in the current table to have the same version number as the latest one in the
history table (the latest version is kept in both the current and the history
@@ver_tbl.each { |tbl|
add_column "current_#{tbl}", "version", :bigint, :limit => 20, :null => false
execute "UPDATE current_#{tbl} SET version = " +
@@ver_tbl.each { |tbl|
add_column "current_#{tbl}", "version", :bigint, :limit => 20, :null => false
execute "UPDATE current_#{tbl} SET version = " +
- "(SELECT max(version)+1 FROM #{tbl} WHERE #{tbl}.id = current_#{tbl}.id)"
+ "(SELECT max(version) FROM #{tbl} WHERE #{tbl}.id = current_#{tbl}.id)"