@user.home_lat = params[:user][:home_lat]
@user.home_lon = params[:user][:home_lon]
- @user.preferred_editor = params[:user][:preferred_editor]
+ if params[:user][:preferred_editor] == "default"
+ @user.preferred_editor = nil
+ else
+ @user.preferred_editor = params[:user][:preferred_editor]
+ end
if @user.save
<div id="editmenu">
<% Editors::ALL_EDITORS.each do |editor| %>
- <li><%= link_to t('layouts.edit_with', :editor => t('user.account.editor.' + editor)), {:controller => 'site', :action => 'edit', :editor => editor}, {:id => editor + 'anchor'} %></li>
+ <li><%= link_to t('layouts.edit_with', :editor => t("editor.#{editor}.description")), {:controller => 'site', :action => 'edit', :editor => editor}, {:id => editor + 'anchor'} %></li>
<% end %>
<td class="fieldName" valign="top"><%= t 'user.account.preferred editor' %></td>
- <td><%= f.select :preferred_editor, Editors::ALL_EDITORS.collect { |e| [t('user.account.editor.'+e), e] } %></td>
+ <td><%= f.select :preferred_editor, [[t("editor.default", :name => t("editor.#{DEFAULT_EDITOR}.name")), 'default']] + Editors::ALL_EDITORS.collect { |e| [t("editor.#{e}.description"), e] } %></td>
with_id: "{{id}}"
with_version: "{{id}}, v{{version}}"
with_name: "{{name}} ({{id}})"
+ editor:
+ default: "Default (currently {{name}})"
+ potlatch:
+ name: "Potlatch 1"
+ description: "Potlatch 1 (in-browser editor)"
+ potlatch2:
+ name: "Potlatch 2"
+ description: "Potlatch 2 (in-browser editor)"
+ josm:
+ name: "JOSM"
+ description: "JOSM (via remote-control plugin)"
title: "Changeset"
return to profile: Return to profile
flash update success confirm needed: "User information updated successfully. Check your email for a note to confirm your new email address."
flash update success: "User information updated successfully."
- editor:
- potlatch: "Potlatch 1 (in-browser editor)"
- potlatch2: "Potlatch 2 (in-browser editor)"
- josm: "JOSM (via remote-control plugin)"
heading: Confirm a user account
press confirm button: "Press the confirm button below to activate your account."