
inspector_uploading: (hleð upp)
option_layer_cycle_map: OSM - Hjólakort
option_layer_maplint: OSM - Villulag
option_layer_mapnik: OSM - Aðalkort
+ option_layer_nearmap: "Ástralía: NearMap"
option_layer_ooc_25k: "Bretland: 1:25k kort"
option_layer_ooc_7th: "Bretland: 7th kort"
option_layer_ooc_npe: "Bretland: NPE kort"
a_way: 道を$1
action_addpoint: wayの終端にnodeを追加
action_cancelchanges: 変更を中止
+ action_changeway: ウェイに変換
+ action_createparallel: 平行ウェイを作成
action_createpoi: POIを作成
action_deletepoint: pointを削除
action_insertnode: wayの途中にnodeを追加
action_pointtags: pointにtagを設定
action_poitags: POIにtagを設定
action_reverseway: wayを反転
+ action_revertway: ウェイを反転
action_splitway: wayを分割
action_waytags: wayにtagを設定
+ advanced: 先進的
advanced_close: 変更セットを閉じる
advanced_history: ウェイの履歴
+ advanced_inspector: インスペクタ
advanced_maximise: ウィンドウを最大化
+ advanced_minimise: ウィンドウを最小化
+ advanced_parallel: 平行ウェイ
+ advanced_tooltip: 高度な編集操作
+ advanced_undelete: 削除を取消す
+ advice_bendy: まっすぐにするには曲がりすぎています (SHIFT で強制実行)
advice_deletingpoi: POIを削除しました。(Zで取り消し)
+ advice_deletingway: ウェイを削除 (Z で元に戻す)
advice_nocommonpoint: そのwayは共通の点を持ってません。
+ advice_revertingpoi: 最後に保存された POI を差し戻します。(Zでアンドゥ)
+ advice_revertingway: 最後に保存したウェイの差し戻し (Zでアンドゥ)
advice_tagconflict: Tagが合ってません。 - 確認してください。(Zでアンドゥ)
advice_toolong: wayが長すぎるためunlockできません - 短いwayに分割して下さい。
+ advice_uploadempty: アップロードするものはありません
advice_uploadfail: アップロードを停止しました。
advice_uploadsuccess: アップロードに成功しました。
advice_waydragged: wayをドラッグしました。(Zでアンドゥ)
cancel: 中止
+ closechangeset: 変更セットを閉じます
+ conflict_download: 相手のバージョンをダウンロード
+ conflict_overwrite: 相手のバージョンを上書き
+ conflict_poichanged: あなたが編集中に、誰か他の人がポイント $1$2 を変更しました。
+ conflict_relchanged: あなたが編集中に、他の誰かがリレーション $1$2 を変更しました。
+ conflict_visitpoi: "'OK' をクリックしてポイントを表示。"
+ conflict_visitway: "'OK' をクリックしてウェイを表示。"
+ conflict_waychanged: あなたが編集を開始してから、誰か別の人がウェイ $1$2 を変更しました。
createrelation: 新しいリレーションを作成
custom: "カスタム:"
delete: 削除
editinglive: ライブ編集
editingoffline: オフライン編集中
emailauthor: \n\nあなたがその時に何を行っていたかを書いたバグレポートを、 richard\ 宛てにe-mailで送付して下さい。
+ error_anonymous: 匿名マッパーと連絡を取ることはできません。
error_connectionfailed: 申し訳ありません。OpenStreetMapのサーバーへの接続に失敗しました。 直近の変更は保存されていません。\n\n再送信しますか?
error_nopoi: 該当するPOIが見付からないため、取消ができませんでした。 (画面表示の範囲外になっていませんか?)
error_nosharedpoint: $1 と $2 のwayは既に共通のpointを共有していないため、分割の取消ができませんでした。
error_noway: $1 というwayが見付からないため、取消ができませんでした。 (画面表示の範囲外になっていませんか?)
