<% if @user_block.ends_at > Time.now %>
- <%= t(".time_future", :time => distance_of_time_in_words_to_now(@user_block.ends_at)) %>
+ <%= t(".time_future_html", :time => friendly_date(@user_block.ends_at)) %>
<%= bootstrap_form_for :revoke, :url => { :action => "revoke" } do |f| %>
<% else %>
- <%= t(".past", :time => time_ago_in_words(@user_block.ends_at, :scope => :"datetime.distance_in_words_ago")) %>
+ <%= t(".past_html", :time => friendly_date_ago(@user_block.ends_at)) %>
<% end %>
title: "Revoking block on %{block_on}"
heading_html: "Revoking block on %{block_on} by %{block_by}"
- time_future: "This block will end in %{time}."
- past: "This block ended %{time} and cannot be revoked now."
+ time_future_html: "This block will end in %{time}."
+ past_html: "This block ended %{time} and cannot be revoked now."
confirm: "Are you sure you wish to revoke this block?"
revoke: "Revoke!"
flash: "This block has been revoked."