+<div class="browse_details" id="<%= relation_details.version %>">
<% if relation_details.redacted? %>
-<p><%= t 'browse.redacted.message_html', :type => t('browse.redacted.type.relation'), :redaction_link => link_to(t('browse.redacted.redaction', :id => relation_details.redaction.id), relation_details.redaction), :version => relation_details.version %></p>
+ <div class='browse-section'>
+ <%= t 'browse.redacted.message_html', :type => t('browse.redacted.type.relation'), :redaction_link => link_to(t('browse.redacted.redaction', :id => relation_details.redaction.id), relation_details.redaction), :version => relation_details.version %><
+ </div>
<% else %>
-<div class="browse_details" id="<%= relation_details.version %>">
<%= render :partial => "common_details", :object => relation_details %>
<% unless relation_details.relation_members.empty? %>
<ul><%= render :partial => "containing_relation", :collection => relation_details.containing_relation_members %></ul>
<% end %>
<% end %>
+<div class="browse_details" id="<%= way_details.version %>">
<% if way_details.redacted? %>
-<p><%= t 'browse.redacted.message_html', :type => t('browse.redacted.type.way'), :redaction_link => link_to(t('browse.redacted.redaction', :id => way_details.redaction.id), way_details.redaction), :version => way_details.version %></p>
+ <div class='browse-section'>
+ <%= t 'browse.redacted.message_html', :type => t('browse.redacted.type.way'), :redaction_link => link_to(t('browse.redacted.redaction', :id => way_details.redaction.id), way_details.redaction), :version => way_details.version %>
+ </div>
<% else %>
-<div class="browse_details" id="<%= way_details.version %>">
<%= render :partial => "common_details", :object => way_details %>
<% unless way_details.way_nodes.empty? %>
<%= render :partial => "containing_relation", :collection => way_details.containing_relation_members %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
assert_template 'node_history'
# there are 2 revisions of the redacted node, but only one
- # should be showing up here.
- assert_select "body div[id=content] div[class=browse_details]", 1
- assert_select "body div[id=content] div[class=browse_details][id=1]", 0
+ # should be showing details here.
+ assert_select "body div#content div.browse_details", 2
+ assert_select "body div#content div.browse_details[id=1] div.common", 0
+ assert_select "body div#content div.browse_details[id=2] div.common", 1
def test_redacted_way_history
assert_template 'way_history'
# there are 4 revisions of the redacted way, but only 2
- # should be showing up here.
- assert_select "body div[id=content] div[class=browse_details]", 2
- # redacted revisions are 2 & 3
- assert_select "body div[id=content] div[class=browse_details][id=2]", 0
- assert_select "body div[id=content] div[class=browse_details][id=3]", 0
+ # should be showing details here.
+ assert_select "body div#content div.browse_details", 4
+ assert_select "body div#content div.browse_details[id=1] div.common", 1
+ assert_select "body div#content div.browse_details[id=2] div.common", 0
+ assert_select "body div#content div.browse_details[id=3] div.common", 0
+ assert_select "body div#content div.browse_details[id=4] div.common", 1
def test_redacted_relation_history
assert_template 'relation_history'
# there are 4 revisions of the redacted relation, but only 2
- # should be showing up here.
- assert_select "body div[id=content] div[class=browse_details]", 2
- # redacted revisions are 2 & 3
- assert_select "body div[id=content] div[class=browse_details][id=2]", 0
- assert_select "body div[id=content] div[class=browse_details][id=3]", 0
+ # should be showing details here.
+ assert_select "body div#content div.browse_details", 4
+ assert_select "body div#content div.browse_details[id=1] div.common", 1
+ assert_select "body div#content div.browse_details[id=2] div.common", 0
+ assert_select "body div#content div.browse_details[id=3] div.common", 0
+ assert_select "body div#content div.browse_details[id=4] div.common", 1
# This is a convenience method for most of the above checks