+ error_readfailed: 申し訳ありません - OpenStreetMap サーバがデータ要求に対して応答しません。\n\nもう一度やり直しますか?
existingrelation: 既存のリレーションを追加
findrelation: 以下に含まれるリレーションを検索
gpxpleasewait: GPX trackが処理されるまで暫くお待ち下さい。
+ heading_drawing: 描画
+ heading_introduction: 紹介
+ heading_pois: はじめに
+ heading_quickref: クイックリファレンス
+ heading_surveying: 調査中
+ heading_tagging: タグ付け
+ heading_troubleshooting: トラブルシューティング
help: ヘルプ
+ help_html: "<!--\n\n========================================================================================================================\nPage 1: Introduction\n\n--><headline>Welcome to Potlatch</headline>\n<largeText>Potlatch is the easy-to-use editor for OpenStreetMap. Draw roads, paths, landmarks and shops from your GPS surveys, satellite imagery or old maps.\n\nThese help pages will take you through the basics of using Potlatch, and tell you where to find out more. Click the headings above to begin.\n\nWhen you've finished, just click anywhere else on the page.\n\n</largeText>\n\n<column/><headline>Useful stuff to know</headline>\n<bodyText>Don't copy from other maps! \n\nIf you choose 'Edit live', any changes you make will go into the database as you draw them - like, <i>immediately</i>. If you're not so confident, choose 'Edit with save', and they'll only go in when you press 'Save'.\n\nAny edits you make will usually be shown on the map after an hour or two (a few things take a week). Not everything is shown on the map - it would look too messy. But because OpenStreetMap's data is open source, other people are free to make maps showing different aspects - like <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">OpenCycleMap</a> or <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Midnight Commander</a>.\n\nRemember it's <i>both</i> a good-looking map (so draw pretty curves for bends) and a diagram (so make sure roads join at junctions).\n\nDid we mention about not copying from other maps?\n</bodyText>\n\n<column/><headline>Find out more</headline>\n<bodyText><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Potlatch manual</a>\n<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Mailing lists</a>\n<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Online chat (live help)</a>\n<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Web forum</a>\n<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Community wiki</a>\n<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Potlatch source-code</a>\n</bodyText>\n<!-- News etc. goes here -->\n\n<!--\n========================================================================================================================\nPage 2: getting started\n\n--><page/><headline>Getting started</headline>\n<bodyText>Now that you have Potlatch open, click 'Edit with save' to get started.\n\nSo you're ready to draw a map. The easiest place to start is by putting some points of interest on the map - or \"POIs\". These might be pubs, churches, railway stations... anything you like.</bodytext>\n\n<column/><headline>Drag and drop</headline>\n<bodyText>To make it super-easy, you'll see a selection of the most common POIs, right at the bottom of the map for you. Putting one on the map is as easy as dragging it from there onto the right place on the map. And don't worry if you don't get the position right first time: you can drag it again until it's right. Note that the POI is highlighted in yellow to show that it's selected.\n\nOnce you've done that, you'll want to give your pub (or church, or station) a name. You'll see that a little table has appeared at the bottom. One of the entries will say \"name\" followed by \"(type name here)\". Do that - click that text, and type the name.\n\nClick somewhere else on the map to deselect your POI, and the colourful little panel returns.\n\nEasy, isn't it? Click 'Save' (bottom right) when you're done.\n</bodyText><column/><headline>Moving around</headline>\n<bodyText>To move to a different part of the map, just drag an empty area. Potlatch will automatically load the new data (look at the top right).