+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/env perl
-use feature ':5.10';
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use YAML::Syck qw(Dump LoadFile);
-use Test::Differences;
-use Pod::Usage ();
-use Getopt::Long ();
-=head1 NAME
-locale-diff - Compare two YAML files and print how their datastructures differ
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- # --keys is the default
- diff en.yml is.yml
- diff --keys en.yml is.yml
- # --untranslated-values compares prints keys whose values don't differ
- diff --untranslated-values en.yml is.yml
- # --untranslated-values-all compares prints keys whose values
- # don't differ. Ignoring the blacklist which prunes things
- # unlikley to be translated
- diff --untranslated-values-all en.yml is.yml
- # Check that interpolated variables ({{var}} and [[var]]) are the same
- diff --validate-variables en.yml is.yml
-This utility prints the differences between two YAML files using
-L<Test::Differences>. The purpose of it is to diff the files is
-F<config/locales> to find out what keys need to be added to the
-translated files when F<en.yml> changes.
-=head1 OPTIONS
-=item -h, --help
-Print this help message.
-=item --keys
-Show the hash keys that differ between the two files, useful merging
-new entries from F<en.yml> to a local file.
-=item --untranslated-values
-Show keys that B<exist in both the compared files> and whose values
-are exactly the same. Use C<--keys> to a list of values that hasn't
-been merged.
-The values are pruned according to global and language specific
-blacklists found in the C<__DATA__> section of this script.
-This helps to find untranslated values.
-=item --untranslated-values-all
-Like C<--untranslated-values> but ignores blacklists.
-=item --validate-variables
-Check that interpolated Ruby i18n variables (C<{{foo}}> and
-C<[[foo]]>) are equivalent in the two provided files.
-=item --dump-flat
-Dump a flat version of the translation hash in YAML format,
-i.e. "foo.bar" instead of "{foo}->{bar}".
-=head1 AUTHOR
-E<AElig>var ArnfjE<ouml>rE<eth> Bjarmason <avarab@gmail.com>
-# Get the command-line options
- config => [ qw< bundling no_ignore_case no_require_order pass_through > ],
- 'h|help' => \my $help,
- 'keys' => \my $keys,
- 'dump-flat' => \my $dump_flat,
- 'untranslated-values' => \my $untranslated_values,
- 'untranslated-values-all' => \my $untranslated_values_all,
- 'validate-variables' => \my $validate_variables,
- 'reconstruct' => \my $reconstruct,
-) or help();
-# --keys is the default
-$keys = 1 if not $untranslated_values_all and not $untranslated_values and not $validate_variables and not $dump_flat;
-# On --help
-help() if $help;
-# If we're not given two .yml files
-help() if (@ARGV != 2 or (!-f $ARGV[0] or !-f $ARGV[1])) and not $dump_flat || $reconstruct;
-my ($from, $to) = @ARGV;
-my $from_data = LoadFile($from);
-my $from_parsed = { iterate($from_data->{basename($from)}) };
-if ($dump_flat)
- mark_utf8($from_parsed);
- print Dump $from_parsed;
- exit 0;
-if ($reconstruct) {
- mark_utf8($from_parsed);
- my %out;
- while (my ($k, $v) = each %$from_parsed) {
- insert_string_deep(\%out, $k, $v);
- }
- print Dump { basename($from) => \%out };
- exit 0;
-my $to_data = LoadFile($to);
-my $to_parsed = { iterate($to_data->{basename($to)}) };
-if ($keys)
- print_key_differences($from_parsed, $to_parsed);
-elsif ($untranslated_values or $untranslated_values_all)
- my @untranslated = untranslated_keys($from_parsed, $to_parsed);
- # Prune according to blacklist
- if ($untranslated_values) {
- @untranslated = prune_untranslated_with_blacklist(basename($to), @untranslated);
- }
- say for @untranslated;
-} elsif ($validate_variables)
- print_validate_variables($from_parsed, $to_parsed);
-exit 0;
-sub print_key_differences
- my ($f, $t) = @_;
- # Hack around Test::Differences wanting a Test::* module loaded
- $INC{"Test.pm"} = 1;
- sub Test::ok { print shift }
- # Diff the tree
- eq_or_diff([ sort keys %$f ], [ sort keys %$t ]);
-sub untranslated_keys
- my ($from_parsed, $to_parsed) = @_;
- sort grep { exists $to_parsed->{$_} and $from_parsed->{$_} eq $to_parsed->{$_} } keys %$from_parsed;
-sub prune_untranslated_with_blacklist
- my ($language, @keys) = @_;
- my %keys;
- @keys{@keys} = ();
- my $end_yaml = LoadFile(*DATA);
- my $untranslated_values = $end_yaml->{untranslated_values};
- my $default = $untranslated_values->{default};
- my $this_language = $untranslated_values->{$language} || {};
- my %bw_list = (%$default, %$this_language);
- while (my ($key, $blacklisted) = each %bw_list)
- {
- # FIXME: Does syck actually support true/false booleans in yaml?
