These tests don't fail because they reuse ids from previous requests.
assert Message.find(
assert Message.find(
- # Asking to reply to a message with no ID should fail
- get message_reply_path
- assert_response :success
# Asking to reply to a message with a bogus ID should fail
get message_reply_path(:message_id => 99999)
assert_response :not_found
# Asking to reply to a message with a bogus ID should fail
get message_reply_path(:message_id => 99999)
assert_response :not_found
assert_select "a[href='#{user_path user}']", :text => user.display_name
assert Message.find(
assert_select "a[href='#{user_path user}']", :text => user.display_name
assert Message.find(
- # Asking to read a message with no ID should fail
- get message_path
- assert_response :success
# Asking to read a message with a bogus ID should fail
get message_path(:id => 99999)
assert_response :not_found
# Asking to read a message with a bogus ID should fail
get message_path(:id => 99999)
assert_response :not_found
assert_response :see_other
assert_not Message.find(
assert_response :see_other
assert_not Message.find(
- # Asking to mark a message with no ID should fail
- post message_mark_path
- assert_redirected_to inbox_messages_path
# Asking to mark a message with a bogus ID should fail
post message_mark_path(:message_id => 99999)
assert_response :not_found
# Asking to mark a message with a bogus ID should fail
post message_mark_path(:message_id => 99999)
assert_response :not_found
assert_not m.from_user_visible
assert m.to_user_visible
assert_not m.from_user_visible
assert m.to_user_visible
- # Asking to destroy a message with no ID should fail
- delete message_path
- assert_redirected_to inbox_messages_path
# Asking to destroy a message with a bogus ID should fail
delete message_path(:id => 99999)
assert_response :not_found
# Asking to destroy a message with a bogus ID should fail
delete message_path(:id => 99999)
assert_response :not_found