\n\nWe told you to 'Edit with save', but you can also click 'Edit live'. If you do this, your changes will go into the database straightaway, so there's no 'Save' button. This is good for quick changes and <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">mapping parties</a>.</bodyText>\n\n<headline>Next steps</headline>\n<bodyText>Happy with all of that? Great. Click 'Surveying' above to find out how to become a <i>real</i> mapper!</bodyText>\n\n<!--\n========================================================================================================================\nPage 3: Surveying\n\n--><page/><headline>Surveying with a GPS</headline>\n<bodyText>The idea behind OpenStreetMap is to make a map without the restrictive copyright of other maps. This means you can't copy from elsewhere: you must go and survey the streets yourself. Fortunately, it's lots of fun!\n\nThe best way to do this is with a handheld GPS set. Find an area that isn't mapped yet, then walk or cycle up the streets with your GPS switched on. Note the street names, and anything else interesting (pubs? churches?) , as you go along.\n\nWhen you get home, your GPS will contain a 'tracklog' recording everywhere you've been. You can then upload this to OpenStreetMap.\n\nThe best type of GPS is one that records to the tracklog frequently (every second or two) and has a big memory. Lots of our mappers use handheld Garmins or little Bluetooth units. There are detailed <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">GPS Reviews</a> on our wiki.</bodyText>\n<column/><headline>Uploading your track</headline>\n<bodyText>Now, you need to get your track off the GPS set. Maybe your GPS came with some software, or maybe it lets you copy the files off via USB. If not, try <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">GPSBabel</a>. Whatever, you want the file to be in GPX format.\n\nThen use the 'GPS Traces' tab to upload your track to OpenStreetMap. But this is only the first bit - it won't appear on the map yet. You must draw and name the roads yourself, using the track as a guide.</bodyText>\n<headline>Using your track</headline>\n<bodyText>Find your uploaded track in the 'GPS Traces' listing, and click 'edit' <i>right next to it</i>. Potlatch will start with this track loaded, plus any waypoints. You're ready to draw!\n\n<img src=\"gps\">You can also click this button to show everyone's GPS tracks (but not waypoints) for the current area. Hold SHIFT to show just your tracks.</bodyText>\n<column/><headline>Using satellite photos</headline>\n<bodyText>If you don't have a GPS, don't worry. In some cities, we have satellite photos you can trace over, kindly supplied by Yahoo! (thanks!). Go out and note the street names, then come back and trace over the lines.\n\n<img src='prefs'>If you don't see the satellite imagery, click the options button and make sure 'Yahoo!' is selected. If you still don't see it, it's probably not available for your city, or you might need to zoom out a bit.\n\nOn this same options button you'll find a few other choices like an out-of-copyright map of the UK, and OpenTopoMap for the US. These are all specially selected because we're allowed to use them - don't copy from anyone else's maps or aerial photos. (Copyright law sucks.)\n\nSometimes satellite pics are a bit displaced from where the roads really are. If you find this, hold Space and drag the background until it lines up. Always trust GPS tracks over satellite pics.</bodytext>\n\n<!--\n========================================================================================================================\nPage 4: Drawing\n\n--><page/><headline>Drawing ways</headline>\n<bodyText>To draw a road (or 'way') starting at a blank space on the map, just click there; then at each point on the road in turn. When you've finished, double-click or press Enter - then click somewhere else to deselect the road.