relation_paginated: Релации(%{x}-%{y} от %{count})
comment: Коментари (%{count})
osmchangexml: osmChange XML
+ feed:
+ title: Списък с промени %{id}
join_discussion: Впишете се, за да се присъедините към обсъждането
discussion: Обсъждане
history_title: 'Историята на релация: %{name}'
members: Членове
+ entry_role: '%{type} %{name} като %{role}'
node: Възел
way: Път
anonymous: Анонимен
no_edits: (без промяна)
+ view_changeset_details: Подробности за списъка с промени
id: Номер
saved_at: Записан на
full: Пълно обсъждане
+ title: Нов запис в дневника
publish_button: Публикуване
title: Дневници на потребителите
view: Преглед
edit: Редактиране
+ post: Публикация
when: Кога
comment: Коментар
ago: преди %{ago}
advice: 'Ако изнасянето по-горе не сработи, моля, използвайте един от следните
+ planet:
+ title: Planet OSM
title: Overpass API
add_marker: Добавяне на маркер на картата
latitude: 'Геогр. шир:'
longitude: 'Геогр. дълж:'
+ output: Изход
export_button: Изнасяне
bbq: Барбекю
bench: Пейка
bicycle_parking: Паркинг за велосипеди
+ bicycle_rental: Велосипеди под наем
bureau_de_change: Обменно бюро
bus_station: Автобусна спирка
cafe: Кафене
embassy: Посолство
emergency_phone: Телефон за спешни повиквания
fast_food: Заведения за бързо хранене
+ ferry_terminal: Фериботен терминал
fire_hydrant: Пожарен кран
fire_station: Пожарна станция
fountain: Фонтан
fuel: Гориво
+ gambling: Хазартни игри
grave_yard: Гробище
gym: Фитнес зала
hospital: Болница
public_building: Обществена сграда
reception_area: Рецепция
restaurant: Ресторант
+ retirement_home: Старчески дом
sauna: Сауна
school: Училище
shelter: Подслон
vending_machine: Автомат
veterinary: Ветеринарна клиника
village_hall: Кметство
+ waste_basket: Кошче за боклук
youth_centre: Младежки център
administrative: Административна граница
"yes": Работилница
ambulance_station: Пожарна
+ defibrillator: Дефибрилатор
landing_site: Място за аварийно кацане
phone: Телефон за спешни повиквания
stone: Камък
tomb: Гробница
tower: Кула
+ wreck: Потънал кораб
+ allotments: Градини
basin: Басейн
+ brownfield: Място за строеж
cemetery: Гробище
commercial: Търговска зона
conservation: Резерват
club: Клуб
dog_park: Парк за кучета
fishing: Място за риболов
+ fitness_centre: Фитнес център
garden: Градина
golf_course: Игрище за голф
horse_riding: Конна езда
architect: Архитект
company: Фирма
employment_agency: Агенцията по заетостта
+ estate_agent: Агент по недвижими имоти
insurance: Застрахователно бюро
lawyer: Адвокат
+ ngo: Офис на НПО
travel_agent: Туристическа агенция
"yes": Офис
+ allotments: Градини
airport: Летище
city: Град
country: Страна
postcode: Пощенски код
region: Регион
sea: Море
+ state: Държава
suburb: Предградие
town: Град
village: Село
abandoned: Изоставена железопътна линия
construction: Железопътна линия в строеж
disused_station: изоставена гара
- halt: железопътна спирка
+ halt: Ð\96елезопътна спирка
historic_station: Гара с историческо значение
junction: Железопътен възел
level_crossing: Прелез
department_store: Универсален магазин
dry_cleaning: Химическо чистене
fish: Рибен магазин
+ florist: Цветарски магазин
food: Хранителни стоки
furniture: Мебели
gallery: Галерия
waterfall: Водопад
level2: Държавна граница
+ level4: Държавна граница
level5: Граница на региона
level6: Държавна граница
level8: Граница на града
title: Правилата!
title: Въпроси?