- delete $keys{$key} if $blacklisted eq 'true'
- }
- sort keys %keys;
-sub print_validate_variables
- my ($f, $t) = @_;
- while (my ($key, $val) = each %$f)
- {
- next if exists $f->{$key} and not exists $t->{$key};
- my @from_var = parse_variables_from_string($f->{$key});
- my @to_var = parse_variables_from_string($t->{$key});
- unless (@from_var ~~ @to_var) {
- say "$key in $from has (@from_var) and $to has (@to_var)";
- }
- }
-sub parse_variables_from_string
- my ($string) = @_;
- # This probably matches most of the variables
- my $var = qr/ [a-z0-9_]+? /xs;
- if (my @var = $string =~ m/ \{\{ ($var) \}\} | \[\[ ($var) \]\] /gsx) {
- return sort grep { defined } @var;
- } else {
- return;
- }
-sub iterate
- my ($hash, @path) = @_;
- my @ret;
- while (my ($k, $v) = each %$hash)
- {
- if (ref $v eq 'HASH')
- {
- push @ret => iterate($v, @path, $k);
- }
- else
- {
- push @ret => join(".",@path, $k), $v;
- }
- }
- return @ret;
-# $s = 'foo.bar.baz.spam.eggs.ham'; $h = \%h; $h = $h->{$_} = {} for split /\./, $s; \%h
-# ==> {foo => {bar => {baz => {spam => {eggs => {ham => {}}}}}}}
-sub insert_string_deep {
- my ($h, $ks, $v) = @_;
- my $p = \$h; $p = \$$p->{$_} for split /\./, $ks;
- $$p = $v;
-# sub insert_string_deep
-# {
-# my ($hash, $key, $value) = @_;
-# my @key = split /\./, $key;
-# my $h = $hash;
-# my $i = 0;
-# for my $k (@key) {
-# $i ++;
-# if ($i == @key) {
-# $h->{$k} = $value;
-# } else {
-# if (ref $h->{$k}) {
-# $h = $h->{$k};
-# } else {
-# $h = $h->{$k} = {};
-# }
-# }
-# }
-# }
-sub basename
- my $name = shift;
- $name =~ s[\..*?$][];
- $name =~ s[.*/][];
- $name;
-sub mark_utf8
- my ($hash) = @_;
- # Mark as UTF-8
- map { if (ref $_ eq 'ARRAY') { map { utf8::decode($_) } @$_ } else { utf8::decode($_) } } values %$hash;
-sub help
- my %arg = @_;
- Pod::Usage::pod2usage(
- -verbose => $arg{ verbose },
- -exitval => $arg{ exitval } || 0,
- );
- # Default/Per language blacklist/whitelist for the
- # --untranslated-values switch. "true" as a value indicates that the
- # key is to be blacklisted, and "false" that it's to be
- # whitelisted. "false" is only required to whitelist a key
- # blacklisted by default on a per-language basis.
