- 'app/controllers/user_preferences_controller.rb'
- 'app/helpers/application_helper.rb'
- 'app/helpers/browse_helper.rb'
+ - 'app/helpers/browse_tags_helper.rb'
- 'app/models/client_application.rb'
- 'app/mailers/notifier.rb'
- 'lib/nominatim.rb'
"nofollow" if object.tags.empty?
- def format_key(key)
- if url = wiki_link("key", key)
- link_to h(key), url, :title => t("browse.tag_details.wiki_link.key", :key => key)
- else
- h(key)
- end
- end
- def format_value(key, value)
- if wp = wikipedia_link(key, value)
- link_to h(wp[:title]), wp[:url], :title => t("browse.tag_details.wikipedia_link", :page => wp[:title])
- elsif wdt = wikidata_links(key, value)
- # IMPORTANT: Note that wikidata_links() returns an array of hashes, unlike for example wikipedia_link(),
- # which just returns one such hash.
- wdt = wdt.map do |w|
- link_to(w[:title], w[:url], :title => t("browse.tag_details.wikidata_link", :page => w[:title].strip))
- end
- safe_join(wdt, ";")
- elsif url = wiki_link("tag", "#{key}=#{value}")
- link_to h(value), url, :title => t("browse.tag_details.wiki_link.tag", :key => key, :value => value)
- elsif url = telephone_link(key, value)
- link_to h(value), url, :title => t("browse.tag_details.telephone_link", :phone_number => value)
- else
- linkify h(value)
- end
- end
def type_and_paginated_count(type, pages)
if pages.page_count == 1
t "browse.changeset.#{type}",
def icon_tags(object)
object.tags.find_all { |k, _v| ICON_TAGS.include? k }.sort
- def wiki_link(type, lookup)
- locale = I18n.locale.to_s
- # update-wiki-pages does s/ /_/g on keys before saving them, we
- # have to replace spaces with underscore so we'll link
- # e.g. `source=Isle of Man Government aerial imagery (2001)' to
- # the correct page.
- lookup_us = lookup.tr(" ", "_")
- if page = WIKI_PAGES.dig(locale, type, lookup_us)
- url = "https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/#{page}?uselang=#{locale}"
- elsif page = WIKI_PAGES.dig("en", type, lookup_us)
- url = "https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/#{page}?uselang=#{locale}"
- end
- url
- end
- def wikipedia_link(key, value)
- # Some k/v's are wikipedia=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Full%20URL
- return nil if value =~ %r{^https?://}
- if key == "wikipedia"
- # This regex should match Wikipedia language codes, everything
- # from de to zh-classical
- lang = if value =~ /^([a-z-]{2,12}):(.+)$/i
- # Value is <lang>:<title> so split it up
- # Note that value is always left as-is, see: https://trac.openstreetmap.org/ticket/4315
- Regexp.last_match(1)
- else
- # Value is <title> so default to English Wikipedia
- "en"
- end
- elsif key =~ /^wikipedia:(\S+)$/
- # Language is in the key, so assume value is the title
- lang = Regexp.last_match(1)
- else
- # Not a wikipedia key!
- return nil
- end
- if value =~ /^([^#]*)#(.*)/
- # Contains a reference to a section of the wikipedia article
- # Must break it up to correctly build the url
- value = Regexp.last_match(1)
- section = "#" + Regexp.last_match(2)
- encoded_section = "#" + CGI.escape(Regexp.last_match(2).gsub(/ +/, "_")).tr("%", ".")