\n\nTo draw a way starting from another way, click that road to select it; its points will appear red. Hold Shift and click one of them to start a new way at that point. (If there's no red point at the junction, shift-click where you want one!)\n\nClick 'Save' (bottom right) when you're done. Save often, in case the server has problems.\n\nDon't expect your changes to show instantly on the main map. It usually takes an hour or two, sometimes up to a week.\n</bodyText><column/><headline>Making junctions</headline>\n<bodyText>It's really important that, where two roads join, they share a point (or 'node'). Route-planners use this to know where to turn.\n\nPotlatch takes care of this as long as you are careful to click <i>exactly</i> on the way you're joining. Look for the helpful signs: the points light up blue, the pointer changes, and when you're done, the junction point has a black outline.</bodyText>\n<headline>Moving and deleting</headline>\n<bodyText>This works just as you'd expect it to. To delete a point, select it and press Delete. To delete a whole way, press Shift-Delete.\n\nTo move something, just drag it. (You'll have to click and hold for a short while before dragging a way, so you don't do it by accident.)</bodyText>\n<column/><headline>More advanced drawing</headline>\n<bodyText><img src=\"scissors\">If two parts of a way have different names, you'll need to split them. Click the way; then click the point where it should be split, and click the scissors. (You can merge ways by Shift-clicking, but don't merge two roads of different names or types.)\n\n<img src=\"tidy\">Roundabouts are really hard to draw right. Don't worry - Potlatch can help. Just draw the loop roughly, making sure it joins back on itself at the end, then click this icon to 'tidy' it. (You can also use this to straighten out roads.)</bodyText>\n<headline>Points of interest</headline>\n<bodyText>The first thing you learned was how to drag-and-drop a point of interest. You can also create one by double-clicking on the map: a green circle appears. But how to say whether it's a pub, a church or what? Click 'Tagging' above to find out!\n\n<!--\n========================================================================================================================\nPage 5: Tagging\n\n--><page/><headline>What type of road is it?</headline>\n<bodyText>Once you've drawn a way, you should say what it is. Is it a major road, a footpath or a river? What's its name? Are there any special rules (e.g. \"no bicycles\")?\n\nIn OpenStreetMap, you record this using 'tags'. A tag has two parts, and you can have as many as you like. For example, you could add <i>highway | trunk</i> to say it's a major road; <i>highway | residential</i> for a road on a housing estate; or <i>highway | footway</i> for a footpath. If bikes were banned, you could then add <i>bicycle | no</i>. Then to record its name, add <i>name | Market Street</i>.\n\nThe tags in Potlatch appear at the bottom of the screen - click an existing road, and you'll see what tags it has. Click the '+' sign (bottom right) to add a new tag. The 'x' by each tag deletes it.\n\nYou can tag whole ways; points in ways (maybe a gate or a traffic light); and points of interest.</bodytext>\n<column/><headline>Using preset tags</headline>\n<bodyText>To get you started, Potlatch has ready-made presets containing the most popular tags.\n\n<img src=\"preset_road\">Select a way, then click through the symbols until you find a suitable one. Then, choose the most appropriate option from the menu.\n\nThis will fill the tags in. Some will be left partly blank so you can type in (for example) the road name and number.</bodyText>\n<headline>One-way roads</headline>\n<bodyText>You might want to add a tag like <i>oneway | yes</i> - but how do you say which direction? There's an arrow in the bottom left that shows the way's direction, from start to end. Click it to reverse.