class ApiController < ApplicationController
skip_before_action :verify_authenticity_token
+ def authorize(realm = "Web Password", errormessage = "Couldn't authenticate you")
+ # make the current_user object from any auth sources we have
+ setup_user_auth
+ # handle authenticate pass/fail
+ unless current_user
+ # no auth, the user does not exist or the password was wrong
+ response.headers["WWW-Authenticate"] = "Basic realm=\"#{realm}\""
+ render :plain => errormessage, :status => :unauthorized
+ return false
+ end
+ end
def deny_access(_exception)
if current_token
- def authorize(realm = "Web Password", errormessage = "Couldn't authenticate you")
- # make the current_user object from any auth sources we have
- setup_user_auth
- # handle authenticate pass/fail
- unless current_user
- # no auth, the user does not exist or the password was wrong
- response.headers["WWW-Authenticate"] = "Basic realm=\"#{realm}\""
- render :plain => errormessage, :status => :unauthorized
- return false
- end
- end
def check_database_readable(need_api = false)
if Settings.status == "database_offline" || (need_api && Settings.status == "api_offline")
if request.xhr?