- else
- section = ""
- encoded_section = ""
- end
- {
- :url => "https://#{lang}.wikipedia.org/wiki/#{value}?uselang=#{I18n.locale}#{encoded_section}",
- :title => value + section
- }
- end
- def wikidata_links(key, value)
- # The simple wikidata-tag (this is limited to only one value)
- if key == "wikidata" && value =~ /^[Qq][1-9][0-9]*$/
- return [{
- :url => "//www.wikidata.org/entity/#{value}?uselang=#{I18n.locale}",
- :title => value
- }]
- # Key has to be one of the accepted wikidata-tags
- elsif key =~ /(architect|artist|brand|name:etymology|network|operator|subject):wikidata/ &&
- # Value has to be a semicolon-separated list of wikidata-IDs (whitespaces allowed before and after semicolons)
- value =~ /^[Qq][1-9][0-9]*(\s*;\s*[Qq][1-9][0-9]*)*$/
- # Splitting at every semicolon to get a separate hash for each wikidata-ID
- return value.split(";").map do |id|
- { :title => id, :url => "//www.wikidata.org/entity/#{id.strip}?uselang=#{I18n.locale}" }
- end
- end
- nil
- end
- def telephone_link(_key, value)
- # does it look like a phone number? eg "+1 (234) 567-8901 " ?
- return nil unless value =~ %r{^\s*\+[\d\s\(\)/\.-]{6,25}\s*$}
- # remove all whitespace instead of encoding it http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3966#section-5.1.1
- # "+1 (234) 567-8901 " -> "+1(234)567-8901"
- value_no_whitespace = value.gsub(/\s+/, "")
- "tel:#{value_no_whitespace}"
- end
--- /dev/null
+require "cgi"
+module BrowseTagsHelper
+ def format_key(key)
+ if url = wiki_link("key", key)
+ link_to h(key), url, :title => t("browse.tag_details.wiki_link.key", :key => key)
+ else
+ h(key)
+ end
+ end
+ def format_value(key, value)
+ if wp = wikipedia_link(key, value)
+ link_to h(wp[:title]), wp[:url], :title => t("browse.tag_details.wikipedia_link", :page => wp[:title])
+ elsif wdt = wikidata_links(key, value)
+ # IMPORTANT: Note that wikidata_links() returns an array of hashes, unlike for example wikipedia_link(),
+ # which just returns one such hash.
+ wdt = wdt.map do |w|
+ link_to(w[:title], w[:url], :title => t("browse.tag_details.wikidata_link", :page => w[:title].strip))
+ end
+ safe_join(wdt, ";")
+ elsif url = wiki_link("tag", "#{key}=#{value}")
+ link_to h(value), url, :title => t("browse.tag_details.wiki_link.tag", :key => key, :value => value)
+ elsif phones = telephone_links(key, value)
+ # similarly, telephone_links() returns an array of phone numbers
+ phones = phones.map do |p|
+ link_to(h(p[:phone_number]), p[:url], :title => t("browse.tag_details.telephone_link", :phone_number => p[:phone_number]))
+ end
+ safe_join(phones, "; ")
+ else
+ linkify h(value)
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def wiki_link(type, lookup)
+ locale = I18n.locale.to_s
+ # update-wiki-pages does s/ /_/g on keys before saving them, we
+ # have to replace spaces with underscore so we'll link
+ # e.g. `source=Isle of Man Government aerial imagery (2001)' to
+ # the correct page.
+ lookup_us = lookup.tr(" ", "_")
+ if page = WIKI_PAGES.dig(locale, type, lookup_us)
+ url = "https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/#{page}?uselang=#{locale}"
+ elsif page = WIKI_PAGES.dig("en", type, lookup_us)
+ url = "https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/#{page}?uselang=#{locale}"
+ end
+ url
+ end
+ def wikipedia_link(key, value)
+ # Some k/v's are wikipedia=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Full%20URL
+ return nil if value =~ %r{^https?://}
+ if key == "wikipedia"
+ # This regex should match Wikipedia language codes, everything
+ # from de to zh-classical
+ lang = if value =~ /^([a-z-]{2,12}):(.+)$/i
+ # Value is <lang>:<title> so split it up
+ # Note that value is always left as-is, see: https://trac.openstreetmap.org/ticket/4315
+ Regexp.last_match(1)
+ else
+ # Value is <title> so default to English Wikipedia
+ "en"
+ end
+ elsif key =~ /^wikipedia:(\S+)$/
+ # Language is in the key, so assume value is the title
+ lang = Regexp.last_match(1)
+ else
+ # Not a wikipedia key!
