When writing https://github.com/openstreetmap/openstreetmap-website/issues/3551 I noticed that your template is somewhat problematic.
What users really should write is how/why they have the feature request they want, i.e. what (problem) is “behind” a feature request. Similar to how user stories should always go like ”I as a [who] want [what], because [why]”, here the “why” aspect was missing.
The “Description” does not really tangle that, it only tangles _what_ the user wants.
Screenshots may also be better inline inside of a text description, but I see you want to nudge the user to add screenshots or mockups, so that's fine IMHO.
# labels:
# assignees:
+ - type: textarea
+ id: idea
+ attributes:
+ label: Problem
+ description: Please describe problem or use case that is the cause for your feature request or idea.
+ placeholder:
+ validations:
+ required: false
- type: textarea
id: idea
- type: textarea
label: Screenshots
- description: Please add screenshots if they can help us understand your request/idea/question.
+ description: Please add screenshots or mockups if they can help us understand your request/idea/question.
required: false