+ add_a_note:
+ title: Нямате време за редактиране? Добавете бележка!
title: Как да помогна
title: Добре дошли в OSM
title: Наръчник за начинаещи
+ help:
+ url:
title: Пощенски списъци
hi: Здравейте %{to_user},
hi: Здравейте %{to_user},
+ friend_notification:
+ hi: Здравейте %{to_user},
greeting: Здравейте,
your_gpx_file: Това изглежда като GPX файла Ви
delete_button: Изтрий
title: Изпратете съобщение
+ send_message_to: Изпратете ново съобщение на %{name}
subject: Тема
send_button: Изпращане
message_sent: Съобщението е изпратено
heading: Няма такова съобщение
title: Изпратени
+ my_inbox: Моят %{inbox_link}
+ inbox: входящи
one: Вие имате %{count} изпратено съобщение
other: Вие имате %{count} изпратени съобщения
subject: Тема
date: Дата
+ title: Прочетете съобщението
from: От
subject: Тема
date: Дата
to: До
delete_button: Изтриване
+ delete:
+ deleted: Съобщението беше изтрито
createnote: Добавяне на бележка
bridleway: Конен път
cycleway: Велосипедна пътека
footway: Пътека
- rail: Ð\96елезопът
+ rail: Ð\96елезен път
subway: Метро
- Бърз трамвай
- Езеро
farm: Земеделско стопанство
+ brownfield: Място за строеж
cemetery: Гробище
+ allotments: Градини
pitch: Спортна площадка
centre: Спортен център
reserve: Природен резерват
military: Военна зона
- Училище
+ - университет
building: Значима сграда
station: Железопътна гара
bridge: Мост (плътна линия)
construction: Пътища в изграждане
bicycle_shop: Магазин за велосипеди
+ toilets: Тоалетни
edit: Редактиране
preview: Преглед
subheading: Подзаглавие
unordered: Неподреден списък
ordered: Подреден списък
+ first: Първа точка
+ second: Втора точка
link: Препратка
text: Текст
image: Изображение
filename: 'Име на файл:'
+ download: сваляне
+ uploaded_at: 'Качени:'
map: карта
edit: редактиране
owner: 'Собственик:'
description: 'Описание:'
tags: 'Етикети:'
+ tags_help: разделени със запетая
save_button: Съхраняване на промените
visibility: 'Видимост:'
+ upload_gpx: 'Качване на GPX файл:'
description: 'Описание:'
tags: 'Етикети:'
visibility: 'Видимост:'
+ visibility_help: какво означава това?
upload_button: Качване
help: Помощ
submit: Редактиране
allow_write_api: промяна на картата.
+ index:
+ title: Моите данни за OAuth
+ my_apps: Моите клиентски приложения
name: Име
allow_write_api: промяна на картата.
title: Вписване с Гугъл
title: Вписване с Фейсбук
+ github:
+ title: Вход чрез GitHub
+ alt: Вход чрез профила ви в GitHub
title: Вписване с Уикипедия
alt: Вписване със сметка от Уикипедия
title: Вписване с Яху
+ alt: Вход чрез OpenID Yahoo
title: Вписване с Уърдпрес
+ alt: Вход чрез OpenID Wordpress
+ aol:
+ title: Вход чрез AOL
+ alt: Вход чрез AOL OpenID
+ logout:
+ title: Изход
+ heading: Изход от OpenStreetMap
+ logout_button: Изход
+ title: Възстановяване на парола
+ heading: Забравена парола?
email address: 'Електронна поща:'
+ new password button: Нова парола
+ help_text: Въведете имейл адреса, който сте използвали при регистрацията, и
+ ние ще Ви изпратим връзка, която можете да използвате, за да промените паролата
+ си.
+ title: Нова парола
password: 'Парола:'
confirm password: 'Потвърждаване на паролата:'
flash changed: Паролата е променена успешно.
password: 'Парола:'
confirm password: 'Потвърждаване на паролата:'
continue: Регистриране
+ terms accepted: Благодарим Ви за приемането на новите Условия за участие!
+ heading: Условия за участие
+ consider_pd_why: какво е това?