+ return nil
+ end
+ if value =~ /^([^#]*)#(.*)/
+ # Contains a reference to a section of the wikipedia article
+ # Must break it up to correctly build the url
+ value = Regexp.last_match(1)
+ section = "#" + Regexp.last_match(2)
+ encoded_section = "#" + CGI.escape(Regexp.last_match(2).gsub(/ +/, "_")).tr("%", ".")
+ else
+ section = ""
+ encoded_section = ""
+ end
+ {
+ :url => "https://#{lang}.wikipedia.org/wiki/#{value}?uselang=#{I18n.locale}#{encoded_section}",
+ :title => value + section
+ }
+ end
+ def wikidata_links(key, value)
+ # The simple wikidata-tag (this is limited to only one value)
+ if key == "wikidata" && value =~ /^[Qq][1-9][0-9]*$/
+ return [{
+ :url => "//www.wikidata.org/entity/#{value}?uselang=#{I18n.locale}",
+ :title => value
+ }]
+ # Key has to be one of the accepted wikidata-tags
+ elsif key =~ /(architect|artist|brand|name:etymology|network|operator|subject):wikidata/ &&
+ # Value has to be a semicolon-separated list of wikidata-IDs (whitespaces allowed before and after semicolons)
+ value =~ /^[Qq][1-9][0-9]*(\s*;\s*[Qq][1-9][0-9]*)*$/
+ # Splitting at every semicolon to get a separate hash for each wikidata-ID
+ return value.split(";").map do |id|
+ { :title => id, :url => "//www.wikidata.org/entity/#{id.strip}?uselang=#{I18n.locale}" }
+ end
+ end
+ nil
+ end
+ def telephone_links(_key, value)
+ # Does it look like a global phone number? eg "+1 (234) 567-8901 "
+ # or a list of alternate numbers separated by ;
+ #
+ # Per RFC 3966, this accepts the visual separators -.() within the number,
+ # which are displayed and included in the tel: URL, and accepts whitespace,
+ # which is displayed but not included in the tel: URL.
+ # (see: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3966#section-5.1.1)
+ #
+ # Also accepting / as a visual separator although not given in RFC 3966,
+ # because it is used as a visual separator in OSM data in some countries.
+ if value =~ %r{^\s*\+[\d\s\(\)/\.-]{6,25}\s*(;\s*\+[\d\s\(\)/\.-]{6,25}\s*)*$}
+ return value.split(";").map do |phone_number|
+ # for display, remove leading and trailing whitespace
+ phone_number = phone_number.strip
+ # for tel: URL, remove all whitespace
+ # "+1 (234) 567-8901 " -> "tel:+1(234)567-8901"
+ phone_no_whitespace = phone_number.gsub(/\s+/, "")
+ { :phone_number => phone_number, :url => "tel:#{phone_no_whitespace}" }
+ end
+ end
+ nil
+ end
assert_equal "", link_title(node_v1)
- def test_format_key
- html = format_key("highway")
- assert_dom_equal "<a href=\"https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:highway?uselang=en\" title=\"The wiki description page for the highway tag\">highway</a>", html
- html = format_key("unknown")
- assert_dom_equal "unknown", html
- end
- def test_format_value
- html = format_value("highway", "primary")
- assert_dom_equal "<a href=\"https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:highway=primary?uselang=en\" title=\"The wiki description page for the highway=primary tag\">primary</a>", html
- html = format_value("highway", "unknown")
- assert_dom_equal "unknown", html
- html = format_value("unknown", "unknown")
- assert_dom_equal "unknown", html
- html = format_value("phone", "+1234567890")
- assert_dom_equal "<a href=\"tel:+1234567890\" title=\"Call +1234567890\">+1234567890</a>", html
- html = format_value("wikipedia", "Test")
- assert_dom_equal "<a title=\"The Test article on Wikipedia\" href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test?uselang=en\">Test</a>", html
- html = format_value("wikidata", "Q42")
- assert_dom_equal "<a title=\"The Q42 item on Wikidata\" href=\"//www.wikidata.org/entity/Q42?uselang=en\">Q42</a>", html
