//= depend_on key.yml
OSM = {
-<% if defined?(Settings.matomo) %>
- MATOMO: <%= Settings.matomo.to_json %>,
-<% end %>
- MAX_REQUEST_AREA: <%= Settings.max_request_area.to_json %>,
- SERVER_PROTOCOL: <%= Settings.server_protocol.to_json %>,
- SERVER_URL: <%= Settings.server_url.to_json %>,
- API_VERSION: <%= Settings.api_version.to_json %>,
- STATUS: <%= Settings.status.to_json %>,
- MAX_NOTE_REQUEST_AREA: <%= Settings.max_note_request_area.to_json %>,
- OVERPASS_URL: <%= Settings.overpass_url.to_json %>,
- OVERPASS_CREDENTIALS: <%= Settings.overpass_credentials.to_json %>,
- NOMINATIM_URL: <%= Settings.nominatim_url.to_json %>,
- GRAPHHOPPER_URL: <%= Settings.graphhopper_url.to_json %>,
- FOSSGIS_OSRM_URL: <%= Settings.fossgis_osrm_url.to_json %>,
- FOSSGIS_VALHALLA_URL: <%= Settings.fossgis_valhalla_url.to_json %>,
- DEFAULT_LOCALE: <%= I18n.default_locale.to_json %>,
-<% if Settings.key?(:thunderforest_key) %>
- THUNDERFOREST_KEY: <%= Settings.thunderforest_key.to_json %>,
-<% end %>
-<% if Settings.key?(:tracestrack_key) %>
- TRACESTRACK_KEY: <%= Settings.tracestrack_key.to_json %>,
-<% end %>
- LAYER_DEFINITIONS: <%= YAML.load_file(Rails.root.join("config/layers.yml")).to_json %>,
- LAYERS_WITH_MAP_KEY: <%= YAML.load_file(Rails.root.join("config/key.yml")).keys.to_json %>,
- MARKER_GREEN: <%= image_path("marker-green.png").to_json %>,
- MARKER_RED: <%= image_path("marker-red.png").to_json %>,
- MARKER_ICON: <%= image_path("leaflet/dist/images/marker-icon.png").to_json %>,
- MARKER_ICON_2X: <%= image_path("leaflet/dist/images/marker-icon-2x.png").to_json %>,
- MARKER_SHADOW: <%= image_path("leaflet/dist/images/marker-shadow.png").to_json %>,
- NEW_NOTE_MARKER: <%= image_path("new_note_marker.svg").to_json %>,
- OPEN_NOTE_MARKER: <%= image_path("open_note_marker.svg").to_json %>,
- CLOSED_NOTE_MARKER: <%= image_path("closed_note_marker.svg").to_json %>,
+ ...<%=
+ %i[
+ matomo
+ max_request_area
+ server_protocol
+ server_url
+ api_version
+ status
+ max_note_request_area
+ overpass_url
+ overpass_credentials
+ nominatim_url
+ graphhopper_url
+ fossgis_osrm_url
+ fossgis_valhalla_url
+ thunderforest_key
+ tracestrack_key
+ ]
+ .each_with_object({}) do |key, hash|
+ hash[key.to_s.upcase] = Settings.send(key) if Settings.respond_to?(key)
+ end.to_json
+ %>,
+ DEFAULT_LOCALE: <%= I18n.default_locale.to_json %>,
+ LAYER_DEFINITIONS: <%= YAML.load_file(Rails.root.join("config/layers.yml")).to_json %>,
+ LAYERS_WITH_MAP_KEY: <%= YAML.load_file(Rails.root.join("config/key.yml")).keys.to_json %>,
+ MARKER_GREEN: <%= image_path("marker-green.png").to_json %>,
+ MARKER_RED: <%= image_path("marker-red.png").to_json %>,
+ MARKER_ICON: <%= image_path("leaflet/dist/images/marker-icon.png").to_json %>,
+ MARKER_ICON_2X: <%= image_path("leaflet/dist/images/marker-icon-2x.png").to_json %>,
+ MARKER_SHADOW: <%= image_path("leaflet/dist/images/marker-shadow.png").to_json %>,
+ NEW_NOTE_MARKER: <%= image_path("new_note_marker.svg").to_json %>,
+ OPEN_NOTE_MARKER: <%= image_path("open_note_marker.svg").to_json %>,
+ CLOSED_NOTE_MARKER: <%= image_path("closed_note_marker.svg").to_json %>,
apiUrl: function (object) {
var apiType = object.type === "note" ? "notes" : object.type;
params: function (search) {
- var params = {};
- search = (search || window.location.search).replace("?", "").split(/&|;/);
- for (var i = 0; i < search.length; ++i) {
- var pair = search[i],
- j = pair.indexOf("="),
- key = pair.slice(0, j),
- val = pair.slice(++j);
- try {
- params[key] = decodeURIComponent(val);
- } catch (e) {
- // Ignore parse exceptions
- }
- }
- return params;
+ var query = search || window.location.search;
+ return Object.fromEntries(new URLSearchParams(query));
mapParams: function (search) {
- var params = OSM.params(search), mapParams = {}, match;
+ var params = OSM.params(search), mapParams = {};
if (params.mlon && params.mlat) {
mapParams.marker = true;
return 6372795 * 2 * Math.asin(
Math.pow(Math.sin(latdiff / 2), 2) +
- Math.cos(lat1) * Math.cos(lat2) * Math.pow(Math.sin(lngdiff / 2), 2)
+ (Math.cos(lat1) * Math.cos(lat2) * Math.pow(Math.sin(lngdiff / 2), 2))
const globals = require("globals");
const js = require("@eslint/js");
+const erb = require("eslint-plugin-erb");
const stylisticJs = require("@stylistic/eslint-plugin-js");
module.exports = [
+ erb.configs.recommended,
plugins: {
"@stylistic": stylisticJs
updateLinks: "readonly"
+ linterOptions: {
+ // The "unused disable directive" is set to "warn" by default.
+ // For the ERB plugin to work correctly, you must disable
+ // this directive to avoid issues described here
+ // https://github.com/eslint/eslint/discussions/18114
+ // If you're using the CLI, you might also use the following flag:
+ // --report-unused-disable-directives-severity=off
+ reportUnusedDisableDirectives: "off"
+ },
rules: {
"@stylistic/array-bracket-newline": ["error", "consistent"],
"@stylistic/array-bracket-spacing": "error",