+ agree: Съгласен
+ decline: Отхвърли
+ you need to accept or decline: Моля, прочетете, а след това или се съгласете
+ или откажете новите Условия за участие, за да продължите.
legale_select: 'Държава на пребиваване:'
france: Франция
my edits: Mоите редакции
my traces: Моите следи
+ my notes: Моите бележки
my messages: Съобщения
my profile: Профил
my settings: Настройки
edits: Редакции
traces: Следи
notes: Бележки
+ add as friend: Добави като приятел
mapper since: 'Картограф от:'
+ ct status: 'Условия за участие:'
latest edit: 'Последна редакция %{ago}:'
email address: 'Електронна поща:'
+ created from: 'Създадено от:'
description: Описание
user location: Местоположение
+ settings_link_text: настройки
your friends: Вашите приятели
no friends: Все още нямате добавени приятели.
km away: '%{count} км от вас'
enabled: Разрешено. Не е анонимно и можете да редактирате данните.
enabled link text: Какво е това?
contributor terms:
+ heading: 'Условия за участие:'
agreed: Вие се съгласихте с новите условия за участие.
+ not yet agreed: Все още не сте се съгласили с новите Условия за участие.
link text: Какво е това?
profile description: 'Описание на профила:'
preferred languages: 'Предпочитани езици:'
title: Моето местоположение
- standard: СÑ\82андаÑ\80Ñ\82ен
+ standard: СÑ\82андаÑ\80Ñ\82на каÑ\80Ñ\82а
cycle_map: Колоездачна карта
transport_map: Превозна карта
hot: Хуманитарна карта
# -----------------------
def test_create
- basic_authorization users(:normal_user).email, "test"
+ basic_authorization create(:user, :data_public => false).email, "test"
# Create the first user's changeset
content "<osm><changeset>" +
"<tag k='created_by' v='osm test suite checking changesets'/>" +
put :create
- basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
+ basic_authorization create(:user).email, "test"
# Create the first user's changeset
content "<osm><changeset>" +
"<tag k='created_by' v='osm test suite checking changesets'/>" +
def test_create_invalid
- basic_authorization users(:normal_user).email, "test"
+ basic_authorization create(:user, :data_public => false).email, "test"
content "<osm><changeset></osm>"
put :create
## Try the public user
- basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
+ basic_authorization create(:user).email, "test"
content "<osm><changeset></osm>"
put :create
assert_response :bad_request, "creating a invalid changeset should fail"
put :create
assert_response :unauthorized, "shouldn't be able to create a changeset with no auth"
- ## Now try to with the non-public user
- basic_authorization users(:normal_user).email, "test"
+ ## Now try to with a non-public user
+ basic_authorization create(:user, :data_public => false).email, "test"
put :create
- ## Try the inactive user
- basic_authorization users(:inactive_user).email, "test"
+ ## Try an inactive user
+ basic_authorization create(:user, :pending).email, "test"
put :create
- ## Now try to use the public user
- basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
+ ## Now try to use a normal user
+ basic_authorization create(:user).email, "test"
put :create
assert_response :bad_request, "creating a changeset with no content should fail"
def test_create_wrong_method
- basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
+ basic_authorization create(:user).email, "test"
get :create
assert_response :method_not_allowed
post :create
assert_response :unauthorized
## Try using the non-public user
- basic_authorization users(:normal_user).email, "test"
+ basic_authorization changesets(:normal_user_first_change), "test"
put :close, :id => changesets(:normal_user_first_change).id
## The try with the public user
- basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
+ basic_authorization changesets(:public_user_first_change), "test"
cs_id = changesets(:public_user_first_change).id
put :close, :id => cs_id
# test that a different user can't close another user's changeset
def test_close_invalid
- basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
+ basic_authorization create(:user).email, "test"
put :close, :id => changesets(:normal_user_first_change).id
assert_response :conflict
# test that you can't close using another method
def test_close_method_invalid
- basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
+ basic_authorization changesets(:public_user_first_change), "test"
cs_id = changesets(:public_user_first_change).id
get :close, :id => cs_id
# Now try with auth
- basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
+ basic_authorization create(:user).email, "test"
cs_ids.each do |id|
put :close, :id => id
"shouldnn't be able to upload a simple valid diff to changeset: #{@response.body}"
## Now try with a private user
- basic_authorization users(:normal_user).email, "test"
+ basic_authorization changesets(:normal_user_first_change), "test"
changeset_id = changesets(:normal_user_first_change).id
# simple diff to change a node, way and relation by removing
"can't upload a simple valid diff to changeset: #{@response.body}"
## Now try with the public user
- basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
+ basic_authorization changesets(:public_user_first_change), "test"
changeset_id = changesets(:public_user_first_change).id
# simple diff to change a node, way and relation by removing
# upload something which creates new objects using placeholders
def test_upload_create_valid
- basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
+ basic_authorization changesets(:public_user_first_change), "test"