</bodyText>\n<column/><headline>Choosing your own tags</headline>\n<bodyText>Of course, you're not restricted to just the presets. By using the '+' button, you can use any tags at all.\n\nYou can see what tags other people use at <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">OSMdoc</a>, and there is a long list of popular tags on our wiki called <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Map Features</a>. But these are <i>only suggestions, not rules</i>. You are free to invent your own tags or borrow from others.\n\nBecause OpenStreetMap data is used to make many different maps, each map will show (or 'render') its own choice of tags.</bodyText>\n<headline>Relations</headline>\n<bodyText>Sometimes tags aren't enough, and you need to 'group' two or more ways. Maybe a turn is banned from one road into another, or 20 ways together make up a signed cycle route. You can do this with an advanced feature called 'relations'. <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Find out more</a> on the wiki.</bodyText>\n\n<!--\n========================================================================================================================\nPage 6: Troubleshooting\n\n--><page/><headline>Undoing mistakes</headline>\n<bodyText><img src=\"undo\">This is the undo button (you can also press Z) - it will undo the last thing you did.\n\nYou can 'revert' to a previously saved version of a way or point. Select it, then click its ID (the number at the bottom left) - or press H (for 'history'). You'll see a list of everyone who's edited it, and when. Choose the one to go back to, and click Revert.\n\nIf you've accidentally deleted a way and saved it, press U (for 'undelete'). All the deleted ways will be shown. Choose the one you want; unlock it by clicking the red padlock; and save as usual.\n\nThink someone else has made a mistake? Send them a friendly message. Use the history option (H) to select their name, then click 'Mail'.\n\nUse the Inspector (in the 'Advanced' menu) for helpful information about the current way or point.\n</bodyText><column/><headline>FAQs</headline>\n<bodyText><b>How do I see my waypoints?</b>\nWaypoints only show up if you click 'edit' by the track name in 'GPS Traces'. The file has to have both waypoints and tracklog in it - the server rejects anything with waypoints alone.\n\nMore FAQs for <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Potlatch</a> and <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">OpenStreetMap</a>.\n</bodyText>\n\n\n<column/><headline>Working faster</headline>\n<bodyText>The further out you're zoomed, the more data Potlatch has to load. Zoom in before clicking 'Edit'.\n\nTurn off 'Use pen and hand pointers' (in the options window) for maximum speed.\n\nIf the server is running slowly, come back later. <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Check the wiki</a> for known problems. Some times, like Sunday evenings, are always busy.\n\nTell Potlatch to memorise your favourite sets of tags. Select a way or point with those tags, then press Ctrl, Shift and a number from 1 to 9. Then, to apply those tags again, just press Shift and that number. (They'll be remembered every time you use Potlatch on this computer.)\n\nTurn your GPS track into a way by finding it in the 'GPS Traces' list, clicking 'edit' by it, then tick the 'convert' box. It'll be locked (red) so won't save. Edit it first, then click the red padlock to unlock when ready to save.</bodytext>\n\n<!--\n========================================================================================================================\nPage 7: Quick reference\n\n--><page/><headline>何をクリックするか</headline>\n<bodyText><b>地図をドラック</b>: 動き回る\n<b>ダブルクリック</b>: POIを作る\n<b>シングルクリック</b>新しいウェイを初める\n<b>ウェイかPOIをボタンを押しっ放しでドラッグ</b>: それを動かす</bodyText>\n<headline>ウェイを描いている時</headline>\n<bodyText><b>ダブルクリック</b>か<b>Enter</b>: 描画を終了\n<b>他のウェイをクリック</b>: 交差点を作る\n<b>他のウェイの終端をShift-クリック</b>: 連結する</bodyText>\n<headline>ウェイが選択されている時</headline>\n<bodyText><b>ノードをクリック</b>: 選択\n<b>ウェイ上をShift-クリック</b>: 新しいノードを追加\n<b>点をShift-クリック</b>: 新しいウェイをそこから初める。