+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# po2yaml, for converting gettext .po to the RoR translation YAML
+# Use:
+# - To create a language's yaml from a given po file
+# po2yaml de.po > de.yml
+require "yaml"
+def add_translation(hash, keys, value)
+ key = keys.shift
+ if keys.empty?
+ hash[key] = value
+ else
+ unless hash.has_key? key
+ hash[key] = {}
+ end
+ add_translation(hash[key], keys, value)
+ end
+ hash
+def po2hash(f)
+ trs = {}
+ path = []
+ msgstr = ''
+ f.each_line { |line|
+ line = line.strip
+ if line[0..8] == 'msgctxt "'
+ path = line[9..-2].split(':')
+ elsif line[0..7] == 'msgstr "'
+ msgstr = line[8..-2]
+ end
+ if !path.empty? and !msgstr.empty?
+ add_translation(trs, path, msgstr)
+ path = []
+ msgstr = ''
+ end
+ }
+ trs
+filename = ARGV[0]
+pofile = File.open(filename, "r")
+langcode = File.basename(filename, '.po')
+tr = {langcode => po2hash(pofile)}
+print tr.to_yaml