cs_id = changesets(:public_user_first_change).id
# simple diff to create a node way and relation using placeholders
# test a complex delete where we delete elements which rely on eachother
# in the same transaction.
def test_upload_delete
- basic_authorization users(:public_user).display_name, "test"
+ basic_authorization changesets(:public_user_first_change).user.display_name, "test"
diff =
diff.root = "osmChange"
# test uploading a delete with no lat/lon, as they are optional in
# the osmChange spec.
def test_upload_nolatlon_delete
- basic_authorization users(:public_user).display_name, "test"
+ basic_authorization changesets(:public_user_first_change).user.display_name, "test"
node = current_nodes(:public_visible_node)
cs = changesets(:public_user_first_change)
def test_repeated_changeset_create
30.times do
- basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
+ basic_authorization create(:user).email, "test"
# create a temporary changeset
content "<osm><changeset>" +
def test_upload_large_changeset
- basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
+ basic_authorization create(:user).email, "test"
# create a changeset
content "<osm><changeset/></osm>"
# test that deleting stuff in a transaction doesn't bypass the checks
# to ensure that used elements are not deleted.
def test_upload_delete_invalid
- basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
+ basic_authorization changesets(:public_user_first_change), "test"
+ cs = changesets(:public_user_first_change)
diff =
diff.root = "osmChange"
# upload it
content diff
- post :upload, :id => 2
+ post :upload, :id =>
assert_response :precondition_failed,
"shouldn't be able to upload a invalid deletion diff: #{@response.body}"
assert_equal "Precondition failed: Way 3 is still used by relations 1.", @response.body
# test that a conditional delete of an in use object works.
def test_upload_delete_if_unused
- basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
+ basic_authorization changesets(:public_user_first_change), "test"
+ cs = changesets(:public_user_first_change)
diff =
diff.root = "osmChange"
# upload it
content diff
- post :upload, :id => 2
+ post :upload, :id =>
assert_response :success,
"can't do a conditional delete of in use objects: #{@response.body}"
# upload an element with a really long tag value
def test_upload_invalid_too_long_tag
- basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
+ basic_authorization changesets(:public_user_first_change), "test"
cs_id = changesets(:public_user_first_change).id
# simple diff to create a node way and relation using placeholders
# upload something which creates new objects and inserts them into
# existing containers using placeholders.
def test_upload_complex
- basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
+ basic_authorization changesets(:public_user_first_change), "test"
cs_id = changesets(:public_user_first_change).id
# simple diff to create a node way and relation using placeholders
# create a diff which references several changesets, which should cause
# a rollback and none of the diff gets committed
def test_upload_invalid_changesets
- basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
+ basic_authorization changesets(:public_user_first_change), "test"
cs_id = changesets(:public_user_first_change).id
# simple diff to create a node way and relation using placeholders
# upload multiple versions of the same element in the same diff.
def test_upload_multiple_valid
- basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
+ basic_authorization changesets(:public_user_first_change), "test"
cs_id = changesets(:public_user_first_change).id
# change the location of a node multiple times, each time referencing
# upload multiple versions of the same element in the same diff, but
# keep the version numbers the same.
def test_upload_multiple_duplicate
- basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
+ basic_authorization changesets(:public_user_first_change), "test"
cs_id = changesets(:public_user_first_change).id
diff = <<EOF
# try to upload some elements without specifying the version
def test_upload_missing_version
- basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
+ basic_authorization changesets(:public_user_first_change), "test"
cs_id = changesets(:public_user_first_change).id
diff = <<EOF
# try to upload with commands other than create, modify, or delete
def test_action_upload_invalid
- basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
+ basic_authorization changesets(:public_user_first_change), "test"