\n<b>別のウェイをShift-クリック</b>: 連結する</bodyText>\n</bodyText>\n<column/><headline>キーボードショートカット</headline>\n<bodyText><textformat tabstops='[25]'>B (<u>b</u>ackground) 背景の source タグを加える。\nC (<u>c</u>hangeset) 変更セットを閉じる\nG (<u>G</u>PS) GPS トラックを表示\nH (<u>h</u>istory) 遍歴\nI (<u>i</u>nspector) インスペクターを表示\nJ (<u>J</u>oin) 交差するウェイとノードをつなぐ\nK (Loc<u>k</u>/unlock) 現在の選択をロック/アンロック\nL (<u>l</u>atitude/longitude) 現在の座標を表示\nM (<u>M</u>aximise) 編集画面を最大化\nP (<u>p</u>arallel) 平行ウェイを作る\nR (<u>R</u>epeat) タグを繰り返す\nS (<u>S</u>ave) 保存 (ライブ編集では無効)\nT (<u>T</u>idy) 線/円をまっすぐにする。\nU (<u>U</u>ndelete) 復元 (消されたウェイを表示する)\nX 二つにウェイを分割\nZ アンドゥ\n- このウェイからのみノードを取り除く (交差点の解消)\n+ 新しいタグを加える\n/ このノードを共有している別のウェイを選択\n</textformat><textformat tabstops='[50]'>Delete Delete point\n (+Shift) Delete entire way\nReturn Finish drawing line\nSpace Hold and drag background\nEsc Abort this edit; reload from server\n0 Remove all tags\n1-9 Select preset tags\n (+Shift) Select memorised tags\n (+S/Ctrl) Memorise tags\n§ or ` Cycle between tag groups</textformat>\n</bodyText>"
hint_drawmode: クリックしてpointを追加\nダブルクリック/Returnで\nline編集を終了
- hint_latlon: "緯度(lat) $1\n経度(lon) $2"
+ hint_latlon: "緯度 $1\n経度 $2"
hint_loading: wayを読み込んでいます。
hint_overendpoint: 終端のpoint上で\nクリックして接続\nshiftキーを押しながらクリックして結合
hint_overpoint: point上で\nクリックして接続
hint_pointselected: pointを選択\n(shiftキーを押しながらpointをクリックして\n新しいlineを開始)
+ hint_saving: データ保存中
+ hint_saving_loading: データをロード/保存中
inspector: インスペクタ
+ inspector_in_ways: ウェイに属している
inspector_latlon: "緯度 (Lat) $1\n経度 (Lon) $2"
+ inspector_locked: ロック済
+ inspector_node_count: ($1 回)
+ inspector_not_in_any_ways: ウェイに属していない (POI)
+ inspector_unsaved: 未保存
inspector_uploading: アップロード中
+ inspector_way_connects_to: $1 ウェイに接続
+ inspector_way_nodes: $1 ノード
+ inspector_way_nodes_closed: $1 ノード (closed)
login_pwd: パスワード
+ login_retry: あなたのサイトログインは認識されませんでした。やり直してください。
+ login_title: ログインできません
login_uid: ユーザー名
+ mail: メール
+ more: もっと
+ newchangeset: "やり直してください: Potlatch は新しい変更セットを開始します。"
+ nobackground: 背景なし
norelations: 現在のエリアにリレーションはありません
+ offset_broadcanal: 広い運河の船引き道
+ offset_choose: オフセットを選ぶ (m)
+ offset_dual: 中央分離道路 (D2)
+ offset_motorway: 自動車専用道 (D3)
+ offset_narrowcanal: 狭い運河の船引き道
ok: OK
openchangeset: Changeset を開いています。
option_custompointers: ペンのポインタと手のポインタを使用する
+ option_external: "外部起動:"
option_fadebackground: 背景を隠す
option_layer_cycle_map: OSM - cycle map
+ option_layer_maplint: OSM - Maplint (エラー用)
+ option_layer_ooc_25k: "UK historic: 1:25k"
+ option_layer_ooc_7th: "UK historic: 7th"
+ option_layer_ooc_npe: "UK historic: NPE"
option_layer_tip: 背景を選択
option_noname: 名無しの道をハイライト
+ option_photo: 写真 KML
+ option_thinareas: エリアにもっと細い線を使用
option_thinlines: 全ての縮尺で細い線を使用する
+ option_tiger: TIGER の無変更ウェイをハイライト
+ option_twitterid: "Twitter 名:"
+ option_twitterpwd: "Twitter パスワード:"
option_warnings: 吹き出し警告を表示する。
+ point: ポイント
preset_icon_airport: 空港
+ preset_icon_bar: バー (立ち飲み屋)
preset_icon_bus_stop: バス停
preset_icon_cafe: 喫茶店
preset_icon_cinema: 映画館
preset_icon_fire_station: 消防署
preset_icon_hospital: 病院
preset_icon_hotel: ホテル
+ preset_icon_museum: 博物館
preset_icon_parking: 駐車場
preset_icon_pharmacy: 薬局
+ preset_icon_place_of_worship: 神社仏閣
preset_icon_police: 交番
preset_icon_post_box: ポスト
+ preset_icon_pub: パブ (居酒屋)
+ preset_icon_recycling: リサイクル箱
preset_icon_restaurant: レストラン
preset_icon_school: 学校
preset_icon_station: 鉄道駅
preset_icon_supermarket: スーパーマーケット
preset_icon_taxi: タクシー乗り場
preset_icon_telephone: 電話
+ preset_icon_theatre: 劇場
+ preset_tip: $1 を表すものをプリセットタグから選ぶ
prompt_addtorelation: relationに $1 を追加
prompt_changesetcomment: "あなたの変更の説明を入力してください。:"
prompt_closechangeset: 変更セット $1 を閉じます。
+ prompt_createparallel: 平行ウェイを作成
prompt_editlive: ライブ編集(保存しながら編集)
prompt_editsave: 保存を使って編集
prompt_helpavailable: 新しいユーザーですか? 左下にヘルプがあります。
prompt_savechanges: 変更を保存
prompt_taggedpoints: このwayに含まれているpointのいくつかにtagが付けられています。 本当に削除しますか?