- html = format_value("operator:wikidata", "Q12;Q98")
- assert_dom_equal "<a title=\"The Q12 item on Wikidata\" href=\"//www.wikidata.org/entity/Q12?uselang=en\">Q12</a>;<a title=\"The Q98 item on Wikidata\" href=\"//www.wikidata.org/entity/Q98?uselang=en\">Q98</a>", html
- html = format_value("name:etymology:wikidata", "Q123")
- assert_dom_equal "<a title=\"The Q123 item on Wikidata\" href=\"//www.wikidata.org/entity/Q123?uselang=en\">Q123</a>", html
- end
def test_icon_tags
node = create(:node, :with_history, :version => 2)
node_v1 = node.old_nodes.find_by(:version => 1)
assert tags.include?(%w[shop gift])
- def test_wiki_link
- link = wiki_link("key", "highway")
- assert_equal "https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:highway?uselang=en", link
- link = wiki_link("tag", "highway=primary")
- assert_equal "https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:highway=primary?uselang=en", link
- I18n.locale = "de"
- link = wiki_link("key", "highway")
- assert_equal "https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/DE:Key:highway?uselang=de", link
- link = wiki_link("tag", "highway=primary")
- assert_equal "https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/DE:Tag:highway=primary?uselang=de", link
- I18n.locale = "tr"
- link = wiki_link("key", "highway")
- assert_equal "https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tr:Key:highway?uselang=tr", link
- link = wiki_link("tag", "highway=primary")
- assert_equal "https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:highway=primary?uselang=tr", link
- end
- def test_wikidata_links
- ### Non-prefixed wikidata-tag (only one value allowed)
- # Non-wikidata tag
- links = wikidata_links("foo", "Test")
- assert_nil links
- # No URLs allowed
- links = wikidata_links("wikidata", "http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q1")
- assert_nil links
- # No language-prefixes (as wikidata is multilanguage)
- links = wikidata_links("wikidata", "en:Q1")
- assert_nil links
- # Needs a leading Q
- links = wikidata_links("wikidata", "1")
- assert_nil links
- # No leading zeros allowed
- links = wikidata_links("wikidata", "Q0123")
- assert_nil links
- # A valid value
- links = wikidata_links("wikidata", "Q42")
- assert_equal 1, links.length
- assert_equal "//www.wikidata.org/entity/Q42?uselang=en", links[0][:url]
- assert_equal "Q42", links[0][:title]
- # the language of the wikidata-page should match the current locale
- I18n.locale = "zh-CN"
- links = wikidata_links("wikidata", "Q1234")
- assert_equal 1, links.length
- assert_equal "//www.wikidata.org/entity/Q1234?uselang=zh-CN", links[0][:url]
- assert_equal "Q1234", links[0][:title]
- I18n.locale = "en"
- ### Prefixed wikidata-tags
- # Not anything is accepted as prefix (only limited set)
- links = wikidata_links("anything:wikidata", "Q13")
- assert_nil links
- # This for example is an allowed key
- links = wikidata_links("operator:wikidata", "Q24")
- assert_equal "//www.wikidata.org/entity/Q24?uselang=en", links[0][:url]
- assert_equal "Q24", links[0][:title]
- # Another allowed key, this time with multiple values and I18n
- I18n.locale = "dsb"
- links = wikidata_links("brand:wikidata", "Q936;Q2013;Q1568346")
- assert_equal 3, links.length
- assert_equal "//www.wikidata.org/entity/Q936?uselang=dsb", links[0][:url]
- assert_equal "Q936", links[0][:title]
- assert_equal "//www.wikidata.org/entity/Q2013?uselang=dsb", links[1][:url]
- assert_equal "Q2013", links[1][:title]
- assert_equal "//www.wikidata.org/entity/Q1568346?uselang=dsb", links[2][:url]
- assert_equal "Q1568346", links[2][:title]
- I18n.locale = "en"
- # and now with whitespaces...