cs_id = changesets(:public_user_first_change).id
diff = <<EOF
# upload a valid changeset which has a mixture of whitespace
# to check a bug reported by ivansanchez (#1565).
def test_upload_whitespace_valid
- basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
+ basic_authorization changesets(:public_user_first_change), "test"
changeset_id = changesets(:public_user_first_change).id
diff = <<EOF
# upload a valid changeset which has a mixture of whitespace
# to check a bug reported by ivansanchez.
def test_upload_reuse_placeholder_valid
- basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
+ basic_authorization changesets(:public_user_first_change), "test"
changeset_id = changesets(:public_user_first_change).id
diff = <<EOF
# test what happens if a diff upload re-uses placeholder IDs in an
# illegal way.
def test_upload_placeholder_invalid
- basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
+ basic_authorization changesets(:public_user_first_change), "test"
changeset_id = changesets(:public_user_first_change).id
diff = <<EOF
# test that uploading a way referencing invalid placeholders gives a
# proper error, not a 500.
def test_upload_placeholder_invalid_way
- basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
+ basic_authorization changesets(:public_user_first_change), "test"
changeset_id = changesets(:public_user_first_change).id
diff = <<EOF
# test that uploading a relation referencing invalid placeholders gives a
# proper error, not a 500.
def test_upload_placeholder_invalid_relation
- basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
+ basic_authorization changesets(:public_user_first_change), "test"
changeset_id = changesets(:public_user_first_change).id
diff = <<EOF
# test what happens if a diff is uploaded containing only a node
# move.
def test_upload_node_move
- basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
+ basic_authorization create(:user).email, "test"
content "<osm><changeset>" +
"<tag k='created_by' v='osm test suite checking changesets'/>" +
# test what happens if a diff is uploaded adding a node to a way.
def test_upload_way_extend
- basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
+ basic_authorization create(:user).email, "test"
content "<osm><changeset>" +
"<tag k='created_by' v='osm test suite checking changesets'/>" +
# test for more issues in #1568
def test_upload_empty_invalid
- basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
+ basic_authorization changesets(:public_user_first_change), "test"
# test that the X-Error-Format header works to request XML errors
def test_upload_xml_errors
- basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
+ basic_authorization changesets(:public_user_first_change), "test"
+ cs = changesets(:public_user_first_change)
# try and delete a node that is in use
diff =
# upload it
content diff
error_format "xml"
- post :upload, :id => 2
+ post :upload, :id =>
assert_response :success,
"failed to return error in XML format"
# when we make some simple changes we get the same changes back from the
# diff download.
def test_diff_download_simple
- ## First try with the normal user, which should get a forbidden
- basic_authorization(users(:normal_user).email, "test")
+ ## First try with a non-public user, which should get a forbidden
+ basic_authorization(create(:user, :data_public => false).email, "test")
# create a temporary changeset
content "<osm><changeset>" +
put :create
assert_response :forbidden
- ## Now try with the public user
- basic_authorization(users(:public_user).email, "test")
+ ## Now try with a normal user
+ basic_authorization(create(:user).email, "test")
# create a temporary changeset
content "<osm><changeset>" +
# NOTE: the error turned out to be something else completely!
def test_josm_upload
- basic_authorization(users(:public_user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization(create(:user).email, "test")
# create a temporary changeset
content "<osm><changeset>" +
# when we make some complex changes we get the same changes back from the
# diff download.
def test_diff_download_complex
- basic_authorization(users(:public_user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization(create(:user).email, "test")
# create a temporary changeset
content "<osm><changeset>" +
# check that the bounding box of a changeset gets updated correctly
# FIXME: This should really be moded to a integration test due to the with_controller
def test_changeset_bbox
- basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
+ basic_authorization create(:user).email, "test"
# create a new changeset
content "<osm><changeset/></osm>"
# test that the changeset :include method works as it should
def test_changeset_include
- basic_authorization users(:public_user).display_name, "test"
+ basic_authorization create(:user).display_name, "test"
# create a new changeset
content "<osm><changeset/></osm>"
# test that a not found, wrong method with the expand bbox works as expected
def test_changeset_expand_bbox_error
- basic_authorization users(:public_user).display_name, "test"
+ basic_authorization create(:user).display_name, "test"
# create a new changeset
content "<osm><changeset/></osm>"
# check updating tags on a changeset
def test_changeset_update
- ## First try with the non-public user
+ ## First try with a non-public user
changeset = changesets(:normal_user_first_change)
new_changeset = changeset.to_xml
new_tag = "tag"
assert_response :unauthorized
# try with the wrong authorization
- basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
+ basic_authorization create(:user).email, "test"
put :update, :id =>
assert_response :conflict
# now this should get an unauthorized
- basic_authorization users(:normal_user).email, "test"
+ basic_authorization, "test"
put :update, :id =>
assert_require_public_data "user with their data non-public, shouldn't be able to edit their changeset"
assert_response :unauthorized
# try with the wrong authorization
- basic_authorization users(:second_public_user).email, "test"
+ basic_authorization create(:user).email, "test"