prompt_track: あなたのGPS trackを編集用のlockされたwayに変換します。
+ prompt_twitter: Twitter に投稿 (残り $1)
+ prompt_unlock: クリックしてアンロック
prompt_welcome: OpenStreetMapへようこそ!
retry: 再送
revert: 差し戻し
tip_gps: GPS trackを表示 (G)
tip_noundo: 取消対象無し
tip_options: オプション設定 (地図背景の選択)
+ tip_photo: 写真をロード
tip_presettype: 提供されているプリセットの種類をメニューから選択します。
tip_repeattag: 前回選択したwayのtagを繰り返す (R)
tip_revertversion: 差し戻し先のバージョンを選択
tip_selectrelation: 選択したrouteへ追加
tip_splitway: 選択したpointでwayを分割 (X)
+ tip_tidy: ウェイ上のポイントを整理 (T)
tip_undo: $1 を取り消し (Z)
uploading: アップロード中...
uploading_deleting_pois: POI を削除中
+ uploading_deleting_ways: ウェイを削除
uploading_poi: POI $1 をアップロード中
+ uploading_poi_name: POI $1, $2 をアップロード中
+ uploading_relation: リレーション $1 をアップロード中
+ uploading_relation_name: リレーション $1, $2 をアップロード中
uploading_way: ウェイ $1 をアップロード中
+ uploading_way_name: ウェイ $1, $2 をアップロード中
way: ウェイ
advice_revertingway: Врати на последен зачуван пат (Z за враќање)
advice_tagconflict: Ознаките не се совпаѓаат - проверете (Z за враќање)
advice_toolong: Предолго за отклучување - разделувајте на пократки патеки
+ advice_twatted: Го опна вашиот коментар на Twitter
advice_uploadempty: Нема што да се подигне
advice_uploadfail: Подигањето запре
advice_uploadsuccess: Сите податоци се успешно подигнати
error_nosharedpoint: Патиштата $1 и $2 повеќе немаат заедничка точка, па затоа не можам да го отстранам разделот.
error_noway: Патот $1 не беше најден (можеби сте се оддалечиле со екранот?) и затоа не можам да вратам.
error_readfailed: Се извинуваме - OpenStreetMap серверот не одговара на барањата за податоци.\n\nДа пробам пак?
- error_twitter: Жалиме, но испраќањето на Twitter не успеја.
+ error_twitter_long: "Објавата на Twitter не успеа:\nHTTP-код: $1\nПорака за грешката: $2\nГрешка на Twitter: $3"
existingrelation: Додај кон постоечка релација
findrelation: Пронајди релација што содржи
gpxpleasewait: Почекајте додека се обработи GPX патеката.
inspector_in_ways: Со патишта
inspector_latlon: "Г.Ш. $1\nГ.Д. $2"
inspector_locked: Заклучено
+ inspector_node_count: ($1 пати)
inspector_not_in_any_ways: Не е на ниеден пат (POI)
inspector_unsaved: Незачувано
inspector_uploading: (подигање)
option_fadebackground: Побледи позадина
option_layer_cycle_map: OSM - велосипедска карта
option_layer_maplint: OSM - Maplint (грешки)
+ option_layer_nearmap: "Австралија: NearMap"
option_layer_ooc_25k: "Историски британски: 1:25k"
option_layer_ooc_7th: "Историски британски: 7-ми"
option_layer_ooc_npe: "Историски британски: NPE"
advice_revertingway: Teruggaan naar de laatst opgeslagen weg (Z om ongedaan te maken)
advice_tagconflict: De labels komen niet overeen. Controleer uw invoer (Z om ongedaan te maken)
advice_toolong: Te lang om te unlocken - splits de weg in kortere stukken
+ advice_twatted: Uw opmerking is doorgestuurd naar Twitter
advice_uploadempty: Er is niets te uploaden
advice_uploadfail: De upload is afgebroken
advice_uploadsuccess: Alle gegevens zijn geüpload
error_nosharedpoint: De wegen $1 en $2 hebben geen gemeenschappelijk punt meer. De splitsing kan niet ongedaan gemaakt worden.
error_noway: De weg $1 kan niet gevonden worden (kaart weggeschoven?). Ongedaan maken is niet mogelijk.
error_readfailed: De server van OpenStreetMap gaf geen antwoord op het verzoek gegevens te leveren.\n\nWilt u het nog een keer proberen?