- links = wikidata_links("subject:wikidata", "Q6542248 ;\tQ180\n ;\rQ364\t\n\r ;\nQ4006")
- assert_equal 4, links.length
- assert_equal "//www.wikidata.org/entity/Q6542248?uselang=en", links[0][:url]
- assert_equal "Q6542248 ", links[0][:title]
- assert_equal "//www.wikidata.org/entity/Q180?uselang=en", links[1][:url]
- assert_equal "\tQ180\n ", links[1][:title]
- assert_equal "//www.wikidata.org/entity/Q364?uselang=en", links[2][:url]
- assert_equal "\rQ364\t\n\r ", links[2][:title]
- assert_equal "//www.wikidata.org/entity/Q4006?uselang=en", links[3][:url]
- assert_equal "\nQ4006", links[3][:title]
- end
- def test_wikipedia_link
- link = wikipedia_link("wikipedia", "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Full%20URL")
- assert_nil link
- link = wikipedia_link("wikipedia", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Full%20URL")
- assert_nil link
- link = wikipedia_link("wikipedia", "Test")
- assert_equal "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test?uselang=en", link[:url]
- assert_equal "Test", link[:title]
- link = wikipedia_link("wikipedia", "de:Test")
- assert_equal "https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/de:Test?uselang=en", link[:url]
- assert_equal "de:Test", link[:title]
- link = wikipedia_link("wikipedia:fr", "de:Test")
- assert_equal "https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/de:Test?uselang=en", link[:url]
- assert_equal "de:Test", link[:title]
- link = wikipedia_link("wikipedia", "de:Englischer Garten (München)#Japanisches Teehaus")
- assert_equal "https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/de:Englischer Garten (München)?uselang=en#Japanisches_Teehaus", link[:url]
- assert_equal "de:Englischer Garten (München)#Japanisches Teehaus", link[:title]
- link = wikipedia_link("wikipedia", "de:Alte Brücke (Heidelberg)#Brückenaffe")
- assert_equal "https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/de:Alte Brücke (Heidelberg)?uselang=en#Br.C3.BCckenaffe", link[:url]
- assert_equal "de:Alte Brücke (Heidelberg)#Brückenaffe", link[:title]
- link = wikipedia_link("wikipedia", "de:Liste der Baudenkmäler in Eichstätt#Brückenstraße 1, Ehemaliges Bauernhaus")
- assert_equal "https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/de:Liste der Baudenkmäler in Eichstätt?uselang=en#Br.C3.BCckenstra.C3.9Fe_1.2C_Ehemaliges_Bauernhaus", link[:url]
- assert_equal "de:Liste der Baudenkmäler in Eichstätt#Brückenstraße 1, Ehemaliges Bauernhaus", link[:title]
- I18n.locale = "pt-BR"
- link = wikipedia_link("wikipedia", "zh-classical:Test#Section")
- assert_equal "https://zh-classical.wikipedia.org/wiki/zh-classical:Test?uselang=pt-BR#Section", link[:url]
- assert_equal "zh-classical:Test#Section", link[:title]
- link = wikipedia_link("foo", "Test")
- assert_nil link
- end
- def test_telephone_link
- link = telephone_link("foo", "Test")
- assert_nil link
- link = telephone_link("phone", "+123")
- assert_nil link
- link = telephone_link("phone", "123")
- assert_nil link
- link = telephone_link("phone", "123 abcdefg")
- assert_nil link
- link = telephone_link("phone", "+1234567890 abc")
- assert_nil link
- link = telephone_link("phone", "+1234567890; +22334455667788")
- assert_nil link
- link = telephone_link("phone", "1234567890")
- assert_nil link
- link = telephone_link("phone", "+1234567890")
- assert_equal "tel:+1234567890", link
- link = telephone_link("phone", "+1234-567-890")
- assert_equal "tel:+1234-567-890", link
- link = telephone_link("phone", "+1234/567/890")
- assert_equal "tel:+1234/567/890", link
- link = telephone_link("phone", "+1234.567.890")
- assert_equal "tel:+1234.567.890", link