- default:
- html.dir: true
- layouts.intro_3_bytemark: true
- layouts.intro_3_ucl: true
- layouts.project_name.h1: true
- layouts.project_name.title: true
- site.index.license.project_url: true
- browse.relation_member.entry: true
- # #{{id}}
- changeset.changeset.id: true
- de:
- activerecord.attributes.message.sender: true
- activerecord.attributes.trace.name: true
- activerecord.models.changeset: true
- activerecord.models.relation: true
- browse.changeset.changeset: true
- browse.changeset.changesetxml: true
- browse.changeset.osmchangexml: true
- browse.changeset.title: true
- browse.common_details.version: true
- browse.containing_relation.relation: true
- browse.relation.relation: true
- browse.relation.relation_title: true
- browse.start_rjs.details: true
- browse.start_rjs.object_list.details: true
- browse.tag_details.tags: true
- changeset.changesets.id: true
- export.start.export_button: true
- export.start.format: true
- export.start.output: true
- export.start.zoom: true
- export.start_rjs.export: true
- layouts.export: true
- layouts.shop: true
- site.edit.anon_edits: true
- site.index.license.license_name: true
- site.index.permalink: true
- site.key.table.entry.park: true
- site.search.submit_text: true
- trace.edit.tags: true
- trace.trace.in: true
- trace.trace_form.tags: true
- trace.trace_optionals.tags: true
- trace.view.tags: true
- user.account.public editing.enabled link: true
- is:
- # ({{link}})
- site.edit.anon_edits: true
- # Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0
- site.index.license.license_name: true
- # http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/
- site.index.license.license_url: true
- # {{id}}
- printable_name.with_id: true
- # {{name}} ({{id}})
- printable_name.with_name: true
- # {{type}}
- geocoder.search_osm_namefinder.prefix: true
- # {{suffix}}, {{parentname}}
- geocoder.search_osm_namefinder.suffix_suburb: true
+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/env perl
-use feature ':5.10';
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use File::Slurp qw(slurp);
-use YAML::Syck qw(Dump Load LoadFile DumpFile);
- $YAML::Syck::Headless = 1;
- $YAML::Syck::SortKeys = 1;
-use WWW::Mechanize;
-use HTML::TableParser::Grid;
-use Pod::Usage ();
-use Getopt::Long ();
-use Data::Dump 'dump';
-use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile);
-use Storable;
-use autodie;
-=head1 NAME
-merge-from-translatewiki - Get new translations from L<http://translatewiki.net> and selectively merge them with ours
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- # Run this normally, hopefully...
- merge-from-translatewiki --locales-dir=config/locales
- # Diff the existing files:
- config/locales$ for i in $(ls *yml | grep -v en.yml); do perl ../../script/locale/diff --dump-flat $i > $i.0 ;done
- # Merge and find out what changed:
- rails_port$ perl script/locale/merge-from-translatewiki --locales-dir config/locales
- # Or, more complexy:
- rails_port$ for i in $(svn st config/locales/ | egrep '^M|\\?' | awk '{print $2}' | grep 'yml$'); do rm -v $i; done && svn up config/locales && perl script/locale/merge-from-translatewiki --locales-dir config/locales && svn st config/locales
- # Diff:
- config/locales$ for i in $(ls *yml | grep -v en.yml); do perl ../../script/locale/diff --dump-flat $i > $i.1 ;done && for i in $(ls *yml | grep -v en.yml); do diff -ru $i.*; done
-Translatewiki's export process L<is
-broken|http://trac.openstreetmap.org/ticket/2305>. This script imports
-new messages from it while tiptoeing around known bugs.
-=head1 OPTIONS
-=item -h, --help
-Print this help message.
-=item --locales-dir
-The locales dir we'll merge stuff into. F<config/locales> by default.
-=item --only-new
-Only import translations that don't exists for us yet.