- error_twitter: Het doorsturen naar Twitter is mislukt.
+ error_twitter_long: "Het doorsturen naar Twitter is mislukt:\nHTTP-code: $1\nFoutmelding: $2\nTwitter-foutmelding: $3"
existingrelation: Toevoegen aan bestaande relatie
findrelation: Relatie zoeken met
gpxpleasewait: Even geduld alstublieft. De GPX-trace wordt verwerkt.
option_fadebackground: Achtergrond lichter maken
option_layer_cycle_map: OSM - fietskaart
option_layer_maplint: OSM - Maplint (fouten)
+ option_layer_nearmap: "Australië: NearMap"
option_layer_ooc_25k: "VK historisch: 1:25k"
option_layer_ooc_7th: "VK historisch: 7e"
option_layer_ooc_npe: "VK historisch: NPE"
error_nopoi: Fant ikke POI-et, så det er ikke mulig å angre. (Kanskje den ikke er på skjermen lenger?)
error_nosharedpoint: Linjene $1 og $2 deler ikke noe punkt lenger, så det er ikke mulig å angre.
error_noway: Fant ikke linjen $1 så det er ikke mulig å angre. (Kanskje den ikke er på skjermen lenger?)
- error_twitter: Sending til Twitter feilet.
existingrelation: Legg til en relasjon som er her fra før
findrelation: Finn en relasjon som inneholder
gpxpleasewait: Vennligst vent mens sporloggen behandles.
error_nosharedpoint: Линии $1 и $2 больше не содержат общих точек, поэтому невозможно отменить разделение.
error_noway: Линия $1 не найдена (возможно вы отошли в сторону?), поэтому невозможно отменить.
error_readfailed: Извините, сервер OpenStreetMap не ответил на запрос данных.\n\nЖелаете ли попробовать ещё раз?
- error_twitter: К сожалению, отправка в Twitter не удалась.
+ error_twitter_long: "Ошибка отправки сообщения в Twitter:\nКод HTTP: $1\nСообщение об ошибке: $2\nОшибка Twitter: $3"
existingrelation: Добавить в существующее отношение
findrelation: Найти отношения, содержащие
gpxpleasewait: Пожалуйста, подождите — GPX-треки обрабатываются.
inspector_in_ways: В линиях
inspector_latlon: "Шир $1\nДол $2"
inspector_locked: Заблокировано
+ inspector_node_count: ($1 шт.)
inspector_not_in_any_ways: Нет ни в одной линии (POI)
inspector_unsaved: Не сохранено
inspector_uploading: (передача на сервер)
option_layer_cycle_map: OSM - для велосипедистов
option_layer_maplint: OSM - Maplint (ошибки)
option_layer_mapnik: OSM - Mapnik
+ option_layer_nearmap: "Австралия: NearMap"
option_layer_ooc_25k: "UK historic: 1:25k"
option_layer_ooc_7th: "UK historic: 7th"
option_layer_ooc_npe: "UK historic: NPE"
error_nosharedpoint: Các lối $1 và $2 không còn cắt ngang nhau tại điểm nào, nên không thể lùi lại việc chia cắt lối.
error_noway: Không tìm thấy $1 (có lẽ bạn đã kéo ra khỏi vùng?) nên không thể lùi lại.
error_readfailed: Rất tiếc, máy chủ OpenStreetMap không phản ứng lời yêu cầu dữ liệu.\n\nBa.n có muốn thử lại không?
- error_twitter: Rất tiếc, đăng lên Twitter không thành công.
existingrelation: Xếp vào quan hệ đã tồn tại
findrelation: Tìm kiếm quan hệ chứa
gpxpleasewait: Xin chờ, đang xử lý tuyến đường GPX.