class Acl < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.find_by_address(address, options)
- self.with_scope(:find => {:conditions => ["? & netmask = address", address]}) do
+ self.with_scope(:find => {:conditions => ["inet_aton(?) & netmask = address", address]}) do
return self.find(:first, options)
def self.find_all_by_address(address, options)
- self.with_scope(:find => {:conditions => ["? & netmask = address", address]}) do
+ self.with_scope(:find => {:conditions => ["inet_aton(?) & netmask = address", address]}) do
return self.find(:all, options)
# And be sure to use new-style password hashing:
- adapter: postgresql
+ adapter: mysql
database: openstreetmap
- username: shaunmcdonald
- password: postgres
- #host: localhost
+ username: openstreetmap
+ password: openstreetmap
+ host: localhost
encoding: utf8
# Warning: The database defined as 'test' will be erased and
# re-generated from your development database when you run 'rake'.
# Do not set this db to the same as development or production.
- adapter: postgresql
+ adapter: mysql
database: osm_test
- username: shaunmcdonald
- password: postgres
- #host: localhost
+ username: osm_test
+ password: osm_test
+ host: localhost
encoding: utf8
- adapter: postgresql
+ adapter: mysql
database: osm
username: osm
password: osm
# Use the MySQL interface for SqlSessionStore
-SqlSessionStore.session_class = PostgresqlSession
+SqlSessionStore.session_class = MysqlSession
# it appears that execute will only accept string arguments, so
# this is an ugly, ugly hack to get some sort of mysql/postgres
# independence. now i have to go wash my brain with bleach.
- #execute("update changesets set closed_at=(now()-'1 hour') where open=(1=0)")
- #execute("update changesets set closed_at=(now()+'1 hour') where open=(1=1)")
+ execute("update changesets set closed_at=(now()-'1 hour') where open=(1=0)")
+ execute("update changesets set closed_at=(now()+'1 hour') where open=(1=1)")
# remove the open column as it is unnecessary now and denormalises
# the table.
class ChangesetControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
+ def basic_authorization(user, pass)
+ @request.env["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"] = "Basic %s" % Base64.encode64("#{user}:#{pass}")
+ end
+ def content(c)
+ @request.env["RAW_POST_DATA"] = c.to_s
+ end
# -----------------------
# Test simple changeset creation
# -----------------------
assert_response :bad_request, "creating a invalid changeset should fail"
- def test_create_invalid_no_content
- basic_authorization "", "test"
- put :create
- assert_response :bad_request, "creating a changeset with no content should fail"
- end
- def test_create_wrong_method
- basic_authorization "", "test"
- get :create
- assert_response :method_not_allowed
- end
# check that the changeset can be read and returns the correct
# document structure.
content "<osm><changeset>" +
"<tag k='created_by' v='osm test suite checking changesets'/>" +
- assert_difference('Changeset.count', 1) do
- put :create
- end
+ put :create
assert_response :success
changeset_id = @response.body.to_i