-=item --cache
-Write a L<Storable> cache for things downloaded from Translatewiki and
-use it if it exists.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-E<AElig>var ArnfjE<ouml>rE<eth> Bjarmason <avarab@gmail.com>
-# Get the command-line options
- config => [ qw< bundling no_ignore_case no_require_order pass_through > ],
- 'h|help' => \my $help,
- 'locales-dir=s' => \(my $locales_dir = 'config/locales'),
- 'only-new' => \my $only_new,
- 'cache' => \my $cache,
-) or help();
-# On --help
-help() if $help;
-help() unless $locales_dir and -d $locales_dir;
-### Main
-### Get Translatewiki data
-my %translatewiki_languages = translatewiki_languages();
-# Don't process English from Translatewiki
-delete $translatewiki_languages{en};
-#say Dump \%translatewiki_languages;
-my @translatewiki_languages_codes = keys %translatewiki_languages;
-my %translatewiki_translations = get_translatewiki_translations(@translatewiki_languages_codes);
-#say Dump \%translatewiki_translations;
-### Get our existing data
-my %my_translations;
-my @my_yaml_files = glob catfile($locales_dir, '*.yml');
-for my $my_yaml_file (@my_yaml_files) {
- my $basename = basename($my_yaml_file);
- my $tw_lang = lc $basename;
- say STDERR "Loading my translation $tw_lang ($my_yaml_file)";
- $my_translations{$tw_lang} = load_and_flatten_yaml(scalar slurp($my_yaml_file));
-say "loaded my translations";
-## Write out merged data
-for my $translatewiki_lang (sort @translatewiki_languages_codes) {
- my $rails_lang = $translatewiki_lang; $rails_lang =~ s/(?<=-)(\w+)/\U$1\E/;
- my $out_file = catfile($locales_dir, $rails_lang . '.yml');
- unless (-f $out_file) {
- # No translation like this exists
- say STDERR "$rails_lang has no existing translation. Importing as-is from Translatewiki to $out_file";
- my $expanded = expand_hash($translatewiki_translations{$translatewiki_lang});
- my $out = +{ $rails_lang => $expanded };
- spit_out($out_file, $out);
- } elsif (ref $my_translations{$translatewiki_lang} eq 'HASH' and not $only_new) {
- say STDERR "$rails_lang has existing translations. Merging the old translation with the new Translatewiki one";
- # Get the data
- my %tw = %{ $translatewiki_translations{$translatewiki_lang} };
- my %me = %{ $my_translations{$translatewiki_lang} };
- my %en = %{ $my_translations{en} };
- # Use %tw to start with
- my %new = %tw;
- ### Merge stuff
- ## These keys shouldn't be removed but are due to
- ## Translatewiki fail (they were missing in the original
- ## import)
- my @url_keys = qw(
- browse.relation_member.entry
- changeset.changeset.id
- geocoder.search_osm_namefinder.suffix_suburb
- html.dir
- layouts.intro_3_bytemark
- layouts.intro_3_ucl
- layouts.project_name.h1
- layouts.project_name.title
- printable_name.with_version
- site.edit.anon_edits
- layouts.help_wiki_url
- layouts.shop_url
- notifier.gpx_notification.failure.import_failures_url
- notifier.signup_confirm_plain.the_wiki_url
- notifier.signup_confirm_plain.wiki_signup_url
- trace.edit.visibility_help_url
- trace.trace_form.help_url
- trace.trace_form.visibility_help_url
- );
- for my $key (@url_keys) {
- if ( exists $me{$key} and not exists $new{$key} ) {
- $new{$key} = $me{$key} if $me{$key} ne $en{$key};
- }
- }
- ## When foo exists in this file but only foo.one, foo,other
- ## etc in English or the original file we don't want to throw away what we have
- my @plural_keys = qw( zero one many few other two );
- while (my ($me_k, $me_v) = each %me) {
- if (not exists $tw{ $me_k } and
- not exists $en{ $me_k } and
- (
- exists $en{ $me_k . '.zero' } or
- exists $en{ $me_k . '.one' } or
- exists $en{ $me_k . '.many' } or
- exists $en{ $me_k . '.few' } or
- exists $en{ $me_k . '.other' } or
- exists $en{ $me_k . '.two' })) {
- #say STDERR "Bringing back nuked plural form '$me_k' Setting it to '$me{ $me_k }'";
- $new{ $me_k } = $me{ $me_k };
- }
- }
- # Both arrays and strings are supported in the site key. Avoid removing e.g.:
- # -site.key.table.entry.school: 學校;大學
- # Just because en.yml has site.key.table.entry.school.0 and site.key.table.entry.school.1
- while (my ($me_k, $me_v) = each %me) {
- next unless $me_k =~ /^site\.key\.table\.entry/;
- next if $me_k =~ /\.\d+$/;
- if (ref $en{ $me_k } eq 'ARRAY' and not ref $me{ $me_k }) {
- $new{ $me_k } = $me{ $me_k };
- }
- }
- # There are a bunch of keys on Translatewiki that are
- # equivalent to English for some reason. Probably because they
- # were there at import time. Nuke them.