- link = telephone_link("phone", " +1234 567-890 ")
- assert_equal "tel:+1234567-890", link
- link = telephone_link("phone", "+1 234-567-890")
- assert_equal "tel:+1234-567-890", link
- link = telephone_link("phone", "+1 (234) 567-890")
- assert_equal "tel:+1(234)567-890", link
- end
def add_old_tags_selection(old_node)
{ "building" => "yes",
"shop" => "gift",
--- /dev/null
+require "test_helper"
+class BrowseTagsHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase
+ include ERB::Util
+ include ApplicationHelper
+ def setup
+ I18n.locale = "en"
+ end
+ def teardown
+ I18n.locale = "en"
+ end
+ def test_format_key
+ html = format_key("highway")
+ assert_dom_equal "<a href=\"https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:highway?uselang=en\" title=\"The wiki description page for the highway tag\">highway</a>", html
+ html = format_key("unknown")
+ assert_dom_equal "unknown", html
+ end
+ def test_format_value
+ html = format_value("highway", "primary")
+ assert_dom_equal "<a href=\"https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:highway=primary?uselang=en\" title=\"The wiki description page for the highway=primary tag\">primary</a>", html
+ html = format_value("highway", "unknown")
+ assert_dom_equal "unknown", html
+ html = format_value("unknown", "unknown")
+ assert_dom_equal "unknown", html
+ html = format_value("phone", "+1234567890")
+ assert_dom_equal "<a href=\"tel:+1234567890\" title=\"Call +1234567890\">+1234567890</a>", html
+ html = format_value("phone", "+1 (234) 567-890 ; +22334455")
+ assert_dom_equal "<a href=\"tel:+1(234)567-890\" title=\"Call +1 (234) 567-890\">+1 (234) 567-890</a>; <a href=\"tel:+22334455\" title=\"Call +22334455\">+22334455</a>", html
+ html = format_value("wikipedia", "Test")
+ assert_dom_equal "<a title=\"The Test article on Wikipedia\" href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test?uselang=en\">Test</a>", html
+ html = format_value("wikidata", "Q42")
+ assert_dom_equal "<a title=\"The Q42 item on Wikidata\" href=\"//www.wikidata.org/entity/Q42?uselang=en\">Q42</a>", html
+ html = format_value("operator:wikidata", "Q12;Q98")
+ assert_dom_equal "<a title=\"The Q12 item on Wikidata\" href=\"//www.wikidata.org/entity/Q12?uselang=en\">Q12</a>;<a title=\"The Q98 item on Wikidata\" href=\"//www.wikidata.org/entity/Q98?uselang=en\">Q98</a>", html
+ html = format_value("name:etymology:wikidata", "Q123")
+ assert_dom_equal "<a title=\"The Q123 item on Wikidata\" href=\"//www.wikidata.org/entity/Q123?uselang=en\">Q123</a>", html
+ end
+ def test_wiki_link
+ link = wiki_link("key", "highway")
+ assert_equal "https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:highway?uselang=en", link
+ link = wiki_link("tag", "highway=primary")
+ assert_equal "https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:highway=primary?uselang=en", link
+ I18n.locale = "de"
+ link = wiki_link("key", "highway")
+ assert_equal "https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/DE:Key:highway?uselang=de", link
+ link = wiki_link("tag", "highway=primary")
+ assert_equal "https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/DE:Tag:highway=primary?uselang=de", link
+ I18n.locale = "tr"
+ link = wiki_link("key", "highway")
+ assert_equal "https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tr:Key:highway?uselang=tr", link
+ link = wiki_link("tag", "highway=primary")
+ assert_equal "https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:highway=primary?uselang=tr", link
+ end
+ def test_wikidata_links
+ ### Non-prefixed wikidata-tag (only one value allowed)
+ # Non-wikidata tag
+ links = wikidata_links("foo", "Test")
