<inputSet id="waterways">
<inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <input type="freetext" presence="always" name="Width" category="Properties" key="width" description="The width in metres"/>
+ <input type="freetext" presence="always" name="Width" category="Details" key="width" description="The width in metres"/>
<inputSet ref="boatPermissions"/>
<!-- Would be good to have a dedicated 'access' type of input -->
<choice value="weather_shelter" text="Weather shelter"/>
<choice value="wildlife_hide" text="Wildlife hide"/>
- <inputset ref="names"/>
+ <inputSet ref="names"/>
<inputSet ref="common"/>
- <area/>
<tag k="amenity" v="car_wash"/>
<inputSet ref="names"/>
<input type="freetext" presence="onTagMatch" category="Details" name="Operator" key="operator" description="The company/organisation that runs the car wash" priority="low"/>