inspector_way_name: $1 ($2)
inspector_way_nodes: $1 nodes
inspector_way_nodes_closed: $1 nodes (closed)
+ loading: Loading...
login_pwd: "Password:"
login_retry: Your site login was not recognised. Please try again.
login_title: Couldn't log in
option_layer_ooc_25k: "UK historic: 1:25k"
option_layer_ooc_7th: "UK historic: 7th"
option_layer_ooc_npe: "UK historic: NPE"
+ option_layer_ooc_scotland: "UK historic: Scotland"
option_layer_osmarender: OSM - Osmarender
option_layer_tip: Choose the background to display
option_layer_yahoo: Yahoo!
retry: Retry
revert: Revert
save: Save
+ tags_findatag: Find a tag
+ tags_typesearchterm: "Type a word to look for:"
+ tags_matching: Popular tags matching '$1'
+ tags_descriptions: Descriptions of '$1'
+ tags_backtolist: Back to list
tip_addrelation: Add to a relation
tip_addtag: Add a new tag
tip_alert: An error occurred - click for details
--- /dev/null
+h2 { font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;
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