+ assert_nil links
+ # No URLs allowed
+ links = wikidata_links("wikidata", "http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q1")
+ assert_nil links
+ # No language-prefixes (as wikidata is multilanguage)
+ links = wikidata_links("wikidata", "en:Q1")
+ assert_nil links
+ # Needs a leading Q
+ links = wikidata_links("wikidata", "1")
+ assert_nil links
+ # No leading zeros allowed
+ links = wikidata_links("wikidata", "Q0123")
+ assert_nil links
+ # A valid value
+ links = wikidata_links("wikidata", "Q42")
+ assert_equal 1, links.length
+ assert_equal "//www.wikidata.org/entity/Q42?uselang=en", links[0][:url]
+ assert_equal "Q42", links[0][:title]
+ # the language of the wikidata-page should match the current locale
+ I18n.locale = "zh-CN"
+ links = wikidata_links("wikidata", "Q1234")
+ assert_equal 1, links.length
+ assert_equal "//www.wikidata.org/entity/Q1234?uselang=zh-CN", links[0][:url]
+ assert_equal "Q1234", links[0][:title]
+ I18n.locale = "en"
+ ### Prefixed wikidata-tags
+ # Not anything is accepted as prefix (only limited set)
+ links = wikidata_links("anything:wikidata", "Q13")
+ assert_nil links
+ # This for example is an allowed key
+ links = wikidata_links("operator:wikidata", "Q24")
+ assert_equal "//www.wikidata.org/entity/Q24?uselang=en", links[0][:url]
+ assert_equal "Q24", links[0][:title]
+ # Another allowed key, this time with multiple values and I18n
+ I18n.locale = "dsb"
+ links = wikidata_links("brand:wikidata", "Q936;Q2013;Q1568346")
+ assert_equal 3, links.length
+ assert_equal "//www.wikidata.org/entity/Q936?uselang=dsb", links[0][:url]
+ assert_equal "Q936", links[0][:title]
+ assert_equal "//www.wikidata.org/entity/Q2013?uselang=dsb", links[1][:url]
+ assert_equal "Q2013", links[1][:title]
+ assert_equal "//www.wikidata.org/entity/Q1568346?uselang=dsb", links[2][:url]
+ assert_equal "Q1568346", links[2][:title]
+ I18n.locale = "en"
+ # and now with whitespaces...
+ links = wikidata_links("subject:wikidata", "Q6542248 ;\tQ180\n ;\rQ364\t\n\r ;\nQ4006")
+ assert_equal 4, links.length
+ assert_equal "//www.wikidata.org/entity/Q6542248?uselang=en", links[0][:url]
+ assert_equal "Q6542248 ", links[0][:title]
+ assert_equal "//www.wikidata.org/entity/Q180?uselang=en", links[1][:url]
+ assert_equal "\tQ180\n ", links[1][:title]
+ assert_equal "//www.wikidata.org/entity/Q364?uselang=en", links[2][:url]
+ assert_equal "\rQ364\t\n\r ", links[2][:title]
+ assert_equal "//www.wikidata.org/entity/Q4006?uselang=en", links[3][:url]
+ assert_equal "\nQ4006", links[3][:title]
+ end
+ def test_wikipedia_link
+ link = wikipedia_link("wikipedia", "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Full%20URL")
+ assert_nil link
+ link = wikipedia_link("wikipedia", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Full%20URL")
+ assert_nil link
+ link = wikipedia_link("wikipedia", "Test")
+ assert_equal "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test?uselang=en", link[:url]
+ assert_equal "Test", link[:title]
+ link = wikipedia_link("wikipedia", "de:Test")
+ assert_equal "https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/de:Test?uselang=en", link[:url]
+ assert_equal "de:Test", link[:title]
+ link = wikipedia_link("wikipedia:fr", "de:Test")
+ assert_equal "https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/de:Test?uselang=en", link[:url]
+ assert_equal "de:Test", link[:title]
+ link = wikipedia_link("wikipedia", "de:Englischer Garten (München)#Japanisches Teehaus")
+ assert_equal "https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/de:Englischer Garten (München)?uselang=en#Japanisches_Teehaus", link[:url]
+ assert_equal "de:Englischer Garten (München)#Japanisches Teehaus", link[:title]