- while (my ($new_k, $new_v) = each %new) {
- if (exists $en{ $new_k } and $en{ $new_k } eq $new_v) {
- #say "Purging dupe in $rails_lang: $new_k=$new_v";
- delete $new{ $new_k };
- }
- }
- my $expanded = expand_hash( \%new );
- my $out = +{ $rails_lang => $expanded };
- spit_out($out_file, $out);
- } elsif (not $only_new) {
- die "Internal error on $translatewiki_lang";
- }
-sub spit_out
- my ($file, $data) = @_;
- my $yaml_out = Dump $data;
- open my $fh, ">", $file;
- print $fh $yaml_out;
- close $fh;
-# YAML stuff
-sub mark_utf8
- my ($hash) = @_;
- # Mark as UTF-8
- map { if (ref $_ eq 'ARRAY') { map { utf8::decode($_) } @$_ } else { utf8::decode($_) } } values %$hash;
-sub iterate
- my ($hash, @path) = @_;
- my @ret;
- while (my ($k, $v) = each %$hash)
- {
- if (ref $v eq 'HASH')
- {
- push @ret => iterate($v, @path, $k);
- }
- else
- {
- push @ret => join(".",@path, $k), $v;
- }
- }
- return @ret;
-sub expand_hash
- my ($flat_hash) = @_;
- my %new_hash;
- while (my ($k, $v) = each %$flat_hash) {
- #say "Inserting $k=$v";
- insert_string_deep(\%new_hash, $k, $v);
- }
- \%new_hash;
-# Fails under strict in certain cases:
-## Inserting browse.start_rjs.object_list.history.type.way=Vía [[id]]
-## Inserting activerecord.models.relation_tag=Etiqueta de la relación
-## Inserting browse.changeset_details.has_nodes.one=Tiene el siguiente {{count}} nodo:
-## Can't use string ("Tiene {{count}} nodos:") as a HASH ref while "strict refs" in use at script/locale/merge-from-translatewiki line 234.
-# Line 234 = my $p = \$h; $p = \$$p->{$_} for split /\./, $ks;
-# sub insert_string_deep_X {
-# my ($h, $ks, $v) = @_;
-# my $p = \$h; $p = \$$p->{$_} for split /\./, $ks;
-# $$p = $v;
-# }
-sub insert_string_deep
- my ($hash, $key, $value) = @_;
- my @key = split /\./, $key;
- my $h = $hash;
- my $i = 0;
- for my $k (@key) {
- $i ++;
- if ($i == @key) {
- $h->{$k} = $value;
- } else {
- if (ref $h->{$k}) {
- $h = $h->{$k};
- } else {
- $h = $h->{$k} = {};
- }
- }
- }
-# Get language from Translatewiki
-sub get_translatewiki_translations
- my @languages = @_;
- my $cache_file = "/tmp/merge-from-translatewiki.storable";
- if ($cache) {
- if (-f $cache_file) {
- my $c = retrieve($cache_file);
- return %$c;
- }
- }
- my %translatewiki_languages;
- my $all_count = scalar @languages;
- say "Translatewiki has $all_count languages I'm about to get";
- my $count = 0;
- for my $lang (@languages) {
- $count ++;
- say STDERR "Getting language $count/$all_count ($lang) from Translatewiki";
- my $yaml = get_language_from_translatewiki($lang);
- my $flat_data = load_and_flatten_yaml($yaml);
- $translatewiki_languages{$lang} = $flat_data;
- }
- if ($cache) {
- store \%translatewiki_languages, $cache_file;
- }
- return %translatewiki_languages;
-sub get_language_from_translatewiki
- my ($lang) = @_;
- my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new;
- $mech->get("http://translatewiki.net/w/i.php?title=Special%3ATranslate&task=export-to-file&group=out-osm-site&language=$lang");
- die "Couldn't get lang $lang lang from Translatewiki" unless $mech->success;
- return $mech->content;
-# from language list
-sub translatewiki_languages
- my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new;
- $mech->get('http://translatewiki.net/wiki/Translating:OpenStreetMap/stats/trunk/site');
- die "Couldn't get translatewiki table" unless $mech->success;
- my $content = $mech->content;
- my ($sortable) = $content =~ m[(<table class="sortable.*</table>)]s;
- my @table = parse_language_table($sortable);
