var editDisabled = zoom < 13;
- $("#edit_tab")
- .tooltip({ placement: "bottom" })
- .attr("data-bs-original-title", editDisabled ?
- I18n.t("javascripts.site.edit_disabled_tooltip") : "")
+ var editTab = $("#edit_tab");
+ editTab
// Disable the button group and also the buttons to avoid
// inconsistent behaviour when zooming
.toggleClass("disabled", editDisabled)
.toggleClass("disabled", editDisabled);
+ var editTooltip = bootstrap.Tooltip.getOrCreateInstance(editTab[0], { placement: "bottom" });
+ if (editDisabled) {
+ editTooltip.enable();
+ } else {
+ editTooltip.disable();
+ }
window.maximiseMap = function () {
$(document).ready(function () {
+ $("#edit_tab")
+ .attr("title", I18n.t("javascripts.site.edit_disabled_tooltip"));
var headerWidth = 0,
compactWidth = 0;
assert_selector ".tooltip", :text => "Zoom in"
+ test "no zoom-in tooltips on high zoom levels, then tooltips appear after zoom out for control '#{selector}'" do
+ visit "/#map=14/0/0"
+ assert_no_selector ".tooltip"
+ find(selector).hover
+ assert_no_selector ".tooltip", :text => "Zoom in"
+ find("h1").hover # un-hover original element
+ visit "/#map=10/0/0"
+ find(selector).hover
+ assert_selector ".tooltip", :text => "Zoom in"
+ end
test "notes layer tooltip appears on zoom out" do
visit "/#map=9/40/-4" # depends on zoom levels where notes are allowed
find(".control-layers .control-button").click
li = find(".layers-ui .overlay-layers li:first-child")
li.not_matches_css? ".disabled"