+ link = wikipedia_link("wikipedia", "de:Alte Brücke (Heidelberg)#Brückenaffe")
+ assert_equal "https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/de:Alte Brücke (Heidelberg)?uselang=en#Br.C3.BCckenaffe", link[:url]
+ assert_equal "de:Alte Brücke (Heidelberg)#Brückenaffe", link[:title]
+ link = wikipedia_link("wikipedia", "de:Liste der Baudenkmäler in Eichstätt#Brückenstraße 1, Ehemaliges Bauernhaus")
+ assert_equal "https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/de:Liste der Baudenkmäler in Eichstätt?uselang=en#Br.C3.BCckenstra.C3.9Fe_1.2C_Ehemaliges_Bauernhaus", link[:url]
+ assert_equal "de:Liste der Baudenkmäler in Eichstätt#Brückenstraße 1, Ehemaliges Bauernhaus", link[:title]
+ I18n.locale = "pt-BR"
+ link = wikipedia_link("wikipedia", "zh-classical:Test#Section")
+ assert_equal "https://zh-classical.wikipedia.org/wiki/zh-classical:Test?uselang=pt-BR#Section", link[:url]
+ assert_equal "zh-classical:Test#Section", link[:title]
+ link = wikipedia_link("foo", "Test")
+ assert_nil link
+ end
+ def test_telephone_links
+ links = telephone_links("foo", "Test")
+ assert_nil links
+ links = telephone_links("phone", "+123")
+ assert_nil links
+ links = telephone_links("phone", "123")
+ assert_nil links
+ links = telephone_links("phone", "123 abcdefg")
+ assert_nil links
+ links = telephone_links("phone", "+1234567890 abc")
+ assert_nil links
+ # If multiple numbers are listed, all must be valid
+ links = telephone_links("phone", "+1234567890; +223")
+ assert_nil links
+ links = telephone_links("phone", "1234567890")
+ assert_nil links
+ links = telephone_links("phone", "+1234567890")
+ assert_equal 1, links.length
+ assert_equal "+1234567890", links[0][:phone_number]
+ assert_equal "tel:+1234567890", links[0][:url]
+ links = telephone_links("phone", "+1234-567-890")
+ assert_equal 1, links.length
+ assert_equal "+1234-567-890", links[0][:phone_number]
+ assert_equal "tel:+1234-567-890", links[0][:url]
+ links = telephone_links("phone", "+1234/567/890")
+ assert_equal 1, links.length
+ assert_equal "+1234/567/890", links[0][:phone_number]
+ assert_equal "tel:+1234/567/890", links[0][:url]
+ links = telephone_links("phone", "+1234.567.890")
+ assert_equal 1, links.length
+ assert_equal "+1234.567.890", links[0][:phone_number]
+ assert_equal "tel:+1234.567.890", links[0][:url]
+ links = telephone_links("phone", " +1234 567-890 ")
+ assert_equal 1, links.length
+ assert_equal "+1234 567-890", links[0][:phone_number]
+ assert_equal "tel:+1234567-890", links[0][:url]
+ links = telephone_links("phone", "+1 234-567-890")
+ assert_equal 1, links.length
+ assert_equal "+1 234-567-890", links[0][:phone_number]
+ assert_equal "tel:+1234-567-890", links[0][:url]
+ links = telephone_links("phone", "+1 (234) 567-890")
+ assert_equal 1, links.length
+ assert_equal "+1 (234) 567-890", links[0][:phone_number]
+ assert_equal "tel:+1(234)567-890", links[0][:url]
+ # Multiple valid phone numbers separated by ;
+ links = telephone_links("phone", "+1234567890; +22334455667788")
+ assert_equal 2, links.length
+ assert_equal "+1234567890", links[0][:phone_number]
+ assert_equal "tel:+1234567890", links[0][:url]
+ assert_equal "+22334455667788", links[1][:phone_number]
+ assert_equal "tel:+22334455667788", links[1][:url]
+ links = telephone_links("phone", "+1 (234) 567-890 ; +22(33)4455.66.7788 ")
+ assert_equal 2, links.length
+ assert_equal "+1 (234) 567-890", links[0][:phone_number]
+ assert_equal "tel:+1(234)567-890", links[0][:url]
+ assert_equal "+22(33)4455.66.7788", links[1][:phone_number]
+ assert_equal "tel:+22(33)4455.66.7788", links[1][:url]
+ end