- # Just get the codes
- map { $_->{code} => $_->{language} } @table;
-sub parse_language_table
- my ($table) = @_;
- my $parser = HTML::TableParser::Grid->new($table);
- my @rows;
- for my $n (0 .. $parser->num_rows - 1) {
- my %row;
- @row{qw(code language done fuzzy)} = $parser->row($n);
- mark_utf8(\%row);
- push @rows => \%row;
- }
- @rows;
-# Misc
-sub basename
- my $name = shift;
- $name =~ s[\..*?$][];
- $name =~ s[.*/][];
- $name;
-sub load_and_flatten_yaml
- my ($yaml) = @_;
- my $data = Load($yaml);
- # Remove the root $lang => key
- my @keys = keys %$data;
- die "YAML data had more than 1 root key" if @keys != 1;
- $data = $data->{$keys[0]};
- # Flatten it
- my $flat_data = { iterate($data) };
- mark_utf8($flat_data);
- $flat_data;
-# Help
-sub help
- my %arg = @_;
- Pod::Usage::pod2usage(
- -verbose => $arg{ verbose },
- -exitval => $arg{ exitval } || 0,
- );
+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# po2yaml, for converting gettext .po to the RoR translation YAML
-# Use:
-# - To create a language's yaml from a given po file
-# po2yaml de.po > de.yml
-require "yaml"
-def add_translation(hash, keys, value)
- key = keys.shift
- if keys.empty?
- hash[key] = value
- else
- hash[key] ||= {}
- add_translation(hash[key], keys, value)
- end
- hash
-def po2hash(f)
- trs = {}
- path = []
- msgstr = ""
- f.each_line do |line|
- line.strip!
- if line[0..8] == 'msgctxt "'
- path = line[9..-2].split(":")
- elsif line[0..7] == 'msgstr "'
- msgstr = line[8..-2]
- end
- next if path.empty? || msgstr.empty?
- add_translation(trs, path, msgstr)
- path = []
- msgstr = ""
- end
- trs
-filename = ARGV[0]
-pofile = File.open(filename, "r")
-langcode = File.basename(filename, ".po")
-tr = { langcode => po2hash(pofile) }
-print tr.to_yaml
+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# yaml2po, for converting RoR translation YAML to the standard gettext
-# for eventual use with a translation site such as Transifex
-# Use:
-# - To create a 'master' .pot
-# yaml2po > translations.pot
-# - To create a language's .po (includes from scratch)
-# yaml2po de > de.po
-# - To create all languages' .pos and a .pot (under /config/locales/po)
-# yaml2po --all
-require "yaml"
-require "optparse"
-LOCALE_DIR = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../../config/locales/"
-EN = YAML.load_file("#{LOCALE_DIR}en.yml")
-def iterate(hash, fhash = {}, path = "", outfile = $stdout)
- hash.each do |key, val|
- fhash[key] = {} unless fhash.key? key
- if val.is_a? Hash
- fhash[key] = {} unless fhash[key].is_a? Hash
- iterate(val, fhash[key], "#{path}#{key}:#{outfile}")
- else
- outfile.puts "msgctxt \"#{path}#{key}\""
- outfile.puts "msgid \"#{val}\""
- outfile.puts "msgstr \"#{fhash[key]}\""
- end
- end
-def lang2po(lang, outfile = $stdout)
- puts lang
- infile = "#{LOCALE_DIR}#{lang}.yml"
- if File.exist? infile
- oth = YAML.load_file(infile)
- oth = oth[lang]
- iterate(EN["en"], oth, "", outfile)
- else
- iterate(EN["en"], {}, "", outfile)
- end
-opt = ARGV[0]
-if opt == "--all"
- # Produce .po files for all langs, and a .pot template
- po_dir = "#{LOCALE_DIR}po/"
- Dir.mkdir(po_dir) unless File.directory?(po_dir)
- Dir.glob("#{LOCALE_DIR}/*.yml") do |filename|
- lang = File.basename(filename, ".yml")
- unless lang == "en"
- outfile = File.new("#{po_dir}#{lang}.po", "w")
- lang2po(lang, outfile)
- outfile.close
- end
- end
- outfile = File.new("#{po_dir}rails_port.pot", "w")
- iterate(EN["en"], {}, "", outfile)
- outfile.close
-elsif opt
- lang2po(opt)
- iterate(EN["en"])