This fixes a poor interaction involving lots of margins and the secondary-actions list
-.activity-details p {
- margin-left: 70px;
- margin-bottom: 0;
-.dashboards-show {
- .user_thumbnail {
- margin-top: $lineheight/4;
- float: left;
- }
/* Rules for the user map */
.content_map .leaflet-popup-content {
/* Rules for the user map */
.content_map .leaflet-popup-content {
margin-right: $lineheight;
margin-right: $lineheight;
+img.user_thumbnail_no_margins {
+ max-width: 50px;
+ max-height: 50px;
+ border: 1px solid $grey;
img.user_thumbnail_tiny {
width: auto;
height: auto;
img.user_thumbnail_tiny {
width: auto;
height: auto;
:icon => image_path(type == "friend" ? "marker-blue.png" : "marker-green.png"),
:description => render(:partial => "popup", :object => contact, :locals => { :type => type })
} %>
:icon => image_path(type == "friend" ? "marker-blue.png" : "marker-green.png"),
:description => render(:partial => "popup", :object => contact, :locals => { :type => type })
} %>
-<%= tag.div :class => "contact-activity clearfix", :data => { :user => user_data } do %>
- <%= user_thumbnail contact %>
- <div class='activity-details'>
- <p class='text-muted'>
+<%= tag.div :class => "contact-activity clearfix row", :data => { :user => user_data } do %>
+ <div class="col-auto">
+ <%= user_thumbnail contact, :class => "user_thumbnail_no_margins" %>
+ </div>
+ <div class="col">
+ <p class='text-muted mb-0'>
<%= link_to contact.display_name, user_path(contact) %>
<% if @user.home_lon and @user.home_lat and contact.home_lon and contact.home_lat %>
<% distance = @user.distance(contact) %>
<%= link_to contact.display_name, user_path(contact) %>
<% if @user.home_lon and @user.home_lat and contact.home_lon and contact.home_lat %>
<% distance = @user.distance(contact) %>
<% changeset = contact.changesets.first %>
<% if changeset %>
<%= t(" edit", :ago => time_ago_in_words(changeset.created_at, :scope => :"datetime.distance_in_words_ago")) %>
<% changeset = contact.changesets.first %>
<% if changeset %>
<%= t(" edit", :ago => time_ago_in_words(changeset.created_at, :scope => :"datetime.distance_in_words_ago")) %>