put :update, :id =>
assert_response :conflict
# now this should work...
- basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
+ basic_authorization, "test"
put :update, :id =>
assert_response :success
# check that a user different from the one who opened the changeset
# can't modify it.
def test_changeset_update_invalid
- basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
+ basic_authorization create(:user).email, "test"
changeset = changesets(:normal_user_first_change)
new_changeset = changeset.to_xml
# check that a changeset can contain a certain max number of changes.
## FIXME should be changed to an integration test due to the with_controller
def test_changeset_limits
- basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
+ basic_authorization create(:user).email, "test"
# open a new changeset
content "<osm><changeset/></osm>"
post :comment, :id => changesets(:normal_user_closed_change).id, :text => "This is a comment"
assert_response :unauthorized
- basic_authorization(users(:public_user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization(create(:user).email, "test")
# bad changeset id
assert_no_difference "ChangesetComment.count" do
# test subscribe success
def test_subscribe_success
- basic_authorization(users(:public_user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization(create(:user).email, "test")
changeset = changesets(:normal_user_closed_change)
assert_difference "changeset.subscribers.count", 1 do
# test subscribe fail
def test_subscribe_fail
+ user = create(:user)
# unauthorized
changeset = changesets(:normal_user_closed_change)
assert_no_difference "changeset.subscribers.count" do
assert_response :unauthorized
- basic_authorization(users(:public_user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization(, "test")
# bad changeset id
assert_no_difference "changeset.subscribers.count" do
# trying to subscribe when already subscribed
changeset = changesets(:normal_user_subscribed_change)
- changeset.subscribers.push(users(:public_user))
+ changeset.subscribers.push(user)
assert_no_difference "changeset.subscribers.count" do
post :subscribe, :id =>
# test unsubscribe success
def test_unsubscribe_success
- basic_authorization(users(:public_user).email, "test")
+ user = create(:user)
+ basic_authorization(, "test")
changeset = changesets(:normal_user_subscribed_change)
- changeset.subscribers.push(users(:public_user))
+ changeset.subscribers.push(user)
assert_difference "changeset.subscribers.count", -1 do
post :unsubscribe, :id =>
assert_response :unauthorized
- basic_authorization(users(:public_user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization(create(:user).email, "test")
# bad changeset id
assert_no_difference "changeset.subscribers.count" do
assert_response :unauthorized
assert_equal true, comment.reload.visible
- basic_authorization(users(:public_user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization(create(:user).email, "test")
# not a moderator
post :hide_comment, :id =>
assert_response :forbidden
assert_equal true, comment.reload.visible
- basic_authorization(users(:moderator_user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization(create(:moderator_user).email, "test")
# bad comment id
post :hide_comment, :id => 999111
comment = create(:changeset_comment)
assert_equal true, comment.visible
- basic_authorization(users(:moderator_user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization(create(:moderator_user).email, "test")
post :hide_comment, :id =>
assert_response :success
assert_response :unauthorized
assert_equal false, comment.reload.visible
- basic_authorization(users(:public_user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization(create(:user).email, "test")
# not a moderator
post :unhide_comment, :id =>
assert_response :forbidden
assert_equal false, comment.reload.visible
- basic_authorization(users(:moderator_user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization(create(:moderator_user).email, "test")
# bad comment id
post :unhide_comment, :id => 999111
comment = create(:changeset_comment, :visible => false)
assert_equal false, comment.visible
- basic_authorization(users(:moderator_user).email, "test")
+ basic_authorization(create(:moderator_user).email, "test")
post :unhide_comment, :id =>
assert_response :success