"moveend", map, updateLocation);"changelayer", map, updateLocation);
-"click", map, mapClick);
- // Map click results in feature lookup
- function mapClick(e) {
- var pos = lonLatToNonSphericalMercator
- (mercatorToLonLat
- (map.getLonLatFromViewPortPx
- (;
- // put in the freemap url for the moment. this will be replaced
- // by a ruby equivalent.
- /*
- url= ''+
- 'action=get&x='+pos.lon+'&y=';
- OpenLayers.loadURL(url,/null, null,osmLookupCallback);
- */
- }
- // the feature lookup finds the nearest POI node, or, if no node could
- // be found, the nearest way
- /*
- function osmLookupCallback (xmlHTTP) {
- var nodes = xmlHTTP.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('node');
- var ways = xmlHTTP.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('way');
- var features = (ways.length==1) ? ways:nodes;
- if(features.length==1) {
- var osm_id = features[0].getElementsByTagName('osm_id')[0].
- firstChild.nodeValue;
- var name =
- (xmlHTTP.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('name').length>0) ?
- xmlHTTP.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('name')[0].
- firstChild.nodeValue: "";
- if(this.osm_type=='way' && ways.length==1) {
- // use openlayers vector layer to highlight way for editing?
- }
- var description="";
- var wikipedia="";
- var ad=false;
- if(xmlHTTP.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('description').length){
- osmdesc=
- xmlHTTP.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('description')[0].
- firstChild.nodeValue;
- description += "<p>"+osmdesc+"</p>";
- }
- }
- }
- */
function getPosition() {
return mercatorToLonLat(map.getCenter());
return new OpenLayers.LonLat(lon, lat);
-// for interacting with the PostGIS database which uses non spherical
-// Mercator. Taken from Freemap which in turn was taken from a standard
-// algorithm off the net.
-function lonLatToNonSphericalMercator(ll) {
- var custLat = * (Math.PI/180);
- var a = 6378137;
- var b = 6356752.3142;
- var f = (a-b)/a;
- var e = Math.sqrt(2*f-Math.pow(f,2));
- custLat=a*Math.log(Math.tan(Math.PI/4+custLat/2)*
- Math.pow(( (1-e*Math.sin(custLat)) / (1+e*Math.sin(custLat))),e/2));
- custLon = ll.lon * (Math.PI/180) * 6378137;
- return new OpenLayers.LonLat (custLon,custLat);
-function nonSphericalMercatorToLonLat(merc) {
- var lon_deg, lat_deg;
- var a = 6378137.0;
- var b = 6356752.3142;
- var k0 = 1.0;
- var t = 1.0 - b/a;
- var es = 2*t - t*t;
- var e = Math.sqrt(es);
- lon_deg = merc.lon;
- lat_deg =;
- lon_deg /= a;
- lat_deg /= a;
- lon_deg /= k0;
- lat_deg = phi2(Math.exp(-lat_deg/k0), e);
- lon_deg *= (180/M_PI);
- lat_deg *= (180/M_PI);
- return new OpenLayers.LonLat(lon_deg,lat_deg);
-function phi2 (ts,e) {
- var eccnth = 0.5*e;
- var Phi = (PI/2) - 2.0*Math.atan(ts);
- var dphi;
- var i=15;
- do {
- var con = e*Math.sin(Phi);
- dphi = (PI/2) - 2.0*Math.atan(ts*Math.pow((1.0-con)/(1.0+con),eccnth))
- - Phi;
- Phi += dphi;
- }
- while(Math.abs(dphi) > 0.0000000001 && --i);
- return Phi;
function scaleToZoom(scale) {
return Math.log(360.0/(scale * 512.0)) / Math.log(2.0);